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PreambleThe Ruhrakademie is one of theoldest and most successful privateeducational institutes in the fields ofdesign, art, film and media in NRW.The practice-oriented study methodand individual development of skillsprovide an excellent basis for graduates'future professional success. Fromthe outset the Ruhrakademie wasintended to present an alternative tothe often anonymous way of studyingat state universities, and instead committeditself to offering particularlyintensive and personal support.The Ruhrakademie was founded in1985 by Professor JürgenStörr andhis wife, Roswitha Störr. It began verymodestly at the time, developinggradually to become one of the mostsuccessful private centres of educationfor design, art, film and media inGermany. Since then the number ofstudents at the Ruhrakademie hasincreased to nearly 300. The old castlewith its atmospheric surroundingscertainly contributes to a pleasantwork atmosphere.Ruhrakademie qualifications areofficially recognised.These works by Karina Wiedkamp andPaul Wiethoff were created in 1995 forthe occasion of the 10-year anniversaryof the founding of the Ruhrakademie.Originally "Haus Ruhr" was built in1455 by Jan von Boyle, who inheritedthe castle - already heavily fortified -in the Middle Ages. Between the 17thand 19th centuries, the former moatedcastle was developed into the buildingit is today in terms of structureand form. In 1987 Roswitha andJürgenStörr acquired the castle. Since1989 the Ruhrakademie has beenbased in the old castle, which hasbeen renovated extensively for thepurposes of teaching and learning.

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