IOM Sierra Leone



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<strong>IOM</strong> <strong>Sierra</strong> <strong>Leone</strong> Ebola Response Situation Report | Issue 36 | 2-8 August 2015<strong>IOM</strong> looks to build community engagement; PSS support within EVD affected communities<strong>IOM</strong>’s current social mobilization project in Bombali whichhas focused on unsafe burials and the re-opening ofschools through implementing partner World Hope Internationalwill look to transition to Phase III of response activitieswith a focus on managing residual risk and providingsupport to survivors. The priority will be community engagementand include psycho-social support and livelihoodselements to re-empower not only survivors but allcommunity members in targeted areas.On 6 August, <strong>IOM</strong> staff were on hand with NGO Trocairetogether with the Access to Justice Law Center in Makeniarranged for a drama troupe from a local high school toperform an Ebola-themed play in Samaia, acommunity of 150 people on the outskirts ofMakeni in Gbendembu Ngowa chiefdom,Bombali district where at least 10 residentshave lost their lives to Ebola. Three schools in3 districts- Bombali, Kambia and Port Lokohavesimilar drama groups for students thatwork with Access to Justice to provide contentfor their plays. In Bombali they havebeen rehearsing the stage play for about onemonth and are now performing for communitiesas a part of their school curriculum.The intention is to combine a number ofoverriding Ebola-centric themes in the playand publicize them in communities so theybecome more acceptable topics of discussionsuch as signs and symptoms of Ebola, earlyBEST of the WEB (click links for story):© <strong>IOM</strong> 2015<strong>IOM</strong> <strong>Sierra</strong> <strong>Leone</strong>’s initiatives are supported by:reporting of symptoms and attending to a health facility,psycho-social impacts, stigmatization and finally reintegrationof survivors. The drama was a major hit withthe community residents. However, challenges remain. Amajority of those in attendance were older women andyoung children. Men were away working and younger peopleoften migrate to cities in search of work.Following the play, Access to Justice, asked follow up questionsto the audience providing an open forum for peopleto share their experience and start the healing processthrough community engagement and follow up counselingwith community based volunteers.State of Emergency still in place but no limit on public activities, SwitSalone, 7 AugustEbola survivor meeting explores research priorities, 'biobanking', CIDRAP, 7 AugustEbola survivors face joint, eye complications, CBC, 7 AugustThe fight against Ebola is far from over, researchers say, The Verge, 5 AugustGhana forms national/zonal Ebola response teams, Ghana Web, 9 AugustEbola survivors suffer as epidemic wanes, VOA, 7 AugustA student drama troupe performs an Ebola themed play for residentsin Samaia community, Bombali district, 6 August 2015.Chinese FM visits Ebola-hit African countries, CRI English, 9 AugustNew Ebola vaccine shows promise but there’s good reason for caution, Vox, 3 AugustFor more information on <strong>IOM</strong>’s <strong>Sierra</strong> <strong>Leone</strong> activities please contact:<strong>IOM</strong> <strong>Sierra</strong> <strong>Leone</strong> Response | jbaker@iom.int | Public Information/Project Development | nbishop@iom.intPlease find <strong>IOM</strong> <strong>Sierra</strong> <strong>Leone</strong> on Facebook at www.facebook.com/iomsierraleone &www.iom.int/countries/sierra-leone/PAGE 4

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