Issue XXII - Italic Institute of America

Issue XXII - Italic Institute of America Issue XXII - Italic Institute of America


lflTTHEROAD,JACQUESFollowing in the footsteps of CardinalRichelieu and Napoleon Bonaparte,Jacques Toubon, France's culture minister,sought to purify the French language.Like his predecessors, Toubonused the precedent set by the AcademieFrO!icaise to cleanse French of odiousEnglish words. In emulating Napoleon,who obliterated regional languages anddialects, the culture minister thought hewas upholding French tradition. Instead,the country's ConstitutionalCouncil overturned Toubon's dictum,saying it violated freedom of expression.According to the Council, thegovernment has no right ro tell Frenchcitizens what words 10 use. This iscertainly a victory for freedom ofspeech. However dubious his methods,Toubon's heart was in the right place.Does Italy have a Toubon to uphold thehonor and tradition of the Italian language?Speriamo.THE OLD BOOT"In 1994, Italy became the frrst countryin the world with more people overthe age of 65 than young people underthe age of 15." So announced ItalianFamily Minister Antonio Guidi to thedelegates at last September's populationconference in Cairo. More ominousis the Italian birthrate of 1.21, thelowest in the world.What it all means is Italians are onthe decline. They are not producingenough bambini to replace themselves.And because it is a wealthy and highlyeducated nation, menial jobs go unfilledcreating a demand for immigrant labor.Indeed, one million residents are non­Italians (nearly 2% of the population),mostly all unskilled immigrants. Suchan influx of foreigners hasn't been seensince the days of the Roman Empire.Wouldn't it make more sense torepatriate Italian-Americans to fill thelabor pool? Italy offers universal healthWorld Notescare, great vacation benefits, and goodchow.NAUGHTY NORDICS"The Swedes did a great public relationsjob when they came to New York.[The Italian] Captain Calamai becamethe scapegoat." So says Capt RobenMeum of the U.S. Merchant MaineAcademy about the sinking of the Italianluxury liner Andrea Doria off Nantucketin 1956.Basing his opinion on earlier researchby an engineer friend, Capl. Meum statesLhat it was an officer on the Swedishfreighter Stockholm who was negligentteria. including the flesh-eating strainLhat disfigures its victim. With some 80different varieties of strep throughoutthe world, finding a vaccine is elusive.Enter Dr. Vincent Fischetti ofRockefeUer University in New Yorlc.Dr. Fischetti and his colleagues have developedan oral vaccine using geneticallyengineered bacteria Having succeededin tests on mice, Fischetti • steamplans to begin human testing in Mexicowhere the incidence of strep infectionsis high. If his vaccine works, Dr. Fischettihopes to innoculate all children toprevent strep.In 1956, the pride of Italy's luxury fleet was the victim ofnautical errors and a reading a radar screen. TheStockholm's course recorder revealedthat the officer mistakenly thought theAndrea Doria was 12 miles away in thefoggy night when it was only 4 milesdistant Worse still, the officer changedcourse as an avoidance maneuver only tohead his ship direclly into the flank of theItalian ship. Capt. Calamai's last minuteattempt to tum his vessel away was unsuccessful.The Andrea Doria went to thebottom ten hours later. Fifty-one liveswere lostSTREP BY STREPThis decade has witnessed the growinghealth menace of Streptococcus bac-LORENZO'S OILUPDATEWell, you may have seen the movieLorenzo's Oil, about Agosto andMichaela Odone' s discovery of an elixirthat slowed dl'wn a progressively debilitatingdisease in their only sonLorenzo. The magic oil has moved froma curiosity to a scientific possibility inthe eyes of some scientists. Skeptics arebeginning to acknowledge Lhat the Italianbanker turned chemist may havesomething to teach the medical establishment.Studies of children withLorenzo's nerve disorder respondedfavorably to the special oil preparationThe Italic Way ---=-=iOiiiiiiiiiiiii-=-=;;;;;;;;;;;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-=o}6 XXII. 1994

Dejected hero Robert Bagglo:Italy's fate decided by a kick.taken internally. Fifty-six percent of thepatients showed improvement ora slowingdown of the disease.Maybe Hollywood got one right thistime - a real Italian story.ROMAN FRANCEThe French have a multi-ethnic origin.The original Gauls were a Celticpeople, the Franks were Germanic, and!.he Romans, of course. were Italic. Andit was the Romans who fi.J"St introducedthe cultivation of the grape into conqueredGaul. So, it is with deep reverencethat the Durand farnil y of ProvenceModern French vintner and a formerresident of southern France is restoring the ancientRoman estate that was recently discoveredbeneath their property.Herve' Durand, looking eerily akinto the bearded Roman Emperor AntoninusPius who sprang from Italic settlersin Provence, is devoting time and money~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiixxrr.;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiii1 iiiiiii99 iiiiiiiWorld Notesto recreating the wines of ancient Provence.Even the authentic vessels, amphoras(pointed bottom jugs with twohandles), that held Roman wines arebeing manufactured on the Durand estate.Gu.ided by Latin agricultural texts,Monsieur Dwand is following Romanrecipes to blend and flavor his wines.The end products bear labels that proclaimthe wine was made by "Lucius Columella,Wine Maker of the First Centuryafter Christ, and Herve' Durand,wine maker-archeologist."ltalic civilization is surely the gift thatkeeps on giving!HOWARD BEACHHOOLIGANRemember Howard Beach? The bignews story of 1986 made Italian-Americansthe focal point of white racist hateand inspired filmmaker Spike Lee tomake Do The Right Thing, which pittedblacks against Italian-Americans.The reality of Howard Beach is thatthe ringleader of the multi-ethnic mobthat chased a black man to his death on abusy highway was an English ladnamed Jon Lester. Now 24-years old and remorseful in hisprison cell, Lester blamed his associationwith the "wrongcrowd" when he came from theScepted Isle.Blymiel Ain't we the daintyone.PASQUA'SFAUX PASCharles Pasqua, the feistyFrench Interior Minister with theItalian name, fears foreigners.While bamstonning through France inwhat most observers agree is a dry runfor the presidency of the Fifth Republic,the burly ex-liquor salesman bemoanedthe lack of Gallic indoctrination. Fulminatingin a thick Provencal accent, the4 ----------==iiiiiiiiiiiiii===- 7Latin France sometimes hasan Identity crisis. BeholdFrance's favorite Gaul.southern Frenchman castigated recentimmigrants for not learning about "ourancestors the Gauls." Though suchcultural balderdash is nothing new in aland known for legislating xenophobia,it speaks volumes about the insecurity ofa nation. And it highlights Pasqua's ignoranceof history. Rather than promulgatinga comforting but overly romanticizedpast, Pasqua should read JuliusCaesar's The Conquest of Gaul. Hemight then come to understand his ownItalic roots and how Rome transformed arag-tag band of tribes into a civilizedLatin nation.ALMOST ONEThe last issue of The ftalic Way wasfocused on sports in anlicipalion of theSoccer World Cup. After such a terrificbuild-up cllr'0r icling Italian victories inevery sports endeavor, our staff grimacedat Italy's shocking loss to ireland.Butltalycamethrough. Led by unorthodoxcoach Arrigo Sacchi, who rotatedhis players' positions in search of just theright formula, the Italians knocked offevery opponent after the Irish debacledespite shortages of players and chronicinjuries.Their star, Roberto Baggio, savedthe team from infamy against Nigeriaand then against Spain. His skill andluck ran out in the final match withBrazil. The Italians played Brazil to anovenime standstill. The contest endedwith penalty kicks, one of which Baggiomissed. The rest is history. ****======-The Italic Way-.-..:

lflTTHEROAD,JACQUESFollowing in the footsteps <strong>of</strong> CardinalRichelieu and Napoleon Bonaparte,Jacques Toubon, France's culture minister,sought to purify the French language.Like his predecessors, Toubonused the precedent set by the AcademieFrO!icaise to cleanse French <strong>of</strong> odiousEnglish words. In emulating Napoleon,who obliterated regional languages anddialects, the culture minister thought hewas upholding French tradition. Instead,the country's ConstitutionalCouncil overturned Toubon's dictum,saying it violated freedom <strong>of</strong> expression.According to the Council, thegovernment has no right ro tell Frenchcitizens what words 10 use. This iscertainly a victory for freedom <strong>of</strong>speech. However dubious his methods,Toubon's heart was in the right place.Does Italy have a Toubon to uphold thehonor and tradition <strong>of</strong> the Italian language?Speriamo.THE OLD BOOT"In 1994, Italy became the frrst countryin the world with more people overthe age <strong>of</strong> 65 than young people underthe age <strong>of</strong> 15." So announced ItalianFamily Minister Antonio Guidi to thedelegates at last September's populationconference in Cairo. More ominousis the Italian birthrate <strong>of</strong> 1.21, thelowest in the world.What it all means is Italians are onthe decline. They are not producingenough bambini to replace themselves.And because it is a wealthy and highlyeducated nation, menial jobs go unfilledcreating a demand for immigrant labor.Indeed, one million residents are non­Italians (nearly 2% <strong>of</strong> the population),mostly all unskilled immigrants. Suchan influx <strong>of</strong> foreigners hasn't been seensince the days <strong>of</strong> the Roman Empire.Wouldn't it make more sense torepatriate Italian-<strong>America</strong>ns to fill thelabor pool? Italy <strong>of</strong>fers universal healthWorld Notescare, great vacation benefits, and goodchow.NAUGHTY NORDICS"The Swedes did a great public relationsjob when they came to New York.[The Italian] Captain Calamai becamethe scapegoat." So says Capt RobenMeum <strong>of</strong> the U.S. Merchant MaineAcademy about the sinking <strong>of</strong> the Italianluxury liner Andrea Doria <strong>of</strong>f Nantucketin 1956.Basing his opinion on earlier researchby an engineer friend, Capl. Meum statesLhat it was an <strong>of</strong>ficer on the Swedishfreighter Stockholm who was negligentteria. including the flesh-eating strainLhat disfigures its victim. With some 80different varieties <strong>of</strong> strep throughoutthe world, finding a vaccine is elusive.Enter Dr. Vincent Fischetti <strong>of</strong>RockefeUer University in New Yorlc.Dr. Fischetti and his colleagues have developedan oral vaccine using geneticallyengineered bacteria Having succeededin tests on mice, Fischetti • steamplans to begin human testing in Mexicowhere the incidence <strong>of</strong> strep infectionsis high. If his vaccine works, Dr. Fischettihopes to innoculate all children toprevent strep.In 1956, the pride <strong>of</strong> Italy's luxury fleet was the victim <strong>of</strong>nautical errors and a reading a radar screen. TheStockholm's course recorder revealedthat the <strong>of</strong>ficer mistakenly thought theAndrea Doria was 12 miles away in thefoggy night when it was only 4 milesdistant Worse still, the <strong>of</strong>ficer changedcourse as an avoidance maneuver only tohead his ship direclly into the flank <strong>of</strong> theItalian ship. Capt. Calamai's last minuteattempt to tum his vessel away was unsuccessful.The Andrea Doria went to thebottom ten hours later. Fifty-one liveswere lostSTREP BY STREPThis decade has witnessed the growinghealth menace <strong>of</strong> Streptococcus bac-LORENZO'S OILUPDATEWell, you may have seen the movieLorenzo's Oil, about Agosto andMichaela Odone' s discovery <strong>of</strong> an elixirthat slowed dl'wn a progressively debilitatingdisease in their only sonLorenzo. The magic oil has moved froma curiosity to a scientific possibility inthe eyes <strong>of</strong> some scientists. Skeptics arebeginning to acknowledge Lhat the Italianbanker turned chemist may havesomething to teach the medical establishment.Studies <strong>of</strong> children withLorenzo's nerve disorder respondedfavorably to the special oil preparationThe <strong>Italic</strong> Way ---=-=iOiiiiiiiiiiiii-=-=;;;;;;;;;;;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-=o}6 <strong>XXII</strong>. 1994

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