Issue XXII - Italic Institute of America

Issue XXII - Italic Institute of America Issue XXII - Italic Institute of America


A 11' Ita Iianamade of the region as a crossroads ofthe Latin, Teutonic and Slavic worlds.AU the participants paid lip service toimproving the area's economic condition.And they all averred that ethnicdistinctions should not predominate. Agesrure acknowledging the dislocationssuffered by the Italian citizens ofTrieste was also made manifest. However,what the conference ignored wasltaly' s overriding claims to the Islrianpeninsula that date back to the RomanEmpire. Islria is an ancestral Italianregion. Noone expects aD' Annumdolikemarch on !stria, but the other regionalpowers should be prepared foran Italian atic offensive-at theDr. n Romano,Father of American Psychiatryvery least.ITALY'S ID-TECHINFANTSIn one of the more conllOversial ofItalian medical advances, a 62-year-oldwoman gave birth to a 7 -pound, 4-ounce boy named Riccardo. RosannaDella Corte has Dr. Severino Antinoriand his hormone trealments to thank: forthe birth of her child. The good doctorused a donor's egg and sperm fromRosanna's husband to artificially inseminatethe woman. After the birth, byCaesarian, Dr. Anrinori hailed theevent: "Today is a great day in Italy forwomen, for individual liberty." Thatmay be so but Italy still suffers from thelowest birthrate in the world.xxn, 1994GUTTERFATHER mDr. Richard Gambino of StonyBrook University on Long Islandhas written an explosive articlecalled Ttalian-Americans, Today' sImmigrants, Multiculturalism andthe MarkofCain. In this piece, hecites a shocking article excoriatingsouthern Italians penned by JamesQ. Wilson in the June 1993 issue ofCommentary. Wilson states thatthe southern Italian family systemis nol only socially and politicallydysfunctional but amoral as weU.As such, it js a model that Americansshoy!d avoid at all costs(emphasis added). Gambino then documentsbow other "deep" thinkers such asFrancis Fukuyarna and Peter Brimelowconcur. Brimelow even compares theItalian immigrants of yesteryear to theIraqi Christians, Mexicans and other non­European immigrants of today.This sort of cullUral assassination mayserve as an object lesson to all those Italo­Americans who apologize for the mediaand encourage us to "laugh at ourselves."The Italian-American family may not justbe the butt of TV sit-com but also theobject of scorn among some elitists.Dr. Gambino has observed that the denigrationofltalic culture is wen underway.Over 20,000Italian troopsperishedduring theNorth Africancampaign. (Incomparison,the Germansand Britishlost 13,000each.) SomeItalian politicianswantthemto beremembered.5"The southern Italian family Is a modelthat Americans should avoid at all costs."DESERT TRIBUTEIn what probably was a fJTst in postwarItalian politics, a government partyjourneyed to Egypt to pay tribute to Italy'sbattle dead at El Alamein.The delegation of the National AllianceParty, Italy's political Right, led byGianfranco Fini visited the historicbattle ground where 4,800 Italians diedfighting against overwhelming Britishand Empire forces during the SecondWorld War.****

A 11' Ita Iianamade <strong>of</strong> the region as a crossroads <strong>of</strong>the Latin, Teutonic and Slavic worlds.AU the participants paid lip service toimproving the area's economic condition.And they all averred that ethnicdistinctions should not predominate. Agesrure acknowledging the dislocationssuffered by the Italian citizens <strong>of</strong>Trieste was also made manifest. However,what the conference ignored wasltaly' s overriding claims to the Islrianpeninsula that date back to the RomanEmpire. Islria is an ancestral Italianregion. Noone expects aD' Annumdolikemarch on !stria, but the other regionalpowers should be prepared foran Italian atic <strong>of</strong>fensive-at theDr. n Romano,Father <strong>of</strong> <strong>America</strong>n Psychiatryvery least.ITALY'S ID-TECHINFANTSIn one <strong>of</strong> the more conllOversial <strong>of</strong>Italian medical advances, a 62-year-oldwoman gave birth to a 7 -pound, 4-ounce boy named Riccardo. RosannaDella Corte has Dr. Severino Antinoriand his hormone trealments to thank: forthe birth <strong>of</strong> her child. The good doctorused a donor's egg and sperm fromRosanna's husband to artificially inseminatethe woman. After the birth, byCaesarian, Dr. Anrinori hailed theevent: "Today is a great day in Italy forwomen, for individual liberty." Thatmay be so but Italy still suffers from thelowest birthrate in the world.xxn, 1994GUTTERFATHER mDr. Richard Gambino <strong>of</strong> StonyBrook University on Long Islandhas written an explosive articlecalled Ttalian-<strong>America</strong>ns, Today' sImmigrants, Multiculturalism andthe Mark<strong>of</strong>Cain. In this piece, hecites a shocking article excoriatingsouthern Italians penned by JamesQ. Wilson in the June 1993 issue <strong>of</strong>Commentary. Wilson states thatthe southern Italian family systemis nol only socially and politicallydysfunctional but amoral as weU.As such, it js a model that <strong>America</strong>nsshoy!d avoid at all costs(emphasis added). Gambino then documentsbow other "deep" thinkers such asFrancis Fukuyarna and Peter Brimelowconcur. Brimelow even compares theItalian immigrants <strong>of</strong> yesteryear to theIraqi Christians, Mexicans and other non­European immigrants <strong>of</strong> today.This sort <strong>of</strong> cullUral assassination mayserve as an object lesson to all those Italo­<strong>America</strong>ns who apologize for the mediaand encourage us to "laugh at ourselves."The Italian-<strong>America</strong>n family may not justbe the butt <strong>of</strong> TV sit-com but also theobject <strong>of</strong> scorn among some elitists.Dr. Gambino has observed that the denigration<strong>of</strong>ltalic culture is wen underway.Over 20,000Italian troopsperishedduring theNorth Africancampaign. (Incomparison,the Germansand Britishlost 13,000each.) SomeItalian politicianswantthemto beremembered.5"The southern Italian family Is a modelthat <strong>America</strong>ns should avoid at all costs."DESERT TRIBUTEIn what probably was a fJTst in postwarItalian politics, a government partyjourneyed to Egypt to pay tribute to Italy'sbattle dead at El Alamein.The delegation <strong>of</strong> the National AllianceParty, Italy's political Right, led byGianfranco Fini visited the historicbattle ground where 4,800 Italians diedfighting against overwhelming Britishand Empire forces during the SecondWorld War.****

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