Issue XXII - Italic Institute of America

Issue XXII - Italic Institute of America Issue XXII - Italic Institute of America


THE ITALIC WAY Rate Card(number o f issues)B&W xi x2 x3 x4Full Page ..... $300 525 750 9751/2 Page ...... $180 300 415 5401/4 Page ...... $127 215 300 3851/8 Page ...... $ 65 110 155 200KEEP UP WITH THE INSTITUTErj::b~~~.. { I ~XX!.1994Italy's Sports TriumphsWatlnltalyII Topolno1943. Uberatlon orRevolution?.. .... il;! ~-:-,.,...._.....- '·'\ ;, -·'·-~· ~ ··=--.\.. ---"Fa!l.1992Sicily· Italic from theStartCivil WrongsLa Storla: A ReviewAtomic )~QeV.S.N.3 1993America's TV ProducersSt PalrickThe Corporate StateSaving Somaliay.s.N.4 1993ltar~an AviationBalbo 1933Equestrian StyleMussolini's MistressV.6.N.11993The MafiaDean Martin 8io.The Legions of RomeWilliam PacaScdng. 1991•England Slings:An Altitude ProblemGuglielmo MarconiToday's Roman Customssummer, 1991Before the Beatles:ltai-Am Rock 'n RollLatin Language AliveFasi:Mayor of HonoluluFall/Win. 1992•Forbidden ItalyPresidentCosslgaTaranto:Before Pearl HarborOvid. the Spicy ScribeSpr/Sum. 1&92America, Partly anItalian enterpriseAce Don GertlleGayTaleseSymmer. 1990Italians & the BlbleShakespeare's Italian ConnectionNapoleon's Italian VICtoryFal!.1989Italian vs. BlackFerrero's Negro NrnYAfrican-Italian RestaurantA Barlett GlamattiBensonhi.XSt TragedyW}oter. 1989Cartoon Characters by ItaliansThe First Safe AirplaneHealth & Italian CultureSortng.1988•John LaCorteItalians & the Holocaust1930: Reprint of Atlantica MagazineItalian language In AustraliaFaii.199QItalian-Americans in Advertisi~Pestolozzi. Father of Teachi~An Italian and the HolocaustAugustusWinter. 1990Mussofinl, Part IAntonio MeUCCI & the TelephoneMario LanzaSpdng. 1989•King of the SwashbucklersGore VIdalBeccaria: A Founding Father?Roman Evil DaysSummer. 1988Images: Symbols or Stereotypes?Italian Frogmen of WW IIVittorio Veneto, WW IAtlantica rememberedWinter. 1991 •• • ~ • ~ • • ~ • • • • • •Bloody Geniuses. : Uraer J1 OrmBntons of llallan Heritagecart Vuono Army Chief of Start : Past IssuesThe Day They Lynched Italians • Price per past issue $3.00Spring. 1990' : ($2.50 for members)JewsolllalyMussollnl, Part II •llalian Aetospace : Spr'88DaPonte: Mozart's UbrettistSummer. 1989Italy's North vs SouthThe Spanish AnnadaItalian AviationComposer Charles GabrieleFall. 1988•Italy at Work:Modem Italy Forges AheadDr. Henry Viscardi: Helpingthe Handlcappeda Sum'88: ..... F..,al....,l'88..,.._ _• Win'89Spr'89•8 Sum'89• Fall'89:wjn'9Q• Spr'9Q: sum'9QFall'90•_ _Win'91Spr'91Sum'91Fall/Win'92Spr/S lun'92Fall'92V.S.N.3V.5.N.4V.6.N.lXXI.l994

Perspectives\t'ROSETO: A MEDICALMARVELby Candice Smith, Rosario A. Iacon.isand John ManciniFor nearly three generations, Roseto-a close-knitItalian-American community in east-central Pennsylvaniawasa very special place to live. Despite a diet which oftenincluded fatty meats, peppers fried in lard and much wine, theRosetans boasted a remarkably low death rate from heartdisease. fewer ulcer problems and less mental illness than theAre there health benefits from family and culturalcohesion? The people of Roseto were proof positive.state and national averages.These extraordinary findings prompted medical researchersDr. John Bruhn and Dr. Stuart Wolf to conduct afifteen-year study comparing medical histories, physical examinationsand laboratory tests on a large sample ofRosetansand inhabitants of two neighboring communities, Bangor andNazareth. The results were astonishing.It showed that diet, exercise habits and geneticsplayed no role in the Rosetans' immunity to bean disease. Inaddition, certain otheT facts remained a puzzlement Men wereoutliving women and obesity was uncommon.Researchers credited the townfol.k's good health tothe traditional Italian value system that encouraged strong extendedfamilies and a mutually supporting community. Suchconclusions are borne out in other studies. As an example, thehighly structured Mormons ofUtah also share excellent healthstatistics, but unlike Rose tans. Mormons abstain from tobaccoand alcohol. Similarly, studies of Black Africans have shownthat removal from tribitl environments into White urban areas'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii0xxn.iiiiiiiiiii••1994have led to increased hypertension. coronary problems andulcers. In short, life is tough without strong social supportThe researchers were fortunate in being able to studyRoseto in its final stages of cultural cohesiveness. By the midsixties,the old Roseto, the town founded by immigrants fromthe Italian town of Roseto Valforte, province of Foggia insouthern Italy, was Americanizing. (The town came intobeing in the late 1800's spurred on by ethnic discrimination byEnglish and Welsh neighbors in Bangor.) Succeeding generationscast off the traditional but sometimes stifling values thathad contributed to the town's success.Today, the Rosetans are eating less meat and fattyfoods. They exercise regularly and believe that "you are whatyou eat." However, heart attacks and strokes are up whilecancer percentages remain the same. Follow-up studies indicatethat the Rosetans have experienced a rapid social change.Intermarriage has jumped to 70% versus only 15% during theinitial study. The family is no longer the center of their society.Competition and not cooperation is the watchword. As traditionalvalues and relationships were abandoned by lbe risinggeneration, the death rate from heanatt.ack climbed Loward theArneri.can norm until, in 1971, deaths from myocardial infarctionoccurred for the first time among men under fifty.«The lesson the Roseto experience offers Americansis that the thwarting of their biological need for social cohesion,community and emotional security is doing them tremendousharm, and they need to find distinctly American ways toshare their lives with one another in warm, supporting communities,"concluded the researchers. "'***Mediterranean Diet PyramidA few timesa monthA fewtimesa weekDallyEggs --J.~E"-Wine inmoderation!America's latest "discovery" Ia the Mediterraneandiet as a means to good health.----------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii0iiiiii The Italic Way=;;19

THE ITALIC WAY Rate Card(number o f issues)B&W xi x2 x3 x4Full Page ..... $300 525 750 9751/2 Page ...... $180 300 415 5401/4 Page ...... $127 215 300 3851/8 Page ...... $ 65 110 155 200KEEP UP WITH THE INSTITUTErj::b~~~.. { I ~XX!.1994Italy's Sports TriumphsWatlnltalyII Topolno1943. Uberatlon orRevolution?.. .... il;! ~-:-,.,...._.....- '·'\ ;, -·'·-~· ~ ··=--.\.. ---"Fa!l.1992Sicily· <strong>Italic</strong> from theStartCivil WrongsLa Storla: A ReviewAtomic )~QeV.S.N.3 1993<strong>America</strong>'s TV ProducersSt PalrickThe Corporate StateSaving Somaliay.s.N.4 1993ltar~an AviationBalbo 1933Equestrian StyleMussolini's MistressV.6.N.11993The MafiaDean Martin 8io.The Legions <strong>of</strong> RomeWilliam PacaScdng. 1991•England Slings:An Altitude ProblemGuglielmo MarconiToday's Roman Customssummer, 1991Before the Beatles:ltai-Am Rock 'n RollLatin Language AliveFasi:Mayor <strong>of</strong> HonoluluFall/Win. 1992•Forbidden ItalyPresidentCosslgaTaranto:Before Pearl HarborOvid. the Spicy ScribeSpr/Sum. 1&92<strong>America</strong>, Partly anItalian enterpriseAce Don GertlleGayTaleseSymmer. 1990Italians & the BlbleShakespeare's Italian ConnectionNapoleon's Italian VICtoryFal!.1989Italian vs. BlackFerrero's Negro NrnYAfrican-Italian RestaurantA Barlett GlamattiBensonhi.XSt TragedyW}oter. 1989Cartoon Characters by ItaliansThe First Safe AirplaneHealth & Italian CultureSortng.1988•John LaCorteItalians & the Holocaust1930: Reprint <strong>of</strong> Atlantica MagazineItalian language In AustraliaFaii.199QItalian-<strong>America</strong>ns in Advertisi~Pestolozzi. Father <strong>of</strong> Teachi~An Italian and the HolocaustAugustusWinter. 1990Muss<strong>of</strong>inl, Part IAntonio MeUCCI & the TelephoneMario LanzaSpdng. 1989•King <strong>of</strong> the SwashbucklersGore VIdalBeccaria: A Founding Father?Roman Evil DaysSummer. 1988Images: Symbols or Stereotypes?Italian Frogmen <strong>of</strong> WW IIVittorio Veneto, WW IAtlantica rememberedWinter. 1991 •• • ~ • ~ • • ~ • • • • • •Bloody Geniuses. : Uraer J1 OrmBntons <strong>of</strong> llallan Heritagecart Vuono Army Chief <strong>of</strong> Start : Past <strong>Issue</strong>sThe Day They Lynched Italians • Price per past issue $3.00Spring. 1990' : ($2.50 for members)JewsolllalyMussollnl, Part II •llalian Aetospace : Spr'88DaPonte: Mozart's UbrettistSummer. 1989Italy's North vs SouthThe Spanish AnnadaItalian AviationComposer Charles GabrieleFall. 1988•Italy at Work:Modem Italy Forges AheadDr. Henry Viscardi: Helpingthe Handlcappeda Sum'88: ..... F..,al....,l'88..,.._ _• Win'89Spr'89•8 Sum'89• Fall'89:wjn'9Q• Spr'9Q: sum'9QFall'90•_ _Win'91Spr'91Sum'91Fall/Win'92Spr/S lun'92Fall'92V.S.N.3V.5.N.4V.6.N.lXXI.l994

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