Issue XXII - Italic Institute of America

Issue XXII - Italic Institute of America

Issue XXII - Italic Institute of America


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~- _,g~ _ _,......-t..~_.:;---,~was left on the books.Mafia (like the AJtis) by <strong>America</strong>n law enforcement and itsOn the other hand, the actions greatly embarrassed lhe wild embeUishment by the <strong>America</strong>n media may yet be anpeopledisplaced,interned or ill-treated. They tried-alas, far other cause for concern.toosuccessfuUy-toputtheirexperiencesbehindthem. They A$ a footnote, <strong>America</strong> has paid well-deserved respect tosimplyclidn'ttalkaboutthemandalmostnoone,noteveotheir the Nisei, the <strong>America</strong>n born children <strong>of</strong> interned Japanesechildren, bothered to ask about them-until recently. The <strong>America</strong>ns, who joined the <strong>America</strong>n Army and gallantlyJapanese experience was harder to cover up because their fought as the 442nd Division in Italy. Yet, it should beinternment was more widespread and better documented. remembered that some 500,000 Italian <strong>America</strong>ns served onEven in their case, however, it took more than 40 years before all fronts while their "cousins" bore the brunt <strong>of</strong> this country'sthe government admitted its wrong-doing. CALIFORNIA 1942 hysteria.While il is true that the number <strong>of</strong> ItaliansThe consequences <strong>of</strong> 1942 are stilland Germans Interned and relocated was less with us. Although the restrictionsthan the Japanese, those "few" thousandswere lifted by the end <strong>of</strong> 1943 whenwere no tess traumatized. Their familiesItaly's Badoglio government wentwere broken up; their patriotism impugned.over to the Allied side, the experienceThey were forced out <strong>of</strong> work for six monthscaused many Italian <strong>America</strong>ns foror more without compensation, their fiShingthe ftrSt time to become ashamed <strong>of</strong>vessels, guns, cameras, and radios im- their roots. One <strong>of</strong> the messagespounded. Commgasitclidonly 15yearsafter ~-o~:=.: 1conveyed to the Italian communitythe kangaroo-coun trial and electrocution <strong>of</strong>was "Don't Speak the Enemy's Lan-Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti inguage." They dropped out <strong>of</strong> Italian1927, and 50 years after the mob lynchings <strong>of</strong> organizations, stopped speaking theltaluul Amencans in New Orleans in 1891 (inItalian language, ceased protestingwhich 11 Itahans were killed and remains towhen Italians were defamed. Somethis day the largest mass lynching in U.S.<strong>of</strong> them spawned the disgraziali whohistory), the ill-treatment <strong>of</strong> Italian Ameri-later went to Hollywood and Madicanscould have been predicted. And al- son Avenue to trash the <strong>Italic</strong> imthoughthe war is long over, the on-goingage-and still do.promulgation <strong>of</strong> the myth <strong>of</strong> an all-powerful _ >>»BUON NATALE!GIVE THE GIFT OF YOUR HERITAGE!Give a friend or family member a year's metttbership in the <strong>Italic</strong> Studies <strong>Institute</strong> as a.Cltristmas gift. We will enclose a note informing tl1e recipitmt <strong>of</strong> your thoughtfulness. Matl usthis form with your chec~ and we will take care <strong>of</strong> the rest.Please send a gift membership to:How should your name be listedon the certificate?NameAddress~= The <strong>Italic</strong> Way14<strong>XXII</strong>.1994

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