is like defusin a bomb tis wrong

Issue XV - Italic Institute of America Issue XV - Italic Institute of America


Seeking EyewitnessesI am writing a history of ItalianAmericans during World War II, and Iwould like to hear from people wholived through that conflict There are anumber of areas I wish to explore inorder to reconslruct those times. Theseare just some of the questions I need toask:What was the homefront likewhen Italy was the enemy?What special feelings did It.alian-Arnericansoldiers havefighting againstlt.alians in Africaand Italy? How didneighborhoods and OldWorld values change duringthe war? How were Italiancitizens in America affectedby anti-alien acts?If the readers of The Italic Way canassist me in this historical endeavor, itwould be to the benefit of our wholecommunity.George E. PozzeuaDept of HistoryUniversity of FloridaGainesville, FL 32611LETTERSConfronting ClintonOn a recent visit to Savannah, Georgia,with my family, I happened uponGovernor Bill Ointon addressing acrowd at Johnson Square. Fortunately, Iwas able to question him about that disturbingteleobone conversation in whichhe and GcMifer Flowers characterizedGovernor Cuomo's behavior as that of aMafioso. l felt his comments were offensiveto aU Italian-Americans, and I toldhim that as an Italian-American democratfrom New York, I was concerned.He became very defensive and gave ashis excuse that Gov. Cuomo was beingtough on him at the time. He then assuredme that if I voted for him I would havenothing to worry about because his pastperformance as a governor has proventhat he has been very responsive to theneeds of all ethnic groups.I hope that our conversation willremind Gov. Clinton to be more sensitiveto ethnic stereotypes and to treat Italian­Americans with the respect they rightlydeserve.Janice RicciW. Hempstead, NY(Ed .. Mrs. Ricci is a member of theInstitute staff)CorrectionIn the article Prortles: GuglielmoMarconi (Spring, 1991), by Elio Zappulla.the reference to Mussolini wasadded by the editors without the knowledgeor consent of the author.FUTURE ISSUES OF THE ITALIC WAYo §li

All' Ita IianaITALY SWITCHESALLEGIANCEItaly is a gasser. Quite literally.Unlike nuclear-obsessed France orcoal-fired Britain, Italy is changing itsenergy proftle post haste. With littlefanfare, Italy is lessening its dependenceon exorbitant pc1roleum productsand turning LO cost-effective naturalgas. The high cost of imported oil necessitatedsuch a move. ln fact, pcrro·leum had a negative impact on Italy'spostwar economic miracle. In 1991,Italy's IIade deficit in energy tOtalled18.26 trillion lire (approximately $15.9biJiion). However, it boasted a 2.74trillion lire non-energy trade surplus.The forthcoming integration of theEEC in 1992 may also have nudgedItaly into action. What better way toclean up the environment, reduce thenational deficit, encourage economicgrowth in theSouth,and one-up condescendingrivals on the Continent?NASA TURNSTO ITALYThe Italian Space Agency is taldngthe lead in helping the National Aero-oautics and SpaceAdministrationbuild America'sproposed spacestation, Freedom.Having been impressedwith theItalians' technologicalwizardry inthe Europeanspace effort, theU.S. turned LO itssteadfast and dependableally todesign and buildMalerba is due LOfly with hisAmericancounterparts on ashunle mission.COMEHOME,ITALICILike Israeland Ireland, Italyis calling her sonsand daughters toreturn to theirtwo pressurized h 1 dmod 1The ome an . Au es. se 1' ~,=~wiUbe used to Insignia of Italy's 10th Light Fortllla. new' Ia':"ferry payloads to Led by the late Luigi Durand de Ia Penne, now_ makes 1tand from the sta- It decimated the British fleet In Egypt pos_stble for aUduring World War 11nal.lve-bom ltaltion.Th e o nl y . tans and their deothernationsscendants to reacquire Italian citizenship.Thanks to this progressive pieceasked to help were Japan and Canada.Alenia Spuio will build the L3·footof legislation- the ftrst major changelong cylinders that weigh 8,800poundsand are 14feetindiameter. In addition,plans are afoot for the Italians LO developa presswized miniature laboratoryLO carry a centrifuge (a devicewhich simulates gravity). And in September,1992, Italian as11onaut Francoin the Italian immigration law since1912-Italian-Americans, Italo-Argentinesand other Italics throughoutthe world will be able LO attain dual citizenship.According to Italy's Ministerof Immigration, Margherita Boniver,the process is fairly automatic and rc·quires a brief period of residence inItaly. Even non-Italic spouses can becomefull citizens of the Italian Republic.Boniver readily acknowledges thatprosperous Italy has become a "magnet"for "tens of thousands" of Italicsscattered across the globe. Many participantsin this counter-exodus comefrom Latin America Boniver 's Ministryhas also proposed a massive aidpackage for Italians in manyofthemorehardscrabble foreign lands.Italian-designed yachts have challenged both the luxury marketand International competitions like the America's Cup.The Italic WayA GIFT FROM THEPASTItalian scientisrs srruck gold, orrather lead, in the wreck of an ancestral4Pall/Winter 1992

Seeking EyewitnessesI am writing a h<strong>is</strong>tory of ItalianAmericans during World War II, and Iwould <strong>like</strong> to hear from people wholived through that conflict There are anumber of areas I w<strong>is</strong>h to explore inorder to reconslruct those times. Theseare just some of the questions I need toask:What was the homefront <strong>like</strong>when Italy was the enemy?What special feelings did It.alian-Arnericansoldiers havefighting againstlt.alians in Africaand Italy? How didneighborhoods and OldWorld values change duringthe war? How were Italiancitizens in America affectedby anti-alien acts?If the readers of The Italic Way canass<strong>is</strong>t me in th<strong>is</strong> h<strong>is</strong>torical endeavor, itwould be to the benefit of our wholecommunity.George E. PozzeuaDept of H<strong>is</strong>toryUniversity of FloridaGainesville, FL 32611LETTERSConfronting ClintonOn a recent v<strong>is</strong>it to Savannah, Georgia,with my family, I happened uponGovernor Bill Ointon addressing acrowd at Johnson Square. Fortunately, Iwas able to question him about that d<strong>is</strong>turbingteleobone conversation in whichhe and GcMifer Flowers characterizedGovernor Cuomo's behavior as that of aMafioso. l felt h<strong>is</strong> comments were offensiveto aU Italian-Americans, and I toldhim that as an Italian-American democratfrom New York, I was concerned.He became very defensive and gave ash<strong>is</strong> excuse that Gov. Cuomo was beingtough on him at the time. He then assuredme that if I voted for him I would havenothing to worry about because h<strong>is</strong> pastperformance as a governor has proventhat he has been very responsive to theneeds of all ethnic groups.I hope that our conversation willremind Gov. Clinton to be more sensitiveto ethnic stereotypes and to treat Italian­Americans with the respect they rightlydeserve.Janice RicciW. Hempstead, NY(Ed .. Mrs. Ricci <strong>is</strong> a member of theInstitute staff)CorrectionIn the article Prortles: GuglielmoMarconi (Spring, 1991), by Elio Zappulla.the reference to Mussolini wasadded by the editors without the knowledgeor consent of the author.FUTURE ISSUES OF THE ITALIC WAYo §li

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