is like defusin a bomb tis wrong

Issue XV - Italic Institute of America Issue XV - Italic Institute of America


StampItalic Studies InstitutePO Box 818Floral Park, NY 11001~----------------------------StampItalic Studies InstitutePO Box 818Floral Park, NY 11001r----------------------------StampItalic Studies InstitutePO Box 818Floral Park, NY 11001

Italic Studies InstitutePOBox 818Floral Park. NY 11001516 488-7400"Founded for the culluralenrichmenl of the genua/ publicthrough medi4 works, educatwn,literature, and the arts."M embership ApplicationNrume _ ________________________ __Addr~---------------------------T ype of membership: D General• $10(We'll bill you later) 0 Plenar y Council• • $75•Newsletter only ••Newsletter, voting & offioeholding rights(Auach a businen c.rd)-- -- - -- ----- - ------ --- ------ ~IIIIIIIJOIN USNOW!~~~-~........ ~.~~-·~......v-Ita lie Studies InstituteItalic Studies InstitutePO Box 818Floral Park. NY 11001516488-7400"Founded for the culluralenrichmenl of the general publicthrough media works. education,literaJure, and the arts."Membership ApplicationName ____________________________ _Address------------------------Type of membe.rship: General• $10(We11 bill you later) 0 Plenary Council•• $15•Newsletter only,..Newsleuer, voting & offioeholding rights(Attach a busin.ess urd)JOIN USNOW!- -- --- - --- - -------- ------ ---~Italic Studies InstitutePO Box 818Floral Park, NY 11001516 488-7400"Founded for the culturalenr ichmenl of the general publicthrough media works, education,literature, and the arts."M embership ApplicationName _ __________________________ ___Address-------------------------T ype of membership: 0 General• $10(Well bill you later) 0 Plenary Council•• $75• Newsleuer only .. NewJietter, vOting &. offioeholding rights(Auach a bosineu card)JOIN USNOW!

Italic Studies InstitutePOBox 818Floral Park. NY 11001516 488-7400"Founded for the culluralenrichmenl of the genua/ publicthrough medi4 works, educatwn,literature, and the arts."M embership ApplicationNrume _ ________________________ __Addr~---------------------------T ype of membership: D General• $10(We'll bill you later) 0 Plenar y Council• • $75•Newsletter only ••Newsletter, voting & offioeholding rights(Auach a businen c.rd)-- -- - -- ----- - ------ --- ------ ~IIIIIIIJOIN USNOW!~~~-~........ ~.~~-·~......v-Ita lie Studies InstituteItalic Studies InstitutePO Box 818Floral Park. NY 11001516488-7400"Founded for the culluralenrichmenl of the general publicthrough media works. education,literaJure, and the arts."Membership ApplicationName ____________________________ _Address------------------------Type of membe.rship: General• $10(We11 bill you later) 0 Plenary Council•• $15•Newsletter only,..Newsleuer, voting & offioeholding rights(Attach a busin.ess urd)JOIN USNOW!- -- --- - --- - -------- ------ ---~Italic Studies InstitutePO Box 818Floral Park, NY 11001516 488-7400"Founded for the culturalenr ichmenl of the general publicthrough media works, education,literature, and the arts."M embership ApplicationName _ __________________________ ___Address-------------------------T ype of membership: 0 General• $10(Well bill you later) 0 Plenary Council•• $75• Newsleuer only .. NewJietter, vOting &. offioeholding rights(Auach a bosineu card)JOIN USNOW!

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