is like defusin a bomb tis wrong

Issue XV - Italic Institute of America Issue XV - Italic Institute of America


ALICII~rican movie stars selectedfor their sex appeal.' ) •Tony DanzaBrooke ShieldsGiancarlo Giannini(Italian)Robert DeNiroMadonnaMary ElizabethMastroantonio

Perspective.sTARANTO : Prelude toPearl HarborIn June of 1940, Italy entered theSecond World War as an Axis partneragainst the British Empire and what wasleft of France. The Italian Navy wasgiven a number of missions. Amongthem, a submarine force was active inihe North and South Atlantic workingwith the German wolf packs to starVeGreat Britain. But the bulk of its dutywas in the Mediterranean escorting sup-ply convoys 1.0 Africa and keeping theBritish Navy tied up. Pampered byMussolini at the expense of his Armyand Air Force, the Italian Navy was nomean war machine. Its order of battleincluded six modern battleships,enough to dominate Mare Nostrum(Our Sea).What the navy did lack, however,was radar, ample fuel, and aggressiveleadership. Unfortunately for Mossolini,the British had what the Italianslacked.Using 21 Swordfish biplanes, theRoyal Navy managed to catch a portionof the battlefleet at anchor at the navalbase of Taranto in southern Italy. Althoughonly one battleship (Conte diCavour) was severely damaged, thepsychological impact greatly disturbedItaly and il Duce.The Japanese took great interest inTaranto and it served as a model fortheir great strike on Pearl Harbor oneThe battleship Conte dl cavourGRAHAM365 BROADWAY N.Y. 10013The Italic Way16FalVWinter 1992

Perspective.sTARANTO : Prelude toPearl HarborIn June of 1940, Italy entered theSecond World War as an Ax<strong>is</strong> partneragainst the Brit<strong>is</strong>h Empire and what wasleft of France. The Italian Navy wasgiven a number of m<strong>is</strong>sions. Amongthem, a submarine force was active inihe North and South Atlantic workingwith the German wolf packs to starVeGreat Britain. But the bulk of its dutywas in the Mediterranean escorting sup-ply convoys 1.0 Africa and keeping theBrit<strong>is</strong>h Navy tied up. Pampered byMussolini at the expense of h<strong>is</strong> Armyand Air Force, the Italian Navy was nomean war machine. Its order of battleincluded six modern battleships,enough to dominate Mare Nostrum(Our Sea).What the navy did lack, however,was radar, ample fuel, and aggressiveleadership. Unfortunately for Mossolini,the Brit<strong>is</strong>h had what the Italianslacked.Using 21 Swordf<strong>is</strong>h biplanes, theRoyal Navy managed to catch a portionof the battlefleet at anchor at the navalbase of Taranto in southern Italy. Althoughonly one battleship (Conte diCavour) was severely damaged, thepsychological impact greatly d<strong>is</strong>turbedItaly and il Duce.The Japanese took great interest inTaranto and it served as a model fortheir great strike on Pearl Harbor oneThe battleship Conte dl cavourGRAHAM365 BROADWAY N.Y. 10013The Italic Way16FalVWinter 1992

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