is like defusin a bomb tis wrong

Issue XV - Italic Institute of America Issue XV - Italic Institute of America


GIANDOMENICOPICCOby Joyceann YaccarinoIan Fleming would have lovedGiandomenico Picco, diplomat, negotiator,and secret envoy for a globalpeacekeeping organization. Thedebonair 43-year-old Picco is Italy'sanswer to James Bond. But. unlikeFleming's fictional alter ego, Picco isa living, breathing hero. As the specialhostage negotiator for former UNSecretary General Javier Perez deCuellar, he succeeded where theAnglican envoy, Terry Waite, hadfailed. The dashing Italian's specialbrand of shuttle diplomacy is largelyresponsible for negotiations that led 10the release of most of the western hostagesin the Middle EasL In the wordsof Mr. Perez de Cuellar: "Picco ismore of a soldier than an internationalcivil servant, and I have a fatherly lovefor him."World events did stack the deck inhis favor, since the end of the ColdWar diminished the advantages ofhostage taking. U the "new world or-PROFILEScircumstances to meet someof the same clandestinegroups, was one of the hostagesfreed thanks to the boldand painstaking moves ofPerez de Cuellar nnd Picco.After the last of theAmerican hostages was released,Picco refused to reston his laurels and forgedahead with the unfinishedbusiness of the German hostagesand the Isreali detainees.A comprehensive packagedeal was arranged with avariety of governments, militias,religious leaders, andcaptors. After the Augustrelease of John McCarthy,LheBritishjoumalist,thediplomaticmomentum builtUnited Nations diplomat extraordinary,Picco succeded In getting all the hostagesfreed.again late this fall when Israelreleased 25 captives. The UN requestedthis "special gesture" on the partof the Israelis to propel their new strategyto settle the hostage issue before the endof 1991. The kidnappers also made connearlydecade-long process. AlthoughPicco never saw Iranian officials, herisked his life by meeting with the threemain captor groups. Once they surrenderedhostages, the captors did not askHe attended meetings in secret locations,traveling in the dead of night without bodyguards.dec" set the tone, it was a combinationof UN initiatives, patience, diligence,and the extraordinary courage of aneven-handed negotiator that securedthe release of those held captive in theMiddle East. Picco went to almost anylengths. He attended meetings in secretlocations, traveling in the dead ofnight without bodyguards. Piccomade many of these trips with a clothbag over his head in order to makecontaCt with thecaptors. Terry Waite,the Anglican envoy who lost his freedomwhile traveling under similarcessions in adopting this "new sttategy"and in an unprecedented move releasedCicippio and the other hostages on apromise !hat Arabs detained in Isreal,sou them Lebanon and Europe would alsobe released. In the past, hostages wouldnever be released on a simple "promise."Picco played a major role in establishinga consensus for this new strategy.From nuts-and-bolts diplomacy toshadowy subterranean meetings, the doggeddetermination of Picco won the day.Shuttling among a dozen capitals the"tight lipped envoy" brought an end to afor prmection. "The groups neverraised the issue of their future safety,"Picco said. "In fact, when the storiesabout this came out, I was specificaUyasked by the groups to make a denialthat this was ever the case and I did."Through his deeds and words, Piccodemonstrated an uncommon valor.And in the best Italic tradition, he hascome to represent the quintessentialsoldier for peace.••••~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii=== The Italic Way =-;;;;;1FalVWintez 1992 11

FocusFORBIDDEN ITALYCan you imagine Western Civilization bereft of sensuality?Why, it just wouldn't be human. Let's face it, mankindis much driven by hormones. How we control hormonalimpulses, or channel them safely and purposefuiJ y, is a culturalmauer. And culture is the distillation of thousands of years ofancestral experimentation.How did our norms of behavior in public and in beddevelop? How did Italy-home to art, fashion, and religion- help mold our sexual mores? What influence does Italyhave on those values today?Tbe Italic LibidoNo one ever accused "real" Italians of being prudes. Fromtheir "manly" reputation for pinching tourist derrieres to theirclassic sex farces of the silver screen, Italians have gainedrenown as world-class lovers. However, recent polls claimthat Italians have changed their legendary adulterous habits.Yet. "moonlight and Venice" still seem to con jure up the rightmood for any couple in love. And the romantic Latin is still inthe cornucopia of Western stereotypes. But then there is loveand there is sex.Among the varied lexicon of the Italian peninsula is theword cazzo, as in il cazzo, or che cazzo! Frankly, it refers tothe male and no doubt is a relic of an ancient Italicobsession with the phallus.(Actually, an obsession innearly every ancient cuilore.)But for some inexplicablereason the Italian culturehas retained it in anumber of unique forms(minchia in Sicilian) despitetwo millenia of Christianity.Phallic obsession wasdifficult to give up becausein pre-Christian Italy thephallus was a sign of goodluck, much like our horseshoeand rabbit's foot.Many buildings and sidewalksin Pompeii bear witnessto a common accep-Staller the nfleshpot"(former legislator)The Italic Way12The Italian horn and tts probableancestor-the phallus (from Pompeii)tance of the male organ as a good luck sign. The phallus, withtesticles, was chiseled in stone to ward off evil, molded intomedallions worn by ancient Italians, and even crafted intowind chimes and oil lamps. It may shock many to h~ that theuniquely Italian "hom" (corno) dangling from the necks or carmirrors of some Italian-Americans is considered by manyscholars to be a cleaned up version of the ancient phallic goodluck chann. So, it would appear that sex has a certaincontinuity in !he Italian psyche.Porno PoliticiansProbably the first love manual was authored by thenaughty Ovid, a Roman author of the first century (see Perspectivessection). Into the Middle Ages, !he great poetPetrarca pined for his beloved Laura. (History may neverknow if the cerebral author bedded the object of his affection.)By the 17th Century, Benvenuto Cellini was regaling readerswith the fruits of his sexual pursuits, another first in modemliterature. The 18th Century brought us Casanova, the firsttrue playboy of Europe. Today, the theme of sex beforedishonor is played to the hilt in Italian movies like Love ItalianStyle and Seven Beauties.But if you think that the Italic style of sensual love is classy.don't forget superstar Madonna's down-and-dirty side. Andwe mustn't forget the lamentable end of Benito Mussolini andhis mistress Clarita Petacci.Just as it is around the world, sexual titillation is pervasivein today's Italy. Television game shows and variety showsround out their fonnat with fmn buttocks and overflowingbosoms. There is even a cable show in which housewives stripfor prizes.FalVWinter 1992

FocusFORBIDDEN ITALYCan you imagine Western Civilization bereft of sensuality?Why, it just wouldn't be human. Let's face it, mankind<strong>is</strong> much driven by hormones. How we control hormonalimpulses, or channel them safely and purposefuiJ y, <strong>is</strong> a culturalmauer. And culture <strong>is</strong> the d<strong>is</strong>tillation of thousands of years ofancestral experimentation.How did our norms of behavior in public and in beddevelop? How did Italy-home to art, fashion, and religion- help mold our sexual mores? What influence does Italyhave on those values today?Tbe Italic LibidoNo one ever accused "real" Italians of being prudes. Fromtheir "manly" reputation for pinching tour<strong>is</strong>t derrieres to theirclassic sex farces of the silver screen, Italians have gainedrenown as world-class lovers. However, recent polls claimthat Italians have changed their legendary adulterous habits.Yet. "moonlight and Venice" still seem to con jure up the rightmood for any couple in love. And the romantic Latin <strong>is</strong> still inthe cornucopia of Western stereotypes. But then there <strong>is</strong> loveand there <strong>is</strong> sex.Among the varied lexicon of the Italian peninsula <strong>is</strong> theword cazzo, as in il cazzo, or che cazzo! Frankly, it refers tothe male and no doubt <strong>is</strong> a relic of an ancient Italicobsession with the phallus.(Actually, an obsession innearly every ancient cuilore.)But for some inexplicablereason the Italian culturehas retained it in anumber of unique forms(minchia in Sicilian) despitetwo millenia of Chr<strong>is</strong>tianity.Phallic obsession wasdifficult to give up becausein pre-Chr<strong>is</strong>tian Italy thephallus was a sign of goodluck, much <strong>like</strong> our horseshoeand rabbit's foot.Many buildings and sidewalksin Pompeii bear witnessto a common accep-Staller the nfleshpot"(former leg<strong>is</strong>lator)The Italic Way12The Italian horn and tts probableancestor-the phallus (from Pompeii)tance of the male organ as a good luck sign. The phallus, withtesticles, was ch<strong>is</strong>eled in stone to ward off evil, molded intomedallions worn by ancient Italians, and even crafted intowind chimes and oil lamps. It may shock many to h~ that theuniquely Italian "hom" (corno) dangling from the necks or carmirrors of some Italian-Americans <strong>is</strong> considered by manyscholars to be a cleaned up version of the ancient phallic goodluck chann. So, it would appear that sex has a certaincontinuity in !he Italian psyche.Porno PoliticiansProbably the first love manual was authored by thenaughty Ovid, a Roman author of the first century (see Perspectivessection). Into the Middle Ages, !he great poetPetrarca pined for h<strong>is</strong> beloved Laura. (H<strong>is</strong>tory may neverknow if the cerebral author bedded the object of h<strong>is</strong> affection.)By the 17th Century, Benvenuto Cellini was regaling readerswith the fruits of h<strong>is</strong> sexual pursuits, another first in modemliterature. The 18th Century brought us Casanova, the firsttrue playboy of Europe. Today, the theme of sex befored<strong>is</strong>honor <strong>is</strong> played to the hilt in Italian movies <strong>like</strong> Love ItalianStyle and Seven Beauties.But if you think that the Italic style of sensual love <strong>is</strong> classy.don't forget superstar Madonna's down-and-dirty side. Andwe mustn't forget the lamentable end of Benito Mussolini andh<strong>is</strong> m<strong>is</strong>tress Clarita Petacci.Just as it <strong>is</strong> around the world, sexual titillation <strong>is</strong> pervasivein today's Italy. Telev<strong>is</strong>ion game shows and variety showsround out their fonnat with fmn buttocks and overflowingbosoms. There <strong>is</strong> even a cable show in which housewives stripfor prizes.FalVWinter 1992

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