is like defusin a bomb tis wrong

Issue XV - Italic Institute of America

Issue XV - Italic Institute of America

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JOIN USNOW!Italic Studies InstitutePOBox 818Floral Park. NY 11001516 488-7400Name"Founded for the culturalenrichmenl of the general publicthrough rnedi4 works, education,literature, and the arts."Membership Application-------------------------------Addr~---------------------------Type ot membership: 0 General• $10(We1J bill you lAter) 0 Plenary Council•• $75•Newdeuer only••Newsletter, voting & offioeholdin.g righu(Attach a business card)~----------------------------JOIN USNOW!Italic Srudies InstitutePO Bolt 818Floral Park, NY 11001516 488-7400"Founded for the culturalenrichmenl of the general publicthrough rnedi4 works, education,literature, and the arts."Membership ApplicationName ______________________________ _Addr~s ________________________ ___Type of membership: 0 General• $10(We1J bill you later) 0 Plenary Council•• $75•Newsletter only.. Newsletter. voting & offic:eholding rights(Attach a business card)~--------------------------- -JOIN USNOW!Italic Studies InstitutePOBox818Floral Park, NY 11001516488-7400Name"Founded for the cull uralenrichmenJ of th.e general publicthrough rnedi4 works, education,literature, and the arts."Membership Application-------------------------------Addr~-------------------------Type of membership: 0 General• $10(We1J bill you later) D Plenary Council** $75•Newsletter only••Newsletter, voting & officeholding rights(Attach a business card)

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Seeking EyewitnessesI am writing a h<strong>is</strong>tory of ItalianAmericans during World War II, and Iwould <strong>like</strong> to hear from people wholived through that conflict There are anumber of areas I w<strong>is</strong>h to explore inorder to reconslruct those times. Theseare just some of the questions I need toask:What was the homefront <strong>like</strong>when Italy was the enemy?What special feelings did It.alian-Arnericansoldiers havefighting againstlt.alians in Africaand Italy? How didneighborhoods and OldWorld values change duringthe war? How were Italiancitizens in America affectedby anti-alien acts?If the readers of The Italic Way canass<strong>is</strong>t me in th<strong>is</strong> h<strong>is</strong>torical endeavor, itwould be to the benefit of our wholecommunity.George E. PozzeuaDept of H<strong>is</strong>toryUniversity of FloridaGainesville, FL 32611LETTERSConfronting ClintonOn a recent v<strong>is</strong>it to Savannah, Georgia,with my family, I happened uponGovernor Bill Ointon addressing acrowd at Johnson Square. Fortunately, Iwas able to question him about that d<strong>is</strong>turbingteleobone conversation in whichhe and GcMifer Flowers characterizedGovernor Cuomo's behavior as that of aMafioso. l felt h<strong>is</strong> comments were offensiveto aU Italian-Americans, and I toldhim that as an Italian-American democratfrom New York, I was concerned.He became very defensive and gave ash<strong>is</strong> excuse that Gov. Cuomo was beingtough on him at the time. He then assuredme that if I voted for him I would havenothing to worry about because h<strong>is</strong> pastperformance as a governor has proventhat he has been very responsive to theneeds of all ethnic groups.I hope that our conversation willremind Gov. Clinton to be more sensitiveto ethnic stereotypes and to treat Italian­Americans with the respect they rightlydeserve.Janice RicciW. Hempstead, NY(Ed .. Mrs. Ricci <strong>is</strong> a member of theInstitute staff)CorrectionIn the article Prortles: GuglielmoMarconi (Spring, 1991), by Elio Zappulla.the reference to Mussolini wasadded by the editors without the knowledgeor consent of the author.FUTURE ISSUES OF THE ITALIC WAYo §li

All' Ita IianaITALY SWITCHESALLEGIANCEItaly <strong>is</strong> a gasser. Quite literally.Un<strong>like</strong> nuclear-obsessed France orcoal-fired Britain, Italy <strong>is</strong> changing itsenergy proftle post haste. With littlefanfare, Italy <strong>is</strong> lessening its dependenceon exorbitant pc1roleum productsand turning LO cost-effective naturalgas. The high cost of imported oil necessitatedsuch a move. ln fact, pcrro·leum had a negative impact on Italy'spostwar economic miracle. In 1991,Italy's IIade deficit in energy tOtalled18.26 trillion lire (approximately $15.9biJiion). However, it boasted a 2.74trillion lire non-energy trade surplus.The forthcoming integration of theEEC in 1992 may also have nudgedItaly into action. What better way toclean up the environment, reduce thenational deficit, encourage economicgrowth in theSouth,and one-up condescendingrivals on the Continent?NASA TURNSTO ITALYThe Italian Space Agency <strong>is</strong> taldngthe lead in helping the National Aero-oautics and SpaceAdmin<strong>is</strong>trationbuild America'sproposed spacestation, Freedom.Having been impressedwith theItalians' technologicalwizardry inthe Europeanspace effort, theU.S. turned LO itssteadfast and dependableally todesign and buildMalerba <strong>is</strong> due LOfly with h<strong>is</strong>Americancounterparts on ashunle m<strong>is</strong>sion.COMEHOME,ITALICILike Israeland Ireland, Italy<strong>is</strong> calling her sonsand daughters toreturn to theirtwo pressurized h 1 dmod 1The ome an . Au es. se 1' ~,=~wiUbe used to Insignia of Italy's 10th Light Fortllla. new' Ia':"ferry payloads to Led by the late Luigi Durand de Ia Penne, now_ makes 1tand from the sta- It decimated the Brit<strong>is</strong>h fleet In Egypt pos_stble for aUduring World War 11nal.lve-bom ltaltion.Th e o nl y . tans and their deothernationsscendants to reacquire Italian citizenship.Thanks to th<strong>is</strong> progressive pieceasked to help were Japan and Canada.Alenia Spuio will build the L3·footof leg<strong>is</strong>lation- the ftrst major changelong cylinders that weigh 8,800poundsand are 14feetindiameter. In addition,plans are afoot for the Italians LO developa presswized miniature laboratoryLO carry a centrifuge (a devicewhich simulates gravity). And in September,1992, Italian as11onaut Francoin the Italian immigration law since1912-Italian-Americans, Italo-Argentinesand other Italics throughoutthe world will be able LO attain dual citizenship.According to Italy's Min<strong>is</strong>terof Immigration, Margherita Boniver,the process <strong>is</strong> fairly automatic and rc·quires a brief period of residence inItaly. Even non-Italic spouses can becomefull citizens of the Italian Republic.Boniver readily acknowledges thatprosperous Italy has become a "magnet"for "tens of thousands" of Italicsscattered across the globe. Many participantsin th<strong>is</strong> counter-exodus comefrom Latin America Boniver 's Min<strong>is</strong>tryhas also proposed a massive aidpackage for Italians in manyofthemorehardscrabble foreign lands.Italian-designed yachts have challenged both the luxury marketand International competitions <strong>like</strong> the America's Cup.The Italic WayA GIFT FROM THEPASTItalian scient<strong>is</strong>rs srruck gold, orrather lead, in the wreck of an ancestral4Pall/Winter 1992

cargo ship that sank2,000 years ago. Themiraculous d<strong>is</strong>coveryof a Roman wreck offthe coast of Sardiniahas given Italy nearly55 tons of lead ingotsthat are radioactivefreefor use in highlysoph<strong>is</strong>ticated atomicresearch. Un<strong>like</strong> regularlead, which containsnaturally-occurringradioactivity, theRoman lead has lost allits radioactivity after20 centuries under water.Using their Romangift, Italian researchersmay now be able to resolvea major puzzle insolar physics.DARING ADMffiALDIESItaly has lost one of her most valoroussons: Admiral Luigi Durand de IaPennc, the commander of the Italianfrogman team that sank two Brit<strong>is</strong>hbattleships in the port of Alexandria in1941, died in h<strong>is</strong> native Genova onJanuary 17, 1992. Although he laterserved h<strong>is</strong> nation with d<strong>is</strong>tinction as adiplomat and statesman, Durand de IaPenne will forever be enshrined in thehearts of h<strong>is</strong> countrymen for h<strong>is</strong> heartstoppingcourage in World War n.Stung by the Brit<strong>is</strong>h at Taranto (see •p.l6) in 1940, the Italians vowed to ' --~· ·avenge that deed via their stalwart submariners.Durand de Ia Penne and h<strong>is</strong>underwater warriors proved that eventhe vaunted Engl<strong>is</strong>h navy had a softunderbelly. After th<strong>is</strong> maritime humiliation,Winston Churchill lived inconstant fear that Durand de Ia Penneand h<strong>is</strong> aquamen would decimate theremaining Brit<strong>is</strong>h fleet. That the sonsAJJiiJtalianaInvestor Gianni Agnelll viewing the controls ofII Destrlero (The Charger), Italian entry In theTransatlantic Challenge. Last Italian win wasby the oceanllner Rex In 1933.of Aeneas jolted the Brit<strong>is</strong>h out of theirmidday complacency <strong>is</strong> a testament to theItalians' skill and courage.The late John LaCorteThe FBI, the bridge, the telephone.FIGHTER FOR TRUTHJohn Napoleon LaCorte, 81, passedaway last November of hean failure. Afrontline fighter for the h<strong>is</strong>torical rightsof Italian-Americans, LaCorte <strong>is</strong> bestknown for gaining lhe recognition forexplorer Giovanni da Verrazano as lheftrst European to enter New York Harbor.La Corte's Roman-<strong>like</strong> tenacity(he was born in Sicily) ensmed that theBridge connecting Brooklyn and StatenIsland was named after the explorer. LaCorte also worked to accord the FBI'sfounding father, Charles Bonaparte, aplace in h<strong>is</strong>tory.As president of the Italian H<strong>is</strong>toricalSociety and the JNL Better World, La­Corte was last working on recognitionof ninteenth century scient<strong>is</strong>t AntonioMeucci as the fust inventor of the telephone.The ftrst <strong>is</strong>sue of The Italic Way in1988 featured LaCorte on the cover.TO RULE THEW AVESItalian seamanship <strong>is</strong> being tested inllli!ts'lf1rn!l both sail and power. ll M oro di Venezia(The Moor of Venice) <strong>is</strong> Italy's entry inthe highly emotional America's Cuprace. And by the looks of it, the Italiansmay be unsettling the Anglo-Saxonskippers.In competition with theAussies and Japanese, II Moro clearedthe fin<strong>is</strong>h line first The Italians mustnow aump the New Zealanders. Thewinner of that playoff gets to raceagainst the USA for the America's Cupth<strong>is</strong> summer.In the Blue Ribbon race across theAtlantic, an Italian consortium hasfielded Destriero (Charger), a 100,000horsepower aqua machine that cru<strong>is</strong>esthe ocean at 57 knots. The Italianshaven't captured the Blue Ribbon sincethe steamship Rex, the pride of Italy'smerchant fleet, won it in 1933.The summer of 1992 may be adouble celebration of Italian seamanship.• •••'======================The Italic Wayiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--:Fall/Winter 19925

World Notes[We present th<strong>is</strong> s~on to infonn our readers of events and trends that maybe of interest with regard to ethnic opwons or cultural values.)ALPHABETICALLYAnother victim of the dem<strong>is</strong>e of theUSSR <strong>is</strong> the Russian Cyrillic alphabetThe Muslim republic of Azerbaijan hasformally adopted the Latin alphabet,rejecting both Cyrillic and Arabic alternatives.Six other republics may followsuit in an effort to get into sync with theWestern world. Russia's loss (and alsothe Arab world's) <strong>is</strong> our gain. TherepubHcof Moldova <strong>is</strong> considering aswitch not only to the Latin alphabet,but also to their former romance languageof Romanian. The last significantconversion to the Latin alphabetwas by Turkey in the 1920's. VivatLatina!GERMANSOLIDARITYSome Italian businessmen may behaving second thoughts about the borderlessEuropean Community (EC). Intheory, all of Europe <strong>is</strong> open to freecommerce regardless of nationality.So, explain to Pirelli of Italy why Germanbanks and autornakers bandedtogether to nix the Italian buy out ofContinental, Germany's premier tiremaker."Corporate Germany unitedagainst Pirelli," stated one Londonautomotive analyst. Pirelli' s shareholderswere the casualties in th<strong>is</strong> attackon the new Siegfried Line.THE POLISH FIATItalian carmaker Fiat (f_abbricalJa/iana d,uto11Wbile Iorino) was thefirst Western automotive concern tobreak through the old Iron Curtain backin the ·1970's. So it may not come as asurpr<strong>is</strong>e that Fiat <strong>is</strong> reversing gears. Inshort, a new Fiat made in Poland <strong>is</strong>expected to penetrate the new Europeancar marketAttempting to cash in on the nQstal-:.O..iiiiiiiiiiii- The Italic Waygiaofitsold500 (Cinquecento) model ofthe 50's and 60's, the new Fiat 500 <strong>is</strong>meant to be the mini-car of the future.Slightly less cramped than its ancestor,the new Cinquecento (ching-qwehchen' -toe) may be Poland's chance tocorner a major share of the automobilemarket.WORLDCLASSCONSUMERSTheir gross nationalproduct (GNP) <strong>is</strong> thefourth highest in theworld (after the U.S.,Japan, and Germany)and Italians are startingto flaunt their wealth. It<strong>is</strong>n't as if Italy needs toFLYING COUSINSItaly's American corporate cousinsare starting to red<strong>is</strong>cover the fatherland.It <strong>is</strong>n't just Lee Iaccoca cutting designdeals with Pininfarina (Jeep Eagle) orLamborghini (Dodge Viper). In theaccumulate any more, -~...............-but Italian investors areAn ltalo-Pollsh product.plunking down big A new Flat 500 (1.) beside an original.money for the world'sart. According to ATtN ews, Italians havereplaced theJapaneseas the number-oneart buyers in the world. The amazingpart <strong>is</strong> that there are only six Italiancollectors involved versus 106 Americansand 10 Japanese. But their purchasesoutranked everyone else's. Withover two-thirds of the known art of theworld residing in Italy, Italians might beaccused of monopol<strong>is</strong>tic practices.Grumman's entry for U.S. militarytrainer: Agusta'a 5211field of national defense, ChairmanRenso Caporali of Grumman <strong>is</strong> backingItaly's S211 jet trainer as the next generationaircraft for future U.S. Navy andAir Force pilots. Grumman's favoriteson was designed by Gruppo Agusta, ofhelicopter fame. Among the competitorsare a Sw<strong>is</strong>s, German, Argentine,and (wouldn'tyouknow it)another Italianjet-the Macchi (Ma'-key). The6Fal.l/Wintec 1992

World NotesMacchi happens to be the official trainerof the Italian Air Force.FIRM FOUNDATIONNewsweek polled a bevy of internationalexperts in education to select thetop ten schools in the world. Surpr<strong>is</strong>ingly,not one school was chosen inFrance or the United Kingdom, thelegendary bastions of proper education.Instead, Italy's Diana school inReggio Emilia was selected for excellencein preschool training. Citing theabundance of arts and crafts used toget the children to express themselves,expertS consider th<strong>is</strong> Italianmodel to be excellent preparation foracademics and socialization. Observationsof the children at work, alongwith tape recordings of their activities,provide information on how childrenreason to accompl<strong>is</strong>h a task.Alas, not all schools in Italy are upto Diana's standards, but many arecatching up. 90percentofthe3-yearoldsin th<strong>is</strong> Italian region attend publicpreschools.lvo LlvlQUINTESSENTIALLYFRENCHIf not Charles Boyer, the Frenchmanmost typifying h<strong>is</strong> countrymen was YvesMontand who passed away in Novemberof 1991. Singer, movie star, andpolitician, Montand was an institution inFrance. Among h<strong>is</strong> loves were EdithThe Diana School In Reggio Emilia, Italy.Top notch education for preschool.Piaf, Simone Signoret, and MarilynMonroe. With all that talent and sexappeal, it <strong>is</strong> not surpr<strong>is</strong>ing that he, <strong>like</strong>Bonaparte and many other famousFrenchmen, was Italian-born (realname: Ivo Livi). Montand's familymoved 10 France when he was a child.H<strong>is</strong> last great act was fathering a child atage 67.BLOODY HOAX?Now that the Shroud of Turin hasbeen exposed as a forgery, the world'shoax -busters have turned their attentionto Naples' famous blood of San Gennaro.According to belief, blood in thevial <strong>is</strong> shaken three times a year to predictthe future. If the gel turns 10 liquid,Naples will be spared iU tidings. If itremains a gel, watch out. In factVesuvius has erupted in years when thegeJ refused to liquify.Italian chem<strong>is</strong>t Dr. Luigi Garlaschelliof the University of Pavia claimsthat the blood <strong>is</strong> really a mixture ofchalk, hydrated iron chloride, and saltwater. Normally a gel, th<strong>is</strong> potion liquifieswhen shaken. The chem<strong>is</strong>tclaims that medieval alchem<strong>is</strong>ts hadaccess to these ingredients. Besides, St.Januarius died 1,000years before the f~rst"miracle" was demonstratedin 1389 so no oneknows exactly when andhow h<strong>is</strong> blood was preserved.OLYMPICWINSChampion skier AlbertoTo mba may not be ashy winner but h<strong>is</strong> homelanddeserves accoladesfor placing 5th in medalswon at the Winter Olym-pics. Beating out hometeamFrance and mega-America, Italy'ssportsmen and women demonstrated thatthe land of the palm trees has plenty ofhuman resources. What many peopledon't realize <strong>is</strong> that winter sports arepracticed on snow-covered mountainsthroughout Italy, even in Calabria andSicily.By the way, Tomba <strong>is</strong> planning to gofor the World Cup title next.Olympic ace Alberto Tomba;=F;;;al;;;IIW;;;in;;;t;;;er;;;l;;;99 ;;; 2==================--The Italic Way;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:7

Forum of the PeopleFRANCESCO COSSIGA: DREAMER WITH A MISSIONOnly a v<strong>is</strong>ionary <strong>is</strong> willing ro march into hell for a heavenly cause. Yet evena dreamer must have a blueprint for h<strong>is</strong> dreams, a schematic ro help him reach thatunreachable star. Otherw<strong>is</strong>e, <strong>like</strong> Don Quixote, he will fmd himself tilting at windmillsand attaining nothing. Forrunately for Italy, Francesco Cossiga hails from Sardinia, notSeville.Although he <strong>is</strong> nearing the end of h<strong>is</strong> tenure as Italy's president, Cossiga hasset in motion forces that will ultimately transfonn h<strong>is</strong> nation. In one of the mostmemorable perfonnances in post-war Italian politics, th<strong>is</strong> bespectacled Sardinianstatesman has turned the Italian polhy on its ear. Cossiga has publicly broken with h<strong>is</strong>party on most of the major <strong>is</strong>sues confronting the nation. He has challenged h<strong>is</strong> fellowChr<strong>is</strong>tian Democrats, aligned with the Social<strong>is</strong>ts, befuddled the Liberals and Republicansand exasperated the Democratic Party of the Left (fonnerly the Commun<strong>is</strong>t Party).The Italian president <strong>is</strong> the country's head of state, a largely ceremonial post.The prime m in<strong>is</strong>ter~urrently Giulio Andreoui-<strong>is</strong> the leader of the government Th<strong>is</strong>dichotomy was the brainchild of jittery post-war Italian politicans who feared conce o~ ­trating power in the hands of one man-a new Duce. Unfortunately, the new systemworked all too well. Although it enabled Italy ro take a breather after two decades ofauthoritarian rule and helped to usher in an unprecedented economic prosperity, th<strong>is</strong>Italian president Cosslga:Pushing for the 2nd RepublicCossiga has publicly broken with h<strong>is</strong> party onmost of the major <strong>is</strong>sues confronting the nation.dual-leader structure weakened the central government. Internationally and geopolitically, Italy no longer commanded aposition of respect American presidents did not know who really wielded power in the new Italian Republic. (Post-war Francenearly collapsed in a coup under a similar system. Only Charles DeGaulle's assumption of constiwtional dictatorial powersstemmed the tide and saved La Belle France.)In addition to structural instability, th<strong>is</strong> flawed separation of powers encouraged some alarming trends in Italiannational life: a counterproductive regional autonomy, acceptanCe of archaic and div<strong>is</strong>ive dialects and, most insidiously, achronic corruption in local governments. Thankfully, Italy's economic miracle and the sense of solidarity created by the ColdWar overshadowed these negative developments. Aside from the exception of Bettino Craxi's courageous leadership, thebifurcation of national power continued to sow weakness and d<strong>is</strong>sension.Enter Francesco Cossiga. Having ascended to the presidency with no great expectations, Cossiga quickly revertedto type. He spanned the globe accepting honorary doctorates and lecturing foreigners about Italy's cultural patrimony.However, with each passing trip abroad, the silver-haired Sardinian became more passionate and vocal about Italy's vices aswell as its virrures. He also emerged as an unrepentant cold warrior. Two years ago, he revealed h<strong>is</strong> role in the formation ofa clandestine, quasi-military group called Gladio. It was created by the Italian state to combat a Commun<strong>is</strong>t takeover of thepeninsula. Most recently, however, Cossiga has turned h<strong>is</strong> guns on fonner allies in the Chr<strong>is</strong>tian Democratic Party. Appalledby the advances of the Lombard League, he proposed sweeping institutional changes in Italy's political system. According toCossiga, th<strong>is</strong> would enable Italy to put its budgetary problems in order, stop the taunting of supercilious EC members, andforever put to rest the carping of pseudo-separat<strong>is</strong>ts. It would also strengthen the south without resorting to phony paternal<strong>is</strong>m.That <strong>is</strong>, free entrepreneurship and accountability would be the watchwords of the new Italian order. These measures wouldrequire austerity, taxation, and sacrifice. And these are the reasons the President's party res<strong>is</strong>ts h<strong>is</strong> overtures. Ironically, theSocial<strong>is</strong>ts seem to be more in tune with Cossiga. They favor the d<strong>is</strong>solution of the present polity and the creation of a SecondRepublic. Presumably, it would be of the presidential variety.For h<strong>is</strong> courage, Cossiga, the impossible dreamer, bas earned the scorn of h<strong>is</strong> party. Some politicians-including theex-Commun<strong>is</strong>tParty Head, Achille Occhetto-have called for the Sardinian's impeachment Perhaps it <strong>is</strong> they who should beimpeached for Italy's sake.- RAI'==F•ai•VWi•mt= er•l 99 = 2 ============ ======= The Italic Way iiiiiiiiiO~9

REVIEWVideo Review:Once AroundBy Rosario Iacon<strong>is</strong>Whenever American moviegoersthink of Italian families, they usuallyimagine the cartoon-<strong>like</strong> cretins inMoonstruck or the gangsters pictured inGoodfellas. Even film critics,an unusually enlightenedand tolerant bunch, are convincedthat these fllms representthe quintessential Italian-Americanarchetypes.{John Simon ,atleast,hasthegood taste to acknowledgethe ex<strong>is</strong>tence of th<strong>is</strong> phonyHollywood shorthand.)But how can we chast<strong>is</strong>eour fellow Americans whenItalians are among the first tolav<strong>is</strong>h pra<strong>is</strong>e on such films!At bapt<strong>is</strong>ms, weddings andChr<strong>is</strong>tmas dinners, they waxpathetic about the rue andintensity of Joe Pesci's maniacalhood or AI Pacino'scontrolled performance asthe good Godfather. Whenwarned that they are condoningand even promotingstereotypes, they fall back ona mixture of world-weary cynic<strong>is</strong>m andthe Italian equivalent of a Gallic shrug:"Look, you'll never change things" or"Yeah, but what c\:.,ut John Gottihe'sreal!"Yet, give these selfsame film criticsan intelligent, wholesome depiction ofItalian-American family life and theyfind it inaccurate, trite, or false. That'swhythefllmOnceAroundwasaboxofficebust. Viewed in the comfort ofone's home, however. it may well enjoya rena<strong>is</strong>sance.The Bella clan <strong>is</strong> an upscale, closeknit,Italian-American family living inMassachusetts. Like most Americanhouseholds, they have their quirky kidsl;;;;;;;;;~The Italic WayA cinematic milestone: normal Italian-Americansfonnance that <strong>is</strong> devoid of"Nooh Jo<strong>is</strong>y"inflections. As patriarch Joe Bella, heprojects warmth, strength, and dignity.Here <strong>is</strong> a three--dimensional man whoputs Vincent Gardenia's stick figure inMoonstruck to shame. (Ironically, Aielloportrayed a wimpy Mamma's boy in thathmatic flick.)Holly Hunter-who hails fromDixie-<strong>is</strong> remin<strong>is</strong>cent of all those brightItalian-American women who set ayoung man's heart aflutter. Collegeeducated,homespun, yet intellectuallysoph<strong>is</strong>ticated, they are now college pro-10and sibling squabbles. They share secretsand peccadillos, lust in their heartsand argue ad nauseum. But the Bellas,<strong>like</strong> the Andersons, Goldbergs, andO'Briens, are passionate and sensitivefolk with higher aspirations than cookingthe next pot of "pasta fazool".For the fJ.rSt time on-screen, DannyAiello gives a textured, moving perfessors,psycholog<strong>is</strong>ts and,yes, lovingwives. Ms. Hunter eschews the heavyhandedaccent so favored by that notedthespian Cher. Hunter's portrayal, <strong>like</strong>Olympia Dukaks<strong>is</strong>' in Moonstruck,smacks of sincerity.The film's pivotal perfonnance,however, comes from RichardDreyfuss, who plays Sam Sharpe, theself-indulgent, highly emotional Lithuanian-Americanmillionaire who <strong>is</strong> inlove with Holly Hunter, aka RenataBella. Dreyfuss' bravado provides thefllm with its key conflict, as well as itstimeless theme. And Renata's family <strong>is</strong>inextricably caught up in the vortex ofemotions unleashed by Dreyfuss. In theend, the Bella family proves to be thepillar in Renata • s life, the oas<strong>is</strong> in herprivate stonn. Director Lasse Hallstromcaptures Italian-American ideals as noItalian-American auteur has ever done.Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> one fllm for all families - bethey Italian-American or otherw<strong>is</strong>e .••••Fall/Wmler 1992

GIANDOMENICOPICCOby Joyceann YaccarinoIan Fleming would have lovedGiandomenico Picco, diplomat, negotiator,and secret envoy for a globalpeacekeeping organization. Thedebonair 43-year-old Picco <strong>is</strong> Italy'sanswer to James Bond. But. un<strong>like</strong>Fleming's fictional alter ego, Picco <strong>is</strong>a living, breathing hero. As the specialhostage negotiator for former UNSecretary General Javier Perez deCuellar, he succeeded where theAnglican envoy, Terry Waite, hadfailed. The dashing Italian's specialbrand of shuttle diplomacy <strong>is</strong> largelyresponsible for negotiations that led 10the release of most of the western hostagesin the Middle EasL In the wordsof Mr. Perez de Cuellar: "Picco <strong>is</strong>more of a soldier than an internationalcivil servant, and I have a fatherly lovefor him."World events did stack the deck inh<strong>is</strong> favor, since the end of the ColdWar dimin<strong>is</strong>hed the advantages ofhostage taking. U the "new world or-PROFILEScircumstances to meet someof the same clandestinegroups, was one of the hostagesfreed thanks to the boldand painstaking moves ofPerez de Cuellar nnd Picco.After the last of theAmerican hostages was released,Picco refused to reston h<strong>is</strong> laurels and forgedahead with the unfin<strong>is</strong>hedbusiness of the German hostagesand the Isreali detainees.A comprehensive packagedeal was arranged with avariety of governments, militias,religious leaders, andcaptors. After the Augustrelease of John McCarthy,LheBrit<strong>is</strong>hjoumal<strong>is</strong>t,thediplomaticmomentum builtUnited Nations diplomat extraordinary,Picco succeded In getting all the hostagesfreed.again late th<strong>is</strong> fall when Israelreleased 25 captives. The UN requestedth<strong>is</strong> "special gesture" on the partof the Israel<strong>is</strong> to propel their new strategyto settle the hostage <strong>is</strong>sue before the endof 1991. The kidnappers also made connearlydecade-long process. AlthoughPicco never saw Iranian officials, her<strong>is</strong>ked h<strong>is</strong> life by meeting with the threemain captor groups. Once they surrenderedhostages, the captors did not askHe attended meetings in secret locations,traveling in the dead of night without bodyguards.dec" set the tone, it was a combinationof UN initiatives, patience, diligence,and the extraordinary courage of aneven-handed negotiator that securedthe release of those held captive in theMiddle East. Picco went to almost anylengths. He attended meetings in secretlocations, traveling in the dead ofnight without bodyguards. Piccomade many of these trips with a clothbag over h<strong>is</strong> head in order to makecontaCt with thecaptors. Terry Waite,the Anglican envoy who lost h<strong>is</strong> freedomwhile traveling under similarcessions in adopting th<strong>is</strong> "new sttategy"and in an unprecedented move releasedCicippio and the other hostages on aprom<strong>is</strong>e !hat Arabs detained in Isreal,sou them Lebanon and Europe would alsobe released. In the past, hostages wouldnever be released on a simple "prom<strong>is</strong>e."Picco played a major role in establ<strong>is</strong>hinga consensus for th<strong>is</strong> new strategy.From nuts-and-bolts diplomacy toshadowy subterranean meetings, the doggeddetermination of Picco won the day.Shuttling among a dozen capitals the"tight lipped envoy" brought an end to afor prmection. "The groups neverra<strong>is</strong>ed the <strong>is</strong>sue of their future safety,"Picco said. "In fact, when the storiesabout th<strong>is</strong> came out, I was specificaUyasked by the groups to make a denialthat th<strong>is</strong> was ever the case and I did."Through h<strong>is</strong> deeds and words, Piccodemonstrated an uncommon valor.And in the best Italic tradition, he hascome to represent the quintessentialsoldier for peace.••••~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii=== The Italic Way =-;;;;;1FalVWintez 1992 11

FocusFORBIDDEN ITALYCan you imagine Western Civilization bereft of sensuality?Why, it just wouldn't be human. Let's face it, mankind<strong>is</strong> much driven by hormones. How we control hormonalimpulses, or channel them safely and purposefuiJ y, <strong>is</strong> a culturalmauer. And culture <strong>is</strong> the d<strong>is</strong>tillation of thousands of years ofancestral experimentation.How did our norms of behavior in public and in beddevelop? How did Italy-home to art, fashion, and religion- help mold our sexual mores? What influence does Italyhave on those values today?Tbe Italic LibidoNo one ever accused "real" Italians of being prudes. Fromtheir "manly" reputation for pinching tour<strong>is</strong>t derrieres to theirclassic sex farces of the silver screen, Italians have gainedrenown as world-class lovers. However, recent polls claimthat Italians have changed their legendary adulterous habits.Yet. "moonlight and Venice" still seem to con jure up the rightmood for any couple in love. And the romantic Latin <strong>is</strong> still inthe cornucopia of Western stereotypes. But then there <strong>is</strong> loveand there <strong>is</strong> sex.Among the varied lexicon of the Italian peninsula <strong>is</strong> theword cazzo, as in il cazzo, or che cazzo! Frankly, it refers tothe male and no doubt <strong>is</strong> a relic of an ancient Italicobsession with the phallus.(Actually, an obsession innearly every ancient cuilore.)But for some inexplicablereason the Italian culturehas retained it in anumber of unique forms(minchia in Sicilian) despitetwo millenia of Chr<strong>is</strong>tianity.Phallic obsession wasdifficult to give up becausein pre-Chr<strong>is</strong>tian Italy thephallus was a sign of goodluck, much <strong>like</strong> our horseshoeand rabbit's foot.Many buildings and sidewalksin Pompeii bear witnessto a common accep-Staller the nfleshpot"(former leg<strong>is</strong>lator)The Italic Way12The Italian horn and tts probableancestor-the phallus (from Pompeii)tance of the male organ as a good luck sign. The phallus, withtesticles, was ch<strong>is</strong>eled in stone to ward off evil, molded intomedallions worn by ancient Italians, and even crafted intowind chimes and oil lamps. It may shock many to h~ that theuniquely Italian "hom" (corno) dangling from the necks or carmirrors of some Italian-Americans <strong>is</strong> considered by manyscholars to be a cleaned up version of the ancient phallic goodluck chann. So, it would appear that sex has a certaincontinuity in !he Italian psyche.Porno PoliticiansProbably the first love manual was authored by thenaughty Ovid, a Roman author of the first century (see Perspectivessection). Into the Middle Ages, !he great poetPetrarca pined for h<strong>is</strong> beloved Laura. (H<strong>is</strong>tory may neverknow if the cerebral author bedded the object of h<strong>is</strong> affection.)By the 17th Century, Benvenuto Cellini was regaling readerswith the fruits of h<strong>is</strong> sexual pursuits, another first in modemliterature. The 18th Century brought us Casanova, the firsttrue playboy of Europe. Today, the theme of sex befored<strong>is</strong>honor <strong>is</strong> played to the hilt in Italian movies <strong>like</strong> Love ItalianStyle and Seven Beauties.But if you think that the Italic style of sensual love <strong>is</strong> classy.don't forget superstar Madonna's down-and-dirty side. Andwe mustn't forget the lamentable end of Benito Mussolini andh<strong>is</strong> m<strong>is</strong>tress Clarita Petacci.Just as it <strong>is</strong> around the world, sexual titillation <strong>is</strong> pervasivein today's Italy. Telev<strong>is</strong>ion game shows and variety showsround out their fonnat with fmn buttocks and overflowingbosoms. There <strong>is</strong> even a cable show in which housewives stripfor prizes.FalVWinter 1992

FocusBut the Italian public has gone a step further. Contrary toour own abhorence (or obsession) of sexual scandal in politics,a portion of the Italian electorate sent a fonner porn queen toparliamentIlona Staller, parliamentarian extraordina.i.re, was born inHungary 40 years ago, moved to Rome when she was 17,studying ballet, piano, and violin. She deduced that audiencesat her concerts preferred to seehernuderatherthan playing theviolin, so she entered the world of pornographic entertainmentShe claims to have made one of the few ftlms showingcondoms, and ins<strong>is</strong>ts that she <strong>is</strong> the dominant partner in anysex scene. Among her props are dildos which she even totesto press conferences. Italy's Radical Party (equivalent to ourLibertarian Party) invited Cicciolina, her stage name ("littlefleshpot'') to join the slate of candidates for the Italian Parlia-Roman men In close encounters.(From an ancient Italian silver cup)Not since Cle0patra made mush of Julius and Anthonyhave two women exposed Italy's sexual proctivities. Anancient soul has been bared.Competing ValuesTo get the right perspective on what <strong>is</strong> going on today inItaly we need to flashback to times gone by:Signorina Moana Pozzi, the newest porno-politicianment Notwithstanding the Party's motives - publicity orprotest- Staller won election in 1987 after campaigningnaked with a snake.A force to be reckoned with, Staller wants even Italians toblush. She had prom<strong>is</strong>ed, or threatened, to appear barebreastedbefore her leg<strong>is</strong>lative colleagues, and offered to go tobed with Saddam Hussein during the Persian Gulf War if hereleased h<strong>is</strong> hostages. Such pranks along with her frequentabsences from parliamentary votes eroded Cicciolina 's politicalaffection among party hacks, causing her to drop out of the1992 race. Nevertheless, the trend <strong>is</strong> catching on. A newpolitical faction, the Love Party, fielded a native daughterturned porn star. Moana Pozzi, 30, ran unsuccessfully for theItalian parliament th<strong>is</strong> year. An incurable romantic, Pozzimanaged to sway a few votes.Fall/Winter 1992In the ancient world three major forces struggled for theItalian psyche - the Erruscan, the Greek, and the Judea­Chr<strong>is</strong>tian. Each brought with ita view of sexuality at variancewith the others. We know, for example, that the early Judea­Chr<strong>is</strong>tian morality demanded chaste women and circumspectbehavior. Nudity of any son was forbidden and females weretreated as chattel. The Greeks, on the other hand were all fornudity and men freely indulged all the vices without limit.Still, Greek women were either playthings or sequesteredmothers. The Etruscans- that mysterious breed that flow-( Continued p. 25)VIctims of the old Italian law against divorce, SophiaLoren and Carlo Ponti had to leave Italy to get married.13The Italic Way

SEXY I1Here are some Italian-Amby The Italic Way staJack ScaliaSly StalloneConnie SeleccaAlyssa Milano

ALICII~rican movie stars selectedfor their sex appeal.' ) •Tony DanzaBrooke ShieldsGiancarlo Giannini(Italian)Robert DeNiroMadonnaMary ElizabethMastroantonio

Perspective.sTARANTO : Prelude toPearl HarborIn June of 1940, Italy entered theSecond World War as an Ax<strong>is</strong> partneragainst the Brit<strong>is</strong>h Empire and what wasleft of France. The Italian Navy wasgiven a number of m<strong>is</strong>sions. Amongthem, a submarine force was active inihe North and South Atlantic workingwith the German wolf packs to starVeGreat Britain. But the bulk of its dutywas in the Mediterranean escorting sup-ply convoys 1.0 Africa and keeping theBrit<strong>is</strong>h Navy tied up. Pampered byMussolini at the expense of h<strong>is</strong> Armyand Air Force, the Italian Navy was nomean war machine. Its order of battleincluded six modern battleships,enough to dominate Mare Nostrum(Our Sea).What the navy did lack, however,was radar, ample fuel, and aggressiveleadership. Unfortunately for Mossolini,the Brit<strong>is</strong>h had what the Italianslacked.Using 21 Swordf<strong>is</strong>h biplanes, theRoyal Navy managed to catch a portionof the battlefleet at anchor at the navalbase of Taranto in southern Italy. Althoughonly one battleship (Conte diCavour) was severely damaged, thepsychological impact greatly d<strong>is</strong>turbedItaly and il Duce.The Japanese took great interest inTaranto and it served as a model fortheir great strike on Pearl Harbor oneThe battleship Conte dl cavourGRAHAM365 BROADWAY N.Y. 10013The Italic Way16FalVWinter 1992

508 :Raynwnd St~eet:Rock.vii!e. Ce,ntre,, New yo~k.( 516) 764-577111570TARANTO (continued)year later. Like Taranto, Pearl Harborcalled for low-level torpedo attacksand the element of surpr<strong>is</strong>e. What theJapanese should have learned fromTaranto was that sinking ships in shallowharbors does not a victory make.Just as two of the Italian battleshipswere hit but refloated to fight again,most of the American fleet was not lostat Pearl Harbor because of its shallowbasin.What the Brit<strong>is</strong>h reaped fromTaranto was a blow to Fasc<strong>is</strong>t militar<strong>is</strong>m.What the Japanese reaped atPearl Harbor was the whirlwind. Itshould be noted, however, that the ItalianNavy avenged Taranto the followingyear when six of its intrepid frogmensunk two Brit<strong>is</strong>h battleships andtheir supply ships at Alexandria,Egypt. -JLMThe Italian battleship Llttorlo.';;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;F:;;al:;;l/W;;;;o;;;;;;int:;;e:r:;;l;;;;;99 :;;2:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;==--:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==iiiiiiiiiiiiiii The Italic Way -17

PerspectivesThe Art of Love (Ancient secrets revealed)If you wanted to pick up girlsin Ancient Rome, one of the bestplaces to go was the race track.Not only did the light seatingarrangements practically forceyou to sit very close to the lady ofyour choice, the nature of theevent made striking up a conversationexceedingly easy."Be sure to ask with greatinterest which horses are runningand then immediately cheer forthe same one, whichever it <strong>is</strong>,that she cheers for."Th<strong>is</strong> practical advice comesfrom Ovid's Art of Love, an instructionalpoem first publ<strong>is</strong>hedin 1 BC during the reign of theEmperor Augustus. The Art ofLove, written in a witty and livelystyle, <strong>is</strong> divided into three books.The first two explain how a mancan find, seduce and keep a m<strong>is</strong>tress;the third tells how a woman canattract a lover. Ovid's poem was extremelypopular in ancient times, andcontinued to be read and enjoyedthroughout the Middle Ages, the Rena<strong>is</strong>sanceand into the modem era AlthoughOvid's methods might sound a bit cynical,today's man about town could certainlybenefit from some ancient w<strong>is</strong>domif he were serious about enlivening h<strong>is</strong>love life.Another good place to meet women,according to Ovid. <strong>is</strong> at a banquet. There,you have the advantage of wine, which"gives courage and makes men apt forpassion." Of course, you have to be surenot to drink too much, or you might endup courting a woman who <strong>is</strong> only beautifulwhen you are drunk. Also, if you drinktoo much, you r<strong>is</strong>k making a fool ofyourself or quarreling with the lady'shusband. Getting drunk <strong>is</strong> dangerous, butby Pamela GleasonCupid and Psyche (from Ostia Antlca)pretending to be drunk can be quite useful:"Make your crafty tongue stumble instammering talk, so that whatever you door say more freely than you should, maybe put down to 1.00 much wine." Anotherimportant piece of advice <strong>is</strong> to be politeand deferential to the lady's husband,since "he will be more useful to you ifmade a friend ... T<strong>is</strong> a safe and oft-troddenpath to deceive under the name of friend."If the lady ofyourcholcerepulses youradvances, Ovid's counsel <strong>is</strong> pers<strong>is</strong>tence:"First Jet assurance come to your minds,that all women can be caught" You mustpra<strong>is</strong>e her constantly and convince heryou are madly in love with her, which <strong>is</strong>not hard since "each woman thinks herselfloveable, hideous she may be." It <strong>is</strong> alsosometimes useful to let her see you cry:'With tears you can move iron ... lf tearsfail (for they do not always come~ need)touch your eyes with a wet hand." If yourlady refuses 10 see you,you should make friendswith her handmaid, whowill plead your causewith her m<strong>is</strong>tress. Itsometimes happens, ofcourse, that the handmaid<strong>is</strong> also attractive. Ovid'sconsidered advice <strong>is</strong> toabstain from seducingthe handmaid, but if youmust, "see that you gainthe m<strong>is</strong>tress first, and letthe servant follow; do notbegin your wooing withthe maid."Once you have a m<strong>is</strong>tress,you must endeavortokeepher. Here,Ovid'sadvice <strong>is</strong> to stay awayfrom love potions andphiltres, and to strive tomake your affair enjoyable:"That you may beloved, be lovable." Do not fight withyour m<strong>is</strong>tress; save fighting for yourwife: "The dowry of a wife <strong>is</strong> quarreling;but let your m<strong>is</strong>tress ever hear welcomesounds ... that your coming maymake her glad." Always pretend toagree with her, but take great care not tolet on you are only pretending. Be verycareful that your m<strong>is</strong>tress does not findout about other girlfriends. Do not giveany gifts which the others might learnabout, and "lest the lady catch you insome well known retreat, meet not everym<strong>is</strong>tress in one spot" If your m<strong>is</strong>tressshould d<strong>is</strong>cover your secret, however,"manifest though it be, yet deny it ever.Be not subm<strong>is</strong>sive then, nor more flatteringthan of wont; such signs point toovermuch guilt"Ovid's advice to women <strong>is</strong> somewhatmore conventional In order to obtain a(Continued of p. 27)The Italic Way18Fall/Winter 1992

NATALE R. ANZELMO, A.I.A.FRANK A. LOMBARDO, A.I.A.ANZELMO & LOMBARDO A.I.A., P.C.ARCHITECTSPLANNINGCONSULTATIONINTERIOR DESIGN103:16 Metropolitan AvenueForest Hills, New York 11375Phone:7 18-5~~-6292Architects for the restoration of the Italian Consulateand La Scuola D'Italia New YorkKEEP UP WITH THE INSTITUTEfall 1990Italian-Americans in Advert<strong>is</strong>ingPestolozz1. Father or TeachingAn Italian and the HolocaustAugustusS!Jmmer.1990Italians & the BibleShakespeare's Italian ConnectionNapoleon's Italian Victory.Fall 1999Italian vs. BlackFerrero's Negro ArmyAfrican-Italian RestaurantA. Bar1ett GlamattlBensonhurst TragedyWinter. 1989Cartoon Characters by ItaliansThe Arst Safe AirplaneHealth & Italian CultureSpdnq.198e•John LaCorteItalians & the Holocaust1930: Repcint of Atlantica MagazineItalian language 1n AustraliaDISCOVER YOUR ROOTS!Winter. 1991Bloody Getiuses:Bntons of Italian HeritageCarl Vuono. Army Chief of StaffThe Oay They Lynched ItaliansSodng 1990Jews of ItalyMussolini, Part IIItalian AerospaceDaPonte: Mozart's Ubfett<strong>is</strong>tSummer.19§9Italy's North vs. SoL«hThe Span<strong>is</strong>h ArmadaItaly on Videod<strong>is</strong>cItalian AviationComposer Charles Gabrielefall. 1988Italy at Work:Modern Italy Forges AheadOr Henry V<strong>is</strong>cardi: Helpingthe HandicappedItalian-AmericanGenealogy & Family H<strong>is</strong>toryResearchFor a free brochure & informationsend a large self-addressed,stamped envelope toSharon DeBartolo CarmackCertified Genealogical Record Searcher2750 Frazier LaneColorado Springs, CO 80922(719) 591-8477Sodng. 1991England St1ngsAn Altitude ProblemGuglielmo MarconiToday's Roman CustomsWJnttr. 1990Mussolinl, Pat1 IArtonlo Meucx:l & the Telephone•Mario Lanza •Su !Jlll!tr. 1991Before the BealJes:ltai-Am Rock 'n RollLalin Language AliveFasi:Mayor of Honoi!Ju•••••••••••••••••••Order FormPast IssuesSodng 1989 •King of the Swashbucklers • Price per past <strong>is</strong>sue $3.00Gore Vidal • ($2.50 for members)Beccaria: A Founding Father? •Roman Emperors •Roman Evil Days : _.S.qp...r_.'B8.lU_ ___Sum'88Summer, 1988 •Images: Symbols or Stereotypes~ ..J.E.;.s.•awllu.'88...,____Italian Frogmen of ww 11 • -'W ......... jn....,'8.....,9'----Vittor!o Veneto, WW I • ,.;SI.J'p"-r'8u.9z.____Allantica remembered• .>.LU........,u..L..Sum'89___19• Fall'89: -Wu:..uinu....'90..

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Project ItaliaThe ProjecLltalia program <strong>is</strong>n'Ljusl f1lms and videos. IL <strong>is</strong> also an educational product line.(To order jusl nolc your selections and mail in with a check to Italic Studies InsliLulC, PO Box 818, Floral Park, NY 11001).. ,PROUD ITALIAI>S... _Our bestseller. A uniquelook at the worldwide contributionsof a great people.$23 ($18 for members)Th<strong>is</strong> 60 page book <strong>is</strong> justright for t.eenagers whowant a picture introductionto Italy and its people.One of the heanwanningsagas of World War D.Italian humanity duringHitler"s Holocaust.The Etruscan horse in bronze and marble.The reproduced craftsmanship of ancientlt.aly. 11" h. x 7"1. incl. base.$25 ($20 for members) $15 ($10 for members) $75 ($69 for members)Build your own architectural model of Florence's Du.omo,P<strong>is</strong> a's Leaning Tower, or Rome's Arch of Constantine.Heavy coated paper. Glue req. $30 ea ($25 for members)Medieval RevivalDlacovery of AmericaDesigned exclusively for the Institute, the Italian-American Placemat <strong>is</strong> perfectfor use at social functions, to d<strong>is</strong>tribute to schools, or for piuerias & restaurants.$12 per box of 1,000.Looking for awards? Or maybe you would<strong>like</strong> to collect th<strong>is</strong> series of corrunemoratives. Italianh<strong>is</strong>tory in a unique set of coins. Each coin <strong>is</strong> $15($10 for members) and comes in a presentation boxwith parchment story. (actual size 1-1/4")~=F;;;;;; all/W =int.cr =;;;;;; 1 99 ;;;;;; 2 ===========;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;:;;;;==== The Italic Way;;;;;;;;;;;~21

Media Madness[In which we present media material with cornment.ary)ITEM: A movie reviewer for Channel12, a Long Island cable station, gavea "thumbs up" to My Cousin Vinnie. Saying that Italian-Americans who wereinsulted by GoodFellas and The Godfather will be proud of Joe Pesci 's MyCousin Vinnie.COMMENT: My Cousin Vinnie <strong>is</strong> a lawyer's version of Rocky. Anuncouth Brooklyn boy makes h<strong>is</strong> bones fighting the Alabama judicial system ..Although the movie <strong>is</strong> a lot oflaughs, who really believes it boosts the Italian­American image? Let's find out what our ltalo-Alabaman readers think.ITEM: A Kansas City, MO grand jury jails, without charges, 20relatives of suspected Italian-American gamblers to squeeze damagingtestimony out of them.COMMENT: The Italian-American community of KansasCity <strong>is</strong> rightfully upset by th<strong>is</strong> ethnic round-up. Fanning a protestgroup named Basta! (Enough!), these citizens have taken 10 thestreets. Unfortunately, theACLU and theKunzlersofthe world haveignored their pleas. Civil rights have been suspended for theserelatives of alleged gamblers. It would be analogous to jailingPresident Bush 10 rat on h<strong>is</strong> son Neil (Silverado) Bush.ITEM: Italians pol<strong>is</strong>h their wine image. You may have noticed that Italiansput their best foot forward with fashion, art, music, and wine, 10 the point ofbeing smug.COMMENT: The fourth largest economic power needs 10 spend somemoney on advert<strong>is</strong>ing that fact instead of the latest chair designs from Milan.Most American newspapers don't even bother quoting Italian political leadersunless they are bashing their na1:on.The Italic Way22FaU/Winter 1992

Media MadnessITEM:Hunt'sSpaghetti Sauce addepicts the great (butprimitive) cooks of Italy.(left)COMMENT:Shucks! We supposean Italian ad agencyought to use greatAppalachian brewersto market Americanbourbon. Possumstew, anyone?ITEM: Democratic candidate Bill Clinton of Arkansas was overheardin a recorded telephone conversation agreeing with a femalefriend that Governor Mario M. Cuomo acts <strong>like</strong> a "mafioso."COMMENT: Ever since "AJI-Amerjcan" newscaster SamDonaldson proclaimed the press' right to question the possible Mafiaties of any Italian-American, we should not feel in the least bit slighted.Even New York City politician Peter Vallone was more upset by theinvasion of Clinton's privacy than the smearing of the well-respectedCuomo. Would it offend the New South to accuse Clinton of beingKJan<strong>is</strong>h?ITEM: The press <strong>is</strong> at it again predicting the imminentdem<strong>is</strong>e of Italy. Skyrocketing national debt. a bureaucracy ofthieves, incompetent medical care, and regional separat<strong>is</strong>m arereaching cr<strong>is</strong><strong>is</strong> portions.COMMENT: Sorely, the Italians have their share ofproblems- some serious ones, at that But when are Americanjournal<strong>is</strong>ts going to act mature? Here are some tips: Do notassume that one act of malpractice in one hospital in Naplesrepresents the entire Italian medical system. Do not underestimatethe Italian ability to accompl<strong>is</strong>h change. Accept the factthat Italy <strong>is</strong> a major economic power and earned her position.Try to put things in perspective: Scotland wants out of GreatBritain; American kids are dying of violence in schools and onthe streets; and the unemployment rate in eastern Germany <strong>is</strong>17%. There <strong>is</strong> plenty of gloom and doom to go around.Eventually, Italians will create their 2nd Republic.Pa.ll/Wmter 1992

News of the nstitu teNEW GOVERNORBy a unanimous vote of the Board of Governors, John C. Santora was conftrmed as aGovernor of the Institute for a three year tenn. John's outstanding achievements as the 1991Dinner Chainnan have enabled the Institute to expand it's admin<strong>is</strong>trative and programefforts. John's professional career <strong>is</strong> managing a portfolio of prime Manhaaan properties.John, hls wife Debra and children Nancy and John reside on Staten Island.ELECTIONS & REVISED CONSTITUTIONIn response to Institute President John Mancini's announcement that he w<strong>is</strong>hed to stepdown as chief executive officer in 1992, the Board of Governors initiated a review of theInstitute • s constitution as part of a reorganization. Because of the time factor (elections arenormally held in February), the Governors voted to postpone elections until March. In themeantime, by a majority of the Board, the constitution was rev<strong>is</strong>ed creating the position ofSecretary ofPrograms & Admin<strong>is</strong>tration. Other rev<strong>is</strong>ions include experience requirementsfor all officers, two year terms for governors instead of three, direct election of the Presidentby the Plenary Council, and a mandated budget allocation of not less than 70% to Instituteprograms. ELECTION RESULTS: President Albert Crecca; Vice President: MichaelCarbone; Financial Secretary: Robert DeSiena; Secretary of Programs & Admin<strong>is</strong>tration:John Mancini; Treasurer. George Ricci.John SantoraStb ANNUAL DINNERSpearheaded by Chairman Lou<strong>is</strong> Mantia, preparations for the annual dinner dance areunderway. Once again, our affair <strong>is</strong> growing in popularity and ticket sales were off to aprom<strong>is</strong>ing stan. However, with the country in the grips of recession Lou and Social AI CreccaII·ChairmanMilceCarbonearecautiouslyoptim<strong>is</strong>tic. Nevertheless,our• Fifth prom<strong>is</strong>es to be our best with a 15-piece all-ladies band (KitMeOw-e), big door prizes, and a Viennese Hour to remember.Tickets are $300 and journal ads are available. For informationcontact our office at (516) 488-7400. The date <strong>is</strong> Saturday, May 9th(Mother's Day weekend) in the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf. Lastyear's attendence was over 700.AURORA PROGRAMSaturday Italian classes (Level I) for 5th and 6th graders were justcompleted in New Hyde Park, Long Island, with 20 youngstersparticipating. Among them were a number of non-Jtaljc kids who just5th year of the youth program. A need to expand wanted to see what all the excitement was about The course wasoffered free as part of an experiment to solicit students through thepublic grade schools (most rustricts frown on enrollment fees as being profit motivated). Although some d<strong>is</strong>tricts wereuncooperative in allowing us to d<strong>is</strong>tribute brochures in class, we feel that we are on the right track for our much-desiredexpansion of the program.In April, we will inaugurate a special fast-track adult course at our office in Floral Park, Long Island. Specially designed byour staff to prepare teens and adults for a trip to Italy or as an introduction to the Italic world, th<strong>is</strong> pilot program may be justperfect for adults who cannot commit to a full-blown language course or just do not have a facility for languages. It's so new,we don't even have a name for the course. A lunch-hour class for members <strong>is</strong> also contemplated in Manhattan.And since Italic means more than Italian, the Institute <strong>is</strong> positioning itself as a champion of Latin in America • s schools. Wehope to report soon that a number of high schools around the comttry have a~ted our offer to award achievement prizes toLatin students. Each prize will cons<strong>is</strong>t of our Ara Pac<strong>is</strong> (Altar of Peace) comemorative medallion and $25 cash.~= The Italic Way24 FalVWinter 1992

FORBIDDEN ITALY (continued from p. 13)ered some 800 years before Chr<strong>is</strong>t - appreciated a LaStefulnude and held women in relatively high esteem.Had Western man followed the anciem Greek way of sexand marriage we would be a fardifferempcople. Scholars whohave studied the ancients through their anwork have concludedmany things about the attitudes and customs of thevarious peoples. While both the Greeks and Italians (i.e., ItaJo­Etruscan) were obsessed with the good luck aspects of thephallus, the Greeks saw it as a weapon rather than justa sexualmember. In their male-dominated soc1ety, the pen<strong>is</strong> came torepresent a symbol of authority. In fact, many of their citiescontained numerous public monuments called Herms in whicha male figure with erect pen<strong>is</strong> lorded over pedestrians below.A popular Italian TV gameshowSo symbolic of male chauvin<strong>is</strong>t authority were these Herms (literalJy, "drinking party") was the boys' night out Does th1sLhatonenightinancicntAthensanti-establ<strong>is</strong>hment"tcrror<strong>is</strong>ts" reluctance by Romans to picture group sex reveal a bit oflobbed off all the pen<strong>is</strong>es throughout the city. (falk about shame in the public conscience?threatening somconc's manhood!) Undomesticated women- 1 Anal sex <strong>is</strong> also rare in Ilalic art, except in occ.as10nalfolk were suspected,homosexual scenes. It <strong>is</strong> quite frequent in Greek art. Th<strong>is</strong> typeFrom extant artwork, theof sodomy may have been a common form of contraceptionGreek ideal of sex <strong>is</strong> clearlyamong the Greeks as it still <strong>is</strong> among some Third World poor.contrasted to that of the Ro-Another common action in Greek sex scenes <strong>is</strong> sad<strong>is</strong>mmans. If art reflected life,through degradation or the beating of the female partner witheach ethnic group had d<strong>is</strong>tin-a money purse or slipper. Such behavior was not at all normalgu<strong>is</strong>hable proclivities. Greekin Roman art.men, for example, are oftenFinally, Hellenic a11 rarely, if ever, depicted cunnilingus.s hown penetrating theirwhich the Greeks regarded with revulsion. Fellatio prcdomiwornenstanding up and fromnates their depictions of oral sex. The Romans, on the otherthe rear, never allowinghand, were not averse to showing cunnilingus and simultanewomento mount them asous oral sex in their love scenes. Again, does th<strong>is</strong> reflect theancient Italic art d<strong>is</strong>plays.equality of the sexes that set Italic/Etruscan culture off fromWas th<strong>is</strong> a conscious messagemost other peoples?by the Greeks that womenwere LO be the recipients andReligious Artnot the initiators of the sexIt <strong>is</strong> to the credit of the Italian spirit that art did not totallyact?succumb to religious censorship. It <strong>is</strong> all the more amazingOrgy scenes are extremelyconsidering what occurred in Greek art. The Athenian Goldenrare in Italic art despite the notoriety of imperial pleasures.Age of perfect and god-<strong>like</strong> nudes never made the transition toYet, orgies are common in Greek art where the symposium(Continued p. 28)Institute (continued)AT & T FUNDRAISERBy special arrangement with Telcom United, agent forA.T.& T., the Institute will receive cash payments each monthfor those member companies who change over to AT & T'sSON long d<strong>is</strong>tance system. There <strong>is</strong> no convers•on fee or anyequipment to purchase. Even if you have an AT & T systemnow, the Institute can earn income from your usage. The bestpart <strong>is</strong> that the customer will reduce h<strong>is</strong> long d<strong>is</strong>tance costs andthe payments to the Instimte wiU come from Telcom United.Customers can even change their minds and go back to theirold system without penalty. For information contact us at(516) 488-7400.PROJECT IT ALIAAt last, our ftrst video has been re-edited and re-titled.Running a tight 23 minutes and narrated by former VicePresdiential candidate Geraldine Ferraro, the video <strong>is</strong> en tilledAmerica: The Italian Legacy. A comprehensive program willbe undertaken to d<strong>is</strong>tribute the video to schools, cable networks,and interested organizations. Th<strong>is</strong> video represents ourcommitment to inform the general public of Italy's contributionto government and law, and to preserve a record of thatstory. There will be additional screenings of the video forPlenary Council and General members in the near future.• •••'==F•all/W=in•t•er;;;;t99=2=================== The Italic Way ==125

Camille PagliaThe Sex of ArtPROFILESby Joyceann YaccarinoCamille Paglia's intellectual ferocity has garnered the author a greatdeal of attention-not all of it positive. Throughout her career she hasarticulated her controversial ideas with a pugil<strong>is</strong>tic energy that has earned heras many foes as friends. Paglia <strong>is</strong> a sensational<strong>is</strong>t by her own adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Fromthat vantage point, no topic <strong>is</strong> off limits, no generalization too farfetched. Herstartling notions and reflections on pop culture, fine art, sexuality, modemfemin<strong>is</strong>m and even her Italian heritage are unsettling and provocative.In an interview with New York magazine she recounted one of hercombative responses to a student who had insulted her: "I called up Gail Parker,(the president of Bennington at the time), and I said 'I'm going to kick him inthe ass.' and she said,' Yeah, you're right, he should be kicked in the ass.' Now,see, as a WASP, she thought! was using a metaphor, okay. As an Italian whenI say I'm going to kick someone in the ass, I mean kick them in the ass."In her book Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to EmilyDickinson('{ ale University Press), the professor of humanities at the PhiladelphiaSchool for the Humanities partakes in some scholarly f<strong>is</strong>ticuffs. Paglia hashit a nerve with her colorful assaults upon femin<strong>is</strong>m and liberal<strong>is</strong>m and hertheories about pagan<strong>is</strong>m, androgyny, nature and sexual conflict. Her bookreached number 7 on the paperback best-seller l<strong>is</strong>t last December-not thenorm for a work of scholarship.Personae <strong>is</strong> meant as a critical study of the representation of humansexuality in Western art In her argument, Paglia contends that nature <strong>is</strong> reallybarbarous and violent, not benevolent and romantic. "The amorality, aggression,sad<strong>is</strong>m, voyeur<strong>is</strong>m, and pornography in great art have been ignored orglossed over by most academic critics." Paglia makes it her business in the next600-odd pages of her book to catalog the sexual symbol<strong>is</strong>m she fmds in everyPaglia: Traditional & Strangemedium in Western art.Personae travels down both tines of a forked road. On one path,pomograph y <strong>is</strong>, art, and decadence and the amorality of the instinctual life are good and necessary. On the other, classic genderbasedstereotypes predominate. "My stress on the truth in sexual stereotypes and on the biologic bas<strong>is</strong> of sex differences <strong>is</strong> sureto cause controversy." And that it does. According 10 Paglia, Western civilization <strong>is</strong> the work of men, and women owe a debtof gratitude to the creativity of the superior male half of the species. In her view of the world, women do have power, but theirs<strong>is</strong> the dark, unbridled powers of nature. "If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts."No doubt most women-especially those engaged in creative endeavors-will find these comments d<strong>is</strong>turbing, but Paglia <strong>is</strong> awriter who repels with one phrase and compels one 10 read further with the next.Paglia's chosen attention grabber <strong>is</strong> to make high-brow and low-brow cultural compar<strong>is</strong>ons: Chaucer and CharlieChaplin, Lord Byron and the Beach Boys, Cleopatra and Auntie Marne, Gracie Allen and the Delphic Oracle. From Hera to BetteDav<strong>is</strong>, Chr<strong>is</strong>tianity to shamin<strong>is</strong>m or Shakespeare to rock music-it seems no form of human expression or "projection" escapesPaglia's inspection.Paglia saves some of her most stinging jabs for the Italians. She attributes her own ability to reconcile violence andculture with her Italian heritage, and describes sad<strong>is</strong>tic images as normal in Italian terms. "My immigrant relatives used 10 say,'May you be killed! • or 'May you drag your tongue along the ground!' (...) Torture and homicide are immediately accessibleto the Mediterranean imagination." These first person statements which pepper the text cast a dark shadow on the work. Herconnection between her Italic origins and her proclivity to act out her violent impulses <strong>is</strong> as unsettling as her elaboratelystructured bouse of sexual symbol<strong>is</strong>m.~;;;;;;;;;;~ The Italic Way• •••26FaJVWinter 1992

StampItalic Studies InstitutePO Box 818Floral Park, NY 11001~----------------------------StampItalic Studies InstitutePO Box 818Floral Park, NY 11001r----------------------------StampItalic Studies InstitutePO Box 818Floral Park, NY 11001

Italic Studies InstitutePOBox 818Floral Park. NY 11001516 488-7400"Founded for the culluralenrichmenl of the genua/ publicthrough medi4 works, educatwn,literature, and the arts."M embership ApplicationNrume _ ________________________ __Addr~---------------------------T ype of membership: D General• $10(We'll bill you later) 0 Plenar y Council• • $75•Newsletter only ••Newsletter, voting & offioeholding rights(Auach a businen c.rd)-- -- - -- ----- - ------ --- ------ ~IIIIIIIJOIN USNOW!~~~-~........ ~.~~-·~......v-Ita lie Studies InstituteItalic Studies InstitutePO Box 818Floral Park. NY 11001516488-7400"Founded for the culluralenrichmenl of the general publicthrough media works. education,literaJure, and the arts."Membership ApplicationName ____________________________ _Address------------------------Type of membe.rship: General• $10(We11 bill you later) 0 Plenary Council•• $15•Newsletter only,..Newsleuer, voting & offioeholding rights(Attach a busin.ess urd)JOIN USNOW!- -- --- - --- - -------- ------ ---~Italic Studies InstitutePO Box 818Floral Park, NY 11001516 488-7400"Founded for the culturalenr ichmenl of the general publicthrough media works, education,literature, and the arts."M embership ApplicationName _ __________________________ ___Address-------------------------T ype of membership: 0 General• $10(Well bill you later) 0 Plenary Council•• $75• Newsleuer only .. NewJietter, vOting &. offioeholding rights(Auach a bosineu card)JOIN USNOW!

MASONRYRESTORATIONLOCAL LAW 10REPAIRSCOASTAL WATERPROOFING& RESTORATION CORP.1673 FOWLER AVENUE. BRONX. NY 10462 e 1212) 617·1900FAX: (2 l 2) 893-9470WATERPROOFINGPOINTINGCAULKINGINSUREDThe Art of Love (continued tromp. 1s)lover, a woman must first be attractive. Unadulterated beauty <strong>is</strong> notenough, however, a woman must work to make herself look good:"Care will give good looks: good looks neglected go to waste." Makeup,skillfully applied, can hide blem<strong>is</strong>hes, and the right clothes camouflagefigure flaws. It <strong>is</strong> a good idea to go late to banquetS and otherparties, because "delay wiU enhance your charm: Though plain, tO thetipsy you wiU seem fair." In order to keep men interested, it <strong>is</strong> best toplay "hard to get" since "what <strong>is</strong> easily given iU fosters an enduring love;let an occasional repulse vary your merry sport." Men <strong>like</strong> to feel Lhattheir meetings with you are secret and dangerous, so pretend to be afraidof being caught, even if there <strong>is</strong> no such danger: "Though it were easierby the door, admit him by the window, and show signs of fear on yourA loving Roman coupleface."The Arc of Love was, of course, highly satirical and was not intended to be taken completely seriously. lls publication,however, was a contributing factor to Ovid's downfall. The Emperor Augustus, troubled by the moral turpitude of Romansociety, initiated a program of social reforms in order to d<strong>is</strong>courage adultery and divorce. As part of h<strong>is</strong> efforts to clean up Rome,he ban<strong>is</strong>hed h<strong>is</strong> own daughter Julia for the crime of immorality. The Art of Love was publ<strong>is</strong>hed just one year after Julia's ban<strong>is</strong>hment.Augustus, not amused by Ovid's flippancy, banned h<strong>is</strong> works from public libraries. Some nine years later, Ovidhimself was ban<strong>is</strong>hed to the town of Tom <strong>is</strong> on the Black Sea for an und<strong>is</strong>closed "error" which may have had something to dowith adultery of Augustus' granddaughter, who was exiled at the same Lime.According to the h<strong>is</strong>torian Suetonius, however, Augustus' concern for moral standards did not extend into h<strong>is</strong> own personallife. Marc Anthony once protested that Augustus had "at a dinner party, taken the wife of an ex-consul from her husband'sdining room, right before h<strong>is</strong> eyes and led her into a bedroom; he brought her back to the dinner party with her ears glowingand her hair d<strong>is</strong>heveled." Perhaps if the Emperor bad read The Art of Love, he would have been a bit more subtle in h<strong>is</strong> methods .••••Archer ELEVATOR co., INc.MAINTENANCEREPAIR695-2712522 WEST :rT STREETNEW VORK, NEW 'VORK 10018MAINTENANCEWetvegrown slowly over the last 21 years to become one ofthe largest independent elevator companies i,. the New York area.Bl.IT WE HA VENT LOST THE PERSONAL TOUCH!Call me and let's talk. I'll probably be in.Ed Bonardi,President';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--.;; The Italic Way---~Fall/Winter 1992 27

the later Byzantine Age. The curvaceousAphrodite gave way to flaticons. Aorence, not Constantinople,carried on the Greek andRoman traditions. The RomanCatholic Church did not merelytolerate the nude fonn, it patronizedit. Although sometimes criticizedas a cause of sexual guilt. theChurch clearly cultivated the appreciationof the body beautiful.At the Vatican and most Italiancities, a nude Adam, as well as h<strong>is</strong>Forbidden Italy (continued from p.25)descendants down to David, were allowed to strut their stu!funder the LOlerant eye of Rome's prelates. Judge not, lest yebe judged.The ancient Italians passed on th<strong>is</strong> sexual openness to theCelts, Germans, Britons, and other tribes of the hinterland ofEurope. Romanization brought with it sexual art And one cantrace the spread of Italic civilization among tribes in varyingdegrees of explicit tribal art.The Cutting EdgeEvery culture has its own way of dealing with sex, or notdealing with it. Certainly, theItalian culture has run the gamutof conflicting mores. The homeof Catholic<strong>is</strong>m once forbade divorceand abortion. Today, itcondones both, leading all otherEuropean countries in tenninatingpregnancies. Yet, Italiansappear comfortable supportingboth propriety and carnal pleasures,scoffing at the <strong>like</strong>s of whatthey see as our bizarre show trialsthat gloat on date rape and sexualharassment Americans and Ita!-ians sometimes run to extremes.Gary Hart, a 1988 presidential contender lost h<strong>is</strong> quest aftersome "monkey business". Ilona Staller, on the other hand,made monkey business her 1987 platfonn to victory. Yet wesense change coming to America in the way Democratic candidateBill Clinton stared down the press over an alleged 12-year affair. Admittedly, though, the United States <strong>is</strong> not readyfor porno-politiciansThe Italians appear to be bringing the sexual society to its"logical" conclusion. Whether it becomes the wave of thefuture or civilization's undoing remains to be seen.••••A classical Greek flogging h<strong>is</strong> harlot witha slipper. Theater and art weren't the onlyImports to Magna Graecla (southern Haly).LET'S' I /-~-/1'FORACLEANERNEW YORKBuilding MaintenanceService Corp.Two Penn rlazaNew York, NY 10121(212) 7 14-000~

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