ITALY AT WORK - Italic Institute of America

ITALY AT WORK - Italic Institute of America

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t‘ ._,_ft,?t;- 1‘:|ifiG'21.!‘Tfli‘F3.ma 01,1TRAGIC ENCOUNTERThe 'Ihetol1 toll ofdead hasrisento6S 65 intheRamstein. Germany air show tragedy; tragedy.Another 152 I52 remain hospitalized afterthree Italian Air Forcejets collideddur­duringa precision drill sending one of lhe thedowned craft into a crowd tzowd of Gennan Germanand American spectators. Also, amongthe dead were was three Italian pilots.Investigators Investiptors blamed lhe the high civil­civiliantoll on a Jack lack ofadequate safety pre­precautionsthat permitted pennitted the daredevilmaneuver to be perfonnedclose performed to, andin the direction of, thespeculators. TheItalian squadron, known as the FrecceTricolori Tricolor-I (Tricolor Arrows), had re­receivedprior approval for the stunt fromAmerican airbase officials. Until now,the nonnally normally high American safetystandards were not generally applied atEuropean air shows.Some critics have pointed out thatthe Italian squadron has a reputation forexcessive daring. Its st.oc~-in-trade stoclr-in-trade isaa10-plane 10~plane aerial extravaganza lhat that hasenough high speed weaving and crisscrossincmssingtofraythencrvesofanyoh-the nerves any observer.... "The Italians ltaliam fly with brio, withpanacheandwithand skill,"said oneFrenchflyer. "But “But they push 100 too far." far.” lvoNutarelli, pilotofthejetof the that caused thecriss-initial collision was known as a realdaredevil who was famous for a sttmtcalled the bell ringer in which he wouldcut off his engine in midair, drop fromthe thcskyandrestarthisenginejustintimehis engine in timeto avoid catastrophe.Unfortunately,l.his this time his slcill skill and luck: ran out.CHURCH & ST<strong>AT</strong>ENot since Italians voted to legalizedivorce a few years ago has lhe the schismbetween church and state in Italy beenso apparent. Government officials re­recentlyturned down an official requestby Roman Catholic bishops to banMartin Scorsese's Last Temptation ofChrist at the Venice Film Festival.The film portraying Jesus Christ in aless-than-godly less~than-godly way was directed byScorsese based on a book written by lhe theAllllltatllianalate Greek author Nikos Nik:os K.azanttalds.Kazantzakis.The most offensive segment of the conttoversiauoversialmovie occurs as Jesus, suffer­stifferingon the cross, cross. envisions himselflead­leadinga normal human life, including hav­hav~ing sex with Mary Magdalene.Putting aside any artistic opinions,some filmmakers like Franco Zeffirelli Zelfirelli(Romeo and Juliet, Jesus of Nazareth)feel that Scorsese has crucified Christi­anity.con-Seconds SBCOIIGS to IO disaster CIISQSIEI’OBITUARIESFerrari, Enzo, Enao, 90: Legendary race carmanufacturer, manufacturer. Ferrari retired early fromlhe thesportbecause the mechanic in himrefusedtoruinanenginejusttowinaruin engine arace.His machines have won 13 I3 worldtitles. "I “I have in fact no interest in lifeoutside racing cars."Ricci, Robert. 83: Co-founder, with hismother. mother, of the Nina Ricci fashion housein Paris. Founded in 1932, Nina Riccididnot get into lhe the perfume business intoafter World War ll II with the now famousL' L‘ Air du Temps.Pope, Geoeroso Generoso Jr., 61:Millionaireowner of the National Enquirer. Son ofthe wealthy and influential Pope familyfounders of 11 ll Progresso Italo-Ameri­ltalo-Arnericano,Generoso Jr. purchased a NewYodcweeklyfor$75,000when York $7S.(D0 when he was 25years old and turned it into the sensation-~--- The Italic Way 4 I Fa" was4alist tabloid it is today. . Circulationis4.million.Zambon~ Zamboni, Frank, 87: B7: Hockey fwouldn't wouldn’t recognize the game without thubiquitous Zamboniice-resurfacinmachines showing their stuff betwperiods. In 1111939, 1939, chilled by the sightoofive men laboring foranhourtotesurfacethourtoreswfanicerink. Zamboni set.to set-to worlc worktoper-feet fectaa machine for thejob. His Ifis inventioutilized one man, a scraper, and some ho tiiiiwater to resurface a rink in 15 minutes. tninutesiThere are about4,000 Zambonis in 33countries.ET TU, SAMURAI!"Which “Which is the stupidest countryandwhy?" Such was the“htuuorous" "humorous"question asked recently bya alapanese Japanesenewspaper of its in readers. The con­consensuswas: Italy. Thereaders basedtheir opinions on the following per­perceptions:''The "'lheltaliansaretoocheerful;too fat; they strik:e strike too much; lthey're womanizers; they think only ‘of eating without working; ltal are 100 cheer­they'retoo style conscious and that's just the100 style conscious and that's just theway they are." are.” Howevu, vee, in the spiritofoconstructive criticism, lhese these Japanesecritics suggeSted suggested how the Italians couldbetter themselves:"Cultivate reason, mason,shorten the siesta, become diligent, eatquicker, and read some books."So much for the Axis!BUSINESS BRIEFS•- K-Mart's chairman clmirman Joseph Anton­Antoniniis looking to unseat Sears, Roebuckas the nation's largest retailer.Antonini's strategy is to upgrade certainlines like clothing and home furnishingswhile still emphasizing discount commo

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