ITALY AT WORK - Italic Institute of America ITALY AT WORK - Italic Institute of America


l.__4';'#.P;-'r'§’flit""-G" u l ‘-1. I ,. .t . taNews oi’ the ScietyORGANIZATIONAL BLUESAs the Society forltalic Italic Studies grows there will be times whenfarm form mustrxeceed preceed substance. So it is with thecxganirationalorganizationalstructure of the Society and its various components.The organizational charthelow below is our latest effort to achieve the rightformat to carry on our urgent work.In a way w~y it is like playing around with the sbape shape of the conference table but it isunquestionably necessary. Power must flow in the proper direction, democracy must be maintained, division oflabor has tobe fair, and, of course, expandability needs to be built in.Essentially, the old Commerce & Realty Group (CRG) has been dissolved in favor of a more direct tie-in to the Societystructure. What is now catled called the Plenary Council succeeds the CRG. The Plenary Council will elect the Executive Counciland appoint chairmen to the various Society projects and committees. The Board ofGovemors Governors will include the founders anda Plenary Council member. Pragmatism will ultimately decide the tate late of this arrangement- - if it works, we'lllceep keep it! itlDECISIONS (Plenary Council meeting of 9/28188) 9/23/88)Dinner Dance: It was decided to hold the 1989 dinner dance in May at the Waldorf-Astoria. Dress is to be black tie andmore entertainment will be scheduled. No theme was decided on.Dues: Membership (non-voting) in the Society will continueat$ $10 per annum. Membecship Membership in the Plenary Council (voting& officeholding rights) will be $50 per annum.Programs: Our goals will be spearheaded by: The Italic Way, Project ltalia, Italia, Aurora Youth Program, and Ara Pacis.Members of the Plenary Council will be asked to direct or be members ofat least one program and committee. Depentting Depending ‘on the nature of the work, paid slaffers staffers may be hired to do the administrative work.Budget: The proposed budget for 1988-89 was approved. Included in the allocations were the Project ltalia Italia promotional ‘film, the Fall andwinter Winter issues ofThe Italic Way. Way, a acommemorativecoin coin for 1989-90, a atextbook tobedesigned forthe AuroraYouth program, and br~hures brochures for the AlLar Altar of Peace (Ara Pacis).BoardofCovemors Governors‘IPlenary CounCil Council ‘II ExecutiveCouncilJII I l lItalic Project AURORAThe llaiit Protest “Emu? YouthAra PacisWay Italia ProgramPriirm“Pa”==-=-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=-=-=-=-=-=-=-;;;;;;;;;;========= 'The Italic Way;;;;;;;;;;;;Fall 19aa 21Fall198821

i _Pi.3»..;_¢.Ell’itlilflltl~..,v•. i\'-IQLUP'1}!~-»--"-~~ Annuncemeuts€§.1"l'$l?l3eTHE TI-IE NATIONALITALIANITALIAN AMERICAN FOUNDATION, INC. (NIAF)Olaionan: Chairman: Jeno Ieao F. Paulucci PeuluceiPresident: Frank D. StellaNIAFreeentIyhonoredl4'zaMinellil1theirarn1ualGalnonOetober22ndattheHi1tonir1Washir1gnort,D.C. recently Liza at their a.nnual Gala October at the Hilton Washington. Alsohcmored honored werefllympic OlympicGoldMedalistBrianBoitano,CongressmanPetuRodino(onhisretirementafter40yearsofservice).andBettinoCraxi.fromerPrimeMiniste.rCioldMedalisIBrianBritsno,Cor|gressnanPeterRodino(onhisretir-ernentaftertlllyears ofservice),andliettinoCmxi, liromerPrimeMinisterofltaly. ofItaly.A multi-etlmic multl-ethnic confm:nce conferenceentided, entitled, Rediscovering Redtlrcaveringfi-mer'ica, America, was held at the Raybum Rayburn House I-louse Office Oflice Building in Washington. Washington, D.C. Cosponsoredby the Christopher Cohunbus Columbus Quincentenary Quincenterlnry Jubilee Commission, the conference explored the roots of America. Among thespeakers wererepresmmivesoftheltalian-American,Hispanic,Afro, represezllatives Italian-American, Hispanic. Afro, Jewish. Jewish, andNative Americancommunities. communities. 'The Ambassadors An1busadorsol'Sp|in of Spainand Italy were in atteudance.attendance.An InternationalBoldofAdvisors, Board of to be chaired by Italiancareer caroerdiplornntUmberto diplomat LaRocca, I_.aRooca, willbe establishedto to exploreprivate private sectorprograms between the U.S. and Italy. Advisors Advisers will also be recruited from Canada and South America to expand the programs.NIAF's Directoryof qfltaEanAmerican ltalianAmeriCilll OrganizaJions Organizations is now in its second printing. For information call JohnSalamone Snlarrtone (202 (2% 638-0220)ORDER, SONS OF ITALY IN AMERICA (OSIA) PresidentS. Joseph AvaraCo­The Order is losing the services of Michael Caira Cairn who resigned as National Executive Director on September 2nd. Mr. Caira Cairn served theSons of Italy ably for over 3 years.He is amently currently heading up the election campaign of J~ Joe Malone, candidate for the U.S. Senate inMassachusetts. Salvatore Ambrosino, Amhrosino, National Associate DirectOr, Director, has been appointed acting Director at this time.Judge Dominic R. Massaro, Maseru, President Pnsidentof the Order's Order‘: Commission for Social Justice and the Order's Order‘: National Historian. Historian, offered access tothe Order's Order‘: newly establishedArchivesto An:hives to the Catholic UniversityofAmerica'sItllian—AmericanHeritageCentor. Italian-American Center. The new Carter Center is a privateinstitution associated with the University. It is dedicated to the preservation, transmission, transrnission, and advancement of knowledge relating to theItalian-American Italian-Amer-icm experience. 'The ‘Dre Order's Order‘: Archives are housed at the UniYersity Uniyersiry of Minnesota at SL St. Paul. It is the largest collection of itskind on North America. 3National PresidentAvara, Avon, lamenting hmmting the lack ofgroper proper publicity of the Order's Ordu's good works in the press, has requested all state sure presidentsto In submit reports oftheirpublic relations activities. lctivitira. The Order has been supportive ofboth Italic and non-lt.alic non-Italic charities including butnotlimited to Cooley's CooIey's Anemia, Birth Defects, disaster relief, and scholarships.ITALIAN GOVERNMENTEver mindful rnindfirl of the great numbers ofltalic Italic people living throughout the world (one estimate is that there are 60 million overseas Italiansand Ind descendants of immigrants) the Italian Govenunent Goverrunent is a.t.tempting attempting to establish better ties with them.A recent conferenceheld in the Abruzzo Abruno region entitled, entitled. L'ltalia L'Italiafuori f~U>ri D'ltalia D'!tab'o (Italy outside ofItaly) was attended by some 400 Italiansresiding in 22 countries countris around nrotmd the world for the purpose pwpose of discussing problems of emigration and Italian language media.The ItalianParliammt Parliament has been exploring the implementation of a computernetwork to trace Iraoe worldwide migrations in the past. Roots Roars andHeritage forms to gather personal historicaldata darn would bedistributed disaibuted to descendants of immigrants aro\Dld around the world.To promote the teaching ofltaliM Italian Srudies Studies in the United States, theIWiM Italian Government~ is establishing ITALNEI‘, AlliEr, a s computer network toupdatedetailsoflutlianlanguageand details ofltalian language and culture culmreeducationopportunities. education oppornmities. The system will be located at the ItalianCultural Culrurallnstitutes Institutes ofNewYork,York.San Francisco, and Chicago. The program wjll will track events. events, classes, libraries, periodicals, films and all other aspects ofItalian Studies. Nocompletion date has been announced.Italy: OM One Hll.lldred Hundred Years offiwlography Photography is an exhibit, exhibiL under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institute, Institute. detailing photos of Italy bothlandbound and from fiom satellites !raveling traveling across lhe the U.S.ITALIAN-AMERICAN ALlAN-AMERICAN INSI'ITUTEINSTI'l‘UTEHeaded by Dr. Joseph V. Scelsa. Scelsa, the Institute is part of the City University ofNew York located at 33 West42nd Street, NY, NY 10036.Tel## it (212) 382-0627.The Instirute Instituterecendy recently interviewed Mrs. Matilda Cuomo who discussed New York's Decade of afthe Child and DueCase. Case, UM UnaTradizione,Tmdiziane,programs on lheir their TV magazine show. show, ITAUCS. ITALICS.The 21st annual conference of the American Italian HistOrical Historical Association was held in October. Entitled, I1alianAmericans ItnlimAmeriam.rinin Transitionthe conference explored ethnicity and Italic studiesCOLUMBUS: COUNTDOWN 1992 I992Inspired and led by tireless. tireless, Italian-born Italian-hom educator Dr. Dr- Anne Paolucci. Paolucci, the Countdown was started in 1985 I985 and has succeeded in garneringsupport on both sidesof the Atlantic. Its tasks are to disseminateinfonnation irtforrnation on the Great Discover and to prepare a fitting and lasting tributeto his genius. Among the ways Dr. Paolucci Paoluoci has found to lo accomplish twcornplish these goals are: a none-act play that she wrote called, Cipango, a libraryofbooks and scholarly works, and various artwork that has been produced for the occasion.The Countdown's Countdowrfs 41h 4lh Annual Awards Dinner was held on September30th 30t.h to honor Dr. Fredi Frodi Chiapelli, a leading Columbus' Columbus‘scholar. scholar.For more information irtformation about the programcal] call 718 8 767-8380 or write Columbus: Countdown 1992, 166-25 166-75 Powells Powell; Cove Blvd, .. Beechhurst,NY 11357.~----The Italic Way 22 Fa" 198822Fall1988

i _Pi.3»..;_¢.Ell’itlilflltl~..,v•. i\'-IQLUP'1}!~-»--"-~~ Annuncemeuts€§.1"l'$l?l3eTHE TI-IE N<strong>AT</strong>IONALITALIANITALIAN AMERICAN FOUND<strong>AT</strong>ION, INC. (NIAF)Olaionan: Chairman: Jeno Ieao F. Paulucci PeuluceiPresident: Frank D. StellaNIAFreeentIyhonoredl4'zaMinellil1theirarn1ualGalnonOetober22ndattheHi1tonir1Washir1gnort,D.C. recently Liza at their a.nnual Gala October at the Hilton Washington. Alsohcmored honored werefllympic OlympicGoldMedalistBrianBoitano,CongressmanPetuRodino(onhisretirementafter40yearsofservice).andBettinoCraxi.fromerPrimeMiniste.rCioldMedalisIBrianBritsno,Cor|gressnanPeterRodino(onhisretir-ernentaftertlllyears ofservice),andliettinoCmxi, liromerPrimeMinisterofltaly. ofItaly.A multi-etlmic multl-ethnic confm:nce conferenceentided, entitled, Rediscovering Redtlrcaveringfi-mer'ica, America, was held at the Raybum Rayburn House I-louse Office Oflice Building in Washington. Washington, D.C. Cosponsoredby the Christopher Cohunbus Columbus Quincentenary Quincenterlnry Jubilee Commission, the conference explored the roots of America. Among thespeakers wererepresmmivesoftheltalian-American,Hispanic,Afro, represezllatives Italian-American, Hispanic. Afro, Jewish. Jewish, andNative Americancommunities. communities. 'The Ambassadors An1busadorsol'Sp|in of Spainand Italy were in atteudance.attendance.An InternationalBoldofAdvisors, Board of to be chaired by Italiancareer caroerdiplornntUmberto diplomat LaRocca, I_.aRooca, willbe establishedto to exploreprivate private sectorprograms between the U.S. and Italy. Advisors Advisers will also be recruited from Canada and South America to expand the programs.NIAF's Directoryof qfltaEanAmerican ltalianAmeriCilll OrganizaJions Organizations is now in its second printing. For information call JohnSalamone Snlarrtone (202 (2% 638-0220)ORDER, SONS OF <strong>ITALY</strong> IN AMERICA (OSIA) PresidentS. Joseph AvaraCo­The Order is losing the services of Michael Caira Cairn who resigned as National Executive Director on September 2nd. Mr. Caira Cairn served theSons of Italy ably for over 3 years.He is amently currently heading up the election campaign of J~ Joe Malone, candidate for the U.S. Senate inMassachusetts. Salvatore Ambrosino, Amhrosino, National Associate DirectOr, Director, has been appointed acting Director at this time.Judge Dominic R. Massaro, Maseru, President Pnsidentof the Order's Order‘: Commission for Social Justice and the Order's Order‘: National Historian. Historian, offered access tothe Order's Order‘: newly establishedArchivesto An:hives to the Catholic UniversityofAmerica'sItllian—AmericanHeritageCentor. Italian-American Center. The new Carter Center is a privateinstitution associated with the University. It is dedicated to the preservation, transmission, transrnission, and advancement of knowledge relating to theItalian-American Italian-Amer-icm experience. 'The ‘Dre Order's Order‘: Archives are housed at the UniYersity Uniyersiry of Minnesota at SL St. Paul. It is the largest collection of itskind on North America. 3National PresidentAvara, Avon, lamenting hmmting the lack ofgroper proper publicity of the Order's Ordu's good works in the press, has requested all state sure presidentsto In submit reports oftheirpublic relations activities. lctivitira. The Order has been supportive ofboth Italic and non-lt.alic non-Italic charities including butnotlimited to Cooley's CooIey's Anemia, Birth Defects, disaster relief, and scholarships.ITALIAN GOVERNMENTEver mindful rnindfirl of the great numbers ofltalic Italic people living throughout the world (one estimate is that there are 60 million overseas Italiansand Ind descendants of immigrants) the Italian Govenunent Goverrunent is a.t.tempting attempting to establish better ties with them.A recent conferenceheld in the Abruzzo Abruno region entitled, entitled. L'ltalia L'Italiafuori f~U>ri D'ltalia D'!tab'o (Italy outside ofItaly) was attended by some 400 Italiansresiding in 22 countries countris around nrotmd the world for the purpose pwpose of discussing problems of emigration and Italian language media.The ItalianParliammt Parliament has been exploring the implementation of a computernetwork to trace Iraoe worldwide migrations in the past. Roots Roars andHeritage forms to gather personal historicaldata darn would bedistributed disaibuted to descendants of immigrants aro\Dld around the world.To promote the teaching ofltaliM Italian Srudies Studies in the United States, theIWiM Italian Government~ is establishing ITALNEI‘, AlliEr, a s computer network toupdatedetailsoflutlianlanguageand details ofltalian language and culture culmreeducationopportunities. education oppornmities. The system will be located at the ItalianCultural Culrurallnstitutes Institutes ofNewYork,York.San Francisco, and Chicago. The program wjll will track events. events, classes, libraries, periodicals, films and all other aspects ofItalian Studies. Nocompletion date has been announced.Italy: OM One Hll.lldred Hundred Years offiwlography Photography is an exhibit, exhibiL under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institute, Institute. detailing photos of Italy bothlandbound and from fiom satellites !raveling traveling across lhe the U.S.ITALIAN-AMERICAN ALlAN-AMERICAN INSI'ITUTEINSTI'l‘UTEHeaded by Dr. Joseph V. Scelsa. Scelsa, the Institute is part of the City University ofNew York located at 33 West42nd Street, NY, NY 10036.Tel## it (212) 382-0627.The Instirute Instituterecendy recently interviewed Mrs. Matilda Cuomo who discussed New York's Decade of afthe Child and DueCase. Case, UM UnaTradizione,Tmdiziane,programs on lheir their TV magazine show. show, ITAUCS. ITALICS.The 21st annual conference of the American Italian HistOrical Historical Association was held in October. Entitled, I1alianAmericans ItnlimAmeriam.rinin Transitionthe conference explored ethnicity and Italic studiesCOLUMBUS: COUNTDOWN 1992 I992Inspired and led by tireless. tireless, Italian-born Italian-hom educator Dr. Dr- Anne Paolucci. Paolucci, the Countdown was started in 1985 I985 and has succeeded in garneringsupport on both sidesof the Atlantic. Its tasks are to disseminateinfonnation irtforrnation on the Great Discover and to prepare a fitting and lasting tributeto his genius. Among the ways Dr. Paolucci Paoluoci has found to lo accomplish twcornplish these goals are: a none-act play that she wrote called, Cipango, a libraryofbooks and scholarly works, and various artwork that has been produced for the occasion.The Countdown's Countdowrfs 41h 4lh Annual Awards Dinner was held on September30th 30t.h to honor Dr. Fredi Frodi Chiapelli, a leading Columbus' Columbus‘scholar. scholar.For more information irtformation about the programcal] call 718 8 767-8380 or write Columbus: Countdown 1992, 166-25 166-75 Powells Powell; Cove Blvd, .. Beechhurst,NY 11357.~----The Italic Way 22 Fa" 198822Fall1988

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