ITALY AT WORK - Italic Institute of America ITALY AT WORK - Italic Institute of America


\L0A'_// A?_,*'_ _' ' 11‘ 11 wiYouth ProgramYouth ProgramCluistonlter coluntbusmscovsns AMEPJC-A -- 1- -1CQLUMBUS ms Be-Ru in GEUOA, rraw.Hrs FA11-lElZ'5 Fwitv MAM-E was cnLum80 M0nis moments Fouitkv Mme was Fwmumssa.__-Arm Emzlw AGE, Cblumeus uEm"ro SEA,AT M £Af2.LY AGt, ~s l..lENrTb SEA,Ge-bA. Giakumruns WP-S A A.saQm'§EAFbu£RAu:>uzQGf2Dl.1" se-A l=bWeR AND t-I£R.S\.lipS 9HiP6 ~Lro 5-Aiuera Tb TO E\1~ E\.IERH\ ~llf P1=\m'o+'11-ts Of" "M:: ~ mom)~Rl.D IDOIZLD TO -ro 60',1 Buy-rseu. ~ SELL Mf:RCAANOiSE. MEt2u4moESE.‘n-'eC'ni+3 1\-E en6of" or I~L\/ rrnw Li~Ge-XA Liar-:eanA¢ • veJice vemce e£C/J((I£ seams !ilcl-{ ale“St.cAllSE:oF B-ECAUst-:0? TH‘ 1S TAAOt:. TRAD r; c (~ \K}~--------' %/s/'vIunu""'¢~_'.."|-'_‘A-4;-—~ l..r_%*~r-.. .Ooumlmaautemmcarnasdmtw c°“""$“'-5 “"5 5° 9‘°l'"?° WTGSMNEUJSmm ‘Nut’ ue TYZJHD To Oonwotr Ft_1-rust=u..,amv\ma>s4ips11-ms.=iLmn-sF¢nA5Rfiflggpnb SfiQQ'E16%E.WM\$HW51bSfiiJbl0€uw0 E» Tl-lEm‘lANt"|c. . Peosrrtuh-11'mE O,-\\nAB(t-.\A\{c£'tll€ .A1'l.N~!T\C»Ot>€ArJ.B|Jt'N0W22a~t>ABoov-uni-rraebv1t\£e&>enPava1 OMEHAOFN-T“-MR-m_Tbscmeui. Toacmam Beuaw “arm:memo was ‘Rout-_\t> A|~lt>_'TWIt' A St\'\Qm.1u3-_ Cl-WA tn sqitu-tr, me, opposn-e, ' Dttecriou.u"'r"‘II 5%I " spam MWrmum Busiacssmeré. C0l»m%uS tzmseo muc.“ or1ue~w»uw Us rwsr cme Rum weQWIMOuumnul§£T'&ML»uku1uma§:nweL:ups.aPn#_mmv Dt1\‘1'5¢°r\'$%,bJ\Tli1\rr$.\EEl'\3él-N~i|3,11AECflEl~J \uw€AWMoAm@www0 '1nQsmmrmS%NlT&hmw\Ram%Dw WHO . _EW£u-twu0Ctt1.lll-91-,T\-\€ "finvttef t" +-H \M$m$‘wmnan.—n~> ' ‘ 5,\$lAr-\D l~\1’\4EI466Ji;;“-is I, _ '_. =~?M§° f_".c> ~\___, »" A; _ Q? 0 Q.LE/~£4/‘L213 ‘ ‘-" ~~= B»-~ "'~;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;~Fa~II~19::S~s ‘W ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; The Italic Way;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! Way—_'Fall 198819

iul~!an'*" _' \:1.s 1.. .'1'.‘eNews of the Society~·... :..t~~::l5t1.-.¢.4-.~.__.._.__.,.s.-.4nACTION AGENDACommittees to bestslfed staffed and chaired: (you must be a member of the Plenary Council)Membership Committee - To recruit for both general membership and Plenary CounciL Council.Social Sous’lCommittee -To initiategroupactivitiesandtours.activities and tours.Fundraisiltg FundraisiDg Commi.ttee Committee -To- develop raffles, rattles, gift items, and solicitations.Business & Career Committee- - To foster interaction among the membership and assist in jobplacementDevelopment Developmut Committee - To resean:h research new areas of development for the Society.Intergroup lntergrottp Committee - To foster joint efforts between the Society and other organizations.‘ Assistance Cooun.ittee- Ctmminee- To relate to the needs of the community-at-large.Aside from front theabove committees, ctmmittees, our majorpmgmms programs needadditioual additional manpower. manpowett The Italic Way, Project Italla. ltalia,Aurora, and Ara P:lds. Pads. (These programsdomtrequite nat require membership in the Plenary Council).0New Member ApplicationitttltiiName----------- General Membership Membe1ship(non-voting) D [1 $10 _AddressPlenary Council (voting & 8: ofliceholding) [J U $50 S50Interested in: programcommittee_____ _Send thisportion withyotn're:nittance(checkot'm.o. your remittance or made outtoThe to Societyfarltalic for Italic Stut:/Us, Studies, Inc.) PO P0 Box 818, Floral Park, NY 11001THEATER TRIPTheze Therewill be a specialpeview preview ofaa new Broadwayshow entitled. entitled,Hizzoner, starring stoningTonyLoBianco, Loliianco, in February. Febcruay. his It a one-man show about fonner former New York City mayorFIOrelloFiorelloLaGuardia LuGuanlia. The ‘lite Society will be purchasing a block of orchestra ~ts aegis for a Saturday nightpreview. Tickets will probably cost $35 each, each. less 10% Society membership discount. Ifanyone is interested please write:Society for Italic Studies, Inc.POBox818Floral Park. NY llOOlHoml Park‘ NY “om(Once we have your name we will infonn inform you of the exact details. N0 No obligation at thistime.) (See page 14 l4 fa for details of Mr. LoBianco's acting credits)Tony LoBianco LoBlsneo & 8 Peraonna Personns.-Pho 0byMarthaSwope=---The Italic Way 20 Fa" 198820Fall1988

\L0A'_// A?_,*'_ _' ' 11‘ 11 wiYouth ProgramYouth ProgramCluistonlter coluntbusmscovsns AMEPJC-A -- 1- -1CQLUMBUS ms Be-Ru in GEUOA, rraw.Hrs FA11-lElZ'5 Fwitv MAM-E was cnLum80 M0nis moments Fouitkv Mme was Fwmumssa.__-Arm Emzlw AGE, Cblumeus uEm"ro SEA,<strong>AT</strong> M £Af2.LY AGt, ~s l..lENrTb SEA,Ge-bA. Giakumruns WP-S A A.saQm'§EAFbu£RAu:>uzQGf2Dl.1" se-A l=bWeR AND t-I£R.S\.lipS 9HiP6 ~Lro 5-Aiuera Tb TO E\1~ E\.IERH\ ~llf P1=\m'o+'11-ts Of" "M:: ~ mom)~Rl.D IDOIZLD TO -ro 60',1 Buy-rseu. ~ SELL Mf:RCAANOiSE. MEt2u4moESE.‘n-'eC'ni+3 1\-E en6of" or I~L\/ rrnw Li~Ge-XA Liar-:eanA¢ • veJice vemce e£C/J((I£ seams !ilcl-{ ale“St.cAllSE:oF B-ECAUst-:0? TH‘ 1S TAAOt:. TRAD r; c (~ \K}~--------' %/s/'vIunu""'¢~_'.."|-'_‘A-4;-—~ l..r_%*~r-.. .Ooumlmaautemmcarnasdmtw c°“""$“'-5 “"5 5° 9‘°l'"?° WTGSMNEUJSmm ‘Nut’ ue TYZJHD To Oonwotr Ft_1-rust=u..,amv\ma>s4ips11-ms.=iLmn-sF¢nA5Rfiflggpnb SfiQQ'E16%E.WM\$HW51bSfiiJbl0€uw0 E» Tl-lEm‘lANt"|c. . Peosrrtuh-11'mE O,-\\nAB(t-.\A\{c£'tll€ .A1'l.N~!T\C»Ot>€ArJ.B|Jt'N0W22a~t>ABoov-uni-rraebv1t\£e&>enPava1 OMEHAOFN-T“-MR-m_Tbscmeui. Toacmam Beuaw “arm:memo was ‘Rout-_\t> A|~lt>_'TWIt' A St\'\Qm.1u3-_ Cl-WA tn sqitu-tr, me, opposn-e, ' Dttecriou.u"'r"‘II 5%I " spam MWrmum Busiacssmeré. C0l»m%uS tzmseo muc.“ or1ue~w»uw Us rwsr cme Rum weQWIMOuumnul§£T'&ML»uku1uma§:nweL:ups.aPn#_mmv Dt1\‘1'5¢°r\'$%,bJ\Tli1\rr$.\EEl'\3él-N~i|3,11AECflEl~J \uw€AWMoAm@www0 '1nQsmmrmS%NlT&hmw\Ram%Dw WHO . _EW£u-twu0Ctt1.lll-91-,T\-\€ "finvttef t" +-H \M$m$‘wmnan.—n~> ' ‘ 5,\$lAr-\D l~\1’\4EI466Ji;;“-is I, _ '_. =~?M§° f_".c> ~\___, »" A; _ Q? 0 Q.LE/~£4/‘L213 ‘ ‘-" ~~= B»-~ "'~;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;~Fa~II~19::S~s ‘W ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; The Italic Way;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! Way—_'Fall 198819

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