Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

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56Appendix 2 Follow-up on previous auditand review recommendationsSl. Recommendation - Review 2009 Status1 The shortfall in BMP’s counterpart contribution BMP is yet toshould not be considered as a major noncompliance,keep track ofconsidering the fact that BMP has no volunteer hourssubstantial source of income of its won, and a vastamount of quality time and input is provided by thevolunteer members which is not quantified andrecognized as a counterpart contribution2 BMP does not appear to have considered theunutilized surplus of the previous years while revisingthe budget of the final year. However, since theproject is in its final quarter, no further budgetrevision is recommended.3 We understand the BMP has already proposed toincrease the allocations to the branches in the nextphase.Budget revisionhas been doneImplementedWe further propose that there should be a budget forinvestigation and spot visit at branch level.BMP should updated their ranking of the branches,and better performing branches should beacknowledged by a discretionary allocation ofadditional budget.4 Except for the first item “Conduct Computer Course”,the expense items of line item 5.2 are moreappropriate for charging to Establishment andAdministrative Costs.Line item 5.6, Publication and Documentation, is alsomore appropriately chargeable to the programmecomponents, based on their contents nature andpurpose.The line item 5.8 Personnel Cost also includes salaryof certain staff who are not directly related toCapacity Building. Their salaries should be directlycharged to the components they serve. The salary ofNo such measurehave beeninitiatedNo such measurehave beeninitiatedImplementedImplementedImplemented

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