Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

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egularly audited by a “Category A” audit firm appointed in the annual generalmeeting for a period of one year and auditor is usually changed every three years.Besides statutory auditors, donor appointed review team also reviewed financialactivities of BMP every 3 year. In most cases auditors issue a supplementary reportfor management to highlight areas requiring its attention and future improvement.Our observation on control procedures of BMP are as follows:Financial Management ManualThe approved financial management manual of BMP was introduced in 2007, andhas not been updated since. The manual covers 11 topics, which include a briefintroduction on the importance of financial governance, procurement policy, fixedasset management, store control, advance, payroll, travel, control over cash, Branchcontrol monitoring, branch reporting and budgetary control. Topics covered in themanual are detailed and gives lots of flexibility in view of ground reality in<strong>Bangladesh</strong>. The manual however has not provided any guideline on some of thekey topics of financial management like internal control, employees’ basic code ofconduct, conflict of interest, related party transactions, allocation of common costs,basis of accounting and reporting, statutory compliance related issues like tax, VAT,Stamp Act etc. Also some of the thresholds and procedures suggested in the manualhave fallen behind time and needs upgrading. In some cases policies and proceduressuggested for branch offices are also quite stringent and difficult to follow in therural areas.RecommendationBMP should take initiative for upgrading its financial manual. Particular emphasisshould be given to topics mentioned above. There should be significant structuralchange to make it more users friendly. Policies of the organization on each of thetopics should be discussed separately before procedures are given. Also to make itmore understandable and easy to implement, dataflow diagrams, table of authority,rate charts, up-graded matrix on tax and VAT withholding, different checklists forinternal control, formats on reconciliation etc should be added. Necessary flexibilityshould be given in the manual for branch offices so that it does not encouragefabrication of documents if documentation in unavailable.496.1.4 ProcurementDuring our review, we have checked procurement policy and procedures of BMP.As per procurement policy, “all purchase or procurement in excess of Tk. 300,000.00 shall bemade through tender process.• The tender notice shall be advertised in a national daily newspaper;• It is not permissible to split the purchase into more than one to avoid the rule of tenderprocess;”The General Secretary may request Executive Committee to dispense with tenderprocedure where it involves purchase of

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