Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

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3) BMP should carry out a study on volunteerism to find out more about theincentive structures that motivate volunteers; why people join and what ittakes to retain them. BMP should consider reimbursing volunteers forexpenses, e.i. transport costs, in a more systematic manner. BMP could alsoreview the work load of their volunteers with a view to reducing theirworkloads, either by sharing with new recruits, or by shifting some of thework to paid staff.4) BMP should consider if other organizations have the technical expertise tocarry on BMP’s work on gender budgeting5) BMP should assess if the broad objectives of the Norwegian programme,whilst important as overall programme goals, could be broken down intoyearly sub-goals that form a step-by-step strategy towards the broader, longtermobjectives.6) BMP should review its staffing needs, and assess how new staff could beaccommodated within the existing budget, especially as BMP will be unableto spend its budget by the end date. This applies to the legal, health, socialmovement and administrative sub-committees.7) BMP should assess the need for an events management unit within theadministration.8) There is a high demand for training on gender and human rights, and BMPshould assess how it could increase its capacity through the ToT mechanism.9) There appears to be a high demand for transport to increase mobility, and anincrease should be considered.10) BMP should focus on strengthening the capacity of the district level to workon political representation and accountability issues.11) BMP should consider developing a simplified monitoring and reportingsystem adapted to its learning needs, in consultations with its donors.12) Due to the late start up of the project, a no cost extension of the project isrecommended.43

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