Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

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354.6 Assessment of capacity- and institution-buildingIn the assessment of a social movement like BMP, it is particularly important to takea broader view of capacity. In the following discussion a distinction is made betweenthree forms of capacity.1) Knowledge capacity refers to i) facts and “how to go about things”, ii) analytical or moralassumptions, and to iii) ‘deeply embedded frames of reference’. In BMP’s ownassessment, ‘how to go about things’ or implementation capacity has beenstrengthened at head office level, there is increased ownership by paid staff at centrallevel which means that paid staff and volunteers are better coordinated , leadershiphas been strengthened at the sub-national level, and administrative capacity has alsoimproved at the sub-national level. These are important steps forward that have beenfacilitated by Norwegian funding.With regard to knowledge about analytical and moral assumptions, this is an importantcapacity that BMP is striving to impart to its members. This component ofknowledge capacity links with awareness-raising and enables women to analyze andunderstand their own situation. The strong emphasis that BMP places on outreachand training by all sub-committees demonstrate their commitment to helping womenmake explicit hidden assumptions that underpin gender discrimination. This type ofawareness building is a preparatory step for action.The third type of knowledge in society that BMP tries to change relates to ‘deeplyembedded frames of reference’ relating to patriarchy and the dominance of men overwomen in <strong>Bangladesh</strong>i society. BMP intends to produce new knowledge that offersan alternative view of society based on equality among men and women. In additionto awareness creation, BMPs work with the media to change the discourse onwomen is a way of reshaping deeply embedded understandings of social relations.2) Mobilization capacity is the capacity to change established ways of doing things, orthe practices of governance regimes. BMP does this work through a combination ofexpertise-based pressure and pressure due to its sheer numbers and nationaloutreach. For example, draft laws are formulated based on consultations withmembers and volunteers at the district level to ensure that laws adequately addressreal problems in women’s lives. This combination of expertise, experience andoutreach is a unique strength of BMP.3) Relational capacity refers to patterns of interactions and relationships. In addition toits professional networks that are part and parcel of the methodology of BMP, BMPhas working relations with the government, civil society organizations, and politicalparties.1) BMP has played an important role as an initiator and as a source of legitimacyfor CSOs networks on women’s rights. BMP is the coordination secretariatfor the SAC who coordinates joint action and campaigns for women’s rights.2) BMP had good relations with the government at district level in the twodistricts the team visited, and at the national level. The space available forcollaboration with the government depends on the outlook of the

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