Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

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324.4 TrainingTraining is a cross-cutting issue at BMP and an integrated part of the methodology ofBMP and is carried out by several departments depending on the area of expertiserequired. However, training is their main responsibility of the training sub-committeeand the organizational sub-committee.Training broadly falls into the following categories:1) Training in human rights and gender issues by the training department2) Training on organizational issues and how to build a movement, by theorganizational sub-committee. Awareness-raising is one of the highly focusedissues of organizational sub-committee.3) Training and outreach by the legal, health, and social movement subcommittees4) Management and financeIn the current phase of the project support from Norway, more districts were addedto the training programme. The central committee members often take part at thesub-national level, in addition to ToTs and volunteers in the districts.4.4.1 Training on human rights and genderTraining is divided into several categories depending on the target group. Training oftrainers (ToT) is targeted at the main leaders of the district committees. Every threeyears programmes are organized for newly elected main leaders of the districtcommittees. In June 2012, 200 leaders participated in this three day trainingprogramme. The year before a three day refreshers training programme were held for150 leaders. The ToT training is given by resource persons such as academics,researchers, experts in various fields, and central committee members. After havingreceived the ToT training, the trainers teach others at the national, district, andgrassroots level.The second tier leaders of the district committees are given training at trainingsessions at the divisional level. Training at the divisional level is also given byresource persons such as central committee leaders, academics, researchers and otherexperts. One third of the divisions are covered every year on a rotational basis from2011 to 2013.Training for ordinary members of the district committees, and for upazilla and thanamembers are given by those resource persons who received ToT and divisionaltraining.The target groups for grassroots training are the members of the primary committeesand the grass root level members. At the grassroots training takes the form ofdiscussion meetings mostly, but the preferred mode is in a school with a board. Theresource persons are those who received district level training (district committeeordinary members). Sometimes, those who got ToT training or divisional trainingfunction as resource persons.

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