Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

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20has not yet taken initiatives to adopt the law. In the meantime, BMP has collaboratedwith the University grants Commission and with the Ministry of Education to stopsexual harassment in educational institutions. The Ministry of Education, with thedirection of the High Court, has asked education institutions to set up complaintscommittees. BMP is a member of the complaint body of the University GrantsCommission. In the view of the Human Rights Commission this intervention andthe specific complaints mechanism has been an effective intervention. Complaintcommittees have also been set up in hospitals. The draft law foresees theestablishment of complaint committees in all government and private institutions.BMP organizers are actively working to make sure that educational institutions areinformed about the new regulation. At the suggestion of the government, BMP hasbegun to involve other organisations in this work.BMP functions as a regular legal office in cases of VAW. Some VAW cases are filedin court and BMP prioritizes high profile – sensational – cases. BMPs target is to filetwenty five new such cases each year and these cases involve child repression, dowry,rape, murder for dowry, trafficking etc.Other family cases are handled through mediation and /or counseling whereby theparties involved agree to work towards finding a settlement.Moreover, the head office supports district branches in their legal aid work. Eachdistrict branch is given Tk. 10000 per month for investigating, trying, mediating andcounseling cases of VAW. In addition to the mediation and counseling servicesoffered by the district volunteers themselves, BMP has also enlisted a number ofpanel lawyers to file cases in court. The panel lawyers are hired on a case by casebasis, and are paid a minimal amount for their services. The large majority of thepanel lawyers enlisted by BMP are men. The panel lawyers are used by BMP asresource persons for legislation and policies on VAW.The legal aid section provides training for one day during the three day training coursefor ToTs. They give training for young organizers in Dhaka and the section organizesdistrict level training for local watch committees, with five districts receiving suchtraining each year. Since 2010 when training for the watch teams became formallyincluded in the training programme of the section, they have held 14 district leveltraining sessions for local watch committees. The village watch committees are, incooperation with the BMP organizer, responsible for taking action on issues relatedto VAW in communities. One frequent response is to form a human chain. Paralegaltraining is given to 16 district branches annually, so as to cover all districts during thefour year project period. This is a one day training course. When new laws becomeimplemented, training is offered.Awareness-raising on new laws at grassroots level for civil society, civil servants, andschools is an important outreach activity. Since 2010, the target has been that headoffice staff should participate in seven to eight awareness programmes each year. Forthe district staff the target that has been to organize two sharing meetings eachmonth in the district.

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