Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - Norad

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3 Assessment of project activities andproject results193.1 Legal aid programme to combat VAWBMP’s highest priority is to work for the introduction of a Uniform Family Code(UFC). BMP prepared the first draft of the UFC in 1993 and finalized it in 1999.Since 1993 BMP has run an advocacy programme for adaptation of UFC at thecentral and district levels through sharing meetings and workshops. BMP’s draft lawwas formulated on the basis of this extensive consultation. BMP’s proposal receivedbroad support from other organizations. UN CEDAW also recommended to thegovernment of <strong>Bangladesh</strong>, in their concluding comment, to adapt UFC. BMPcontinues its work for a uniform family law, and this was the focus for example of aconsultation held with BMP’s panel lawyers, other legal experts, government and civilsociety representatives on the 29 th of November 2012 at the premises of thesupreme court in Dhaka, and with the attendance of the Minister for Women andChildren’s Affairs. The government argues that the environment is not yet ready forthe introduction of a uniform family law and that more groundwork needs to bedone in preparation for a new law.BMP has a long track record of placing legal issues on the public agenda, and ofsubmitting draft laws to the relevant government Ministry, and to the ParliamentaryStanding Committee. For example, BMP on behalf of civil society submitted a draftlaw on domestic violence in 2008. An amended law was subsequently adopted in2010. In 2012, the Hindu Marriage registration Act and the Anti-traffickingPrevention and Control Act 2012 were adopted by the government. In bothinstances, BMP had taken part in the drafting committee. In the case of the antitraffickinglaw, BMP had worked with the Ministry of Home Affairs, and in the caseof the Hindu Marriage Registration Act, with the Ministry of Law, Justice andParliamentary Affairs. From 1985 onwards, BMP had pushed for a Hindu MarriageRegistration Act, and had drafted a bill to that effect. In 2011, other civil societyorganizations joined in the drafting process, and in 2012 the law was finally passed byParliament. Although the law stops short of meeting the expectations of BMP, it isseen as a step towards a unified family law. In the process leading to the antitraffickingact, the Ministry of Home Affairs set up a consultative group, with BMPbeing one of its members. BMP consulted its district branches in the process ofdrafting the bill, hence drawing on the experiences of its members.BMP has advocated for the adoption of the Sexual Harassment Act. A draft law hasbeen submitted to the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, but the government

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