Download - Code Red: The Critical Condition of Health in Texas

Download - Code Red: The Critical Condition of Health in Texas

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• Medical equipment and supplies, prosthetic and orthotic devices (no physical therapy oroccupational therapy covered).• Early and periodical screening, diagnosis and treatment services; family planningservices; rehabilitation services (mental health and substance abuse).• Services by these health care providers: chiropractors, dentists providing medicalsurgical services, nurse midwives, nurse practitioners, optometrists, physicians andpodiatrists (not psychologists).• Prescription drugs.• Ambulance services, non-emergency medical transportation services.• Home health services, hospice services, targeted case management (no personal careservices or private duty nursing services).• Institutional services: institutions for mental disease, intermediate care facilities for thementally retarded, nursing facility services (no inpatient psychiatric services under age21 or inpatient hospital nursing facility and intermediate care facility services for mentaldisease age 65 and older). 265SCHIP CharacteristicsFlorida has a combination Medicaid-SCHIP program. There are two SCHIP-funded programs inFlorida, MediKids for ages 1-4 and Healthy Kids for ages 5-19 (and their younger siblings insome locations). 266 These programs, plus two others – Children’s Medical Services Network(CMS, for children with special health care needs) and Children’s Medicaid – make up Florida’sKidCare program. There is one enrollment point where applicants are screened to see whichprogram they qualify for. Medicaid enrollees are accepted at any time, however, there arespecific enrollment periods for the other three programs, and they are not entitlement programs,so there may be waiting lists. 267The federal share for SCHIP in Florida is 71 percent for FFY2005 and the state share is 29percent of each dollar spent. Florida spent $388.5 million on SCHIP in FY 2004, including bothfederal and state funds. As of December 2003, there were 319,477 children enrolled in SCHIPin Florida. 268 To qualify for SCHIP, children must be younger than 19, a U.S. citizen or legalresident, not eligible for Medicaid or state employee coverage, not have private insurance, andhave a family income below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. 269 MediKids and CMSNetwork offer the same benefits as Medicaid, except for waiver services. 270 Healthy Kidsincludes the medical services that the state was already providing before SCHIP, since Floridawas one of three states with existing programs grandfathered in to the SCHIP legislation, andalso includes enhanced mental health and dental services. 271Florida implemented an enrollment freeze for SCHIP in July 2003 due to insufficient funds, andmaintained waiting lists of potential enrollees. In June 2004, Florida allocated funds to enroll thechildren who were on the list as of March 2004, and then disbanded the waiting list, tellingfamilies who applied after March 11, 2004, that they would have to reapply during future openenrollment periods. This only applies to SCHIP-funded programs — Medicaid enrollmentcannot be limited and applications are screened for Medicaid eligibility. 272Private Insurance RegulationFlorida has a 25.2 percent HMO penetration rate. Regarding small-group market reforms(applies to groups of 1-50), Florida applies community rating, limits pre-existing conditionC-14

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