Download - Code Red: The Critical Condition of Health in Texas

Download - Code Red: The Critical Condition of Health in Texas

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Charles Haley, M.D., M.S.Medical DirectorTrailBlazer Health EnterpriseCharles Haley is the Medicare Medical Director and the Medicare Fiscal Intermediary MedicalDirector for TrailBlazer Health Enterprises, LLC, a subsidiary of Blue Cross Blue Shield of SouthCarolina. He is also a clinical associate professor of medicine at The University of TexasSouthwestern Medical Center at Dallas. Prior to his work at TrailBlazer, Dr. Haley was a DallasCounty Epidemiologist, the Medical Director of the HIV Impact Program, and the MedicalDirector of the Preventive Health Services Program. From 1977-81, he joined the U.S. PublicHealth Service for four years and was an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer and an AssistantChief for Water-Related Diseases, Enteric Diseases Division at the Centers for Disease Control.Dr. Haley received a B.S. in biology at Southern Methodist University in 1971 and his M.D. atU.T. Southwestern Medical School in 1975. He served an internship and residency in InternalMedicine at Baylor Hospital in Dallas. In 1982, he earned a master’s in Hospital Epidemiologyand Infection Control at the University of Virginia. From 1982-84, he did a fellowship inInfectious Diseases at U.T. Southwestern Medical School.George B. Hernández, Jr., Esq.President-Chief Executive OfficerUniversity Health SystemGeorge Hernández joined University Health System, Bexar County’s publicly supported hospitaldistrict, in 1990, serving initially as Vice President of Legal Services. He was named ExecutiveVice President/Assistant Administrator in 2000 and has been President/CEO since 2005. Priorto joining the Health System, Mr. Hernández was the Chief of the Civil Section in the BexarCounty District Attorney’s Office. He began his career as an Assistant City Attorney for the Cityof San Antonio. Mr. Hernández earned a B.A. in political science from St. Mary’s University inSan Antonio, Texas and a law degree from George Washington University in Washington D.C.Among his numerous professional and service affiliations, he serves as vice chair for theDaughters of Charity Services of San Antonio, a board member for the United Way of SanAntonio & Bexar County, a member of the Texas Hospital Association Council on PolicyDevelopment, and a board trustee for The Center for Health Care Services, the mental healthand mental retardation authority for Bexar County.Winell Herron, M.B.A.Group Vice President, Public Affairs and DiversityH-E-BWinell Herron began her career with H-E-B Grocery Company in 1988 in store operations. InJanuary 1996, Ms. Herron was promoted to Service Team Leader where she providedleadership in the achievement of the organization’s customer service goals. In August 1997, Ms.Herron joined the Diversity Management Department as the Director of Workforce Diversity. InFebruary 1999, Ms. Herron was promoted to Vice President of Customer Service, responsiblefor providing vision, strategy, training and motivation to 285 retail grocery stores in the deliveryof superior customer service. She held this position until her promotion in June 2000 to GroupA-4

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