Download - Code Red: The Critical Condition of Health in Texas

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150 Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, Investing in Texas: Financing Health Coverage Expansion,Conference Background Papers, Center for Health and Social Policy, Policy Paper no. 2 (Austin, Tex., 2003), pp.70-75.151 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Demonstration and Infrastructure Grant Activities, Texas, availableat http://www.cms.hhs.gov/twwiia/txinf.asp, accessed January 10, 2005.152 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, “Information Regarding the Provision of Prenatal Care to UnbornChildren Under SCHIP” (Letter to State Health Officials, SHO #02-004, November 12, 2002), available athttp://www.cms.hhs.gov/states/letters/sho111202.pdf, accessed March 22, 2005.153 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “State Children’s Health Insurance Program, Eligibility forPrenatal Care and Other Health Services for Unborn Children, Final Rule,” Federal Register, vol. 67, no. 191(October 2, 2002, p. 61956), available at http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgibin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=2002_register&docid=02-24856-filed.pdf,accessed March 22, 2005.154 Health Management Associates, Long Range Planning Issues for the Dallas County Hospital District (November2004, p. 74), available at http://www.healthmanagement.com/files/Dallas.pdf, accessed January 14, 2005.155 Sharon Silow-Carroll and Tanya Alteras, Stretching State Health Care Dollars: Building on Employer-basedCoverage (The Commonwealth Fund, October 2004), available at http://www.cmwf.org/publications/publications_show.htm?doc_id=243629, accessed January 6, 2005.156 “Gov. Bush Proposes Medicaid Revamp,” St. Petersburg Times (January 12, 2005), available athttp://www.sptimes.com/2005/01/12/State/Gov_Bush_proposes_Med.shtml, accessed January 12, 2005.157 Ibid.158 Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, Empowered Care: A Proposed Concept for Florida Medicaid(draft, March 14, 2005), available at http://www.empoweredcare.com/docs/empoweredcare_proposed_concept.pdf,accessed March 23, 2005.159 Florida House of Representatives, Health Care General Committee, “Committee Meeting Packet for March 16,2005” (including draft legislation of “Medicaid Reform Act of 2005,” March 14, 2005).B-44

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