Download - Code Red: The Critical Condition of Health in Texas

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SAMPLE, DESIGN, & INTERVENTIONSickle Cell Anemia Measures: Hemoglobinconcentration, history of vaso-occlusive episodes, andhospitalizationsStudy Design: Case-controlRichard (1997) Sample: N = 68 African American children who were 7to 11 years of age (42 children with sickle cell diseasewho were patients in a comprehensive sickle cell clinic;26 children who did not have any chronic illness andwho were selected from a list of patients who attended ageneral medical clinic at the same hospital during thesame period)Study Design: Case-controlACHIEVEMENTMEASUREFamiliar Figures TestWechsler IntelligenceScale for Children-Revised (WISC-R)(Comprehension, BlockDesign, Mazes,Arithmetic, & Codingsubtests)Wide RangeAchievement Test-Revised (WRAT-R)PediatricNeurobehavioralInventory (Parentreport)School Records wereused to assess gradesduring the previousyear in mathematicsand reading, percentilescores on the CaliforniaAchievement Test(CAT), grade retention,and attendanceOUTCOMEChildren with sickle cell disease without stroke did not significantly differfrom the controls.Children with sickle cell disease and stroke had a significantly poorerperformance on the Coding subsets of the WISC-R, Spelling, Arithmeticsubtests from the WRAT-R, and significantly slower response time forcancellation for numbers and shapes than those with sickle cell diseasewithout stroke.Controlled for sex and ageThe two groups did not differ on grades in mathematics or reading, scoreson standardized tests, or grade retention.Both the sickle cell and comparison groups had high rates of absenteeismand the mean percentile scores in mathematics and reading were below thenational average for their ages.Schatz (2004)Sample: N = 86 children (50 children with sickle celldisease, ages 7 to 17 years who were selected at randomfrom local pediatric hematology Clinics; 36 comparisonchildren recruited from the same community and werematched on age, gender distribution, ethnicity, andsocioeconomic statusSickle Cell Anemia Measures: Anemiaseverity/hematocrit; Frequency of illnessStudy Design: Case-controlAcademic attainment:parent report of whetherthe child was receivingspecial services atschool & history ofrepeating a gradeAcademic achievement:Wide RangeAchievement Test, thirdedition (WRAT-3);tests of single-wordreading ability; andwritten calculationsThose with sickle cell disease (SCD) had a higher rate of academicattainment problems than peers (Fisher’s exact test, p

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