Download - Code Red: The Critical Condition of Health in Texas

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SAMPLE, DESIGN, & INTERVENTIONACHIEVEMENTMEASUREOUTCOMEvariables accounted for a statistically 8% of the variance. Age was themost highly predictive variable, with older children performing morepoorly.Arithmetic: Multiple correlation co-efficient =.41; All variablesaccounted for a statistically 17% of the variance. Inverse relationshipswere observed between age and arithmetic scores and earlier age of seizureonset and achievement scores in arithmetic. Lifetime seizure frequencytotal was inversely related and children with generalized seizures weredoing more poorly than children with partial seizures.Schoenfeld(1999)Sample: N = 84 children between 7 and 16 years [57children with complex partial seizures (CPS) and 27siblings] who were recruited from the University ofWisconsin Hospital Comprehensive Epilepsy CenterAge and sex matched sibling comparison groupEpilepsy Measures: Age at onset, duration of disorder,antiepilepsy mediations, laterality of interictalepileptiform EEG abnormality, frequency of CPS duringthe past year, and presence or absence of previousepisode of status epilepticus as defined by consensusconference criteria from charts and parent interviewsStudy Design: Case-controlWide RangeAchievement Test-3(WRAT-3); CaliforniaVerbal Learning Test,Kaufman BriefIntelligence Test, WideRange Assessment ofMemory and Learning(WRAML), The StroopTest, The Symbol DigitModalities Test(SDMT), the GroovedPegboard TestThe CPS group performed significantly worse than the sibling controlgroup across all seven cognitive domains including: verbal memory, F(1,81)= 4.21, p

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