Download - Code Red: The Critical Condition of Health in Texas

Download - Code Red: The Critical Condition of Health in Texas

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SAMPLE, DESIGN, & INTERVENTIONACHIEVEMENTMEASUREimpact of the healthcondition on the child’sschool functioningOUTCOMEStudy Design: Cross-sectionalThree groups that appeared at particular risk for academic difficulties:children with epilepsy, sickle cell disease, or spina bifida, were the mostlikely to receive special services, repeat a grade, or score more poorly onachievement test, compared with other clinic groups.The variable log of days absent was related to sex, number of clinic visits,physician rating of activity limitation, and acquired cardiac disease orsickle cell disease conditions (R 2 = 0.17, p = 0.001). National achievementscores were mainly related to SES factors and arthritis, cystic fibrosis,diabetes, epilepsy, or hemophilia chronic health conditions (R 2 = 0.44, p =0.001), but were unrelated to school absence.Huberty(2000)*Sample: N = 227 children (117 with epilepsy, 110 withasthma) drawn from four outpatient clinics in two largeMidwestern medical facilities and from the privatepractices of neurologists and pediatricians who werefollowed for 4 yearsEpilepsy Measure: Severity Score (sum of type ofseizure, frequency of seizures, and the number ofantiepileptic medications and the presence of sideeffects)Asthma Measure: Severity Score (sum of yearlyfrequency of episodes, side effects of medication,hospitalizations for asthma, emergency room visits forasthma attacks, and school absences)Study Design: LongitudinalTeacher Report Form(TRF) of the ChildBehavior Checklist(academic performance,working hard, happy,behaving appropriately,and learning)Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale forChildrenControlled for baseline TRF score and age at onsetOn average, the asthma sample improved more than the epilepsy samplefor each of the TRF scores, with the exception of the change in BehavingAppropriately.At follow-up, the epilepsy sample was performing at the 28 th percentile onAcademic performance and at the 39 th percentile on Total AdaptiveFunctioning. The asthma sample was performing slightly above thepopulation mean on both of these TRF scales.Among the epilepsy sample, there was no effect of gender for any of thechange scores. Change in condition severity was significantly related tochange in mean Academic performance.Among the asthma sample, change in condition severity was related tochanges in Academic performance, happy, learning, and total adaptivefunctioning.Mitchell (1991)Sample: N = 78 children with epilepsy between 5 and13 years-old who visited the Children’s Hospital LosAngeles Neurology ServiceEpilepsy Measures: Seizure severity; Duration ofseizure disorder; Total medicationsStudy Design: Cross-sectionalCognitive Measures:•Children 7 years-old:Wechsler IntelligenceScale for Children-Revised (WISC-R)•Spanish-speakingchildren: EscelaIn the group as a whole, academic achievement was poor, if not adjustedfor IQ. For example, 55% were below the 25 th percentile and 40% werebelow the 10 th percentile for reading comprehension.Median IQ was 95, with a range of 80 to 114.After adjusting expected achievement for IQ, 16% to 50% of the subjectswere underachieving for each subscale of the PIAT, using criteria of a ½standard deviation difference between the PIAT and IQ.Achievement versus underachievement in reading recognition, readingcomprehension, general knowledge, and spelling was unrelated to seizureE-80

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