Download - Code Red: The Critical Condition of Health in Texas

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Table 3. Summary of Research Findings Linking School-Based Interventions and Chronic ConditionsThe effect of school programs on healthConditionsSchool Health ProgramsLevel ofinterventionIntermediate Health IndicatorType ofeffectHealth OutcomeIndicatorType ofeffectProgram and InterventionComponentsOverweight/Obesity"Eat well and keep moving"-Gortmaker et al., 1999Elementary Dietary intake / Television viewing (+/+) 1. physical activity, 2. dietaryintake, 3. television watchingRobinson, 1999 Elementary Television viewing (+) BMI / triceps skinfold/ waist circumference(+/+/+)SPARK Sallis et al., 1993 and1997Elementary Physical activity for both sexes /Fitness for girlsCATCH Luepker et al., 1996 Elementary Fat intake / Physical activity out ofschool / Physical activity in school /Less fat containing food provided byschool cafeteriasCATCH post-interventionNadar et al. 1996 and quasiexperimentalCATCHColeman et al., 2004Planet Health - Gortmaker etal., 1996MSPAN - McKenzie et al.,2004Elementary Fat intake / Physical activity (+/+) Overweight riskreductionMiddle schoolMiddle schoolFruit and vegetable intake / televisionviewing reductionVigorous physical activity during PEclasses(+/+) Indicators ofoverweight(NE) Physical activity(+/+/+/+) Decrease fat, saturated fat andsodium intake. Increase physicalactivity(+/+) Nutrition(+) Physical activity and nutrition(+) 1 Physical activityDiabetes"Bienestar Program" Trevinoet al. 2004Fitness score / dietary fiber intake /mean fasting capillary glucose / dietarysaturated fat intake(+/+/+/NE)Percentage of bodyfat(NE)AsthmaDSCM asthma control schoolprogram - Tinkelman &Schwartz, 2004Elementaryand middleschoolUnscheduled doctorvisits / asthmadaytime symptomsfrequency / nighttimesymptoms frequency(+/+/+) Program incorporated 1. arespiratory nurse care manager, 2.web-based interactive educationaltools, 3. interactive asthma diaryfor student, and 4. telephoniceducational disease managementfor parents.Anderson et al., 2004 2Number ofhospitalizations /emergent visits /follow-up visitsClark et al., 2004 Elementary Daytime andnighttime symptoms/ parent scoring onasthma managementindexMcKewen et al., 1998Need to use inhaledbronchodilators /peak flow readings /nocturnal asthmasymptoms(+/+/+) Comparison of special school forchildren with chronic conditionswith regular schools(+/+) Enable disease managementthrough intervention on students,parents, class mates and schoolpersonnel(+/+/+) Twice daily asthma managementChristiansen et al., 1997Peak flow meter technique / inhalertechnique(+/+) Asthma symptoms (+) Five-session bilingual, interactivecurriculum teaching about asthmaMild emotional Possel et al., 2004disordersMiddle School(8th grade)Depressivesymptoms in theshort term(+) LISA-T program based oncognitive-behavioral therapySpence et al., 2005Middle School(8th grade)Preventing ormanagingdepression at one orfour year follow-up(NE)Problem Solving for Life programdesigned to promote cognitiverestructuring and provide problemsolving skillsGillham et al., 1995Middle School(5th and 6thgrade)Depression at: 12mo/ 2 yr / 3 yr(NE/+/NE)Program designed by authors forstudents in the 5th and 6th gradeto be followed after 12 months, 2years and 3 yearsPhysicalInactivityStudies included in the "overweight/obesity" section aim to reduce the condition through increased physical activity and improved nutrition.UndernourishedNE, no effect, 1 more for boys than for girls, 2 generalizability of this study to regular schools is limited as special schools have highly specialized setting with resources beyond those oftypical school programs.E-20

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