Download - Code Red: The Critical Condition of Health in Texas

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AcknowledgmentsThe authors wish to thank Elena Marks and Adele Sweetnam (City of Houston) for editing thepaper, and the members of the Task Force on Access to Health Care in Texas for theirfeedback.Endnotesi Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee, Interim Report to the 79 th Legislature, December2004.ii Ibid. pg. 64-68.iii White SA, The medically uninsured in Milwaukee: Current problem and future crisis. Wisconsin PolicyResearch Institute. Vol. 12(2): March 1999 (pp.5).iv Norton SA & Lipson DJ, Portraits of the Safety Net: The market, policy environment, and safety netresponse. Assessing the New Federalism. Occasional Paper Number 19: Nov 1998 (pp. 32).v Ibid.vi Ibid, pg 6-7.vii Communities in Action: Best practices on expanding access to health care. National Association ofCounties, 2003.viii Coughlin T, Lutsky A, Bruen B & Guterman S, The Medicaid DSH program and providing health careservices to the uninsured: A look at five programs. Bruen B & Guterman S, Chapter 3: WishardAdvantage: Indianapolis, Indiana. The Health Policy Center: The Urban Institute. Nov 2001: pp. 20-28ix Ibid, Lutsky A & Coughlin T, Chapter 5: Carelink (San Antonio, Texas). pp. 38-47.x Wilson M, Shin P, Regenstein M, & Jones K, An assessment of the safety net in San Antonio, Texas.Urgent Matters (The George Washington University Medical Center, School of Public Health and HealthServices). March 2004.xi Coughling T, Lutsky A, Breun B, & Guterman S, Chapter 2: Denver Health (Denver, CO) by Lutsky A &Coughlin T. Nov 2001 (pp. 12-19).xii Galbow P, Eisert S & Wright R. Denver Health: A model for the integration of a public hospital andcommunity health centers. Medicine and Public Issues, 138(2) 2003 pp 143-149.xiii Andrulis D & Gusmano M. Community initiatives for the uninsured: How far can innovativepartnerships take us? The New York Academy of Medicine: Division of Health and Science Policy; Officeof Urban Populations, pp. 2-52 to 2-63, August 2000.xiv Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Lessons Learned from Community-Based Models of Care for theIndigent/Uninsured: Financing Mechanisms and Stategies for Integrating Healthcare Services. (Dec2001).xv Norton SA & Lipson DJ. Portraits of the safety net: The market, policy environment, and safety netresponse. Assessing the New Federalism, Occass paper No 19, 9-19, Nov 1998.xvi Bovbjerg RR, Marstellar JA & Ullman FC. Health care for the poorxvii Coughlin T, Lutsky A, Bruen B & Guterman S, The Medicaid DSH program and providing health careservices to the uninsured: A look at five programs. Bruen B & Guterman S, Chapter 6: PlusCare andHealthChoice (Wayne County, MI). The Health Policy Center: The Urban Institute. Nov 2001: pp. 20-28.xviii West, K. Buncombe County Medical Society Project Access. Projects Access Web site. 1999.Available at: http://www.projectaccessonline.org/project_assessment.html. Accessed May 2005.xix Wood, J. Project Access: National Program Project Report. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundationwebsite. 2004. Available at:http://www.rwjf.org/portfolios/resources/grantsreport.jsp?filename=027437.htm&iaid=133. Accessed May2005.xx Simmons, Sandy Coe, Gionfriddo, Paul. 2002 Use/Capacity Report. Indigent Care Collaboration.October 2003D-33

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