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Garrett, Scott, and Jeb Bradley, Been There, Done That, Let’s Steer Clear of Guaranteed Issue.Letter to Republican Congress, March 3, 2003. Available at http://www.cagionline.org/garrettltr.pdf.Georgetown University Health Policy Institute. Summary of Key Consumer Protections inIndividual Health Insurance Markets. April 2004. Available at http://www.healthinsuranceinfo.net/newsyoucanuse/discrimination_limits.pdf.“Gov. Bush Proposes Medicaid Revamp.” St. Petersburg Times. January 12, 2005. Available athttp://www.sptimes.com/2005/01/12/State/Gov_Bush_proposes_Med.shtml.Harris, Gwendolyn L. Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Human Services, Letter toDennis Smith, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. July 15th, 2002. Availableat http://www.cms.hhs.gov/hifa/njhifacvrltr.pdf.Head First Colorado. “Amendment 23 Background.” Available at http://www.headfirstcolorado.org/factsheets/Amendment_23.php.“Health Care for All Tough in the Early Going: A New MaineCare Program Has Reached itsLimits, Highlighting the Challenge of Universal Coverage.” www.IthicaTimes.com,February 20, 2005. Available at http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=14000131&BRD=1395&PAG=740&dept_id=226958&rfi=6.Health Management Associates. Final Report of the Governor’s Task Force on Access toAffordable Health Insurance. February 15, 2004. Available at http://www.statecoverage.net/statereports/fl38.pdf.Himmelstein, David U., Elizabeth Warren, Deborah Thorne, and Steffie Woolhandler. “Illnessand Injury As Contributors to Bankruptcy.” Health Affairs, Web Exclusive, February 2,2005. Available at http://content.healthaffairs.org/cgi/reprint/hlthaff.w5.63v1.Hirth, Diane. “Medicaid Measure Passes: Compromise Comes Through.” The Mercury News(May 7, 2005). Available at http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/tallahassee/news/politics/11586417.htm?template=contentModules/printstory.jsp.Howell, Embry, Ruth Almeida, Lisa Dubay, and Genevieve Kenney. Early Experience withCovering Uninsured Parents Under SCHIP. The Urban Institute, No. A-51, May 2002.Available at http://www.urban.org/url.cfm?ID=310498.Huang, Josie. “Baldacci Halts Expansion of Health Program.” Portland Press Herald. February18, 2005. Available at http://pressherald.mainetoday.com/news/statehouse/050218mainecare.shtml.Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. Medicaid Benefits, as of January 2003.Available at http://www.kff.org/medicaidbenefits.Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. Update on the Florida SCHIP EnrollmentFreeze. July 23, 2004. Available at http://www.statecoverage.net/statereports/fl41.pdf.Kaiser Family Foundation. Arkansas: Women’s Health. Available at http://www.statehealthfacts.org/cgi-bin/healthfacts.cgi?action=profile&area=Arkansas&category=Women%27s+Health&subcategory=Medicaid+Policy&topic=Family+Planning+Waiver.C-55

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