Integrarea ţărilor Central şi Est Europene în economia mondială ...

Integrarea ţărilor Central şi Est Europene în economia mondială ... Integrarea ţărilor Central şi Est Europene în economia mondială ...
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Naţiunile Unite, 2002, World Investment Report 2002: Transnational Corporations and ExportCompetitiveness, New York, United NationsNorth, D., 1997, North, D., 1997, “Economic Performance Through Time”, în V. Nee şi M. C.Brinton (coord.), The New Institutionalism in Sociology, New York, Russell SageFoundation.Roth, A., 2002, Modernitate şi modernizare socială, Iaşi, Polirom.SPSS Inc, 2000, SPSS for Windows, LEAD TechnologiesStopler, M., 1995, “The resurgence of regional economies, ten zears letter: the region as anexus of untraded interdependences”, European Urban and Regional Studies, nr. 2(3),p. 191-221.Wallerstein, I., 1985, Sistemul mondial modern, Bucureşti, Ed. MeridianeWallerstein, I., 1994, “Development: Lodestar or Illusion”, în L. Sklair (ed.), Capitalism andDevelopment, London, RoutledgeWilliamson, O. E., 1975, Markets and hierarchies: Analyisis and Antitrus Implication, NewYork, Free PressWorld Economic Outlook - October 2000: Focus on Transition Economies, Washington DC,IMF;13

Naţiunile Unite, 2002, World Investment Report 2002: Transnational Corporations and ExportCompetitiveness, New York, United NationsNorth, D., 1997, North, D., 1997, “Economic Performance Through Time”, în V. Nee şi M. C.Brinton (coord.), The New Institutionalism in Sociology, New York, Russell SageFoundation.Roth, A., 2002, Modernitate şi modernizare socială, Iaşi, Polirom.SPSS Inc, 2000, SPSS for Windows, LEAD TechnologiesStopler, M., 1995, “The resurgence of regional economies, ten zears letter: the region as anexus of untraded interdependences”, European Urban and Regional Studies, nr. 2(3),p. 191-221.Wallerstein, I., 1985, Sistemul mondial modern, Bucureşti, Ed. MeridianeWallerstein, I., 1994, “Development: Lodestar or Illusion”, în L. Sklair (ed.), Capitalism andDevelopment, London, RoutledgeWilliamson, O. E., 1975, Markets and hierarchies: Analyisis and Antitrus Implication, NewYork, Free PressWorld Economic Outlook - October 2000: Focus on Transition Economies, Washington DC,IMF;13

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