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121 1 2 * 31 2 3 Sheng-Hsien Chang 1 , Hsiu-Ying Lu 2*and Cheng Chen 31 Lanyang Branch Station, Hualien DistrictAgricultural Improvement Station, Hualien1995 Hsien, Taiwan (ROC)2 1996 Agronomy Division, Taiwan AgriculturalResearch Institute, Wufeng, Taichung Hsien,Taiwan (ROC)3Department of Agronomy, National TaiwanUniversity, Taipei, Taiwan (ROC)ABSTRACT“Tainan-white” (TNW), an open-pollinatedpopulation, is the major table-use fresh maizevariety in Taiwan. Path analysis was employedto study the covariation of seed yield with theagronomic characters determined in the earlygrowing stages, and yield components for TNWgrown under different crop seasons. Plants ofTNW were grown in the experimental field ofTaiwan University in Taipei from the spring cropof 1995 to the fall crop of 1996. There were fiveplanting seasons in total during two years.Similar results from path analysis were obtainedfor plants grown in different crop seasons. Firstly, ear weight was largely depended on yieldcomponents, yet kernel weight was less affectedby yield components. Secondly, the agronomiccharacters measured from the early growingPath Analysis of the Yields Affectedstages had lesser influence on ear weight than onby Agronomic Characters in Tainankernelweight. Thirdly, compensation effectwhite Maize Population under existed between days to tasseling and days toDifferent Crop Seasonssilking, but varied among different crop seasonsand different ear and kernel characters. Results

122of path analysis suggest that selection for greater,longer and thicker ears and for longer kernelswith greater 100-kernel weights would bebeneficial to increase the kernel weight of TNWpopulation. Such information may be useful forfuture research on cultivation practices andbreeding for improving TNW population.Key words: Tainan-white maize, Seasonalvariation, Yield components,Characters in the early growingstages, Path analysis.

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