DIDM Family Conference

April - June 2012 - PNP DIDM

April - June 2012 - PNP DIDM


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April - June 2012Volume 1Issue No. 28Background of the CaseRodel Estrellado, a memberof the Bayan Muna-Sorsogon Chapter,was allegedly abducted on February25, 2011 in a basketball court in Brgy.3, Malilipot, Albay. He was then on hisway home after buying food at themarket when he was accosted by four(4) unidentified male persons whointroduced themselves as PDEAagents. He was boarded to a van withplate no.MXN 902 which sped offtowards the direction of Legazpi City.Prior to the abduction, an unidentifiedmale person pretending to be an LBCemployee was looking for Bauma'sresidence (Rodel was married toMarilyn Bauma).At about 1:25 PM of the samedate, Major Danilo Ambe and LtndMariel Bonilla, members of the 42Infantry Brigade (IB), PhilippineArmy (PA) based in Tigaon,Camarines Sur presented the cadaverof Rodel to the Bato MPS, CamarinesSur whom they identified as certain“Elmer Estrellado,” an alleged highrankingofficial of the NPA whom theykilled in an encounter in Brgy.Buluang, Bato, Camarines at about6:30 AM of same date. Bato MPSplaced the cadaver of Rodel at theEstadilla Funeral Homes in Nabua,Camarines Sur for safekeeping. OnFebruary 27, 2011, his cadaver waslocated by his mother Nora Estrellado.Mrs Estrellado confirmed that thecadaver is his son named Rodel andnot Elmer as earlier reported by themilitary.42nd IB’s versionAccording to the military,Rodel was with more or less seven (7)communist terrorists when he waskilled in an encounter by the combinedDETECTIVEThe Rodel Dreo Estrellado case proves that SpecialInvestigation Task Group (SITG) means business inthe conduct of the investigation whoever theperpetrators are. The efforts of the Police Regional Office 5 (PRO 5),particularly SITG “ESTRELLADO” in the successful investigation of this casemade its SITG Commander, PCSUPT VICTOR PELOTA DEONA bagged themuch-coveted Case Manager of the Year Award during the celebration of thest<strong>DIDM</strong> 21 Founding Anniversary on March 5, 2012.TheTASK FORCE USIGSITG’s Best Practices“Rodel Estrellado Case”By: PSSUPT WILLIAM S MACAVINTA /PSUPT HENRY Q LIBAYndelements of 42 IB, PA led by MajorththAmbe, 97 MICO and 5 ISU in Brgy.Buluang, Bato, Camarines onFebruary 25, 2011, at about 6:30 AM.Allegedly recovered from Rodel werethe following: Colt 1911 caliber .45pistol with serial no.2398051; two (2)ammunition; backpack containing two(2) Improvised Explosive Devices(IEDs); cellular phone and subversivedocuments. The military officers saidintelligence reports averred that Rodelwas the commanding officer of theRegional Headquarters, Bicol RegionalParty Committee and Head of SpecialOperations Group.Activation of SITG ESTRELLADOOn February 28, 2011, PRO 5activated SITG ESTRELLADOheaded by then PSSUPT VICTOR PD E O N A , D R D A , P R O 5 t ospearhead the investigation of thecase.W h e r e i n v e s t i g a t i v etechniques and best practices ininvestigation and detectivemanagement practices pays offThe facial composite of one ofthe abductors (the LBC man) to locatethe house of Rodel was immediatelygenerated. A sketch of the abduction sitewas also prepared to compliment thephotographs taken on the abduction site.Witnesses' accounts and statements onthe abduction of Rodel in Malilipot,Albay and those who claim that therewas actually no armed encounter wereimmediately secured. Coordination wasalso made with the PDEA5, however,PDEA5 stated that they have nooperation whatsoever in Malilipot,Albay.Members of SITG Estrelladoalso coordinated with LBC-Tabaco CityBranch to inquire on the LBC pouch thatmaybe used to locate the residence ofRodel. However, according to theirstaff, the pouch's design is no longerbeing used by their company sinceAugust 2010. They added that saidpouch could have been a subject of acompleted transaction because thedate of the mailing does not appeartherein. Verification was also madewith the LTO-Legazpi City todetermine the owner of the vehicleused in the actual abduction and theother suspicious vehicles noticed theday before and the day of the allegedabduction.Upon receipt of the cadaver ofRodel by the Bato MPS from membersn do f t h e 4 2 I B a n d p r o p e rdocumentation, it was immediatelybrought to the Bato Municipal HealthUnit for the conduct of post-mortemexamination.On February 28, 2011, PNPpersonnel proceeded to the allegedencounter site in Brgy. Buluang, Bato,Camarines Sur and did not find anysign of fire fight in the area.On March 2, 2011, a reautopsyon the cadaver of the victimwas jointly conducted by the medicolegalexperts of the NBI and RCLO5 atthe Oro Funeral Homes in LegazpiCity. The two (2) metallic fragmentsrecovered in the cadaver of Rodelturned out to be from the firearm ofMajor Ambe. A standard post-mortemfingerprint chart was also taken fromthe cadaver for identificationpurposes. When the cadaver wassubjected to paraffin casting it wasfound out that Rodel was negative ofgunpowder nitrates.The alleged encounter sitewhich was only pinpointed by thesoldiers on March 5, 2011 (8 days after

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