DIDM Family Conference

April - June 2012 - PNP DIDM April - June 2012 - PNP DIDM

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April - June 2012Volume 1 6Issue No. 2DETECTIVETheAFIS in a Capsulecontinued from page 1important provisions on the SOP on CrimeIncident Recording System. The participantswere also given CIRS Forms which shall bedistributed to all police stations nationwide tobe use in recording incidents on the e-BlotterSystem. He also presented the checklist to beincluded during the conduct of the AGI-ORSITE.LOI MANHUNT CHARLIE, one of the10 Point Action Plan of the C,PNP was alsop r e s e n t e d b y P S S U P T M A C K YMACAVINTA, Chief, CMD, where hestressed the accounting of most wantedpersons and other issues and concerns withregard to their compliances relative to casemonitoring. Discussion on the SOP creatingthe SITGs as well as its proposed amendedversion to correct some provisions such asputting more teeth to the SITGs, strengtheningthe mandate of CIDG as the operating arm onSITGs cases was presented by PSUPTHENRY LIBAY, Head Secretariat, TFUSIG.Counterparts from the National PoliceAgency of Japan (NPAJ) headed byCSUPTAKIHIRO IIRI discussed the AFIS 2Project on enhancing the collection andprocessing of tenprints and latentprints as partof the JICA project of enhancing the capabilityof the PNP. They shared success stories behindAFIS HITS and IBIS where they urged theinvestigators and heads of investigation officesand units to explore the potential of these twoprojects as effective tools in investigation.Other discussions were the variouspolicies and guidelines relative to women andchildren concerns as emphasized by PSSUPTTHERESITA ANN CID, C, WCPC; the prechargeand summary hearing guide as well asreminders on the compliances of the regions asstressed by PSSUPT ROSVI MANULID,CHIEF PCEID. Also discussed are: thedigital and cyber forensic investigation and itspotential; the facial composite illustrationsystem and the firearms informationmanagement system. PCSUPT RICARDO CMARQUEZ, former EX-O, DIDM andDeputy Director, DO, extensively discussedthe PNP PGS PATROL 2030 and the DIDMScorecard and operational dashboard.The Investigation Family was evenhappy to share the dinner/cocktails when theywere joined by no less than PDG NICANOR ABARTOLOME, Chief, PNP and sharedbanter moments with the investigators. TheChief, PNP even told a story behind thepolished and unpolished marble statue, inessence, he said “do not be complacent withyour status if you wanted to be like the polishedmarble stone.” His resounding message isclear: enhance your investigative skills,knowledge and expertise as the PNP'spremier investigative arm.The second day of the FamilyConference also provided an avenue for theinvestigators to discuss issues and concernsthat beset their investigative activities on theground. PSUPT EDWIN DL PORTENTO,Chief, BFO addressed the issues and concernsraised by the investigators, in particular, thetraining fund support, financial support forinvestigative activities and he also presentedthe proposed crime scene investigator's kitwhich shall be distributed to all investigatorsnationwide. Benchmarking on the currentinvestigative policies and procedures were alsodiscussed while presentations were made bythe RIDMDs.PSSUPT MARQUEZ, C, SIDDhighlighted the Conference when he presentedto PDDG ARTURO G CACDAC, JR, TheDeputy Chief PNP for Administration, theInvestigation Family's output incorporating allthe programs, projects and activities he havestarted during his term then as the TDIDMcovering a three-pronged developmentprogram which pave the way for theInvestigation Family to achieved its gloriousheights where several breakthroughs weremade in investigation.PSSUPT MARQUEZ was happy toreport on the successes made in terms ofimplementing the training offered by SIDD andthe WCPC. He further presented the progresson the PNP's e-projects such as the e-BlotterSystem, where 69.09% work stations wereinstalled with e-Blotter system nationwide, atotal of 2, 827 crime registrars were trained,among others. The e-Rogues Gallery and e-Warrant System is now being cascaded in someregions and the publication of The Detective.The investigative systems and procedures havealso been standardized to comply with legallyaccepted procedures so as to drastically reducethe number of cases being dismissed due toinvestigative lapses. While, three (3)investigative manuals had been published and anumber of standard operating procedures hadbeen issued and disseminated. Improvements ininvestigative equipment and infrastructure havealso been pursued such as the operationalizationof the Integrated Ballistic System (IBIS); theFacial Composite had been deployed in allRCLOs nationwide while field investigation kitshave been programmed for procurement for useof our investigators in all police stations as wellas the set-up of our Digital Cyber ForensicLaboratories in the region. The implementationof the AFIS 2 Project, in particular, the collectionand processing of fingerprint and latenprints andfull utilization of AFIS HITS, among others.PDDG CACDAC, was warmlywelcomed by the Investigation Family andacknowledged his valuable contribution as oneof the prime movers of pushing for aprofessional field investigators in the history ofthe PNP. His famous remark of “crime is ahuman aberration cannot be prevented” willalways be remembered by the InvestigationFamily.PCSUPT LAXA, OIC, DIDM alsoshared his deepest appreciation to PDDGCACDAC in behalf of the Investigation Familyand said “your teachings will always dwell inour hearts, what you have told us, to givepremium to investigation and by doing so, weare now adopting a ladderized courses for ouri n v e s t i g a t o r s w h i c h w o u l d f u r t h e rprofessionalize our investigative workforce thatsoon, the investigators and detectives status andprestige will rise.” (mbdy)

DETECTIVEThe7April - June 2012Volume 1Issue No. 2Digital and Cyber Forensic Investigation: A Paradigm Shift for Police InvestigatorsBy: PCINSP FELIZARDO S EUBRA, JR,ATCCD, CIDGDigital Forensic Equipment Grant donated forRDFL Cebu.A good fingerprint at a crime scene isn't alwaysthe smoking gun for solving crimes. Thanks to moderntechnology, crime solving is going digital for the policeinvestigators! It's not only the e-projects being the focusof the PNP's Investigative Capability Program, but cyberand digital forensic as the new tool for effective crimesolution. The PNP's resident and certified cyber crimeinvestigators from the CIDG Anti-Transnational Crimeand Cyber Crime Division under the stewardship of itscyber buster, PSSUPT GILBERT A SOSA stressed thatwhile there will always be a role for traditionalinvestigative techniques, e-crime presents us a newform of business that will require a fundamentalparadigm shift in policing. This paradigm shift was infact the battle cry of the DIDM of shifting away from the“Traditional or Purely Testimony Based” to“Scientific Investigation.”PSSUPT SOSA said that forensic investigationinvolves four processes such as: identification,preservation, analysis and presentation of evidence. Hesaid that e-crime is variable in its manifestations, so it isdifficult to discuss in terms of aggregate incidence andimpact. It involves complex investigation and needscyber and digital expertise. Slowly, we could be at parwith our international counterparts in terms ofinvestigating cyber crimes, he said. The CIDG's DigitalForensic Laboratories and the strategic establishmentof our Regional Digital Forensic Laboratories will helpaddress the needs of our PNP operating units in regionallevel in-terms of cyber crime investigation and digitalevidence examination and analysis. The RDFL has thecapability to response and provide immediate technicalsupport to any PNP operating units with regardspreservation and collection of electronic and digitalevidence in support to any cases investigated in regionallevel. For the period January to June 2012 alone, 209cases were investigated and 1,263 were examined usingBlessing and Inauguration of Regional DigitalForensic Laboratory, PRO 7, Cebu Citythe DFL. Various training and seminar awareness were alsoconducted by the ATCCD as part of its cyber awarenessdrive and training initiative to enhance the skills andknowledge of the investigators. PSSUPT SOSA expressedthat with the renewed commitment and dedication, theATCCD will continue in its role not only as one of the CIDGoperating unit but also as the PNP's “cutting edge” againstcyber crimes.

DETECTIVEThe7April - June 2012Volume 1Issue No. 2Digital and Cyber Forensic Investigation: A Paradigm Shift for Police InvestigatorsBy: PCINSP FELIZARDO S EUBRA, JR,ATCCD, CIDGDigital Forensic Equipment Grant donated forRDFL Cebu.A good fingerprint at a crime scene isn't alwaysthe smoking gun for solving crimes. Thanks to moderntechnology, crime solving is going digital for the policeinvestigators! It's not only the e-projects being the focusof the PNP's Investigative Capability Program, but cyberand digital forensic as the new tool for effective crimesolution. The PNP's resident and certified cyber crimeinvestigators from the CIDG Anti-Transnational Crimeand Cyber Crime Division under the stewardship of itscyber buster, PSSUPT GILBERT A SOSA stressed thatwhile there will always be a role for traditionalinvestigative techniques, e-crime presents us a newform of business that will require a fundamentalparadigm shift in policing. This paradigm shift was infact the battle cry of the <strong>DIDM</strong> of shifting away from the“Traditional or Purely Testimony Based” to“Scientific Investigation.”PSSUPT SOSA said that forensic investigationinvolves four processes such as: identification,preservation, analysis and presentation of evidence. Hesaid that e-crime is variable in its manifestations, so it isdifficult to discuss in terms of aggregate incidence andimpact. It involves complex investigation and needscyber and digital expertise. Slowly, we could be at parwith our international counterparts in terms ofinvestigating cyber crimes, he said. The CIDG's DigitalForensic Laboratories and the strategic establishmentof our Regional Digital Forensic Laboratories will helpaddress the needs of our PNP operating units in regionallevel in-terms of cyber crime investigation and digitalevidence examination and analysis. The RDFL has thecapability to response and provide immediate technicalsupport to any PNP operating units with regardspreservation and collection of electronic and digitalevidence in support to any cases investigated in regionallevel. For the period January to June 2012 alone, 209cases were investigated and 1,263 were examined usingBlessing and Inauguration of Regional DigitalForensic Laboratory, PRO 7, Cebu Citythe DFL. Various training and seminar awareness were alsoconducted by the ATCCD as part of its cyber awarenessdrive and training initiative to enhance the skills andknowledge of the investigators. PSSUPT SOSA expressedthat with the renewed commitment and dedication, theATCCD will continue in its role not only as one of the CIDGoperating unit but also as the PNP's “cutting edge” againstcyber crimes.

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