RES 320 Final Exam Guide

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A. Addresses simple issues that are basic, in which research is notreally needed.B. Attempts to expand the limits of knowledge for a discipline.C. Is conducted to make a decision about a specific real -lifeproblem.D. All of the above.4 Information that is not relevant to the decision at hand is called“incomplete.”5 Information can be evaluated using which of the followingcharacteristics?A. TimelinessB. REPEATABILITYC. quality

D. All of the above.E. A & C above.6 A company’s private data network, which offers information thatis available only inside that organization, is called:A. Electronic data interchange (EDI).B. THE World Wide Web.C. An Internet.D. An Intranet.E. Electronic mail.7 Experiments hold the greatest potential for establishing causeand-effectrelationships.8 An ethical researcher would inform respondents of deceptionsused in a research project after the project was completed.

9 In exploratory research, the term pilot studies refer to a collectivegroup of diverse techniques that will be conducted on a small scale.10 A term for research procedures that test some sort of stimulus asa proxy for a new, revised, or remarketed product or service.A. Experience surveyB. Situational analysisC. Thematic apperception testD. Concept test11 Secondary data are gathered and recorded by someone prior to(and for purposes other than) the current needs of researchers.12 Two major drawbacks of secondary data are determining theaccuracy of the data and finding data that fit the specifications of theproject.

13 The American Petroleum Institute is an example of:A. A commercial source of secondary data.B. One company that produces the National C<strong>RES</strong>T Report.C. A trade association.D. A government source of secondary data.14 Concerning data distributed by media, researcher should beaware that:A. Data are copyrighted and thus of limited use.B. They generally refer to product flows through retail outlets.C. Data may cover only limited aspects of a topic.D. Government regulations severely limit some forms of data.

E. All of the above.15 When an interviewer’s presence influences a respondent to sayhe or she does not have cockroaches in his or her home (when he or shedoes), a social desirability bias has occurred.16 High-cost, low standardization of questioning and limitedgeographic dispersion are disadvantages characteristic of ____________surveys.A. TelephoneB. Personal interviewC. MailD. None of the above.17 The term mystery shopper is a form of scientifically contrivedobservations.18 A distortion of measurement resulting from the cognitivebehavior or actions of the witnessing observer is called observer bias.

19 At the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, floor tilesaround the hatching-chick exhibit must be replaced every six weeks,while tiles in other areas need not be replaced for years. This is anexample of:A. Response latency.B. Physiological reactions.C. Physical trace evidence.D. Content analysis.E. None of the above.20 Counterbalancing attempts to eliminate the confounding effectsof order of presentation when subjects are exposed to two or moreexperimental treatments.21 External validity refers to the question of whether theexperimental treatment was the sole cause of observed changes in thedependent variable.

22 The type of scale utilized in marketing research will determinethe form of the statistical analysis.23 At the race track, to say that a winning ticket pays 40 to 1 for awinning bet indicates a ratio scale.24 A measurement task that requires respondents to estimate themagnitude of a characteristic or quality that a brand, store, or objectpossesses is known as:A. RankingB. RatingC. SortingD. A choice technique25 Pre-testing involves administering a sample of a questionnaire toa group of respondents before having them fill out the completequestionnaire.

26 The order of questions in a survey is a potential source of bias.27 Before a questionnaire can be constructed, the researcher mustconsider:A. Analytical techniques and data analysis to be used.B. The communication medium of data collectionC. The type of information needed.D. All of the above.E. None of the above.28 A hypothesis is a proposition formulated for empirical testing; atentative descriptive statement that describes the relationship betweentwo or more variables.29 If graphic representations of data are well done, they should notneed to be interpreted in the text.

30 If you wanted to present a great deal of numerical information,you might decide to use a:A. Pie chart.B. Table.C. Descriptive statistical array.D. Line graph.E. Bar chart.

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