Student Talks: Titles and Abstracts - CUMC

Student Talks: Titles and Abstracts - CUMC

Student Talks: Titles and Abstracts - CUMC


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C a n a dia n U n dergra d u ate M a t he m atics C o nfere nce<br />

C arleto n U niversity<br />

O tta w a O n<br />

July 8 – 1 1, 2 0 0 9<br />

The Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference is an annual event hosted by a<br />

different Canadian university each year. It is aimed at students interested in<br />

mathematics <strong>and</strong> related fields, including physics, statistics, bio-informatics,<br />

economics, finance, <strong>and</strong> computer science. In 2006, the 13 th edition of the <strong>CUMC</strong><br />

became a truly international conference for the first time, welcoming students who<br />

attend universities outside of Canada. While the principle organizers <strong>and</strong> majority of<br />

participants at the <strong>CUMC</strong> are undergraduate students, anyone may participate <strong>and</strong><br />

present a talk aimed at undergraduates. As well, keynote speakers ranging from<br />

professional mathematicians to individuals whose careers are deeply intertwined with<br />

mathematics, will form an integral part of the <strong>CUMC</strong> experience.<br />

The <strong>CUMC</strong> is an opportunity for students to explore mathematics outside their usual<br />

surroundings <strong>and</strong> to develop an interest in areas they have not yet been exposed to.<br />

The conference also provides a unique chance for students to present what they find<br />

most fascinating in mathematics, <strong>and</strong> to hone their expository skills in a supportive,<br />

non-competitive environment. Indeed, the core of the conference consists of a series of<br />

talks given by the participants, on topics completely of their choosing. The <strong>CUMC</strong> is a<br />

unique opportunity for Canadian undergraduates to not only learn mathematics, but to<br />

experience <strong>and</strong> do mathematics.<br />

W elc o me T o C arleto n U niversity<br />

H o m e of C U M C 2 0 0 9<br />

Welcome to the 16 th Annual <strong>CUMC</strong>! This year we have 6 keynote speakers, 100+ participants from all<br />

over Canada, <strong>and</strong> 60+ student talks. From all of us on the organization committee, Welcome to<br />

Carleton!<br />

C u m c 2 0 0 9 O r g a nizing C o m mittee<br />

Gary Bazdell<br />

David Thomson<br />

Helen Colterman<br />

Alex Weekes<br />

Shirin Roshanafshar<br />

Christina Kevins<br />

Jenna Tattersall<br />

Stephanie Cates

Keynote Speakers: Talk <strong>Titles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Abstracts</strong><br />

Création de données synthétiques: Expérience de Statistique Canada à partir du Cross National<br />

Equivalent File<br />

Cynthia Bocci<br />

Statistical Society of Canada<br />

Depuis 15 ans, la création de données synthétiques comme méthode de protection du secret<br />

statistique a gagné en popularité. Depuis peu, Statistique Canada étudie les possibilités de cette<br />

approche par rapport aux données canadiennes du Cross National Equivalent File (CNEF). Le CNEF<br />

est composé de sous-ensembles de six enquêtes par panel, qui comporte des variables sur l'emploi et<br />

le revenu définies de façon similaire. Le volet canadien du CNEF est un sous-ensemble de variables<br />

provenant de l'Enquête sur la dynamique du travail et du revenu (EDTR). Étant donné les exigences<br />

relatives à la confidentialité, au Canada, il faut obtenir une permission spéciale de Statistique Canada,<br />

pour accéder aux données de ce volet, alors que les données recueillies par les universités ou les<br />

instituts privés ne font pas l'objet de telles restrictions. Ce faisant, les données canadiennes sont<br />

souvent exclues des analyses. S'il en existait une version synthétique, il serait plus facile d'accéder à<br />

ces données et, par conséquent, de les utiliser.<br />

Dans cette présentation, nous décrivons la méthodologie employée pour créer les données<br />

synthétiques du volet canadien du CNEF. Nous nous penchons également sur le défi qui consiste créer<br />

des ménages cohérents - qui conservent autant que possible les relations des données originales -<br />

tout en maintenant le risque de divulgation au plus bas. Enfin, cette présentation présente des<br />

résultats transversaux.<br />

Geometric Graph Spanners<br />

Prosenjit Bose<br />

Carleton University<br />

A geometric graph is a graph whose vertices are points in the plane <strong>and</strong> whose edges are line<br />

segments joining the points. The weight of an edge is usually defined as its length. Informally, a<br />

spanner of a geometric graph G is a subgraph H that "approximates" G. The challenge in constructing<br />

spanners stems directly from what it means to approximate a graph <strong>and</strong> how we measure this<br />

approximation. A st<strong>and</strong>ard measure of approximation is to insist that for every edge xy in G, there is a<br />

path in H from x to y whose total length is not too much more than the length of the edge xy. In this talk,<br />

we will present an overview of various spanner construction techniques.

Les Chaussettes de M. Bertlmann Révisiter:<br />

A Short History of Quantum Mechanics <strong>and</strong> the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument<br />

Robb Fry<br />

Thompson Rivers University<br />

We give a brief account of the origins <strong>and</strong> basic principles of quantum mechanics, concluding with<br />

a description of the famous EPR example.<br />

The Mathematics of Public-Key Cryptography<br />

David Jao<br />

University of Waterloo<br />

The art of cryptography, or encryption, has in modern times undergone a profound transformation from<br />

a trial <strong>and</strong> error process into a systematic field of study. To a large extent, this change has been<br />

brought about by the introduction <strong>and</strong> integration of concepts from pure mathematics. This talk surveys<br />

a small portion of this evolution, by describing how number theory <strong>and</strong> algebraic geometry have<br />

contributed to the development of public key cryptography. Along the way, we provide a classification<br />

of curves in cryptography <strong>and</strong> explain why genus 1 curves (also known as elliptic curves) seem to<br />

provide the best possible security among all of the possible families of algebraic curves used in<br />

cryptography.<br />

What Is A Zeta Function?<br />

Ram Murty<br />

Queens University<br />

We will give a brief survey of zeta functions, their use <strong>and</strong> some of the open questions regarding their<br />

special values.<br />

So You Want To Go To Grad School<br />

Colin Weir<br />

University of Calgary<br />

With the economy being what it is, more <strong>and</strong> more people are putting off entering the job market (what<br />

grad students call 'the real world') in favour of furthering their education. Whether or not this is your<br />

motivation, deciding to go to grad school can be a big decision <strong>and</strong> a very involved process. The<br />

purpose of this talk is to discuss the particulars of grad school that everyone seems to expect you to<br />

know <strong>and</strong> yet nobody ever tells you about... until now. To this end, I have the humble goal of addressing<br />

all of the questions that you didn't even know you had, <strong>and</strong> hopefully some of those that you do.

<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Talks</strong>: <strong>Titles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Abstracts</strong><br />

The Merit Factor Problem<br />

Navid Alaei<br />

Simon Fraser<br />

In this presentation we will introduce the Merit Factor Problem or equivalently the problem of minimizing<br />

the L4 norm of Littlewood polynomials on the boundary of the unit circle of the complex plane. We first<br />

give a historical background of the problem <strong>and</strong> then present some of the ongoing research <strong>and</strong> results.<br />

These include practical <strong>and</strong> theoretical motivations <strong>and</strong> also an overview of computational <strong>and</strong><br />

theoretical approaches taken towards solving this classical, yet challenging problem.<br />

The prerequisites are: some elementary number theory <strong>and</strong> analysis.<br />

A geometric realization of the irreducible representations of GL_n(C)<br />

Faisal Al-Faisal<br />

University of Waterloo<br />

In this talk I will give an example showing how algebraic geometry can be used in representation<br />

theory. Specifically, we will look at the polynomial representations of GL_n(C) <strong>and</strong> see how all the<br />

irreducible ones can be realized as sections of a special algebraic line bundle. This is the first step<br />

towards underst<strong>and</strong>ing what the Borel-Bott-Weil theorem says about reductive algebraic groups (of<br />

which GL_n(C) is an example).<br />

To make the talk as accessible as possible, I will explain what is meant by such terms as<br />

"representation", "line bundle", "algebraic group", etc.<br />

A Visualization Tool for 3-Dimensional System of Differential Equations in Maple<br />

Yuanxun Bill Bao<br />

Simon Fraser<br />

System of differential equations(DEs) plays an essential role in the study of dynamical systems <strong>and</strong><br />

mathematical modelling. An important tool for studying system of DEs is using the directional field. The<br />

directional field gives a graphical representation of the behaviour of the system without solving it<br />

analytically. In this talk, we present some new options to DEplot3d comm<strong>and</strong> in Maple, which solves a<br />

3-dimensional system of DEs numerically <strong>and</strong> plot the solution curve(s). In an effort to enhance the<br />

visualization of the system, we create the directional field using a set of 3D arrows <strong>and</strong> provide<br />

animations for the directional field so that the dynamics of each point are well captured. We will also<br />

give some examples of interesting dynamical systems using this new visualization tool.

Tensor product <strong>and</strong> Schmidt decomposition<br />

Farzin Barekat<br />

UBC<br />

We begin by talking about spectral theorem, polar decomposition <strong>and</strong> singular value decomposition,<br />

which are some very famous <strong>and</strong> useful results in linear algebra. We then introduce tensor product of<br />

two vector spaces <strong>and</strong> some of the basic facts about this construction. Tensor product is ubiquitous in<br />

many different fields of mathematics <strong>and</strong> physics. We conclude the talk by proving Schmidt<br />

decomposition using the above theorems <strong>and</strong> concepts.<br />

No knowledge of any of the above will be assumed.<br />

Trapped Surfaces<br />

Michael Barriault<br />

Memorial University<br />

In this talk I give a brief overview of mathematical definitions of black hole boundaries, specifically<br />

apparent horizons <strong>and</strong> the event horizon, <strong>and</strong> discuss on how the concepts differ. Some core concepts<br />

of n-dimensional surfaces will be introduced, <strong>and</strong> then how they relate to finding horizons. Industrial<br />

applications of apparent horizons will be discussed, as well as a few examples. This talk will be<br />

primarily conceptual <strong>and</strong> visual in nature, <strong>and</strong> a background in general relativity or differential geometry<br />

will not be required nor expected.<br />

An adaptive Newton's method for root solving (in English with French slides)<br />

Une méthode de Newton adaptative pour trouver les zéros d'une fonction (en anglais avec diapos en<br />

français)<br />

Rosalie Bélanger-Rioux<br />

McGill<br />

Newton's method is a root-finding method which appears to behave chaotically when used on certain<br />

functions or systems of equations F, that is, it does not always converge to the "correct" root. This<br />

method tries to follow the solution curve of an ODE related to the system of equations F. In fact, it tends<br />

to take large steps, in order to get fast convergence. The problem is when the method takes too large a<br />

step <strong>and</strong> "switches" solution curves, eventually converging to a different zero of F. To eliminate this<br />

unwanted behavior, we use adaptivity. In this talk I will present the concept of adaptivity, show how I<br />

applied it to Newton's Method as a summer research project , <strong>and</strong> show some pretty pictures with<br />

fractals... <strong>and</strong> some others with no fractals!<br />

La méthode de Newton permet de trouver efficacement les zéros d'un système d'équations F.<br />

Cependant, cette méthode agit parfois de façon chaotique, c'est-à-dire qu'elle ne converge pas<br />

nécessairement vers le “bon” zéro. Ceci est causé par le fait que la méthode de Newton tente de suivre<br />

la courbe de solution d'un système d'EDO relié à F, en faisant de gr<strong>and</strong>s pas pour obtenir une<br />

convergence rapide. Un problème survient qu<strong>and</strong> la méthode prend un trop gr<strong>and</strong> pas et tombe sur un<br />

autre type de courbe de solution, trouvant ainsi un “mauvais”zéro. Afin d'enrayer ce problème, on peut<br />

utiliser l'adaptativité. Lors de cette présentation, j'introduirai le concept d'adaptativité, pour ensuite<br />

l'appliquer à la méthode de Newton (travail fait durant un projet de recherche en été). J'aurai tout plein<br />

de jolies images avec des fractales, et sans fractales, à vous montrer!

Frequentist <strong>and</strong> Bayesian interval estimation<br />

Ana Best<br />

McGill<br />

In the area of interval estimation, as in many areas of statistics, Frequentist <strong>and</strong> Bayesian methods<br />

seem to be wildly different <strong>and</strong> often at odds with one another. The sources of probability statements<br />

about confidence intervals <strong>and</strong> credibility intervals are very different, <strong>and</strong> lead to seemingly opposing<br />

interpretations of these two concepts.<br />

In this talk, I will explain the concepts underlying both Frequentist <strong>and</strong> Bayesian interval estimation <strong>and</strong><br />

clarify the points of confusion with regard to their interpretations. I will also emphasize the differences<br />

between the two paradigms. Finally, I will introduce a third way of looking at interval estimation,<br />

introduced by Jerzy Neyman (the "father" of the Frequentist confidence interval), which combines<br />

elements of both the Frequentist <strong>and</strong> Bayesian methods, <strong>and</strong> I will show how this relates, in particular,<br />

to the Frequentist confidence interval.<br />

Prerequisites: Basic courses in probability <strong>and</strong>/or statistics: A rudimentary underst<strong>and</strong>ing of r<strong>and</strong>om<br />

variables, probability distribution functions, <strong>and</strong> Bayes' Theorem.<br />

Problem solving with graphs <strong>and</strong> matrices<br />

Natalie Campbell<br />

Redeemer University College<br />

When you look at a system of equations, you often want to know how it works in general, not only for a<br />

specific example. This enables the system to be applied to the world in general, as opposed to a single<br />

occurrence. One of the ways we obtain information about a system is to look at the eigenvalues of the<br />

corresponding matrix. But how do we do this when we don't know the specifics? We will discuss various<br />

ways graph theory <strong>and</strong> linear algebra work together to find answers to this <strong>and</strong> other problems.<br />

Knowledge of Linear algebra is assumed, while knowledge of Graph theory is not.<br />

An introduction to Fractal Geometry<br />

Vincent Chan<br />

Waterloo<br />

We will explore a small portion of fractal geometry, focusing on a discussion of the Hausdorff measure<br />

<strong>and</strong> dimension, some examples, <strong>and</strong> a nice theoretic application. Background in measure theory would<br />

help, but is not required.

Card Shuffling<br />

Helen Colterman<br />

Carleton University<br />

How often does one have to shuffle a deck of cards until it is r<strong>and</strong>om? Diaconis, a magician turned<br />

mathematician, was especially concerned with this question. After specifying the size of the deck<br />

(n=52), choosing how we shuffle (we will analyze top-in-at-r<strong>and</strong>om shuffles first <strong>and</strong> then the more<br />

effective riffle shuffles), <strong>and</strong> explaining what is meant by “r<strong>and</strong>om” or “close to r<strong>and</strong>om”, we will obtain<br />

an upper bound of 12 riffle shuffles. Leading up to this finding, we make use of some well-formed ideas:<br />

the concepts of stopping rules <strong>and</strong> of “strong uniform time”, the lemma that strong uniform time bounds<br />

the variation distance, Reed’s inversion lemma, <strong>and</strong> thus the interpretation of shuffling as “reversed<br />

sorting”. Ultimately, we will reduce everything to a pair of classical combinatorial problems, namely the<br />

coupon collector <strong>and</strong> the birthday paradox, to achieve our upper bound.<br />

Grassmannians <strong>and</strong> Enumerative Geometry<br />

Peter Crooks<br />

Dalhousie University<br />

We will introduce complex projective space, CP^n, <strong>and</strong> realize it as an n-dimensional compact complex<br />

analytic manifold. A subsequent introduction to complex Grassmannians <strong>and</strong> the Plucker Embedding<br />

will take place <strong>and</strong> culminate with the imposition of a compact complex manifold structure on<br />

Grassmannians. Time-permitting, one or both of two solutions to a classical intersection-theoretic<br />

problem in enumerative geometry will be given.<br />

Familiarity with basic general topology, basic exterior algebra, <strong>and</strong> the notion of a differentiable<br />

manifold will prove advantageous. The presentation will not presuppose any degree of familiarity with<br />

homology <strong>and</strong> cohomology. However, prior exposure to these concepts might be somewhat useful<br />

during a small portion of the presentation.<br />

R<strong>and</strong>omized algorithms<br />

Victor Fan<br />

Waterloo<br />

An overview of the some of the most clever r<strong>and</strong>omized algorithms <strong>and</strong> their expected run-time<br />

analyses. (Talk prerequisite: basic run-time analysis of pseudocode; no programming experience<br />

needed.) Here are some questions to stir your interest. How fast can you find the median of 2n+1<br />

distinct numbers? (You may know the classic worst-case O(n) algorithm, but that algorithm is boring;<br />

we will look at a different one.) Given a vertex-weighted graph having n vertices, all of which have<br />

degree 3 or less, how does one use r<strong>and</strong>omization to find a local minimum (a vertex with weight less<br />

than all its neighbours) in expected o(n) time? (This means we don't even expect to look at all the<br />

vertices! :O )

The Casimir Effect <strong>and</strong> High-Temperature Superconductors<br />

Simon Foreman<br />

UBC<br />

Superconductivity (the disappearance of electrical resistance within a material below a certain critical<br />

temperature) <strong>and</strong> the Casimir effect (a physical force that is a consequence of quantum vacuum<br />

fluctuations) are at first glance unrelated. I will provide introductions to each phenomenon, <strong>and</strong> then<br />

discuss recent work that proposes an intimate connection between the two, based (in brief) on the<br />

energy scales involved. If correct, this proposal promises important insights into the behaviour of hightemperature<br />

superconductors—I will conclude by reviewing tentative results in this direction.<br />

Fractals in complex dynamics: A presentation with pictures!<br />

Jérôme Fortier<br />

Laval University<br />

Anyone who has ever seen a fractal image of a Julia set (if you haven't, Google it!) must have been<br />

astonished by the beauty of the regular irregularity of it. But what, exactly, is a Julia set? The aim of my<br />

talk will be to answer that question, but also, to help you answer the more important one: are the math<br />

behind the pictures as interesting as the pictures themselves are? To help you answer that one, we will<br />

give a short overview of the theory of iteration <strong>and</strong> its generalizations, so that you will be able to answer<br />

that question yourself.<br />

Hint: the answer is Yes.<br />

Integer Partition Identities<br />

Parker Glynn-Adey<br />

Trent<br />

Integer partitions have been an active area of research in additive number theory since the birth of<br />

mathematics. We present some basic aspects of the theory with an emphasis on various proof<br />

techniques used. Several examples will be covered demonstrating the use of generating functions,<br />

Ferrers diagrams, <strong>and</strong> bijective techniques. If time permits recent develops since the 1980s using<br />

automated proofs will be discussed. Introductory talk, no background needed.<br />

Introduction to Tree Augmentation Problem<br />

Krystal Guo<br />

Waterloo<br />

We will define the tree augmentation problem, which is a connectivity problem, where in one tries to<br />

increase the edge-connectivity of some graph by adding as few edges as possible. We will then present<br />

some combinatorial approximation algorithms for the tree augmentation problem. No prior knowledge of<br />

graph theory or approximation algorithms is require.

Zero-Sum Two-Person Games<br />

Kimberly Hart<br />

Queen's University<br />

Game theory is a field within mathematics, <strong>and</strong> one with some interesting applications. This talk will<br />

explore the two-person zero-sum game including the mini-max theorem, Nash equilibrium <strong>and</strong> utility<br />

theory. A course in real analysis would be helpful for some of the notation <strong>and</strong> concepts used in proofs,<br />

but the level of math is suitable for all levels <strong>and</strong> abilities.<br />

The Geometry of Musical Chords<br />

Gina Hochban<br />

University of Regina<br />

Math <strong>and</strong> music have more in common than just the letter "m"! Princeton University’s Dmitri Tymoczko<br />

has given literal shape to music by relating musical chords of n notes to points in an n-dimensional<br />

geometric space - with an attempt at quantifying “good sounding music.” Focusing on the 2-dimensional<br />

case for visual ease, we will construct a familiar orbifold on which every possible 2-note chord resides,<br />

<strong>and</strong> marvel in the curious ability for mathematics to give structure to yet another seemingly intangible<br />

topic!<br />

Gershgorin <strong>and</strong> his circles<br />

Alex Lang<br />

McGill<br />

We will prove a result that was proved by Gershgorin in 1931. The theorem gives some idea about the<br />

location of the eigenvalues of a square matrix. It is very cute <strong>and</strong> elegant <strong>and</strong> turns out to have<br />

interesting applications. We will investigate some of these applications. Only basic knowledge of linear<br />

algebra <strong>and</strong> analysis is required.<br />

I will try to include nice drawings if I have the time.<br />

Control Theory<br />

Jean-Sébastien Lévesque<br />

Laval<br />

Arrow's Impossibility Theorem<br />

Elliott Lipnowski<br />

Waterloo<br />

I will provide a proof of Kenneth Arrow's celebrated theorem in Social Choice Theory (a relative of<br />

Game Theory), which contradicts the existence of an ideal electoral system. The proof is modeled in<br />

such a way that the stronger Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem can be proven with very little modification.<br />

Weak Topology<br />

Elliott Lipnowski<br />

Waterloo<br />

In this talk, we will study some basic notions <strong>and</strong> propositions regarding the weak topology on Banach<br />

spaces. We will then go on to prove a useful result in Functional Analysis, the Banach-Alaoglu<br />

Theorem.<br />

Prerequisites: Basic Real Analysis.

Modules, Fitting Ideals, <strong>and</strong> Polynomials<br />

Justin Martel<br />

Ottawa U<br />

No doubt modules over arbitrary rings must be understood as fundamental objects in the growing<br />

mathematicians future. With a view towards the future, modules over commutative rings shall be<br />

assumed, <strong>and</strong> a particular sequence of invariants shall be introduced. These Fitting ideals shall move<br />

us towards finite free resolutions of a module, annihilators, <strong>and</strong> primary decompositions. Concrete<br />

realizations of these notions shall be emphasized over polynomial rings. Expect the speaker to appear<br />

quite fond of commutative rings, ideals, <strong>and</strong> modules.<br />

Combinatorics of the Littlewood Richardson Coefficients<br />

Adam McCabe<br />

Queen's University<br />

In this talk I will briefly introduce the Littlewood Richardson Coefficients which arise in the study of<br />

Schur functions as well as the representation theory of the general linear group, <strong>and</strong> the Horn<br />

Conjecture. These coefficients can be calculated in more than one way <strong>and</strong> often involve interesting<br />

<strong>and</strong> creative combinatorial constructions including the Littlewood Richardson rule, <strong>and</strong> the Puzzles<br />

algorithm.<br />

This talk should be fully self contained <strong>and</strong> require no prerequisits.<br />

Generalized Lindemann Theorem <strong>and</strong> the resulting family of transcendental numbers.<br />

Steven McPherson<br />

Waterloo<br />

Convex Analysis as a Method of Proof<br />

Stephen Melczer<br />

Simon Fraser<br />

Over the last decade, Convex Optimization has become a very popular subject in Applied Mathematics<br />

due to advances in the creation of fast <strong>and</strong> reliable solvers. In this talk, we will explore how the<br />

properties of convex sets can be used in an analysis context to prove results in various branches of<br />

Pure Mathematics. In particular, we will prove the Birkhoff-von Neumann Theorem, a result used in<br />

Graph Theory, <strong>and</strong> Schur's Theorem, which has applications to Linear Algebra. The only pre-requisite<br />

is a basic knowledge of Linear Algebra.<br />

What Shor's algorithm is, <strong>and</strong> what it is not<br />

Abel Molina Prieto<br />

Waterloo<br />

We will discuss some popular misconceptions about Shor's algorithm for factoring in a quantum<br />

computer. Then we will introduce the Quantum Fourier Transform <strong>and</strong> its application to the order-finding<br />

problem, as well as the basic facts of number theory that allow us to use it as a subroutine of a classical<br />

algorithm to produce an efficient probabilistic algorithm for factoring.

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Queueing Theory.<br />

Samantha Molinaro<br />

University of Windsor<br />

You see a line up at the grocery store, you want to pay for your items but you also have to mail a letter.<br />

Should you wait in line first then mail your letter? Or would it be faster to mail the letter <strong>and</strong> then come<br />

back to the line? We look at an M/M/1 queue. You must complete the queue but you also have an<br />

additional task of fixed time to complete. Given information about the queue you must determine what<br />

to do first, the queue or the task?<br />

Reduction formulas for the Appell hypergeometric function F2<br />

Jonathan Murley<br />

University of Prince Edward Isl<strong>and</strong><br />

The generalized hypergeometric function qFp is a power series in which the ratio of successive terms is<br />

a rational function of the summation index. The Gaussian hypergeometric functions 2F1 <strong>and</strong> 3F2 are<br />

most common special cases of the generalized hypergeometric function. The Appell hypergeometric<br />

functions Fq, q=1,2,3,4 are product of two hypergeometric functions 2F1 that appear in many areas of<br />

mathematical physics. Here, we are interested in the Appell hypergeometric function F2 which is known<br />

to have a double integral representation. As introduced by Opps, Saad, <strong>and</strong> Srivastava (2005), the<br />

double integral representation of F2 can be reduced to a single integral that can be easily evaluated for<br />

certain values of the parameters in terms of the Gaussian hypergeometric functions. Using the<br />

reduction formulas of the Gaussian hypergeometric functions <strong>and</strong> the representation of F2 in terms of a<br />

single integral, we have begun to tabulate new reduction formulas for F2.<br />

Einstein-Cartan Theory of Gravity<br />

Nikita Nikolaev<br />

U of T<br />

Cartan's extension of general relativity incorporates the spin-angular momentum into the framework of<br />

Einstein's theory, which is known to possess no spin-orbit coupling (i.e. interaction between the spin<br />

<strong>and</strong> the motion). Geometric properties of a spacetime are coupled to the spin via torsion, which<br />

describes the `twisting' of tangent spaces while parallel propagated along a curve (not to be confused<br />

with curvature, which describes the `rolling' of tangent spaces). Typically, the spin tensor of a<br />

macroscopic object (e.g. a star) is small, so the deviations of Cartan's gravity from that of Einstein's are<br />

minute <strong>and</strong> hidden well within the macroscopic object's interior. In fact, all classical formulations of<br />

general relativity set torsion to zero to begin with (the so-called ``torsion-free condition''). However, it<br />

seems natural to look for a more detailed description of gravity, one which would include spin-orbit<br />

interactions, because they are physically realistic. Furthermore, some theories of quantum gravity have<br />

a naturally arising (affine) nonzero torsion. As one can imagine, in such theories the `smallness' of the<br />

spin-tensor is no longer an issue, <strong>and</strong> dramatic deviations from Einstein's gravity must make<br />

themselves evident.<br />

Plan: I will describe the differential geometry behind Cartan's extension. I will introduce the vielbein<br />

basis <strong>and</strong> use it to derive the two Cartan structure equations. The power of vielbein method will<br />

be demonstrated on an example of $S^2$. Time-permitting, I will briefly describe how these results lead<br />

to Einstein-Cartan field equations, <strong>and</strong> explain some new geometric insights into gravity.<br />

Prerequisites: Solid underst<strong>and</strong>ing of differential geometry is an asset (differential forms, tensors,<br />

metrics, curvature, differentiation, connections, etc.). Most advantage will be taken of the component-

form of tensors, so make sure you readily recognize contractions <strong>and</strong> raising/lowering of indices.<br />

(However, without these prerequisites, the talk may serve motivationally well, especially in light of the<br />

fact that a (supposedly good) set of notes is in preparation <strong>and</strong> will be based upon to in the lecture.)<br />

Knowledge of physics <strong>and</strong> general relativity is NOT required.<br />

Graph Coloring Extensions<br />

Jon Noel<br />

Thompson Rivers<br />

Graph coloring is a well-known <strong>and</strong> well-studied area of graph theory. A proper coloring of a graph is a<br />

function from the vertices of the graph to some set of colors such that adjacent vertices map to different<br />

colors. A natural progression is to determine what conditions allow us to extend a pre-coloring defined<br />

on some subset of the vertices to a proper coloring entire graph. In this talk we present a result of<br />

Albertson on extending colorings of planar graphs. A theorem of Ballatine shows that the conditions<br />

Albertson requires are in some sense best possible. Then, we define circular (k,d)-colorings <strong>and</strong> state a<br />

theorem for coloring extensions by Albertson <strong>and</strong> West. Finally, we will look at the problem I am<br />

currently working on about extending pre-colorings of larger components of a graph, each of which is<br />

isomorphic to a special graph, Gk,d.<br />

Prerequisites: A very basic knowledge of graph theory. This talk should be accessible to everyone.<br />

linear logic<br />

Philippe Paradis<br />

University of Ottawa<br />

A short introduction to proof theory is given. Linear logic, a "logic behind logic", is presented here as a<br />

theory of logic which allows *reasoning with state*. Logical formulas are interpreted as resources in a<br />

dynamical setting, rather than eternal truths or falsehoods in a platonic world, as in classical logic. We<br />

see applications to theoretical computer science <strong>and</strong> to axiomatic quantum mechanics<br />

Tempered Distributions <strong>and</strong> the Hilbert Transform<br />

Tom Potter<br />

Dalhousie University<br />

The Hilbert transform is a convolution operator, but with a distribution (or “generalized function” as<br />

they’re sometimes called) as its convolution kernel, instead of a regular function. In my talk I will<br />

describe tempered distributions, <strong>and</strong> the space of functions on which these act, known as the Schwartz<br />

space. I will also explain <strong>and</strong> give examples of how certain operations on regular functions, such as<br />

convolution with another function, can be extended to tempered distributions. I will then define the<br />

Hilbert transform on L^2, <strong>and</strong> prove a neat relation about how the Hilbert transform is related to the<br />

harmonic conjugate of f*P_y, where f is any L^2 function <strong>and</strong> P_y is the Poisson kernel.

Robin's criterion for the Riemann Hypothesis<br />

Maksym Radziwill<br />

Stanford University<br />

In this talk, following Robin, I will show that the Riemann hypothesis is equivalent to a silly inequality for<br />

the "sum of divisors" function.<br />

The Friendship Theorem<br />

Mustazee Rahman<br />

U of T<br />

In any party, if every pair of persons have exactly one friend in common then there is one person (the<br />

''politician'') who is everyone's friend.<br />

This statement is often called the Friendship Theorem, <strong>and</strong> its proof is elementary yet quite elusive <strong>and</strong><br />

elegant. I shall present the proof of this neat little result by making use of a common theme in<br />

combinatorics: the use of linear algebra to solve combinatorial problems.<br />

The talk will be completely self contained <strong>and</strong> I will also mention a generalized version of this problem<br />

which remains unsolved to this day.<br />

Using Cellular Automata to Model the Spread of HIV among Injection Drug Users<br />

Natasha Richardson <strong>and</strong> Steven Rossi<br />

Simon Fraser<br />

Vancouver's Downtown Eastside (DTES) is home to a large community of injection drug users (IDU).<br />

There is an ongoing HIV epidemic, driven primarily by needle sharing, within this community. Highly<br />

Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) suppresses the HIV virus within an individual <strong>and</strong> can prevent<br />

HIV transmission. We present two models that examine the effects of placing HIV+ IDUs on HAART.<br />

The first incorporates both needle sharing <strong>and</strong> non-needle-sharing IDUs. State transitions are brought<br />

about by social interactions in which neighbours encourage/discourage each other to share needles.<br />

This model aims to identify a particular HAART coverage level needed to eliminate the epidemic. The<br />

second focuses solely on a population of needle sharing IDUs. In this model, HIV+ individuals are<br />

placed on HAART with a particular probability. We present the results of our simulations <strong>and</strong> discuss<br />

possible implications of our research.<br />

The Black Hole Information Paradox: a Quantum-Mechanical Perspective<br />

Oren Rippel<br />

UBC<br />

The Black Hole Information Paradox is one of the most beautiful <strong>and</strong> controversial open problems in<br />

physics. I will start by introducing the paradox. I will then proceed to briefly summarize the AdS-CFT<br />

correspondence. Lastly, I will describe Polchinski's model that I have been researching, <strong>and</strong> discuss its<br />

prominent features. The audience is expected to have a strong underst<strong>and</strong>ing of quantum mechanics.

We were wondering when our wave blocked<br />

Christian Roy<br />

University of Ottawa<br />

Ever wondered what causes heart attacks? What happens to signals in your brain when neurons get<br />

damaged? Both of these phenomenons have something in common. They can be modeled by waveblocking.<br />

Throughout this presentation, we will explore different models of wave-blocking, their<br />

motivation <strong>and</strong> associated results.<br />

Tychonoff's Compactness Theorem<br />

Oleg Ryjkov<br />

Waterloo<br />

The Axiom of Choice is one of the most discussed axioms in mathematics. In this talk I will prove the<br />

equivalence of Tychonoff's theorem <strong>and</strong> the Axiom of Choice as well as list some of the important<br />

applications of the compactness theorem.<br />

Some Theory of Optimally Pricing Products<br />

Malcolm Sharpe<br />

Waterloo<br />

Consider a model of product pricing where every consumer buys exactly one product, which is the<br />

product that maximizes utility. How should a company price its products under this model so as to<br />

maximize revenue or profit? This problem is NP-hard, but displays a nice interplay of discrete <strong>and</strong><br />

continuous aspects that allow a variety of heuristics <strong>and</strong> approximations. This talk will focus on some<br />

selected theoretical aspects of solving this problem: an elegant approximation algorithm of Guruswami<br />

et al., a shortest path structure observed by Dobson <strong>and</strong> Kalish, <strong>and</strong> a selection from my research that<br />

exploits this shortest path structure.<br />

An Introduction to Banach Algebras <strong>and</strong> C*-Algebras<br />

Paul Skoufranis<br />

Waterloo<br />

In many areas of mathematics, we begin with the very specific <strong>and</strong> then later try to generalize. Banach<br />

<strong>and</strong> C*-algebras are the natural way analysts extend the analytic <strong>and</strong> algebraic structures of the n by n<br />

matrices on the complex numbers to infinite dimensions. In this brief 40 minute talk, I will provide an<br />

introduction to the theory of Banach <strong>and</strong> C*-algebras <strong>and</strong> demonstrate how having an underlying<br />

algebraic structure in a Banach space can provide some rich theory. More notably, we shall see how it<br />

is possible to generalize the eigenvalues of complex matrices to infinite dimensions <strong>and</strong> how this<br />

algebraic property relates to the analytic properties of Banach spaces. Also, some more advanced<br />

topics/ideas will be discussed.

A Braided Relationship: An introduction to Configuration Spaces <strong>and</strong> Braid Groups<br />

Mikhail Smilovic<br />

University of Calgary<br />

Configuration spaces are the n-element subsets of a topological space X. I will provide an introduction<br />

to these spaces with an explicit definition <strong>and</strong> examples. These spaces are closely related to braid<br />

groups, an easily visualized group studied by knot theorists, group theorists, geometers, <strong>and</strong> many<br />

others. I will explain the relationship between configuration spaces <strong>and</strong> braid groups <strong>and</strong> explain how<br />

both are relevant in many areas of mathematics.<br />

Optimal Number of Callers for Pocket Aces<br />

Eric Tran<br />

University of Calgary<br />

It will be a short talk (15-20 minutes) about playing pocket aces <strong>and</strong> the optimal number of callers<br />

wanted. It will cover the related expected values <strong>and</strong> deviations. Most interestingly, there is a paradox<br />

that you can have a negative expected value with pocket aces if there is a very high number of players<br />

in the pot.<br />

The Arithmetic of Divisibility Sequences<br />

Laura Walton<br />

McMaster University<br />

Most of the talk will consist of a treatment of the basic properties of second-order linear divisibility<br />

sequences, using the Lucas functions <strong>and</strong> some slick <strong>and</strong> simple tricks. The topic of higher-order<br />

divisibility sequences will be briefly explored. For the wary: no prior knowledge of divisibility sequences<br />

required. (It’s probably best to know a bit about modular arithmetic, since it allows a whole bunch of<br />

charming little tricks that are used.)<br />

A Queueing Model for Emergency <strong>and</strong> Booked Elective Hospital Admissions<br />

Ying Wang<br />

Simon Fraser<br />

Many hospitals must balance the need to provide timely access for emergency department (ED)<br />

admissions with the requirement to maintain a schedule of booked elective (BE) admissions. Both types<br />

of admissions must be accommodated within the hospital’s available bed resources. The access target<br />

for ED admissions is expressed in term of percentage of patients receiving an in-patient bed within a<br />

specified time interval. The access target for BE admissions is expressed as a specified cancellation<br />

rate.<br />

We develop a multi-server discrete event queueing model with two input streams corresponding to ED<br />

admissions <strong>and</strong> BE admissions. Each arrival stream is modelled as a Poisson process <strong>and</strong> the length<br />

of stay for each stream is assumed to be exponentially distributed. Using this model, we determine how<br />

many beds a hospital needs <strong>and</strong> how it should best manage the access priority for the two streams in<br />

order to meet the two access targets.<br />

This research is supported in part by the British Columbia Ministry of Health Services.

Relatively Good Privacy: An Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography <strong>and</strong> RSA Encryption<br />

Michael Wanless<br />

University of Calgary<br />

Public-key cryptography plays an integral role in the hybrid cryptosystems used today; yet, most people<br />

are far more familiar with substitution ciphers <strong>and</strong> other symmetric-key encryptions than with public-key<br />

encryptions. This talk will provide an introduction to the ideas behind public-key cryptography, as well<br />

as discussing its implementation. Much of the talk will focus on RSA encryption – we will delve into its<br />

inner workings, as well as touch upon the security of the encryption.<br />

Knowledge of Modular Arithmetic is highly recommended; knowledge of the Extended Euclidean<br />

Algorithm <strong>and</strong> the Chinese Remainder Theorem is useful, but not necessary.<br />

Lie algebras with bilinear forms<br />

Alex Weekes<br />

Carleton University<br />

In the theory of finite dimensional Lie algebras, little can be said in general about Lie algebras that are<br />

not semi-simple. In this talk I will give some results about a somewhat larger class of Lie algebras, that<br />

is those which possess a symmetric non-degenerate invariant bilinear form. I will give a short<br />

introduction/review to Lie algebras before discussing this main topic, drawing parallels there to<br />

semisimple Lie algebras.<br />

Galois groups of irreducible degree-7 polynomials<br />

Jenny Wilson<br />

Queen's University<br />

A group G acting on a set X is called k-homogeneous if it acts transitively on the set of k-element<br />

subsets of X. In this talk, I will describe a technique for distinguishing the Galois groups of irreducible<br />

polynomials of prime degree using the group's homogeneity properties, with a focus on degree-7<br />

polynomials. A basic underst<strong>and</strong>ing of Galois theory is assumed.<br />

An Introduction to Regular Languages <strong>and</strong> State Complexity<br />

Chenglong Zou<br />

Waterloo<br />

Formal language theory is a subject of much interest in the field of computer science <strong>and</strong> linguistics, as<br />

it attempts to synthesize the concept of language into something that can be tackled with tools from<br />

mathematics. In the following talk, I will introduce basic concepts of formal language theory. In<br />

particular, there will be an emphasis on Finite Automata, Regular Expressions <strong>and</strong> Regular Languages<br />

as well as their applications. Some basic facts <strong>and</strong> theorems will be proven <strong>and</strong> different approaches<br />

developed over the last few years will be compared. With these tools, I will discuss a topic in current<br />

research: State complexity. If time permits, there will also be some discussion about further topics in the<br />


Hilbert's Nullstellensatz<br />

Richard Zsolt<br />

Waterloo<br />

Hilbert's Nullstellensatz is a fundamental idea in Algebraic Geometry. Although it is primarily an<br />

algebraic result, it is often omitted from introductory courses in commutative algebra. In this talk, we will<br />

investigate its proof, some more general versions, <strong>and</strong> some related interesting tidbits.<br />

Prerequisites: Comfort with basic Ring Theory <strong>and</strong> Field Theory.<br />

Smith's Elementary Divisors<br />

Marc-Olivier Brault<br />

University of Ottawa<br />

Are you a fan of the Gauss-Jordan algorithm? Or simply one of those who just like playing around with<br />

matrices? Then get ready, for in this presentation will be introduced a wholly different algorithm, used<br />

to bring matrices with integer entries into a special diagonal form, called Smith Normal Form. It will<br />

then be used to prove a fundamental structure theorem for finite abelian groups, one of its several<br />

applications.<br />

Special Relativity<br />

Yiannis Loizides<br />

Waterloo<br />

At the heart of special relativity are the Lorentz transformations, which relate the experiences of<br />

observers who may be moving relative to each other. In the 1960s, a particularly nice way of deriving<br />

the Lorentz transformations from a (very) short list of axioms was discovered. After reviewing the<br />

physical picture of special relativity <strong>and</strong> introducing Minkowski space, this short talk will aim to give a<br />

mathematically precise (yes, another aim is to get pure math people <strong>and</strong> physics people talking!)<br />

statement of this result. No knowledge other than linear algebra will be assumed.<br />

Finding a trefoil in the complex plane<br />

Joel Tousignant-Barnes<br />

University of Calgary<br />

The configuration space of 3 points in C is the space of 3-element subsets of the complex plane. This<br />

topological space can be identified with the space of monic cubic polynomials with complex coefficients<br />

that have distinct roots. Using this identification, we show that the configuration space of 3 points in C<br />

can be deformed to the complement of a trefoil knot in the 3-sphere. Some knowledge of complex<br />

numbers in polar coordinates, polynomials with complex coefficients, modular arithmetic, <strong>and</strong> basic<br />

calculus is required. Prior exposure to topology will help to clarify some examples but is not required.<br />

Excursions in power series<br />

Julia Evans<br />

McGill<br />

We'll find out why there are Bernoulli numbers in the power series for cotan, <strong>and</strong> look at a couple of<br />

neat applications to summing series.

Fourier Analysis on L^p(R)<br />

Peter Barfuss<br />

Waterloo<br />

Most courses on theoretical Fourier Analysis commonly cover only Fourier series on L^p([-\pi,\pi]).<br />

While this particular case is quite illustrative <strong>and</strong> very useful, the case of L^p(R) is notably be very<br />

different as the fundamental containment relation of L^q([-\pi,\pi]) \subset L^p([-\pi,\pi]) for 1 \leq p < q<br />

\leq \infty no longer holds true. In this talk, the focus is primarily on the case p > 2, where the classical<br />

definition of Fourier analysis breaks down, <strong>and</strong> the Fourier Transform can only be defined in terms of<br />

distributions by means of duality.<br />

An interesting problem relating Hausdorff dimension <strong>and</strong> the Law of Large Numbers<br />

Victor Fong<br />

Waterloo<br />

During my summer research, my professor gave me a problem on finding the Hausdorff dimension of<br />

an interesting set. It turns out that the properties of the set are highly related to the Law of Large<br />

Numbers. In this talk I am going to share with you this problem, brief introduction to the mathematical<br />

theories needed <strong>and</strong>, if time permits, my findings on the problem. The theories include some measure<br />

theory, probability theory, the Law of Large Numbers <strong>and</strong> Hausdorff dimension.<br />

Geometric Methods in Relativity<br />

Yevgeniy Liokumovich<br />

U of T<br />

General Relativity is considered by many to be the most elegant invention of human mind. The beauty<br />

of it is in that it gives meaning to space, time <strong>and</strong> gravitation as interconnected geometric notions.I will<br />

start with an elegant geometric derivation of Lorentz Transformation, <strong>and</strong> then briefly illustrate how<br />

physical reasoning naturally leads to such concepts as manifolds, covariant differentiation <strong>and</strong><br />

curvature.<br />

Elliptic functions<br />

Mitsuru Wilson<br />

U of T<br />

This talk will survey topics usually not covered during st<strong>and</strong>ard complex analysis courses. An elliptic<br />

function is a complex differentiable function that has a double period. That is, a holomorphic map f : C<br />

−" C with f (z) = f (z + n!1 + m!2) for some !1, !2 where m <strong>and</strong> n are integers. In real variables, a smooth<br />

periodic function f : R2 −" R2 can easily be constructed. f (x, y) = sin (x + y) is a mere example. It is not<br />

trivial that there is a nonconstant holomorphic function of this type. Well, there isn’t! However, there<br />

exists a meromorphic function with a double period. I warn you that this is not tedious. I will address two<br />

classical constructions of this type. One is Weirstrauss p function; this is the most classical example. I<br />

will discuss the underlying structures of the p function. The second example is the " function. The "<br />

function is mentioned repeatedly in number theory but what is it? How is it interesting? Why does it<br />

grasp researchers’ interest? I will discuss their endless interesting properties <strong>and</strong> lots <strong>and</strong> lots of<br />

applications as much as the time allows. This talk is friendly for everyone; I would assume as little<br />

background as possible. Very elementary complex analysis background is appreciated but I guarantee<br />

there is nothing else you need to know in this talk!

Rebooking of Surgeries in Hospitals - a Queueing Theory approach<br />

Asif Zaman<br />

Simon Fraser<br />

With money disappearing <strong>and</strong> health care line-ups growing, resource allocation for hospitals has<br />

become pivotal. In particular, choosing the appropriate number of inpatient beds can greatly affect<br />

hospital service. I will discuss the problem of rebooking surgeries in hospitals, <strong>and</strong> how this relates to<br />

the number of beds, patient wait times, <strong>and</strong> queue length. Preliminary computational <strong>and</strong> analytic<br />

results will be presented.<br />

No prior knowledge of queueing theory is assumed, <strong>and</strong> very little probability is required.<br />

A binomial pricing view of the Black – Scholes model<br />

Amine El Kaouachi<br />

McGill University<br />

This talk treats today’s most powerful options valuation tool: the Black – Scholes. After a presentation<br />

of some financial derivatives basics - <strong>and</strong> options in particular - I will prove the Black – Scholes formula<br />

using a discrete-time binomial framework. Finally, we will discuss some concrete applications <strong>and</strong><br />

limitations of the model.<br />

Note : Je répondrai avec plaisir aux questions en français.<br />

Theorems in Radiation Oncology<br />

Richard Cerezo<br />

U of T<br />

A useful set of mathematical tools when dealing with biological systems <strong>and</strong> their interpretations. Some<br />

discourse on the current state of the art in Mathematical Biology <strong>and</strong> some general concepts. Time will<br />

be left open for discussion.<br />

A gentle introduction to quantum computing<br />

Mark Przeporia<br />

University of Calgary<br />

In this talk, I will attempt to convey the fundamentals of quantum computing in 40 minutes, <strong>and</strong><br />

demystify concepts such as entanglement <strong>and</strong> parallelism which are routinely misunderstood in the<br />

media. I will do so using only elementary linear algebra, which is enough to underst<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> discuss<br />

several quantum algorithms <strong>and</strong> issues in complexity, such as why quantum computers (probably)<br />

aren’t the answer to P vs. NP.

A Braided Relationship: An introduction to Configuration Spaces <strong>and</strong> Braid Groups<br />

Mikhail Smilovich<br />

University of Calgary<br />

Configuration spaces are the n-element subsets of a topological space X. I will provide an introduction<br />

to these spaces with an explicit definition <strong>and</strong> examples. These spaces are closely related to braid<br />

groups, an easily visualized group studied by knot theorists, group theorists, geometers, <strong>and</strong> many<br />

others. I will explain the relationship between configuration spaces <strong>and</strong> braid groups <strong>and</strong> explain how<br />

both are relevant in many areas of mathematics.<br />

Special Relativity<br />

Yiannis Loizides<br />

Waterloo<br />

At the heart of special relativity are the Lorentz transformations, which relate the experiences of<br />

observers who may be moving relative to each other. In the 1960s, a particularly nice way of deriving<br />

the Lorentz transformations from a (very) short list of axioms was discovered. After reviewing the<br />

physical picture of special relativity <strong>and</strong> introducing Minkowski space, this short (25 min) talk will aim to<br />

give a mathematically precise (yes, another aim is to get pure math people <strong>and</strong> physics people talking!)<br />

statement of this result.<br />

No knowledge other than linear algebra will be assumed.<br />

A binomial pricing view of the Black – Scholes model<br />

Amine El Kaouachi<br />

McGill University<br />

This talk treats today’s most powerful options valuation tool: the Black – Scholes. After a presentation of<br />

some financial derivatives basics - <strong>and</strong> options in particular - I will prove the Black – Scholes formula<br />

using a discrete-time binomial framework. Finally, we will discuss some concrete applications <strong>and</strong><br />

limitations of the model.<br />

Note : Je répondrai avec plaisir aux questions en français.

Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference<br />

Schedule 2009<br />

Wednesday July 8th<br />

15:00 - 16:45 Registration<br />

17:00 - 18:30 Opening Remarks <strong>and</strong> Keynote Speaker: Jit Bose (Carleton University)<br />

18:30 - 22:00 Opening Banquet<br />

Thursday July 9th<br />

08:00 - 09:00 Breakfast<br />

09:00 - 11:00 Conference Block<br />

11:00 - 11:15 Coffee Break<br />

11:15 - 12:15 Keynote Speaker: Cynthia Bocci (Statistical Society of Canada)<br />

12:15 - 13:15 Lunch<br />

13:15 - 15:30 Conference Block<br />

15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break<br />

15:45 - 16:45 Keynote Speaker: Ram Murty (Queens University)<br />

Friday July10th<br />

08:00 - 09:00 Breakfast<br />

09:00 - 11:00 Conference Block<br />

11:00 - 11:15 Coffee Break<br />

11:15 - 12:15 Keynote Speaker: Colin Weir (University of Calgary)<br />

12:15 - 13:15 Lunch<br />

13:15 - 15:30 Conference Block<br />

15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break<br />

15:45 - 16:45 Keynote Speaker: Robb Fry (Thompson Rivers)<br />

18:00 - 21:00 Banquet<br />

Saturday July 11th<br />

08:00 - 09:00 Breakfast<br />

09:00 - 11:00 Conference Block<br />

11:00 - 11:15 Coffee Break<br />

11:15 - 12:15 Keynote Speaker: David Jao (University of Waterloo)

Wednesday, July 8th<br />

Time Speaker <strong>and</strong> Title Room<br />

15:00-16:45 Registration Herzberg 4302<br />

17:00-17:30 Opening <strong>Talks</strong> Azrieli Theatre 102<br />

17:30-18:30 Keynote Speaker<br />

Prosenjit Bose - Geometric Graph Spanners Azrieli Theatre 102<br />

Thursday, July 9th<br />

Time Speaker <strong>and</strong> Title Room<br />

09:00-09:40 Michael Barriault - Trapped Surfaces<br />

Tory 204<br />

Krystal Guo - Introduction to Tree Augmentation Problem<br />

Elliott Lipnowski - Arrow's Impossibility Theorem<br />

Peter Crooks - Grassmannians <strong>and</strong> Enumerative Geometry<br />

09:45-10:25 Nikita Nikolaev - Einstein-Cartan Theory of Gravity<br />

Victor Fan - R<strong>and</strong>omized algorithms<br />

Paul Skoufranis - An Introduction to Banach Algebras <strong>and</strong> C*-<br />

Algebras<br />

Victor Fong - An interesting problem relating Hausdorff<br />

dimension <strong>and</strong> the Law of Large Numbers<br />

10:30-10:55 Oren Rippel - The Black Hole Information Paradox: a Quantum-<br />

Mechanical Perspective<br />

Adam McCabe - Combinatorics of the Littlewood Richardson<br />

Coefficients<br />

Oleg Ryjkov - Tychonoff's Compactness Theorem<br />

Ana Best - Frequentist <strong>and</strong> Bayesian interval estimation<br />

11:15-12:15 Keynote Speaker<br />

Cynthia Bocci - Création de données synthétiques: Expérience<br />

de Statistique Canada à partir du Cross National Equivalent File<br />

13:15-13:40<br />

Gina Hochban - The Geometry of Musical Chords<br />

Stephen Melczer - Convex Analysis as a Method of Proof<br />

13:45-14:10 Richard Zsolt - Hilbert's Nullstellensatz<br />

Eric Tran - Optimal Number of Callers for Pocket Aces<br />

Yuanxun Bill Bao - A Visualization Tool for 3-Dimensional<br />

System of Differential Equations in Maple<br />

Christian Roy - We were wondering when our wave blocked<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

Tory 204<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

Tory 204<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

Azrieli Theatre 102<br />

Tory 204<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

Tory 204<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

14:15-14:40 Alex Lang - Gershgorin <strong>and</strong> his circles Tory 204

Kimberly Hart - Zero-Sum Two-Person Games<br />

Jean-Sébastien Lévesque - Control Theory<br />

Richard Cerezo - Theorems in Radiation Oncology<br />

14:45-15:25 Marc-Olivier Brault - Smith's Elementary Divisors<br />

Mark Przeporia - A gentle introduction to quantum computing<br />

Rosalie Bélanger-Rioux - An adaptive Newton's method for root<br />

solving - Une méthode de Newton adaptative pour trouver les<br />

zéros d'une fonction<br />

Natasha Richardson <strong>and</strong> Steven Rossi - Using Cellular<br />

Automata to Model the Spread of HIV among Injection Drug<br />

Users<br />

15:45-16:45 Keynote Speaker<br />

Ram Murty - What Is A Zeta Function?<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

Tory 204<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

Azrieli Theatre 102<br />

Friday, July 10th<br />

Time Speaker <strong>and</strong> Title Room<br />

09:00-09:40 Jenny Wilson - Galois groups of irreducible degree-7<br />

polynomials<br />

Tory 204<br />

Justin Martel - Modules, Fitting Ideals, <strong>and</strong> Polynomials<br />

Peter Barfuss - Fourier Analysis on L^p(R)<br />

Vincent Chan - An introduction to Fractal Geometry<br />

09:45-10:25 Joel Tousignant-Barnes - Finding a trefoil in the complex plane<br />

Alex Weekes - Lie algebras with bilinear forms<br />

Tom Potter - Tempered Distributions <strong>and</strong> the Hilbert Transform<br />

Jérôme Fortier - Fractals in complex dynamics: A presentation<br />

with pictures!<br />

10:30-10:55 Mikhail Smilovich - A Braided Relationship: An introduction to<br />

Configuration Spaces <strong>and</strong> Braid Groups<br />

Chenglong Zou - An Introduction to Regular Languages <strong>and</strong><br />

State Complexity<br />

Navid Alaei - The Merit Factor Problem<br />

Philippe Paradis - linear logic<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

Tory 204<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

Tory 204<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

11:15-12:15 Keynote Speaker<br />

Colin Weir - So You Want To Go To Grad School Azrieli Theatre 102<br />

13:15-13:40 Samantha Molinaro - Should I Stay or Should I Go? Queueing<br />

Theory.<br />

Tory 204<br />

Laura Walton - The Arithmetic of Divisibility Sequences<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213

13:45-14:10 Ying Wang - A Queueing Model for Emergency <strong>and</strong> Booked<br />

Elective Hospital Admissions<br />

Michael Wanless - Relatively Good Privacy: An Introduction to<br />

Public-Key Cryptography <strong>and</strong> RSA Encryption<br />

Simon Foreman - The Casimir Effect <strong>and</strong> High-Temperature<br />

Superconductors<br />

Amine El Kaouachi - A binomial pricing view of the Black –<br />

Scholes model<br />

14:15-14:40 Asif Zaman - Rebooking of Surgeries in Hospitals - a Queueing<br />

Theory approach<br />

14:45-15:25<br />

Julia Evans - Excursions in power series<br />

Yiannis Loizides - Special Relativity<br />

Malcolm Sharpe - Some Theory of Optimally Pricing Products<br />

Maksym Radziwill - Robin's criterion for the Riemann<br />

Hypothesis<br />

Yevgeniy Liokumovich - Geometric Methods in Relativity<br />

Elliott Lipnowski - Weak Topology<br />

15:45-16:45 Keynote Speaker<br />

Robb Fry - Les Chaussettes de M. Bertlmann Révisiter:<br />

A Short History of Quantum Mechanics <strong>and</strong> the Einstein-<br />

Podolsky-Rosen Argument<br />

Tory 234<br />

Tory 204<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

Tory 204<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

Tory 204<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

Azrieli Theatre 102<br />

Saturday, July 11th<br />

Time Speaker <strong>and</strong> Title Room<br />

09:00-09:40 Abel Molina Prieto - What Shor's algorithm is, <strong>and</strong> what it is not Tory 204<br />

Faisal Al-Faisal - A geometric realization of the irreducible<br />

representations of GL_n(C)<br />

Steven McPherson - Generalized Lindemann Theorem <strong>and</strong> the<br />

resulting family of transcendental numbers.<br />

Farzin Barekat - Tensor product <strong>and</strong> Schmidt decomposition<br />

09:45-10:25 Mustazee Rahman - The Friendship Theorem<br />

Mitsuru Wilson - Elliptic functions<br />

Parker Glynn-Adey - Integer Partition Identities<br />

Jon Noel - Graph Coloring Extensions<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

Tory 204<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

10:30-10:55 Helen Colterman - Card Shuffling Tory 204

Jonathan Murley - Reduction formulas for the Appell<br />

hypergeometric function F2<br />

Natalie Campbell - Problem solving with graphs <strong>and</strong> matrices<br />

Tory 206<br />

Tory 213<br />

Tory 234<br />

11:15-12:15 Keynote Speaker<br />

David Jao - The Mathematics of Public-Key Cryptography Azrieli Theatre 102

T h a n k s T 0 O u r Sp o n s o r s!!!<br />

C a n a d i a n M a t hem a t ics S ocie t y<br />

T he Fie l ds I n s t i t u te<br />

C a r le t o n U n i ve r si t y<br />

Sc h o o l O f M a t hem a t ics a n d St a t is t ics<br />

Sc h o o l O f M a t hem a t ics a n d St a t is t ics - Faci l i t y<br />

C a r le t o n U n i ve rsi t y M a t hem a t ics Rese a r c h Commi t tee<br />

C a r le t o n U n i ve rsi t y B o o k St o re<br />

C a r le t o n U n i ve rsi t y De a n O f Science<br />

Fa t Tuesd a ys O t t a w a<br />

C a n a d i a n A pp l ie d a n d I n d u s t r i a l M a t hem a t ics S ocie t y<br />

A t l a n t ic A ss o ci a t i o n Fo r Rese a r c h I n M a t hem a t ic a l Scie nce<br />

M i t a cs St u de n t A d v is o r y Co mmi t tee<br />

St a t is t ic a l S ocie t y O f C a n a d a<br />

R u bi k's<br />

I n s t i t u t des Sciences M a t hem a t i q ues

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