Final Report: Strengthening Community Research in ... - Ninti One

Final Report: Strengthening Community Research in ... - Ninti One Final Report: Strengthening Community Research in ... - Ninti One
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Appendix 1: Profile of Ninti OneThe business structure of Ninti One Limited (Ninti One) has changed since its beginning in 2003 when it wasestablished to operate the Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre (DKCRC); in 2006 Ninti One businesswas separated from the DKCRC and became part of an unincorporated joint venture. Since 2010 Ninti One hasoperated as an independent company. This was driven by its success in attracting substantial commercial incomeand by the requirements of the Australian Government for signing contracts for the Cooperative Research Centrefor Remote Economic Participation (CRC-REP).Ninti One is governed by a Board of Directors, which includes the Chair and Deputy Chair. Under our constitution,at least two Directors must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent and either the Chair or the DeputyChair must be Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. Directors are appointed by the Members by election at anannual general meeting. The Managing Director is appointed by the Board and is also a director. For names anddetails of current Ninti One Board members, please consult our website: Currently, 50% ofour Board is made up of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people.Ninti One creates value for its partners and for remote Australia by delivering new knowledge in the form ofresearch results. We enable our partners to build their own internal research capacity and to train their own staffand members. We also deliver intellectual property, commercial outcomes and information in a form thatfacilitates its adoption.

Appendix 2: Summary program of activity for projectActivity date Deliverable Process2010 November2010 DecemberWork Plan andContractStart-up:Introduce Strengthening Community Research in Remote ServiceDelivery at Ntaria project to Ntaria Local Reference Group, WurlaNyinta.Wurla Nyinta agrees to Ninti One staff undertaking collaborativeaction research, but request work not start in the community untilFebruary 2011.Establish Risk Management strategyAgree and sign off operational plan and contract for Ntaria withFaHCSIACorporate Knowledge: Develop protocols for the collaboration consultation with external stakeholders and partners15 December Deliverables met FaHCSIA, Ninti One and ROC meeting: Deliver and discuss report2011 January Ethics Write application for Human Research EthicsApproval to support action research collaboration for StrengtheningCommunity Research in Remote Service Delivery at Ntaria projectResearcherrecruitmentAssess skills anddevelop research teamtraining material2011 February Develop ResearchPrioritiesEthicsCommence Ntaria visits to establish core working group on-siteDeveloping action research cycles Begin workplace skills developmentBrainstorm ideas for research topicsTriangulate information from Baseline Mapping data, LocalImplementation Plan and input from communityrepresentativesRequest for further information for ethics committee28 February Deliverables met FaHCSIA, Ninti One and ROC meeting: Deliver and discuss report2011 March,AprilEthicsSkills DevelopmentWorkshopEthics approval granted by Central Australian Human ResearchEthics Committee (March to September 2011)What is Good Community Research? Ninti One resource discussing action research undertaken bylocal community researchers on their own communities(insider researchers)99

Appendix 2: Summary program of activity for projectActivity date Deliverable Process2010 November2010 DecemberWork Plan andContractStart-up:Introduce <strong>Strengthen<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>in</strong> Remote ServiceDelivery at Ntaria project to Ntaria Local Reference Group, WurlaNy<strong>in</strong>ta.Wurla Ny<strong>in</strong>ta agrees to N<strong>in</strong>ti <strong>One</strong> staff undertak<strong>in</strong>g collaborativeaction research, but request work not start <strong>in</strong> the community untilFebruary 2011.Establish Risk Management strategyAgree and sign off operational plan and contract for Ntaria withFaHCSIACorporate Knowledge: Develop protocols for the collaboration consultation with external stakeholders and partners15 December Deliverables met FaHCSIA, N<strong>in</strong>ti <strong>One</strong> and ROC meet<strong>in</strong>g: Deliver and discuss report2011 January Ethics Write application for Human <strong>Research</strong> EthicsApproval to support action research collaboration for <strong>Strengthen<strong>in</strong>g</strong><strong>Community</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>in</strong> Remote Service Delivery at Ntaria project<strong>Research</strong>errecruitmentAssess skills anddevelop research teamtra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g material2011 February Develop <strong>Research</strong>PrioritiesEthicsCommence Ntaria visits to establish core work<strong>in</strong>g group on-siteDevelop<strong>in</strong>g action research cycles Beg<strong>in</strong> workplace skills developmentBra<strong>in</strong>storm ideas for research topicsTriangulate <strong>in</strong>formation from Basel<strong>in</strong>e Mapp<strong>in</strong>g data, LocalImplementation Plan and <strong>in</strong>put from communityrepresentativesRequest for further <strong>in</strong>formation for ethics committee28 February Deliverables met FaHCSIA, N<strong>in</strong>ti <strong>One</strong> and ROC meet<strong>in</strong>g: Deliver and discuss report2011 March,AprilEthicsSkills DevelopmentWorkshopEthics approval granted by Central Australian Human <strong>Research</strong>Ethics Committee (March to September 2011)What is Good <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Research</strong>? N<strong>in</strong>ti <strong>One</strong> resource discuss<strong>in</strong>g action research undertaken bylocal community researchers on their own communities(<strong>in</strong>sider researchers)99

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