Final Report: Strengthening Community Research in ... - Ninti One

Final Report: Strengthening Community Research in ... - Ninti One

Final Report: Strengthening Community Research in ... - Ninti One


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A process for engag<strong>in</strong>g, recruit<strong>in</strong>g and employ<strong>in</strong>g local researchersMethods for work<strong>in</strong>g with researchers to develop their research skills and <strong>in</strong>corporate their knowledge <strong>in</strong>tothe research designAn action research method that draws on established practice <strong>in</strong> this field and adapts it to local conditions andcontext based on cyclical processes and social research techniques such as surveys and focus groupsApproaches to analys<strong>in</strong>g research data and present<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gs as a contribution to strategic policy andgovernance processes.The detailed ‘story’ of the development of this model is the content of this report. We see great scope for furtherreflection on it, especially through the further projects <strong>in</strong> which the Ntaria team will be <strong>in</strong>volved (see section 7.2). Ofcourse, the workshop at Hamilton Downs described earlier <strong>in</strong> the report and the experiences of community researchersat Amata, Mimili and shortly <strong>in</strong> Lajamanu, also contribute to the development of a research model.We therefore propose to formalise and describe the model of community research <strong>in</strong> a short publication, us<strong>in</strong>g thisreport as a basis for it and after suitable discussion with FaHCSIA and Ntaria on the way <strong>in</strong> which the model should beattributed and presented externally.87

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