Final Report: Strengthening Community Research in ... - Ninti One

Final Report: Strengthening Community Research in ... - Ninti One Final Report: Strengthening Community Research in ... - Ninti One
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draft reports and is asked for comment. Research topics were also drafted and presented to Wurla Nyinta beforethey were applied in the community.While the long-term outcomes that have been achieved through the work of local community researchers are yet tobe established, the applied PAR project at Ntaria in 2011 has clearly demonstrated a strengthening of the LRG andasset base through local researcher knowledge and input into local decision making and governance based onrigorous and strong local research results. The results have been viewed positively by the local community andhave attention of FaHCSIA staff at regional and federal levels.The process of PAR has contributed to better communication and some partnership activity between severalservice agencies and the wider community through stronger local police engagement on the Safe Driving project,and engagement of the Ninti One Ntaria researchers on additional research contracts from FaHCSIA. The programhas also increased the confidence of individuals, which in turn has strengthened leadership.As a result of Research Cycles 1.1 and 1.2 in the Safe driving at Ntaria research topic, Ninti One Ntaria ResearchTeam recommends that:1. Wurla Nyinta asks the government to engage people in the community to participate in developing aviability study and business plan for a garage at Ntaria or Tjuwanpa, as a first step to establishing a safechoice for repairs and maintenance of vehicles within the community.The outcome might be linked with LIP actions that support adult training outcomes, employment, localbusiness development, youth diversion and community service orders, men’s programs, Job ServiceProviders services and support, driver’s licence training, tourism, and preventative driver trainingprograms for young people.2. The social, economic, governance and health needs of the community are considered in the viabilityand business planThe community should be engaged in all aspects of the process of investigating and developing a strategicplan for a local garage.As a result of the second research topic, Wurla Nyinta Community Perception Survey, Ninti One Ntaria ResearchTeam recommends that:1. Wurla Nyinta identifies opportunities for local people to engage in strong community governancethrough the RSD NPA and the LIP process.Some agreement about roles and responsibilities relating to the work of Ntaria residents who are WurlaNyinta representatives and other key local people such as Pmerekwerteye (traditional owner or manager)and Kwertengerle (cultural custodian or manager) should be discussed with the goal of ensuring there isfair sharing of the jobs required for the group to continue to be effective. This is a governance issue and isalso affected by no resources being available to commit to developing a working representative governancestructure.As a result of this project other organisations have begun utilising this Arrarnta research capacity at Ntaria, eitherthrough Ninti One or directly. We have identified significant flow-on benefits occurring through local employmentopportunities and Arrarnta engagement with research affecting Ntaria. There is potential benefit for furtherdevelopment of local research capacity at Ntaria and, indeed, other remote communities.viiiFinal Report: Strengthening Community Research in Remote Service Delivery at Ntaria

1. IntroductionThis section introduces the scope of the project that the Department of Families, Housing, Community Servicesand Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) (the client) commissioned, which Ninti One 1 (the consultant) has facilitatedwith Ntaria (the partner). It describes the formal structure, where the research work is carried out, and introducesthe key agencies that are stakeholders in the research.1.1 Background and purposeThe work described in this report has been undertaken through a contract between Ninti One and FaHCSIA for theperiod October 2010 to June 2012. The project was designed to employ a team of Aboriginal communityresearchers at Ntaria, supported and mentored by a Senior Researcher based in Alice Springs.The objective of the project was to learn by doing a participatory action research (PAR) process that supports andbuilds research knowledge, skills and competencies in Ntaria through individuals who become identifiedcommunity researchers, including:1. a group of Aboriginal people from each community to become community researchers through a suitableprocess to be agreed by the community2. research training, supervision, support and mentoring for the selected community researchers through acombination of formal workshops held in Alice Springs, in the community for ongoing guidance and onthe-jobsupport3. participation in a program of research that enables strategic contributions and ongoing management forNtaria community representatives to baseline mapping processes, the implementation of LocalImplementation Plans (LIPs) and future capacity to contribute to monitoring and evaluation.The outputs of the research were agreed to be:1. six to twelve (6–12) skilled Aboriginal community researchers2. a range of high-quality research contributions to the RSD through a formal local research project3. enhanced community contributions and participation in the strategic planning, implementation of andfuture capacity to contribute to monitoring and evaluation of the RSD4. an outline model of local research, documented for potential use by government agencies and othercommunities in the form of a short report on the project.This report brings together and documents material we have generated in working towards the objectives andoutputs above. It is designed to both meet our commitment to report in full on the project but also to serve as aresource from which other shorter reports, briefing papers and publications can be developed. As a final report, itdescribes and synthesises results from the whole project and can therefore be read independently; however, moredetail about each stage of the research can be found in the progress reports (Lovell et al. 2011, 2012). A full list ofproject activities can be found in Appendix 2.1.2 NtariaNtaria is a Western Arrarnta community, 130 kilometres west of Alice Springs. It is a Remote Service Delivery site(RSD) and a Northern Territory Growth Town and is progressing through a coordinated service delivery plan, theLocal Implementation Plan (LIP). Ntaria has an active Local Reference Group (LRG) called Wurla Nyinta that theresearch team has reported back to for the duration of the project. The scope of this project includes using cycles1 A brief profile of Ninti One can be found in Appendix 1.Final Report: Strengthening Community Research in Remote Service Delivery at Ntaria 9

draft reports and is asked for comment. <strong>Research</strong> topics were also drafted and presented to Wurla Ny<strong>in</strong>ta beforethey were applied <strong>in</strong> the community.While the long-term outcomes that have been achieved through the work of local community researchers are yet tobe established, the applied PAR project at Ntaria <strong>in</strong> 2011 has clearly demonstrated a strengthen<strong>in</strong>g of the LRG andasset base through local researcher knowledge and <strong>in</strong>put <strong>in</strong>to local decision mak<strong>in</strong>g and governance based onrigorous and strong local research results. The results have been viewed positively by the local community andhave attention of FaHCSIA staff at regional and federal levels.The process of PAR has contributed to better communication and some partnership activity between severalservice agencies and the wider community through stronger local police engagement on the Safe Driv<strong>in</strong>g project,and engagement of the N<strong>in</strong>ti <strong>One</strong> Ntaria researchers on additional research contracts from FaHCSIA. The programhas also <strong>in</strong>creased the confidence of <strong>in</strong>dividuals, which <strong>in</strong> turn has strengthened leadership.As a result of <strong>Research</strong> Cycles 1.1 and 1.2 <strong>in</strong> the Safe driv<strong>in</strong>g at Ntaria research topic, N<strong>in</strong>ti <strong>One</strong> Ntaria <strong>Research</strong>Team recommends that:1. Wurla Ny<strong>in</strong>ta asks the government to engage people <strong>in</strong> the community to participate <strong>in</strong> develop<strong>in</strong>g aviability study and bus<strong>in</strong>ess plan for a garage at Ntaria or Tjuwanpa, as a first step to establish<strong>in</strong>g a safechoice for repairs and ma<strong>in</strong>tenance of vehicles with<strong>in</strong> the community.The outcome might be l<strong>in</strong>ked with LIP actions that support adult tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g outcomes, employment, localbus<strong>in</strong>ess development, youth diversion and community service orders, men’s programs, Job ServiceProviders services and support, driver’s licence tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, tourism, and preventative driver tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gprograms for young people.2. The social, economic, governance and health needs of the community are considered <strong>in</strong> the viabilityand bus<strong>in</strong>ess planThe community should be engaged <strong>in</strong> all aspects of the process of <strong>in</strong>vestigat<strong>in</strong>g and develop<strong>in</strong>g a strategicplan for a local garage.As a result of the second research topic, Wurla Ny<strong>in</strong>ta <strong>Community</strong> Perception Survey, N<strong>in</strong>ti <strong>One</strong> Ntaria <strong>Research</strong>Team recommends that:1. Wurla Ny<strong>in</strong>ta identifies opportunities for local people to engage <strong>in</strong> strong community governancethrough the RSD NPA and the LIP process.Some agreement about roles and responsibilities relat<strong>in</strong>g to the work of Ntaria residents who are WurlaNy<strong>in</strong>ta representatives and other key local people such as Pmerekwerteye (traditional owner or manager)and Kwertengerle (cultural custodian or manager) should be discussed with the goal of ensur<strong>in</strong>g there isfair shar<strong>in</strong>g of the jobs required for the group to cont<strong>in</strong>ue to be effective. This is a governance issue and isalso affected by no resources be<strong>in</strong>g available to commit to develop<strong>in</strong>g a work<strong>in</strong>g representative governancestructure.As a result of this project other organisations have begun utilis<strong>in</strong>g this Arrarnta research capacity at Ntaria, eitherthrough N<strong>in</strong>ti <strong>One</strong> or directly. We have identified significant flow-on benefits occurr<strong>in</strong>g through local employmentopportunities and Arrarnta engagement with research affect<strong>in</strong>g Ntaria. There is potential benefit for furtherdevelopment of local research capacity at Ntaria and, <strong>in</strong>deed, other remote communities.viii<strong>F<strong>in</strong>al</strong> <strong>Report</strong>: <strong>Strengthen<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>in</strong> Remote Service Delivery at Ntaria

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