Wind Erosion in Western Queensland Australia

Modelling Land Susceptibility to Wind Erosion in Western ... - Ninti One Modelling Land Susceptibility to Wind Erosion in Western ... - Ninti One
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Chepil, W.S., 1965. Transport of soil and snow by wind. Meteorological Monographs, 6(28):123-132.Coen, G.M., Tatarko, J., Martin, T.C., Cannon, K.R., Goddard, T.W., Sweetland, N.J., 2004.A method for using WEPS to map wind erosion risk of Alberta soils. EnvironmentalModelling & Software, 19(2): 185-189.Cornelis, W.M., Gabriels, D., 2003. The effect of surface moisture on the entrainment ofdune sand by wind: an evaluation of selected models. Sedimentology, 50(4): 771-790.Cornelis, W.M., Gabriels, D., Hartman, R., 2004a. A conceptual model to predict deflationthreshold shear velocity as affected by near surface soil water: 1. Theory. Soil ScienceSociety of America Journal, 68(4): 1154-1161.Cornelis, W.M., Gabriels, D., Hartman, R., 2004b. A conceptual model to predict deflationthreshold shear velocity as affected by near surface soil water: 2. Calibration andVerification. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 68(4): 1162-1168.Crimp, S.J., Day, K.A., 2003. Evaluation of multi-decadal variability in rainfall inQueensland using indices of El Niño-Southern Oscillation and inter-decadalvariability, National Drought Forum 2003: Science for Drought. CommonwealthBureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, pp. 106-114.Danaher, T.J., Armston, J. D., Collett, L. J., 2004. A multiple regression model for theestimation of woody foliage cover using Landsat in Queensland, Australia,Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS), Anchorage.Darwish, M.M., 1991. Threshold Friction Velocity: Moisture and Particle Size Effects, MSThesis, Texas Tech University.Dentener, F.J., Carmichael, G.R., Zhang, Y., Lelieveld, J., Crutzen, P.J., 1996. Role ofMineral Aerosol as a Reactive Surface in the Global Troposphere. Journal ofGeophysical Research, 101(D17): 22,869 - 22,889.Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, 2007. Australia’sBiogeographical Regions. Online Resource: of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, 2007. Australian NaturalResources Atlas. Online Resource:, B., Skidmore, E.L., Layton, J.B., Hagen, L.J., 1990. Stabilizing fine sand by addingclay: laboratory wind-tunnel study. Soil Technology, 3(1): 21-31.208

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Chepil, W.S., 1965. Transport of soil and snow by w<strong>in</strong>d. Meteorological Monographs, 6(28):123-132.Coen, G.M., Tatarko, J., Mart<strong>in</strong>, T.C., Cannon, K.R., Goddard, T.W., Sweetland, N.J., 2004.A method for us<strong>in</strong>g WEPS to map w<strong>in</strong>d erosion risk of Alberta soils. EnvironmentalModell<strong>in</strong>g & Software, 19(2): 185-189.Cornelis, W.M., Gabriels, D., 2003. The effect of surface moisture on the entra<strong>in</strong>ment ofdune sand by w<strong>in</strong>d: an evaluation of selected models. Sedimentology, 50(4): 771-790.Cornelis, W.M., Gabriels, D., Hartman, R., 2004a. A conceptual model to predict deflationthreshold shear velocity as affected by near surface soil water: 1. Theory. Soil ScienceSociety of America Journal, 68(4): 1154-1161.Cornelis, W.M., Gabriels, D., Hartman, R., 2004b. A conceptual model to predict deflationthreshold shear velocity as affected by near surface soil water: 2. Calibration andVerification. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 68(4): 1162-1168.Crimp, S.J., Day, K.A., 2003. Evaluation of multi-decadal variability <strong>in</strong> ra<strong>in</strong>fall <strong>in</strong><strong>Queensland</strong> us<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dices of El Niño-Southern Oscillation and <strong>in</strong>ter-decadalvariability, National Drought Forum 2003: Science for Drought. CommonwealthBureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, pp. 106-114.Danaher, T.J., Armston, J. D., Collett, L. J., 2004. A multiple regression model for theestimation of woody foliage cover us<strong>in</strong>g Landsat <strong>in</strong> <strong>Queensland</strong>, <strong>Australia</strong>,Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of the International Geoscience and Remote Sens<strong>in</strong>g Symposium(IGARSS), Anchorage.Darwish, M.M., 1991. Threshold Friction Velocity: Moisture and Particle Size Effects, MSThesis, Texas Tech University.Dentener, F.J., Carmichael, G.R., Zhang, Y., Lelieveld, J., Crutzen, P.J., 1996. Role ofM<strong>in</strong>eral Aerosol as a Reactive Surface <strong>in</strong> the Global Troposphere. Journal ofGeophysical Research, 101(D17): 22,869 - 22,889.Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, 2007. <strong>Australia</strong>’sBiogeographical Regions. Onl<strong>in</strong>e Resource: of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, 2007. <strong>Australia</strong>n NaturalResources Atlas. Onl<strong>in</strong>e Resource:, B., Skidmore, E.L., Layton, J.B., Hagen, L.J., 1990. Stabiliz<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>e sand by add<strong>in</strong>gclay: laboratory w<strong>in</strong>d-tunnel study. Soil Technology, 3(1): 21-31.208

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