Wind Erosion in Western Queensland Australia

Modelling Land Susceptibility to Wind Erosion in Western ... - Ninti One Modelling Land Susceptibility to Wind Erosion in Western ... - Ninti One
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Chapter 7 – Land Erodibility Dynamics 1980-2006Results show a weak correlation between land erodibility and annual rainfall across the studyarea (Table 7.1). Importantly, land erodibility is responsive to multi-year (>2 years) rainfalldeficiencies (drought) and periods of above average rainfall. Similar responses have beenreported in dust source areas in the African Sahel and North America (e.g. Brooks andLegrand, 2000; Prospero and Lamb, 2003; Reheis, 2006). Significant increases in the areas ofland susceptible to wind erosion occur in drought years (Figures 7.5 and 7.6). The landscaperesponse to drought varied between bioregions and is dependent on antecedent rainfall andvegetation conditions, which generates the lag responses in land erodibility change (alsoPeters and Eve, 1995). The modelled increases in land erodibility with drought are consistentwith reports of increased wind erosion activity over the study area, e.g. McTainsh et al.(1989), and a global dependence of temporal variations in wind erosion on episodic droughts(Middleton, 1985; Goudie and Middleton, 1992; Gao et al., 2003).The spatial extent of drought in western Queensland is dependent on the rainfall relationshipwith ENSO (Crimp and Day, 2003). Temporal patterns in areas affected by drought are not,however, consistent and may vary considerably from year-to-year (McKeon et al., 2004). Thepoor correlation between modelled land erodibility and the SOI (Table 7.1) is a result of thisphenomenon. The El Niño/Southern Oscillation, represented in this study by the SOI, is afluctuation in the intensity and position of the Walker circulation (Troup, 1965). Sustainednegative SOI phases (El Niño) are associated with extended periods of warm sea-surfacetemperatures (SST) in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean, a weakening of the Walkercirculation and reduced convection over the Australian continent. Positive SOI phases (LaNiña) are associated with a strengthening of the Walker circulation and easterly trade windsand may result in enhanced convection and rainfall over parts of eastern Australia (Sturmanand Tapper, 2001). The association of peaks in land erodibility over the study area during ElNiño driven drought events suggests that despite the poor correlation ENSO plays animportant role in modulating land erodibility dynamics in western Queensland.The interaction of ENSO with the PDO adds complexity to understanding rainfall anddrought variability in western Queensland. Power et al. (1999) reported on the inter-decadalmodulation of ENSO and its effects on rainfall in Australia. Their results showed that warm(positive) and cool (negative) phases of the PDO may enhance or suppress positive andnegative SOI phases and the probability of eastern Australia receiving above or belowaverage rainfall. McKeon et al. (2004) reported that less than 10% of years (1890-1991) with184

Chapter 7 – Land Erodibility Dynamics 1980-2006a combined negative SOI and cool PDO exceeded median annual rainfall in the Mulga Landsand Strzelecki Desert regions of southwest Queensland. Conversely, during positive SOI-coolPDO phases >70% of years in the analysis period received above average rainfall over theentire study area. For the period of the current study (1980-2006) the PDO was consistentlyin a warm phase. Based on the results of McKeon et al. (2004), the impact of this on rainfallmay have been in enhancing drought over the study area during El Niño events andincreasing rainfall in the Mulga Lands during La Niña events. The implications of this interms of land erodibility change are difficult to surmise. Table 6.1 suggests that in the MulgaLands at least, increases in land erodibility are related to periods of decreasing rainfall,negative SOI and warm PDO. The weaker correlation between rainfall and the SOI insouthern and western Australia (Pittock, 1975) suggests that the relationship between landerodibility and ENSO is likely to be weaker outside the current study area. Extending thelength and coverage of the model simulation back to the 1950s would provide an opportunityto asses a larger combination of land erodibility, rainfall variability, ENSO and PDOconditions across Australia and would improve our ability to quantify the nature of theirinteractions in other bioregions.It is conceivable that additional climate oscillations that influence rainfall over westernQueensland will affect the erodibility of the landscape. Such oscillations include the MaddenJulian Oscillation (MJO) that has been shown to affect rainfall over northern Australia on a30-60 day cycle (Donald et al., 2006), and at inter-annual time scales teleconnections like theIndian Ocean Dipole (IOD) (Saji et al., 1999). The IOD has been shown to operateindependently of ENSO with a 2 year periodicity (Ashok et al., 2003a; Behera and Yamagata,2003), and has been found to have a significant impact on rainfall in western and southernAustralia (Ashok et al., 2003b). Determining the influence of teleconnections like the MJOand IOD on rainfall and land erodibility in western Queensland requires that their effects canbe separated from those of ENSO and the PDO. Globally, the significance of these and otherteleconnections is likely to vary considerably between continents (Ginoux et al., 2004).Analysis of land erodibility-climate interactions at higher temporal resolutions, e.g. monthly,is necessary to achieve this but was beyond the scope of the current research. This is becausemodel simulation accuracy at short (monthly) time scales is affected by the lack of a robustscheme to predict temporal changes in soil erodibility (Webb et al., 2009; Chapter 5).185

Chapter 7 – Land Erodibility Dynamics 1980-2006a comb<strong>in</strong>ed negative SOI and cool PDO exceeded median annual ra<strong>in</strong>fall <strong>in</strong> the Mulga Landsand Strzelecki Desert regions of southwest <strong>Queensland</strong>. Conversely, dur<strong>in</strong>g positive SOI-coolPDO phases >70% of years <strong>in</strong> the analysis period received above average ra<strong>in</strong>fall over theentire study area. For the period of the current study (1980-2006) the PDO was consistently<strong>in</strong> a warm phase. Based on the results of McKeon et al. (2004), the impact of this on ra<strong>in</strong>fallmay have been <strong>in</strong> enhanc<strong>in</strong>g drought over the study area dur<strong>in</strong>g El Niño events and<strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g ra<strong>in</strong>fall <strong>in</strong> the Mulga Lands dur<strong>in</strong>g La Niña events. The implications of this <strong>in</strong>terms of land erodibility change are difficult to surmise. Table 6.1 suggests that <strong>in</strong> the MulgaLands at least, <strong>in</strong>creases <strong>in</strong> land erodibility are related to periods of decreas<strong>in</strong>g ra<strong>in</strong>fall,negative SOI and warm PDO. The weaker correlation between ra<strong>in</strong>fall and the SOI <strong>in</strong>southern and western <strong>Australia</strong> (Pittock, 1975) suggests that the relationship between landerodibility and ENSO is likely to be weaker outside the current study area. Extend<strong>in</strong>g thelength and coverage of the model simulation back to the 1950s would provide an opportunityto asses a larger comb<strong>in</strong>ation of land erodibility, ra<strong>in</strong>fall variability, ENSO and PDOconditions across <strong>Australia</strong> and would improve our ability to quantify the nature of their<strong>in</strong>teractions <strong>in</strong> other bioregions.It is conceivable that additional climate oscillations that <strong>in</strong>fluence ra<strong>in</strong>fall over western<strong>Queensland</strong> will affect the erodibility of the landscape. Such oscillations <strong>in</strong>clude the MaddenJulian Oscillation (MJO) that has been shown to affect ra<strong>in</strong>fall over northern <strong>Australia</strong> on a30-60 day cycle (Donald et al., 2006), and at <strong>in</strong>ter-annual time scales teleconnections like theIndian Ocean Dipole (IOD) (Saji et al., 1999). The IOD has been shown to operate<strong>in</strong>dependently of ENSO with a 2 year periodicity (Ashok et al., 2003a; Behera and Yamagata,2003), and has been found to have a significant impact on ra<strong>in</strong>fall <strong>in</strong> western and southern<strong>Australia</strong> (Ashok et al., 2003b). Determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>fluence of teleconnections like the MJOand IOD on ra<strong>in</strong>fall and land erodibility <strong>in</strong> western <strong>Queensland</strong> requires that their effects canbe separated from those of ENSO and the PDO. Globally, the significance of these and otherteleconnections is likely to vary considerably between cont<strong>in</strong>ents (G<strong>in</strong>oux et al., 2004).Analysis of land erodibility-climate <strong>in</strong>teractions at higher temporal resolutions, e.g. monthly,is necessary to achieve this but was beyond the scope of the current research. This is becausemodel simulation accuracy at short (monthly) time scales is affected by the lack of a robustscheme to predict temporal changes <strong>in</strong> soil erodibility (Webb et al., 2009; Chapter 5).185

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