Wind Erosion in Western Queensland Australia

Modelling Land Susceptibility to Wind Erosion in Western ... - Ninti One Modelling Land Susceptibility to Wind Erosion in Western ... - Ninti One
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Chapter 3 – Modelling Land Erodibility Review3.2.5 Wind Erosion Stochastic Simulator (WESS)The Wind Erosion Stochastic Simulator (WESS) is the wind erosion module of the EPIC(Environmental Policy Integrated Climate) erosion model (Van Pelt et al., 2004). WESS is aprocess-based model that predicts wind erosion on an event or periodic basis. The modelprovides assessments of soil loss at user-specified distances within individual fields. Themodel uses inputs of soil surface data including texture, soil surface moisture and drying rate,erodible soil thickness, surface soil bulk density, and soil roughness parameters for largeaggregates (random roughness), and ridge height and spacing (oriented roughness). This iscoupled with local wind speed data and a stochastic wind speed perturbation factor tosimulate dust emission (Potter et al., 1998). WESS simulates wind erosion based on dailywind speed distributions adjusted by soil, surface roughness, vegetation cover and erodingfield length factors:YW= ( FI )( FR)( FV )( FD)!t0YWRdtWL(3.14)where YW is the wind erosion estimate (kgm -2 ), YWR is the erosion rate (kgm -1 s -1 ), WL is theunsheltered field length (m), FI is the soil erodibility factor, FR is the surface roughnessfactor, FV is the vegetation cover factor, FD is the field length factor (based on WL), and t isthe duration of wind greater than a threshold velocity. YWR is calculated using the approachof Skidmore (1986). The soil erodibility adjustment factor is based on the static WindErodibility Groups (WEGs) reported by Woodruff and Siddoway (1965), and used in theWEQ model:( 0.0001 )IFI = *exp * YW695(3.15)where I is the soil erodibility factor (tha -1 ) with values assigned by soil texture and theWEGs. The effect of oriented surface (cultivated ridge) roughness (FR) is calculated as afunction of wind direction, and the impact angles of saltating grains:RFC FR = 1 exp (3.16) RFB 80

Chapter 3 – Modelling Land Erodibility Reviewwhere α is the saltating grain impact angle (~15°), RFB is based on the cultivated ridgeheight, wind direction and random roughness, and RFC varies with ridge height. Thevegetation factor is computed as a function of modelled vegetation cover:FV= VEVE + exp (3.17)( 0.48 1.32VE)where VE is the vegetation cover factor (tha -1 ). Both the soil and vegetation cover factors arescaled between 0 and 1. The field length (distance, FD) factor is modelled as a function of thefield length in the prevailing wind direction.Potter et al. (1998) described a comparison of WESS erosion simulations with measurederosion events in Alberta, Canada. Simulated erosion events corresponded to most of themeasured wind erosion activity; however, the model was found to overestimate erosion forone event in seven, and occasionally predicted events when no erosion was measured. Poormodel performance in these circumstances was attributed to the simplified nature of themodelling scheme, and the lack of a scheme to account for temporal changes in soil surfaceconditions such as crusting and the erodible fraction.3.3 Local to Regional Scale ModelsThis section examines process-based regional scale wind erosion models. The modelsreviewed include the Wind Erosion on European Light Soils (WEELS) model, Wind ErosionAssessment Model (WEAM), and the Integrated Wind Erosion Modelling System (IWEMS).3.3.1 Wind Erosion on European Light Soils (WEELS)The Wind Erosion on European Light Soils (WEELS) model was developed to map winderosion risk and to predict long-term wind-induced soil loss under different climate and landuse scenarios (Böhner et al., 2003). The model was developed from the EROKLI model(Beinhauer and Kruse, 1994) and can be run at local scales in domains up to 5 x 5 km in size,using input data at a 25 x 25 m resolution. WEELS has a modular structure, and is run in aGeographic Information System (GIS) environment.81

Chapter 3 – Modell<strong>in</strong>g Land Erodibility Reviewwhere α is the saltat<strong>in</strong>g gra<strong>in</strong> impact angle (~15°), RFB is based on the cultivated ridgeheight, w<strong>in</strong>d direction and random roughness, and RFC varies with ridge height. Thevegetation factor is computed as a function of modelled vegetation cover:FV= VEVE + exp (3.17)( 0.48 1.32VE)where VE is the vegetation cover factor (tha -1 ). Both the soil and vegetation cover factors arescaled between 0 and 1. The field length (distance, FD) factor is modelled as a function of thefield length <strong>in</strong> the prevail<strong>in</strong>g w<strong>in</strong>d direction.Potter et al. (1998) described a comparison of WESS erosion simulations with measurederosion events <strong>in</strong> Alberta, Canada. Simulated erosion events corresponded to most of themeasured w<strong>in</strong>d erosion activity; however, the model was found to overestimate erosion forone event <strong>in</strong> seven, and occasionally predicted events when no erosion was measured. Poormodel performance <strong>in</strong> these circumstances was attributed to the simplified nature of themodell<strong>in</strong>g scheme, and the lack of a scheme to account for temporal changes <strong>in</strong> soil surfaceconditions such as crust<strong>in</strong>g and the erodible fraction.3.3 Local to Regional Scale ModelsThis section exam<strong>in</strong>es process-based regional scale w<strong>in</strong>d erosion models. The modelsreviewed <strong>in</strong>clude the <strong>W<strong>in</strong>d</strong> <strong>Erosion</strong> on European Light Soils (WEELS) model, <strong>W<strong>in</strong>d</strong> <strong>Erosion</strong>Assessment Model (WEAM), and the Integrated <strong>W<strong>in</strong>d</strong> <strong>Erosion</strong> Modell<strong>in</strong>g System (IWEMS).3.3.1 <strong>W<strong>in</strong>d</strong> <strong>Erosion</strong> on European Light Soils (WEELS)The <strong>W<strong>in</strong>d</strong> <strong>Erosion</strong> on European Light Soils (WEELS) model was developed to map w<strong>in</strong>derosion risk and to predict long-term w<strong>in</strong>d-<strong>in</strong>duced soil loss under different climate and landuse scenarios (Böhner et al., 2003). The model was developed from the EROKLI model(Be<strong>in</strong>hauer and Kruse, 1994) and can be run at local scales <strong>in</strong> doma<strong>in</strong>s up to 5 x 5 km <strong>in</strong> size,us<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>put data at a 25 x 25 m resolution. WEELS has a modular structure, and is run <strong>in</strong> aGeographic Information System (GIS) environment.81

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