Wind Erosion in Western Queensland Australia

Modelling Land Susceptibility to Wind Erosion in Western ... - Ninti One Modelling Land Susceptibility to Wind Erosion in Western ... - Ninti One
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Chapter 3 – Modelling Land Erodibility ReviewInput variables for TEAM include wind speed, relative humidity, soil particle sizedistribution, clay content, residue and vegetative cover, soil aggregate cover, field length, andwindbreak height and porosity. The threshold friction velocity is calculated for the averageparticle size d (not including the clay fraction) and surface moisture conditions of the fieldundergoing simulation. This computation is based on wind tunnel research by Gregory andDarwish (1990), Darwish (1991), Gregory (1991) and Puri et al. (1925). The static thresholdis computed by:0.5 0.0045 1.2 0.1W/ W 0.11821.2d1+0.01W+ + e ( W W)2c Wu*t= (3.9) d dwhere d is the diameter of the average soil particle size not including clay, W is the watercontent of the soil in percentage weight, W W is the wilting point, and W C is the percentage ofwater on the surface needed to fill inter-particle spaces. The moisture content factor accountsfor the change that occurs in u *t once water content is above a threshold (described in Chapter2, Section 2.2.5). The water content is based on atmospheric humidity (%). W c is thethreshold water content at which an increase in u *t is initiated. If W is less than W c set Wequal to W c so the last term does not apply (Singh et al., 1999).The dynamic threshold friction velocity model accounts for the effects of soil surfacecondition, vegetation cover, and wind gustiness (Gregory et al., 2004). The dynamicthreshold is computed by first adjusting u *t to compensate for wind gustiness:u /* d= 0 .8u*tGf(3.10)where G f is a gust factor. The effects of vegetation cover (S) are applied to determine themaximum transport rate M, which is also a function of soil particle diameter at differentstages of the particle distribution (D 50 , D 75 , D g ), B d an empirical coefficient, and the dynamicthreshold and u * :2 1 D D75 0.08 502 2M = 0.004B1 125d( Su* u*d) u *u +(3.11)* dDRD R 78

Chapter 3 – Modelling Land Erodibility Reviewwhere S is a function of the fraction of residue or aggregate cover, biomass cover, and theheight of the plant canopy, residue, aggregates and other random soil roughness elements.TEAM uses a factor to adjust for field length effects on wind erosion. The field length factorwas developed by Gregory (1984) and built upon a relationship established by Chepil (1957)for field length effects on soil movement. The length factor accommodates abrasionprocesses in the calculation of the sediment transport rate from eroding fields, and issupplemented by an empirical abrasion factor that considers the field length, wind shearvelocity, and detachment rates of aggregated/crusted and loose soils. Two factors are used toaccount for the erodibility of soils in the solid (crusted) and loose conditions (Wilson, 1994).The erodibility of a crusted soil surface is computed by:bsE = fs( )(3.12)where E is the solid state erodibility (kgJ -1 ), ρ bs is the soil bulk density (kgm -3 ), τ s is the soilshear strength (Nm -2 ), and f(Θ) is a function of soil shear angle (dimensionless). For a loosesoil state the erodibility is computed by:El= N(3.13)bs2fu*twhere E l is the erodibility of a loose soil (kgJ -1 ), N is a calibration coefficient, ρ f is the airfluid density (1.23 kgm -3 ), and u *t is the threshold friction velocity (ms -1 ). The detachmentratio used to compute the field length factor is effectively a ratio of the solid and loose statesoil erodibilities.Testing TEAM wind erosion simulations against measurements of threshold friction velocityand sediment transport rates indicates that model performance is comparable with that of theWEPS and RWEQ models (Gregory and Darwish, 2001; Gregory et al., 2004). The modelwas found to perform well in comparison to measured erosion rates in bare and vegetatedsettings in both agricultural and industrial environments.79

Chapter 3 – Modell<strong>in</strong>g Land Erodibility ReviewInput variables for TEAM <strong>in</strong>clude w<strong>in</strong>d speed, relative humidity, soil particle sizedistribution, clay content, residue and vegetative cover, soil aggregate cover, field length, andw<strong>in</strong>dbreak height and porosity. The threshold friction velocity is calculated for the averageparticle size d (not <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the clay fraction) and surface moisture conditions of the fieldundergo<strong>in</strong>g simulation. This computation is based on w<strong>in</strong>d tunnel research by Gregory andDarwish (1990), Darwish (1991), Gregory (1991) and Puri et al. (1925). The static thresholdis computed by:0.5 0.0045 1.2 0.1W/ W 0.11821.2d1+0.01W+ + e ( W W)2c Wu*t= (3.9) d dwhere d is the diameter of the average soil particle size not <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g clay, W is the watercontent of the soil <strong>in</strong> percentage weight, W W is the wilt<strong>in</strong>g po<strong>in</strong>t, and W C is the percentage ofwater on the surface needed to fill <strong>in</strong>ter-particle spaces. The moisture content factor accountsfor the change that occurs <strong>in</strong> u *t once water content is above a threshold (described <strong>in</strong> Chapter2, Section 2.2.5). The water content is based on atmospheric humidity (%). W c is thethreshold water content at which an <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> u *t is <strong>in</strong>itiated. If W is less than W c set Wequal to W c so the last term does not apply (S<strong>in</strong>gh et al., 1999).The dynamic threshold friction velocity model accounts for the effects of soil surfacecondition, vegetation cover, and w<strong>in</strong>d gust<strong>in</strong>ess (Gregory et al., 2004). The dynamicthreshold is computed by first adjust<strong>in</strong>g u *t to compensate for w<strong>in</strong>d gust<strong>in</strong>ess:u /* d= 0 .8u*tGf(3.10)where G f is a gust factor. The effects of vegetation cover (S) are applied to determ<strong>in</strong>e themaximum transport rate M, which is also a function of soil particle diameter at differentstages of the particle distribution (D 50 , D 75 , D g ), B d an empirical coefficient, and the dynamicthreshold and u * :2 1 D D75 0.08 502 2M = 0.004B1 125d( Su* u*d) u *u +(3.11)* dDRD R 78

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