bon appétit at colorado college

Document 14 - Bon Appetit

Document 14 - Bon Appetit

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on <strong>appétit</strong><strong>at</strong> <strong>colorado</strong> <strong>college</strong>c<strong>at</strong>ering guide

Our DreamOur Dream is to be the premier onsite restaurant company known for its culinaryexpertise and commitment to socially responsible practices.We are a culture driven to cre<strong>at</strong>e food th<strong>at</strong> is alive with flavor and nutrition, preparedfrom scr<strong>at</strong>ch using authentic ingredients. We do this in a socially responsible manner forthe well being of our guests, communities and the environment.The Importance of FoodAt Bon Appétit Management Company, we recognize the gre<strong>at</strong> power and importanceof food. Dining rooms are g<strong>at</strong>hering places. Breaking bread together helps to cre<strong>at</strong>e asense of community and comfort. We recognize the important role we fill and take gre<strong>at</strong>care to honor our position on a corpor<strong>at</strong>e or school campus. We show this care in ouroper<strong>at</strong>ions every day by...• Cooking food from scr<strong>at</strong>ch using fresh seasonal ingredients• Taking our role in the community seriously and making socially responsiblepurchasing decisions• Serving gre<strong>at</strong> tasting, authentic and nutritious food th<strong>at</strong> exceeds the expect<strong>at</strong>ionsof our guests including vegetarian, vegan, and intern<strong>at</strong>ional diners• Providing opportunities for all our employees, including student workers, todevelop their potential and abilities• Recognizing th<strong>at</strong> every client we serve is unique and cre<strong>at</strong>ing tailored foodprograms for each one• Serving a wide variety of menu items <strong>at</strong> each meal, each day keeping things fresh,fun, and interesting – you won’t find a cycle menu <strong>at</strong> a Bon Appétit account• Being a leader in our industry by working to cre<strong>at</strong>e a more sustainablefood systemWe believe th<strong>at</strong> if we live by these tenets, Bon Appétit will indeed be a very selectcompany and we will reach our dream. We have the conviction th<strong>at</strong> today can be a littlebetter and a little more fulfilling than yesterday. We have the will to achieve excellencethrough a wealth of dedic<strong>at</strong>ed management talent. We have the courage to look closely<strong>at</strong> ourselves, so th<strong>at</strong> we are always striving to improve.Bon Appétit Management Company… food services for a sustainable future

kitchen principlesOur kitchen philosophy is simple. We cook from scr<strong>at</strong>ch using fresh, authentic ingredients.We start with food in its simplest, most n<strong>at</strong>ural form. We purchase local and seasonalproducts. We make our food alive with flavor and nutrition. Our freezers are small and ourintention to serve gre<strong>at</strong> food is big.We care about our guests. We care about wh<strong>at</strong> they like and we care about their health.Fresh ingredients used in our kitchens are complemented with cooking techniques th<strong>at</strong>preserve nutrition and produce healthy dishes. Our ethnic programs are crafted usinghands-on research with real people in real kitchens. The flavors are real and they areauthentic.We have a sincere passion <strong>at</strong> all levels of the company for gre<strong>at</strong> food. From the part timestudent worker, to the experienced grill person, to our managers, to corpor<strong>at</strong>e support staff,to our executives; it is our daily focus. It's all about the food.The following standards have been cre<strong>at</strong>ed to assure the highest level of food quality forour guests:• Menus are written based on seasonality and availability of regional fresh product.Whenever possible, these are produced locally using sustainable andorganic practices• Turkey breast and chicken are produced without the routine use of antibiotics as afeed additive• Hamburgers are made with fresh ground chuck from beef raised on vegetarianfeed without antibiotics or hormones• Other me<strong>at</strong>s are raised without antibiotics as a first preference• Milk is free of antibiotics and artificial Bovine Growth Hormone• Shell eggs are produced cage-free and Certified Humane• Healthy menu items are a mainstream offering throughout• Salsas, pizza, marinara and other sauces are made from scr<strong>at</strong>ch• Stocks are made from scr<strong>at</strong>ch• Turkey and beef are roasted in-house daily for deli me<strong>at</strong>• Tuna is dolphin-safe, packed in w<strong>at</strong>er• Seafood should be purchased fresh when available locally. Salmon is wild caught.We support the Seafood W<strong>at</strong>ch guidelines as recommended by the MontereyBay Aquarium• Olive and canola oils are used for everyday salad dressings, specialty oils for otherpurposes (i.e. walnut oil or chili oil)• Trans f<strong>at</strong>s are not used in our kitchens• All salad dressings are made from scr<strong>at</strong>ch except nonf<strong>at</strong> and low-calorie dressingswhich may be purchased as necessary• Vegetables are prepared in b<strong>at</strong>ches <strong>at</strong> the last possible minute and served in thesmallest possible b<strong>at</strong>ches• MSG and peanut oil are never used in the prepar<strong>at</strong>ion of our food• Mashed pot<strong>at</strong>oes are made from fresh pot<strong>at</strong>oes• Fresh squeezed lemon juice is used for cooking and sauces• Cookies, muffins and breads (where possible) are baked fresh daily

sustainable food serviceBon Appétit Management Company has become a model for wh<strong>at</strong> is possible insustainable food service.Bon Appétit was the first food service company to address the issues rel<strong>at</strong>ed to whereour food comes from and how it is grown. Because of our success in tackling issues ofsustainability on such a large scale, we are often asked to speak <strong>at</strong> industry conferencesand to particip<strong>at</strong>e in str<strong>at</strong>egic projects aimed <strong>at</strong> changing the food supply chain. We areproud to say we truly have a se<strong>at</strong> <strong>at</strong> the table with advocacy groups. We have even wonseveral awards for our work, including the prestigious Ecological Society of AmericaCorpor<strong>at</strong>e Award, the Humane Society of the United St<strong>at</strong>es Excellence in Food ServiceAward, and the Food Alliance Keeper of the Vision Award. Our programs have beenrecognized both inside and outside the food service world as being groundbreaking.In today's industrialized food system, animals are being tre<strong>at</strong>ed with potent antibiotics,raising concerns about increased human resistance to these critical drugs. As a sociallyresponsible company, Bon Appétit is committed to helping address the public healththre<strong>at</strong> from antibiotic resistance. Bon Appétit purchases only turkey breast and chickenth<strong>at</strong> has been produced without the non-therapeutic use of antibiotics th<strong>at</strong> belong toclasses of drugs approved for use in human medicine. Their pioneering poultrypurchasing policy has been in place since 2003, driving producers to make healthierproducts more widely available and prompting transform<strong>at</strong>ion of the industry.With Bon Appétit's model, serving made-from-scr<strong>at</strong>ch food from sustainable sourcesdoesn't have to be more expensive. By buying directly from farmers and artisans, BonAppétit is able to put more money into the producers' pockets, r<strong>at</strong>her than paying amiddleman, and still offer reasonable prices to guests. As for seafood, many of thesustainable choices, such as tilapia and c<strong>at</strong>fish, are also very economical.At Bon Appétit Management Company, we truly believe we have the opportunity andresponsibility to make this a better world. As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt th<strong>at</strong> asmall group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the onlything th<strong>at</strong> ever has.”

on <strong>appétit</strong> c<strong>at</strong>eringWe blend a tradition of fine service with cre<strong>at</strong>ive planning and consistent eventexecution. A company founded on c<strong>at</strong>ering, our focus is on the quality of foodprepar<strong>at</strong>ion, present<strong>at</strong>ion and service. From th<strong>at</strong> successful found<strong>at</strong>ion, we build amagnificent c<strong>at</strong>ering <strong>at</strong>mosphere. As the c<strong>at</strong>erer for Colorado College, we provideunique full-service on and off-premise event planning. We are committed to presentingfoods th<strong>at</strong> appeal to both the pal<strong>at</strong>e and the eye. The freshest and finest ingredients arecombined to produce a stunning collection of menu executed by our skilled andinnov<strong>at</strong>ive chefs. Our company philosophy and entrepreneurial spirit emphasizes qualityand allows our culinary team to use their talents and capabilities to fully ensureundeniable s<strong>at</strong>isfaction.Our artful cre<strong>at</strong>ivity and passion for fine locally-grown food makes it possible to fullycustomize made-from-scr<strong>at</strong>ch menus, fe<strong>at</strong>uring the best seasonal ingredients. Ourculinary team seeks out local growers and producers, procuring the freshest regionalfood available to ensure th<strong>at</strong> we serve only the best <strong>at</strong> your event. We focus onbecoming a part of each community and cre<strong>at</strong>ing a strong network of local resources.Whether it’s a priv<strong>at</strong>e, intim<strong>at</strong>e dinner, a family wedding celebr<strong>at</strong>ion, a crucial corpor<strong>at</strong>emeeting or a pull-out-all-the stops grand holiday gala, we work with you to cre<strong>at</strong>e aunique custom event perfectly tailored to your needs. While perusing the seasonalmenus, you are encouraged to select from any or our exceptional menu items to cre<strong>at</strong>eyour own custom menu design.

c<strong>at</strong>ering policies & proceduresOffice Hours• Bon Appétit C<strong>at</strong>ering office hours are Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00p.m., closed on some holidays.Bon Appétit C<strong>at</strong>ering ManagementAngelina Rice-C<strong>at</strong>ering Director—(719) 389-6576, cell: (719) 213-4824,C<strong>at</strong>ering@<strong>colorado</strong><strong>college</strong>.eduMaura Warren-C<strong>at</strong>ering Manager—office: (719) 389-6673, (719) 205-8605,maura.warren@<strong>colorado</strong><strong>college</strong>.eduPlacing Your Order• C<strong>at</strong>ering orders may be placed via email, telephone, or in person. Email ordersshould be sent to c<strong>at</strong>ering@<strong>colorado</strong><strong>college</strong>.edu. Telephone orders and inquiriesshould be addressed to the C<strong>at</strong>ering Director Angelina Rice <strong>at</strong> (719) 389-6576,cell: (719) 213-4824.Visit www.cafe<strong>bon</strong>appetit.com/<strong>colorado</strong><strong>college</strong> for more inform<strong>at</strong>ion and photos.• When making your reserv<strong>at</strong>ion, please include number of tables, chairs, trash cans,recycling bins, or any other non food rel<strong>at</strong>ed inform<strong>at</strong>ion necessary for Bon Appétitc<strong>at</strong>ering staff.• Room cleanup will normally be done by Bon Appétit staff immedi<strong>at</strong>ely followingthe event.• C<strong>at</strong>ering orders are not booked or confirmed until you are contacted byBon Appétit with a confirm<strong>at</strong>ion.• After your order is placed, you will receive a Banquet Event Order form from theBon Appétit C<strong>at</strong>ering Department. Please review and confirm your order in writing.• C<strong>at</strong>ering orders must be placed no l<strong>at</strong>er than seven (7) business days prior to theevent. Proper notice enables us to adequ<strong>at</strong>ely order, staff, and plan for your event.• A confirm<strong>at</strong>ion and guarantee of guest count, event times, loc<strong>at</strong>ion, room set-upand menu choices must be completed <strong>at</strong> least three (3) business days prior toyour event. Charges may be incurred if cancell<strong>at</strong>ions or changes are made afterthis time frame. If Bon Appétit C<strong>at</strong>ering is not contacted with final count detailswithin 3 business days the original estim<strong>at</strong>ed guest count will be used andcharged accordingly.• Some food selections may be limited based on seasonal availability, loc<strong>at</strong>ion ofevent and number of <strong>at</strong>tendees.L<strong>at</strong>e Orders• Bon Appétit c<strong>at</strong>ering will make every <strong>at</strong>tempt to accommod<strong>at</strong>e last minuterequests based on product availability and previously scheduled c<strong>at</strong>ering events.L<strong>at</strong>e orders th<strong>at</strong> are filled are subject to a l<strong>at</strong>e fee.

c<strong>at</strong>ering policies & proceduresChina Usage• Unless otherwise specified, disposable service ware is included in our c<strong>at</strong>eredevent pricing.• Formal service ware (china, silverware and glassware) is available for most c<strong>at</strong>eredevents. A charge of $2.00 per person will be applied to events where such waresare requested. An additional $2.00 per person will be charged for receptionsprior to lunches or dinners.• We are able to provide formal service ware for up to three hundred (300) persons<strong>at</strong> any one time (available on a first-come-first-served basis). Additional formalservice ware may be rented <strong>at</strong> the client’s expense.• Bar events requesting glassware will be charged 0.50 cents per wine/beer glassand 0.75 cents per champagne flute.Alcohol Policy• All alcoholic beverages must be served by Bon Appétit staff in design<strong>at</strong>ed areas.• In order to have alcohol served <strong>at</strong> your event you must fill out an alcohol requestform to be approved; you can either call Carolyn Madsen <strong>at</strong> 389-6703 or email her<strong>at</strong> Carolyn.madsen@<strong>colorado</strong><strong>college</strong>.edu. All student groups must go through JeffC<strong>at</strong>hey to get approval for alcohol events.• Alcohol must be provided by the client and should be delivered to the loc<strong>at</strong>ion onehour prior to the event start time. If you are interested in having a cash bar, alcoholwill be provided and sold by Bon Appétit. The only place a cash bar can be held ison the main level of Worner Center. For additional inform<strong>at</strong>ion regarding alcoholservice please contact the C<strong>at</strong>ering Department.• Bon Appétit will provide one bartender for every seventy-five (75) guests <strong>at</strong> eventswhere alcoholic beverages are offered. We will charge a $25 per hour fee for eachbartender, 3 hour minimum.• If your event involves liquor <strong>at</strong> a dinner or reception, a full bar set-up is $3.50 perperson. The bar set-up will include containers for alcohol, non-alcoholic beveragesand mixers, garnishes, ice, napkins and glassware. Events hosting beer and wineonly will be charged a separ<strong>at</strong>e fee for glassware or biodegradable products.• Bon Appétit reserves the right to refuse service of alcoholic beverages toany person.Dietary Restrictions• In the interest of providing a safe and enjoyable c<strong>at</strong>ering experience, it is importantth<strong>at</strong> our clients make Bon Appétit C<strong>at</strong>ering fully aware (in advance) of any guestdietary restrictions, food sensitivities and/or allergies. Depending on the dietaryneed there may be an additional charge.

c<strong>at</strong>ering policies & proceduresMenu & Guest Count Changes• Any cancell<strong>at</strong>ions or changes to menu selections, guest counts and other eventdetails must be confirmed no less than three (3) business days prior to theevent d<strong>at</strong>e.• Event cancell<strong>at</strong>ions with less than the specified notice will result in the client beingcharged 50% of the total contracted order price. Event cancell<strong>at</strong>ions must beconfirmed in writing.• Event cancell<strong>at</strong>ions occurring within 24 hours of the event will result in the clientbeing charged 100% of the total contracted order price (including any charges forrented equipment, linens, floral arrangements, et cetera.)Onsite DeliveriesDelivery is complimentary for all onsite orders of $50.00 or more. For orders not meetingthis amount, clients may request onsite delivery for a $15 service fee, or in someinstances, pickup c<strong>at</strong>ered goods <strong>at</strong> our kitchen for no additional charge.Payment for C<strong>at</strong>ering Services• Bon Appétit must have a means of guaranteeing payment <strong>at</strong> the time an order isplaced. This guarantee may be in the form of a credit card number, departmentalcredit card number or a check for 50% of the total cost.• Payment in full must be received by the day of the event.Prices• Menu prices are based on current market conditions and are subject to change.• Price quot<strong>at</strong>ions cannot be guaranteed more than thirty (30) days in advance.Linen Fees• Standard color linens and draping for guest dining tables and food and beveragetables will be provided <strong>at</strong> no charge for all full service meals. Linen for anyadditional tables needed for your event not directly used for food or se<strong>at</strong>ing will be$10 per table cloth.• For reception style events including continental breakfasts, cloths for food tableswill be provided <strong>at</strong> no charge. Linen for additional linens will be an additional$10.00 per cloth.• If table draping is needed for your event, please discuss this when placing yourorder. $20.00 per table.Service Charges• Event appropri<strong>at</strong>e service, setup and room cleanup are included in our menuprices. Bon Appétit c<strong>at</strong>ering staff will be provided during the first 2 hours ofservice. If additional staff time is needed, a fee of $25 per hour per c<strong>at</strong>ering staffwill be charged. We recommend one c<strong>at</strong>ering staff for every 50 guests forreceptions and events.

c<strong>at</strong>ering policies & proceduresRented Goods & Charges• Rented goods, service ware and equipment may be necessary for client events fora number of reasons. These may include:• Extensive use of Bon Appétit C<strong>at</strong>ering’s own china and silverware <strong>at</strong> another,previously scheduled event.• Client requests for specialty linen, service ware, flowers, or other décor items• When the above mentioned additional rental needs is required, Bon Appétitc<strong>at</strong>ering can facilit<strong>at</strong>e these rentals and an appropri<strong>at</strong>e rental charge will be addedto the event invoice based on rental prices and coordin<strong>at</strong>ion needs.• Outdoor events requiring a gas grill will require the rental of such grill for use <strong>at</strong>th<strong>at</strong> event. Grill rental will be coordin<strong>at</strong>ed by Bon Appétit c<strong>at</strong>ering and rental feewill be applied to event invoice.Floral ArrangementsSmall table arrangements are $15.00. Large arrangements are $75.00 each.For specific floral arrangement requests additional fees may be applied.Non-University Affili<strong>at</strong>ed & Off-Site C<strong>at</strong>eringIf you are interested in Bon Appétit as a c<strong>at</strong>erer for an off-site and/or non-universitysponsored event, please contact our C<strong>at</strong>ering Department <strong>at</strong> (719) 389-6576Minimum Orders• Offsite delivery is possible for orders of $100 or more. Orders not meeting thisamount may be available for client pickup <strong>at</strong> no charge.Service Fees• Third party c<strong>at</strong>ered events are subject to a 10% service feeDelivery Fees• Offsite deliveries will be assessed a delivery fee based on distance and order size.Payment for C<strong>at</strong>ering Services• Bon Appétit must have a means of guaranteeing payment <strong>at</strong> the time an orderis placed.• Clients must provide a 50% down payment on the contracted total no less thanthree (3) days prior to the event or provide Bon Appétit with a valid credit cardnumber as guarantee of payment.• Payment in full must be received by the day of the event.We<strong>at</strong>her Cancell<strong>at</strong>ion• In the event of The Colorado College being closed due to inclement we<strong>at</strong>her, allc<strong>at</strong>ering events will be autom<strong>at</strong>ically cancelled and no financial charges will beincurred.

everage selectionsHot BeveragesOrganic Regular and Decaffein<strong>at</strong>ed CoffeeTeaHot Chocol<strong>at</strong>e/Hot CiderCold BeveragesApproxim<strong>at</strong>ely 8 servings per pitcher / 16 servings per gallonChilled Orange / Apple/Cranberry JuiceIced Tea / Lemonade / PunchIced W<strong>at</strong>erBottled BeveragesFruit JuicesBottled W<strong>at</strong>erCanned Pepsi or Coca-Cola Brand SodasCalistoga Sparkling W<strong>at</strong>erSports Drinks/Bottled TeaSparkling Apple Cider2.00 per person1.00 per person12.00 per gallon15.00 gallon12.00 gallon3.00 gallon1.75 each1.25 each1.25 each1.50 each2.50 each5.75 bottle

Morning Goodiesfrom our bakeryFresh Baked Muffins15.00 dozenLocal berry, bran raisin, chocol<strong>at</strong>e, cranberry or lemon poppyseed, molassesor walnut streuselSweet Breakfast Breads18.00 dozenBanana, rum raisin, local berry, lemon poppyseed, pumpkin nut, marble, cranberryorange and zucchiniAssorted Bagels with Cream CheeseAdd flavored cream cheese for additional 2.00Cream Cheese Frosted Cinnamon RollsHousemade BiscottiAlmond, dried currant or plain & simpleCoffee Cake SquaresCranberry, banana, blueberries and cheese or cream cheeseChocol<strong>at</strong>e or Almond Filled CroissantsPecan Sticky BunsFruit Filled DanishApple, raspberry, pear, strawberry, blueberry or lemonClassic Croissants with Butter & Preserves21.00 dozen21.00 dozen21.00 dozen18.00 dozen21.00 dozen21.00 dozen16.00 dozen21.00 dozen

eakfast buffetsALL ITEMS ARE SERVED BUFFET STYLE. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ARRANGE A PLATED BREAKFAST,PLEASE CONTACT THE BON APPÉTIT CATERING DEPARTMENT TO CREATE A MENU. ALL BREAKFASTBUFFETS ARE SERVED WITH COFFEE (REGULAR AND DECAF), HOT TEA AND CRANBERRY ANDORANGE JUICE.Cold BreakfastsClassic Continental Breakfast7.50 per personFresh fruit pl<strong>at</strong>e, assorted muffins and breakfast breads and a selectionof two fruit juicesThe Not-Quite-A-Continental Breakfast6.50 per personAssorted muffins and breakfast breads and a selection of two fruit juicesSunrise Healthy Start7.75 per personAssorted muffins, fresh seasonal fruit, assorted yogurts, granola anda selection of two fruit juicesHot BreakfastsBuild-Your-Own Breakfast Buffet*Add fresh fruit for $1.50 per person9.75 per personChoice of two main dishes, two sides, assorted muffins and breakfast breads and aselection of two fruit juices.MAIN DISHES (choose two)Scrambled eggsScrambled eggs florentineCheddar egg scrambleVegetarian or traditional quicheFrench toastStraight or fruit pancakesTofu scrambleQuinoa Porridge or Hot O<strong>at</strong>mealSIDES (choose two)Hash brown pot<strong>at</strong>oesHome friesSausage linksBacon stripsCanadian baconRoasted red pot<strong>at</strong>oes

afternoon tre<strong>at</strong>s*Baked goods ordered with less than 48 hours notice are subject to availabilityFresh Baked Cookies12.00 dozenChocol<strong>at</strong>e chip, sugar, cinnamon sugar, snickerdoodle, o<strong>at</strong>meal & raisin,white chocol<strong>at</strong>e chunk or peanut butterRice Krispy Tre<strong>at</strong>s10.00 dozenUpscale Cookies14.00 dozenCoconut macaroons, gingersnaps, crème brûlée thumbprints,raspberry thumbprints, chocol<strong>at</strong>e dipped macaroons or dried appleDecadent Brownies14.00 dozenCaramel marble, espresso charged, white chocol<strong>at</strong>e chunk, dried cherry,Peanut butter, almond macaroon or original straight chocol<strong>at</strong>eDessert BarsLemon, raspberry, smores, apple, chocol<strong>at</strong>e chip, cheesecake,chocol<strong>at</strong>e pecan, raspberry o<strong>at</strong>meal, seven layer, mint chocol<strong>at</strong>e,chocol<strong>at</strong>e cherry, butterscotch or peanut butterCupcakesChocol<strong>at</strong>e, yellow or white with frosting14.00 dozen14.50 dozen

from the <strong>bon</strong> <strong>appétit</strong> deliStandard Boxed Lunches(8 person minimum for pre-pl<strong>at</strong>ed and buffet)All standard boxed lunches include whole fruit, bagged chips, cookie and choice ofsoda. All sandwiches can be served as a pre-pl<strong>at</strong>ed lunch or a buffet for an additional$2.00 per person.Deli SandwichChoice of turkey, ham, roast beef or vegetarian sandwich**includes packets of mayonnaise and mustard on the side9.75 per personDeli Tortilla Wrap10.25 per personChoice of teriyaki chicken, vegetarian greek, turkey & swiss, buffalo chicken,ham & cheddar or teriyaki tofu tortilla wrapSign<strong>at</strong>ure SandwichesAll sandwich selections can be served as a wrap.All sign<strong>at</strong>ure boxed lunches include whole fruit, bagged chips, cookieand choice of soda.Salami and Provolone11.25 per personThin sliced salami with provolone cheese, red onion, leaf lettuce, tom<strong>at</strong>oes,pepperoncinis and Italian DressingTurkey Breast and Brie11.25 per personAll n<strong>at</strong>ural turkey breast, brie, roasted red peppers, romaine, tom<strong>at</strong>oand honey whole grain mustardGreek Vegetarian10.25 per personCucumbers, tom<strong>at</strong>oes, red onion, feta cheese, spinach, roasted garlichummus spread and kalam<strong>at</strong>a olive tapenadeRoast Beef and Gorgonzola11.25 per personRare roast beef, gorgonzola, roasted red peppers, red onions, romaine,tom<strong>at</strong>o and herbed mayonnaise on sourdough breadCalifornia Chicken Sandwich11.25 per personGrilled all n<strong>at</strong>ural chicken breast, apple-wood smoked bacon, leaf lettuce,tom<strong>at</strong>o, avocado and bleu cheese crumbles on sourdoughPortobello and Marin<strong>at</strong>ed Vegetable10.50 per personMarin<strong>at</strong>ed and grilled portobello with seasonal vegetables and herbedcream cheese (on the side) on ciab<strong>at</strong>taCaprese Sandwich (Seasonal)10.50 per personVariety of fresh local tom<strong>at</strong>oes, fresh mozzarella, basil, vinegar, extra virginolive oil, salt and pepper on crisp foccacia

entrée salads – boxed or buffet style(8 Person minimum on pre-pl<strong>at</strong>ed or buffet entrée salad)Entrée salads include a roll and butter, cookie and canned soda.*Buffet style or pre-pl<strong>at</strong>ed service is available for an additional $2.00 per personCurry Chicken Salad10.25 per personLeaf lettuce with sliced almonds, currants and vinaigrette dressingSmoked Salmon Salad14.75 per personHouse smoked wild Alaskan salmon over spinach with marin<strong>at</strong>ed red onion,chopped egg, black olives and green onions with lemon-caper vinaigretteChipotle Rubbed Chicken and Jicama Salad12.50 per personChipotle rubbed all n<strong>at</strong>ural chicken breast, leaf lettuce, jicama, roasted corn,cherry tom<strong>at</strong>oes, black beans, fresh cilantro and lime vinaigrettePeppercorn Crusted Flank Steak SaladGrilled marin<strong>at</strong>ed seasonal vegetables, feta cheese, leaf lettuceand smoked tom<strong>at</strong>o vinaigrette15.25 per personTuscan White Bean Salad11.00 per personSundried tom<strong>at</strong>oes, yellow onion, grilled zucchini, garlic, rosemaryand olive oil on a bed of mesclun greens

lunch buffetsCastle Rock Deli Sandwich Buffet* (10 Person Minimum) 13.25 per person*Additional sides are $1.00 per personSliced deli me<strong>at</strong>s (turkey, ham and roast beef), deli cheeses (swiss, jack and cheddar),lettuce, onion, tom<strong>at</strong>o, dill pickles, assorted sliced breads, mayonnaise, yellow anddijon mustards and chipsIncludes the following choices:SALADS (Choose Two)DESSERTS (Choose One)Mixed FruitChocol<strong>at</strong>e BrowniesClassic CaesarAssorted Dessert BarsMixed Greens with Two DressingsAssorted CookiesAll American Pot<strong>at</strong>oGreek SaladBEVERAGE (Choose One)Garden PastaCanned SodaHeritage GrainBottled W<strong>at</strong>erYakisoba Noodle Fruit Juices (add $.50)Colorado College Sandwich Buffet (10 Person Minimum) 14.50 per person*Additional sides are $1.00 per personSliced artisan me<strong>at</strong>s (black forest ham, grilled chicken breast and traeger smoked n<strong>at</strong>uralbeef), artisan cheeses (aged cheddar, manchego, fontina), mesclun greens, roasted redpeppers, red onion, tom<strong>at</strong>o, dill pickles, roasted shallot aioli, country olive tapenade,herb aioli, whole grain mustard on artisan breads.Includes the following choices:SALADS (Choose Two)DESSERTS (Choose One)Mixed FruitChocol<strong>at</strong>e BrowniesClassic CaesarAssorted Dessert BarsMixed Greens with Two DressingsAssorted CookiesAll American Pot<strong>at</strong>oGreek SaladBEVERAGE (Choose One)Garden PastaCanned SodaHeritage GrainBottled W<strong>at</strong>erYaki Soba Noodle Fruit Juices (add $.50)The Thai14.95 per personIncludes the following:Grilled all n<strong>at</strong>ural chicken and fried tofuGlass noodles in vegetable brothsnow peas, shredded carrots, julienne red onion, boiled egg, bean sprouts, thai basil,lemongrass, chopped peanuts, fresh lime and green onionCoconut curry sauce, thai peanut sauce and spicy Sambal sauceAlmond cookiesIced tea and ice w<strong>at</strong>er

The Rio Frescolunch buffets15.25 per personIncludes the following:Blackened cod and marin<strong>at</strong>ed flank steakBlack beans, ancho chile rice, roasted corn relish, shredded cabbage, pico de gallo,sour cream, green onions, fresh jalapenos, queso fresco, fresh lime, fire roasted tom<strong>at</strong>ohot sauce and green chile sauceWarm corn and flour tortillasFresh jicama-citrus salad with cilantro vinaigrette*Add handmade guacamole for $6.00 per pintCinnamon churrosHorch<strong>at</strong>a and ice w<strong>at</strong>erBaked Pot<strong>at</strong>o Bar10.50 per personIncludes the following:Baked russet pot<strong>at</strong>oes and baked sweet pot<strong>at</strong>oesVegetarian chili, steamed broccoli, sautéed mushrooms and onions, shredded cheddarcheese, sour cream, chives, apple-wood smoked bacon and whipped butterSeasonal green salad with two dressingsAssorted dessert barsIced tea and ice w<strong>at</strong>er

arbecues20 PERSON MINIMUMAll barbecues include assorted cookies and your choice of assorted canned soda &bottled w<strong>at</strong>er.An onsite chef is available for a 50.00 per hour chef fee and price of grill rentalThe Backyard Barbecue15.00 per personGrilled hamburgers, garden burgers, hot dogs, sliced cheddar cheese, lettuce, onion,tom<strong>at</strong>o, dill pickle, all American pot<strong>at</strong>o salad, seasonal sliced fruit, ketchup, mayonnaiseand mustardWest Slope Rib & Brisket Barbecue16.50 per personSmoked BBQ pork ribs & beef brisket, spicy pinto beans, all American pot<strong>at</strong>o salad,homestyle creamy coleslaw, fresh baked cornbread with whipped honey butter andsliced w<strong>at</strong>ermelonPowderhorn Chicken Barbecue15.00 per personGrilled chicken quarters with Jack Daniels BBQ sauce, molasses baked beans, allAmerican pot<strong>at</strong>o salad, homestyle creamy cole slaw, fluffy biscuits with whipped honeybutter and sliced w<strong>at</strong>ermelonSouthern Brisket Barbecue15.50 per personAll n<strong>at</strong>ural BBQ pulled pork with assorted fresh baked buns, corn on the cob, southernstyle coleslaw, hush puppies and w<strong>at</strong>ermelon

snacks, appetizers & hors d’oeuvresAll individually portioned appetizers and hors d’oeuvres are based upon two piecesper personSimple Snacksper personRosemary Almonds* 2.50Parmesan Cheese, Sesame Seed and/or Rustic Herb Breadsticks 1.50Garden Vegetables with Ranch or Blue Cheese Dip 1.50Lavosh Wrapped Pinwheels with Assorted Me<strong>at</strong> and Fillings 2.75Sliced Fresh Fruit 2.00Domestic Cheeses with Crackers 2.50Sign<strong>at</strong>ure Appetizersper personArtisan Cheese Pl<strong>at</strong>ter with Dried Fruits & Nuts& Assorted Accoutrements 4.50*72 hours notice requiredBruchetta Bar (15 person minimum) 3.50Wild mushroom and rustic herb, roma tom<strong>at</strong>o and basil, kalam<strong>at</strong>a olive tapenade,artichoke-parmesan spreadHandmade Sushi 3.50Assorted ‘Ahi tuna, dungeness crab, unagi, vegetarian and Californiarolls with wasabiTapas Pl<strong>at</strong>ter 5.75Bacon wrapped d<strong>at</strong>es, Spanish olives, Mercona almonds, manchego Cheese,spicy sausages and grilled breadSlider Bar 6.00All n<strong>at</strong>ural bison burger, BLT and portobello mushroom served with chipotlemayonnaise and chimichurri sauceHouse Made Chips and Dip 3.75Yukon gold, sweet pot<strong>at</strong>o and root vegetable chips with caramelized onion dipPoultryper personTrio of Wings 4.00Buffalo style, jerk and teriyaki with fresh vegetables and ranch dressingJerk Chicken with Mango Chutney on a Corn Cracker 3.25Miso Chicken Lettuce Wraps with Sweet Soy Dipping Sauce 3.25Chicken Quesadillas with Chipotle Sour Cream and Fresh Cilantro 3.00Moo Shu Duck in an Asian Pancake with Hoisin Sauce 3.50

snacks, appetizers & hors d’oeuvresBeef, Pork & Lambper personProsciutto Wrapped Melon 3.00Beef Carpaccio on Crostini with Red Onionand Caper Crème Fraiche 3.50Sliced Laughing Lab Br<strong>at</strong>wurst with Sweet and Spicy Mustard Dips 3.00Mini Pork Tostada with Roasted Corn, Queso Fresco,Cilantro and Crisp Corn Chip 3.25Honey Roasted Lamb on a Sweet Pot<strong>at</strong>o Crispwith Lemon Mayonnaise and Fennel Salad 3.50Seafoodper personSmoked Wild Salmon Crostini with Crème Fraiche and Dill 3.25Dungeness Crab Cakes with Lemon Aioli 4.25Shrimp Ceviche 4.25Pan Seared Scallop with an Heirloom Tom<strong>at</strong>o Confit 4.50Vegetarianper personSeasonal Squash Fritters with Tom<strong>at</strong>o Relish 2.00Wild Mushroom and Gorgonzola Tart 2.50Crostini with Fresh Mozzarella, Roma Tom<strong>at</strong>o and Basil 2.00Corn Fritters with Jalapeno Jam 2.00Ham and Cheese Croquette 2.25Gazpacho Shooter with Cilantro Crème Fraiche 2.50

sign<strong>at</strong>ure buffets(15 person minimum)THE FOLLOWING ARE SEASONAL SAMPLE MENUS. PLEASE CONTACT THE CATERING DEPARTMENTTO CUSTOMIZE A MENU TO MATCH YOUR VISION!*Our Sign<strong>at</strong>ure buffets include artisan bread and butter, freshly brewed coffee, iced teaand ice w<strong>at</strong>er*Sign<strong>at</strong>ure buffets are also available as served meals for an additional $2.00per personFall Seasonal Buffet Menu #1:Butter leaf lettuce with dried figs, pancetta, gorgonzola and balsamic vinaigretteRosemary rotisserie quarter chickenForest mushroom polentaSautéed green beansLemon chiffon cake20.95 per personFall Seasonal Buffet Menu #2:Roasted fennel salad with mesclun greens and apple vinaigretteSour cherry crusted pork loin with thyme jusWild rice blendBraised mustard greensMocha roulade29.95 per personFall Seasonal Buffet Menu #3:Heirloom tom<strong>at</strong>o and fresh mozzarella with basilCandied bacon wrapped bison tenderloin with caramelized onion jamTri color fingerling pot<strong>at</strong>oesSautéed spinachWarm berry cobbler with whipped cream42.95 per person

sweets & special occasion dessertsIce Cream Sundae Bar6.75 per personTwo flavors of ice cream, assorted sauces and toppings, whipped creamand mixed nutsSheet CakesCake decor<strong>at</strong>ion is subject to additional charges based upon design complexityWe offer a wide variety of flavors and frostings – just let us know wh<strong>at</strong> you like!FROSTING OPTIONS—vanilla, chocol<strong>at</strong>e, buttercream, mocha, coconut, Irish cream,whipped cream and lemonFILLING OPTIONS—raspberry, cherry, lemon, chocol<strong>at</strong>e, vanilla, strawberry and pastrycreamADDITIONS—Choose cream cheese frosting or chocol<strong>at</strong>e ganache for an additional 10.00per cake.Medium (1/2 Sheet)Serves approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 50 guests1 Layer—45.00 2 Layers—60.00 3 Layers—75.00Large (Full Sheet)Serves approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 90 guests1 Layer—90.00 2 Layers—110.00 3 Layers—125.00Sign<strong>at</strong>ure DessertsFreshly Baked Cheesecake9" diameter / serves 12 guests27.00 eachDark Chocol<strong>at</strong>e Cake9" diameter/serves 12 guestsFruit PiesSouthern Pecan PieHandmade TrufflesAssorted Petit FoursChocol<strong>at</strong>e Dipped StrawberriesChocol<strong>at</strong>e Lover’s Torte9" diameter / serves 16 guestsCarrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting9" diameter / serves 16 guests25.00 each18.00 each20.00 each21.00 per dozen16.00 per dozenMarket Price22.00 each22.00 each

client feedback ...“We were extremely impressed with the professional services we received from you aswell as your entire staff... We would recommend Bon Appétit to anyone needing ac<strong>at</strong>ering service. Many, many of our guests th<strong>at</strong> night expressed compliments on howwonderful the meal tasted. They especially liked the turkey me<strong>at</strong>loaf AND the pot<strong>at</strong>oesand gravy. Thank you again. You and your staff certainly helped make our son’swedding weekend a memorable and pleasurable experience.”“I heard so many compliments on the food and the staff! It made it easy for me toenjoy the reception. Thanks so much for your excellent service and fabulous food!“Thank you it all looks so tasty and makes me want to e<strong>at</strong> again!!! The event wassuccessful and we certainly appreci<strong>at</strong>e all th<strong>at</strong> you and your team did to make it so.Everyone raved about the food! And the service was excellent, the team was constantlythere to clear up and replenish so th<strong>at</strong> nothing looked stale or picked over. Thank youso much.”“I wish I could be more specific, but everything was just perfect. We were in a bit of ahurry to complete our event and your staff was very quick and efficient. And of coursethe food was gre<strong>at</strong>! Thanks!”“I wanted to make sure th<strong>at</strong> I gave feedback on my luncheon this past Tuesday. Bravo!I was so pleased with the c<strong>at</strong>ering service, and I wanted to make sure th<strong>at</strong> you knewhow important the roles of Letina, Angelina, Chef, and C<strong>at</strong>hy are to my events. Thefood was excellent and of course the professionalism was outstanding. You have awonderful crew far and beyond the people I have listed. Please let them know th<strong>at</strong> theyare valued and appreci<strong>at</strong>ed.”“THANK YOU for the wonderful lunch and service provided for the parents' luncheon<strong>at</strong> the African-American Youth Leadership Conference. I just left the event andeveryone was raving about the delicious food and gre<strong>at</strong> service!”

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