Attachment-retained restorations

Attachment-retained restorations - Aura Balt

Attachment-retained restorations - Aura Balt


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BALL ATTACHMENT-RETAINED OVERDENTURECreating a new overdentureCreating a new overdenturePlacing the Ball Abutment Pick-upFirmly attach the Ball Abutment Pick-ups and check toensure that they are securely in place. The pick-upsshould have a stable friction retention.Verify that there is adequate space in the tray forimpression material and the Ball Abutment Pick-up. It isessential to have enough space around the copings toachieve good retention within the impression material.CLINICAL PROCEDUREImpression takingTake the abutment-level impression using acustomized impression tray and an elastomericimpression material. Remove the impression once theimpression material has set.Verifying the impressionThe pick-ups should be captured in the impressionand be clearly visible. If the pick-ups remainseated on the Ball Abutments, remove and re-seatthem in the impression. Send the impression to thelaboratory.21

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