J Tobey Clark

J. Tobey Clark - Instrumentation and Technical Services - University ...

J. Tobey Clark - Instrumentation and Technical Services - University ...


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J. <strong>Tobey</strong> <strong>Clark</strong>Previous EmploymentUniversity of Vermont positions1987 - 1993 Director of the Technical Services Program1983 - 1987 Manager of Clinical Engineering1976 - 1983 Clinical EngineerDepartment of Otolaryngology, University Hospital, Boston University1972-1974Biomedical Engineer – Research instrumentation for CO2 laser tissue effects and other research support,responsible for CO2 laser used during surgery, and performed electronystagmography tests on patients.1979 - PresentConsultant - Provide consultation services related to medical instrumentation and test devices including design,development, marketing, applications and test strategies. Projects included development of physiological simulatorsfor non-invasive blood pressure and pulse oximetry, and neonatal oxygen monitoring apparatus.Advisor - Biomedical Engineering Senior Projects:• Inductive Heating Application as Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, (Kyle Cram & Aaron Willey,URECA Award Winner, 2005)• Tracking device for telemedicine camera (Kim Rooks, 1997),• Design of an open interface for anesthesia scavaging system (Ray Chamberland, 1996),• Electromagnetic Interference Assessment of Fletcher Allen Health Care and Recommendations (Scott Sabourin,1995), and• Design of carbon rubber electrodes for iontophoresis (Laurence Robert, 1994)Awards and Certifications• Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) Clinical/Biomedical EngineeringCareer Achievement Award (2002)• Certified Clinical Engineer, International Certification Commission (1979) & Healthcare TechnologyCertification Commission (2004)• Senior Designation, American Society for Healthcare Engineering (1995)• Kellogg Foundation Fellowship 1974-1976• Boston University Athletic Scholarshipo D-1 Varsity Football 1968-1971

PublicationsA National Online Survey on the Effectiveness of Clinical Alarms, American Journal of Clinical Care, 2008:17:36-41, (co-authors Denise Korniewicz and Yadin David)Impact of Clinical Alarms on Patient Safety, Editor and Task Force Co-Leader, ACCE, AHTF White Paper, 2006Clinical Alarms Remain an Area for Patient Safety Improvement, Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology,AAMI, Vol. 39, Issue 5,Sept/Oct 2005, Pg: 357-359Regional Clinical Engineering Shared Services and Cooperatives, Clinical Engineering Handbook, by Joseph F.Dyro, Elsevier Science, 2004, Pg: 26-28Health Care Technology Replacement Planning, Clinical Engineering Handbook, by Joseph F. Dyro, ElsevierScience, 2004, Pg: 153-154Challenges Facing Independent Multi-hospital Healthcare Technology Management Systems, IEEE Engineering inMedicine & Biology magazine, Vol. 23, No. 3, May/June 2004, Pg: 20-26Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics “Down Under”, Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology, Vol. 37,Issue 6, Nov/Dec 2003, Pg: 387Telemedicine Technology and Support: Distance Learning Course, The MGI Management Institute, 2000 (co-author:Michael Lane)Clinical Equipment Replacement Planning, Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology, Vol. 24, No. 4, July 1990,Pg: 271-276 (co-author: Raymond Forsell)Apnea Monitoring by Means of Thoracic Impedance Pneumography – TIR No. 4-1989, AAMI Apnea MonitoringCommittee (member), 1989Purchasing Medical Equipment: A Protocol for Decision Making, Respiratory Care, Vol. 30, No. 8, pp. 675-684,1985Intracranial Pressure Monitoring : A Review with Discussion of Noninvasive ICP Monitoring in Neonates, MedicalTechnology for the Neonates, AAMI Technology Assessment Report, 1984, Pg: 100-104The Newborn Oxygram: Automatic Proccesing of Transcutaneous O 2 Data, Pediatrics, Vol. 66, No. 6, Dec. 1980,Pg: 848-851

PresentationsCollaboration in Healthcare Technology, Global Engineering Leadership and Knowledge Sharing, Pan AmericanHealth Care Exchange, Long Beach, CA, January 28, 2008Impact of Clinical Alarms on Patient Safety, Pan American Health Care Exchange, Long Beach, CA, January 28,2008Clinical Alarm Notification and Management, Webcast, FDA MedSun Project, November 29, 2007Profile and Importance of the Engineer in the Context of Globalization, International Seminar, Colegio deIngenieros del Peru, Lima, Peru, November 7-8, 2007Medical Equipment Technology and Clinical Engineering: On-line Course, 3rd Annual Forum on HealthTechnologies, CENETEC, Ministry of Health, , Mexico City, Mexico, September 19, 2007Electrical Safety: Medical Devices and the Patient Care Environment, Workshop, Commission for theAdvancement of Healthcare Technology Management in Asia (CAHTMA), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September10-14, 2007Improving Patient Safety Through Clinical Alarms Management, Medicon 2007, Ljubljuna, Slovenia, June 26, 2007(Yadin David)Medical Device Testing, Management and Quality Control in U.S. Hospitals, Jinsing Medical EngineeringAssociation, People’s Hospital #1, Nanjing, China, May 24, 2007Medical Device Testing, Management and Quality Control in U.S. Hospitals, 2007 International Forum on Safetyand Quality Control of Medical Devices, Wuxi, China, May 24, 2007Impact of Clinical Alarms on Patient Safety, Poster: Annual NPSF Patient Safety Congress, National Patient SafetyFoundation, Washington D.C, May 2-4, 2007AHTF Clinical Alarms Task Force, Colloquium: Responding to Medical Device Incidents, MD Anderson CancerCenter, Houston, TX , March 8, 2007Medical Equipment Technology and Clinical Engineering: On-line Course, Pan American Health Care Exchanges(PAHCE), Los Angeles, CA, February 15, 2007 (Rossana Rivas/Luis Vilcahuamán)Medical Device Testing, Management and Quality Control in U.S. Hospitals, Guang Dong Military Sector GeneralHospital, Guangzhou, China, August 24, 2006Medical Device Testing, Management and Quality Control in U.S. Hospitals, Chinese Clinical Engineering Society,Beijing, China, August 22, 2006Healthcare Technology Assessment. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Seoul, SouthKorea, August 31, 2006Adverse Patient Events Involving Medical Devices: Investigative Tools, World Congress on Medical Physics andBiomedical Engineering, Seoul, South Korea, August 30, 2006AHTF Clinical Alarms Improvement Initiative, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering,Seoul, South Korea, Sept. 1, 2006

AHTF Clinical Alarms Improvement Initiative, AAMI Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, June 24, 2006Healthcare Technology Management Workshops - Advanced Capacity Building for Solving Real Problems, 19thInternational Federation for Hospital Engineering, Cape Town, South Africa, May 10, 2006Biomedical/Clinical Engineering Role in Providing Safe Healthcare, 19th International Federation for HospitalEngineering, Cape Town, South Africa, May 9, 2006AHTF Clinical Alarms Improvement Initiative, Northeastern Healthcare Technology Symposium, New EnglandClinical Engineering Society, Southbridge, MA October 10-12, 2005Certified Clinical Engineering Test Review, Northeastern Healthcare Technology Symposium, New EnglandClinical Engineering Society, Southbridge, MA October 10-12, 2005AHTF Clinical Alarms Improvement Initiative, FDA/Medsun Representatives Conference, Sept 2005Major Medical Equipment Inventory and Analysis, Vermont State Health Resource Allocation Planning Retreat,Cortina Inn, Rutland, VT, March 7, 2005Certified Clinical Engineering Exam Prep, The Annual Audio Educational Teleconference Series, ACCE, July 15,2004A Town Meeting on Clinical Alarm Management and Integration, AAMI Conference & Expo, Tampa, Fl, May 15,2005Medical Device Testing, Management and Quality Control in U.S. Hospitals, 2004 International Forum of Safety &Quality Control of Medical Devices, Medical Engineering Society/Chinese Medical Association, Shanghai, China,October 2004Medical Device Safety and Performance Testing in the U.S.A., Chinese National Institute of Metrology, Hangzhou,China, March 8, 2004The Future of Clinical Engineering - Hospital Perspective, World Congress on Medical Physics and BiomedicalEngineering, Sydney, Australia, August 28, 2003Careers and Opportunities in Biomedical Technology and Engineering, Vermont Technical College, Randolph, VT,April 24, 2003Telemedicine: Technology, Application, Support and Millennium View, AAMI Annual Conference and Expo, SanJose, CA, June 4, 2000Keynote Speaker, 19 th Annual Northeastern Biomedical Symposium, Manchester, NH, November 1999Medical Device Year 2000 Contingency Planning, Health Care and Social Services, City of Burlington, June 29,1999Year 2000 – Are We Ready?, HealthTech Annual Meeting, St. Louis, April 29, 1999Clinical Engineering Management: Telemedicine – What You Need to Know, 18 th Annual Northeastern BiomedicalSymposium, Albany, NY, November 1998

Technology Management in Small Healthcare Institutions and Community Care Networks, 12 th National Conferenceon Medical Technology Management, ASHE, December 1996Total Technology Management in Rural Hospitals, 28 th Annual Meeting & Exposition, AAMI, Boston, MA, May 9,1993Equipment Replacement Planning, 28 th Annual Meeting & Exposition, AAMI, Boston, MA, May 9, 1993Reducing Maintenance Expenditures without Compromising Service Quality, 72 nd Annual Meeting, New EnglandHospital Assembly, Boston, March 31, 1993Equipment Maintenance Management Strategies, 11 th Annual Northeastern Symposium on Healthcare Technology,November 1991Jobs in Biomedical and Clinical Engineering, University of Vermont Mortar Board, January 1991Clinical Equipment Replacement Planning, The National Conference on Medical Technology Management, The SixAnnual Clinical Engineering Symposium and Technical Exhibition; Clinical Engineeering Section (CES), AmericanSociety for Hospital Engineering (ASHE), American Hospital Association (AHA), Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 1990Cost Effective Approaches to Clinical Engineering Services, 9 th Annual Northeastern Symposium on HealthcareTechnology, New England Society of Clinical Engineering, Springfield, MA, November 27, 1989Perinatal Care Technology, Clinical Engineering Symposium, American Hospital Association, Oak Brook, IL,October 1989Perinatal Monitoring, ASHE Clinical Engineering Symposium, Chicago, IL, 1989Technology Acquisition Methods: Shared Service Approach, AAMI annual meeting, Washington D.C, May 15,1988Technology Assessment and Acquisition, 7 th Annual Northeastern Symposium on Healthcare Technology, 1987Instrumentation for Apnea Monitoring, 7 th Annual Northeastern Symposium on Healthcare Technology, 1987Preventive Maintenance Considerations, INSITE on Facilities Management Workshop, MIT Office of FacilitiesManagement Systems, Cambrige, MA, September 29, 1987A University-Based Shared Service Clinical Engineering Program – 11 Years Experience, AAMI 20 th AnnualMeeting, May 6, 1985 (co-presenter: James Bernard)Protocol for Medical Instrumentation Purchase in the 80’s, 20 th Annual Meeting, AAMI, May 6, 1985Intracranial Pressure Monitoring: A Review with Discussion of Noninvasive ICP Monitoring in Neonates, AAMIConf. Proc. On Medical Technology and the Neonate, 1983Inadequacy of Current Oxygen Monitoring, Society of Pediatric Research Meeting, 1983A TcPO 2 Data Reduction Device, American Association of Respiratory Therapy Annual Meeting, 1981Judging the Quality of O 2 Care Using TcPO 2 Monitoring and a Microprocessor, Society of Pediatric ResearchMeeting, 1980

A Clinical Tool for the Evaluation of TcPO 2 Data; Proceedings, AAMI 15 th Annual Meeting, 1980Radiation Dosage for Common Diagnostic Procedures: Variations Due to Equipment and Technique Factors, 6 thNew England Bioengineering Conference, 1978Radiation Exposure for Common Diagnostic Procedures: Variation due to Equipment and Technique Factors,AAMI, 1977Radiation Facilities Safety and Preventive Maintenance in Rural Community Hospitals, 29 th ACEMB, Boston, MA,1976A Fiberoptic Reflection Fluorometer, 2 nd New England Bioengineering Conference, 1974Vestibular Function and the Clinical Significance of the Electronystagmograph, Electrical and ComputerEngineering Seminar, Boston University, 1972TSP Quarterly Seminars – 1975-Present – Various healthcare technology, facilities, patient safety and clinicalengineering topics

Professional Service• HIMSS - Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise, Patient Care Devices - Alarm Communication ManagementPlanning Committee (2007-present)• American College of Clinical Engineering Healthcare Technology Foundation (AHTF) Board Member(2004-present)• Association for the Advancement for Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) Editorial Board member (1992-Present),• Session Chair: Intelligent Monitoring & Clinical Engineering Best Practices - IEEE InternationalConference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, NY, NY, 2006• Reviewer: Health Devices, ECRI, Plymouth Meeting, PAo Review of The Hazards of Alarm Overload (2007), Alarm Notification for Physiologic Monitoring(2007), Telemedicine (1999), Inspection and Preventive Maintenance Procedures Intended to beUsed for Surgical Nd: YAG Lasers (1987)• Publication Reviewer: AAMI publications:o Medical Equipment Management Manual, AAMI, 2004o Electrical Safety Manual, 2004 and 2008 Editions, AAMI• Book Reviewer: Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology:o Computed Tomography: Fundamentals, System Technology, Image Quality, Applications, byWilli A. Kalender, 2 nd Edition, Erlangen, 2005o Biomedical Photonics Handbook, by Tuan Vo-Dinh , CRC Press, 2006o Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging, Thomas L. Szabo, 1 st Edition, Elsevier Academic Press, 2004o PACS and Imaging Informatics: Basic Principles and Applications, H.K Huang, Wiley-Liss, 2004oVirtual Bio-instrumentation. Biomedical, Clinical, and Healthcare Applications in LabVIEW, byJon B. Olansen, Eric Rosow, Prentice Hall, Vol. 36, Issue 6, 2002, Pg. 425• UVM College of Engineering & Mathematics and Governor’s Institutes of VT, Summer Program for HighSchool Students in engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, 1999-2005• United Way Community Campaign Volunteer, University of Vermont, 2000-2005• Presidential Search Committee, University of Vermont (2001-2002)• AAMI Board Vice Chair - Clinical Engineering (1998-2001),• AAMI Annual Meeting Program Committee (1993-1999)• AAMI Co-chair - Annual Meeting (1997&1998)• Newsletter Editor, New England Society for Healthcare Engineering (NEHES), 1989-1992• 11 th Annual Northeastern Symposium on Healthcare Technology – Clinical Engineering Track, EducationalCoordinator (1991)• Nominating Committee for Clinical Engineering Society representative, American Society for HospitalEngineering, 1991• Session Chair: Healthcare Technology Assessment and Acquisition, AAMI 23 rd Annual Meeting (1988)• Board of Examiners for Biomedical Equipment Technicians, International Certification Comission, 1987-1989• 7 th Annual Northeastern Symposium on Healthcare Technology, Educational Coordinator (1987)• Session Chair: Clinical Lasers, 7 th Annual Northeastern Symposium on Healthcare Technology (1987)• Session Chair: Emerging Technology – Cardiology, 7 th Annual Northeastern Symposium onHealthcare Technology (1987)

Current Grant SupportMedical Equipment Technology and Clinical Engineering: On-line Course, Pan American Health and EducationFoundation, $150,000, June 06-May 08Interactive Simulations of Physical Phenomenon for Online and Classroom Learning, UVM Instructional IncentiveGrant, $2,465.50, July 1-2007 – June 30, 2008Principles and Management of Medical Device Quality Assurance, Book Contract, Fluke Electronics Corp., $11,000,Start date - July 2007Healthcare Technology Management in Developing Counties, UVM International Initiatives grant for speaker traveland meetings, $1,280, Start date - November 2007Patent1994/2006 - Simulation for Pulse Oximeter, RE39,268, Merrick, et al, Assigned to Fluke Electronics. Corp.

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