Aquarius - LABIMEX CZ s.r.o.

Aquarius - LABIMEX CZ s.r.o.

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TRUE SYMMETRICAL DOUBLE BEAMPOWERFUL INTEGRAL SOFTWAREFULL REFERENCE BEAM SPACEDISPLAY SCROLLING OF SCANSCHOICE OF OPTICAL BANDWIDTHSUPERB VERSATILITYACCURACY : FLEXIBILITY : FAST-OPERAFULL VALIDATION PROCEDURESWIDEST ACCESSORY RANGE2Variable or Fixed BandwidthThe Aquarius spectrophotometers offer very highperformance with fixed optical bandwidth of lessthan 2nm pharmacopoeia compliant, 1nm, orvariable optical bandwidth of 0.5, 1, 2 and 4nm forhigh resolution applications.The spectrophotometer's performance and powerfulsoftware are only normally available with muchmore expensive instruments.Double Beam Optical SystemThe fully symmetrical double beam system of theAquarius instruments provides the highest accuracyof measurement coupled with very high stabilitywith time.Both sample and reference beams are provided withthe same space facilities, thus catering for thewidest possible range of experimental requirementsand not limited to just a simple cell in the referencebeam.Scans Viewed By ScrollingBy scrolling information across the display screen,the effective width of the screen is a massive430mm.Long scans, plots and other data may be viewed inmuch more detail, than with other instruments.Powerful Integral ControlRapid operation with ease of use is provided by thepowerful software built into the computing system ofthe Aquarius instruments. The standard software isremarkably comprehensive but may be expanded, atany time, by E-SEF to release additional softwaremodules when required.Rapid Menu OperationThe large backlit high resolution LCD screen displaysmenus for all applications, with clear prompts for allentries and procedures. Scans, plots, curves and dataare all displayed on the screen and may be reprocessedor manipulated before storing or producing a printout.Secure Integral MemoryGenerous built in secure memory allows scans, curves,plots, kinetic curves, as well as methods to be storedtamper proof protected by personal security codes.Any scans, plots or data may be recalled from memory,with assured integrity, for reprocessing, manipulationand printing as required.Dynamic Scan RecallThe Aquarius instruments are provided with the abilityto store the last 25 or more scans or plots without theneed to carry out a scan storage procedure. The scansor plots are automatically stored as they are made andmay be recalled from a list on the display.

TRUE SYMMETRICAL DOUBLE BEAMPOWERFUL INTEGRAL SOFTWARESoftwareFULLEnhancementREFERENCEBy E-SEFBEAM SPACEThis unique design feature - Encoded Software Enhancement Facility- provided by Cecil Instruments, enables any required additionalsoftware DISPLAY module to SCROLLING be released by an encoded OF entry. SCANSThe encodedentry required is obtained by telephone, fax or E-mail, enabling youto expand your library of methods, without delay, when a newapplication arises within your laboratory.CHOICE OF OPTICAL BANDWIDTHMethod OperationSUPERB VERSATILITYAny procedure may be stored as a method in the security codeprotected integral memory of the Aquarius instruments. When amethod is recalled, all instrument parameters are automatically set,without operator intervention, thus ensuring that the originalBenefitsconditions ACCURACY are exactly replicated. : FLEXIBILITY : FAST-OPERATIONVariable or Fixed BandwidthLarge Backlit LCD ScreenScreen ScrollingScrolled Screen Width430mmDynamic Scan RecallFull Reference Sample SpaceMethod StorageScan StorageFULL VALIDATION PROCEDURESScans, plots and curves may all be stored, for future use, withconfidence in the integrity of the data. Integral memory is providedfor up to 100 scans, protected by the operators personal securitycodes. WIDEST ACCESSORY RANGEReprocessingAlthough scans may be in absorbance, transmittance or derivativeformat, any scan may be transformed to an alternative format by thevery rapid reprocessing facility provided.Fully Documented ScansAs shown below all scans are fully documented on screen and inhard copy.Tables of all peaks and valleys are produced together withinstrument, sample and operator details. Scans recalled from theinstruments integral memory or by dynamic scan recall are also fullydocumented.The screens shown are not two separate displays but part of acontinuous display viewed by scrolling.Spectral StorageCurve StoragePassword Protected StorageMulti/Single Cell KineticsOperates in 6 LanguagesPerformanceBandwidth < 2nm or 1nmVariable 0.5, 1, 2, 4nmStability ±0.0001A/HScan rate 1 to 4000nm/minWavelength Precision 0.1nmStraylight

POWERFUL INTEGRAL SOFTWAREMulti-User ConvenienceAquarius double beam instruments were designedfor the greatest convenience in a laboratory wheremulti user operation is required.All methods, stored scans, plots, curves and dataremain in secure integral memory, tamperprotected by passwords, readily accessible to alloperators without the possibility of mislaid disksor plug in card modules.FULL REFERENCE BEAM SPACEDISPLAYSamplingSCROLLINGFlexibilityOF SCANSThe design of the double beam optical sampling allowsalmost identical space and facilities in both the sample andreference beams. Multi-cell reference sampling, withCHOICE OF OPTICAL BANDWIDTHtemperature control is therefore possible.Operation is not limited to a single standard cell in thereference beam as in some other instruments.SUPERB VERSATILITYReflectance and Gel ScanningAccessories include fixed angle and variable angleACCURACY : FLEXIBILITY : FAST-Oreflectance units and a gel scanning system for gels up to100mm long.DataStreamFULL VALIDATION PROCEDURESData may be transferred from the spectrophotometer to aPC, or the software used to control the instrument from aPC. Datastream software, developed by Cecil Instruments,has a wide range of facilities including graphical andtabular presentation, normalisation of overlayed traces,point and peak pick using a cursor, library facilities, datastorage in files on disk, history logging and copy and pasteto other applications such as Excel, Word etc.WIDEST ACCESSORY RANGEThe photograph below shows an Aquarius instrument inuse in Cecil Instruments applications laboratory.4

FULL REFERENCE BEAM SPACEDISPLAY SCROLLING OF SCANSCHOICE Curve and Line OF Fitting OPTICAL BANDWIDTHA straight line, quadratic or cubic curve may automatically be fitted to aset of up to 30 standards. Fits may be made with an intercept or forcedSUPERB through zero. Replicate VERSATILITYstandards may be used for any givenconcentration. All entries are prompted for simplicity of operation. Aquadratic curve fit is shown here.ACCURACY : FLEXIBILITY : FAST-OPERATIONEditing Suspect Standards and Curve StorageFULL VALIDATION PROCEDURESSuspectstandardsmay be observedby inspection of thescreen display andWIDEST ACCESSORY RANGEeither deleted orsubstituted by areplicate standard.STANDARD SOFTWAREWavelength ScanPeak and Valley TabulationDerivatives 1st-4thUp to 30 curvesmay be stored inintegral memory,security codeprotected for futureuse.Time/Rate PlotDynamic Scan RecallAuto Sequential ScansDerivative SpectraDerivative spectroscopy is a powerful technique for revealing hiddeninformation or enhancing fine detail in a spectral scan. Bands maskedby other overlapping bands or distorted by a sloping background maybe accurately located for quantification.Derivative plots may be displayed on their own or superimposed on awavelength scan, with or without an offset. The degree of smoothingused is operator entered and ranging is normally selected to beautomatic.Scan StorageScan OverlayScan ReprocessingMethod StorageCurve/Line FitCurve StorageEditing of StandardsAbsorbance RatioAbsorbance DifferenceSelf Test and CalibrationMeasurements in A, C, %T5

DISPLAY SCROLLING OF SCANSCHOICE OF OPTICAL BANDWIDTHSUPERB VERSATILITYOptical BandwidthThe Aquarius range provides the choice of fixedbandwidth of less than 2nm, 1nm, or variableACCURACY : FLEXIBILITY : FAST-OPEbandwidth of 0.5, 1, 2 and 4nm. The variableresolution performance of the CE 7500 is ideal forsamples with sharper features requiring highresolution - particularly vapours and some liquidFULL VALIDATION PROCEDURESsamples.The performance of the Aquarius CE 7500 isillustrated in the plots shown here of BenzeneVapour at two different bandwidths, 0.5nm and2nm overlayed.WIDEST ACCESSORY RANGEAlso shown here is the spectrum of iodine vapournear 560nm.The broad flat bands resulting from a scan at 2nmbandwidth are well resolved when scanned at0.5nm bandwidth.A 1 nm optical bandwith is provided by the CE 7400Sversion of the Aquarius, for applications requiringthis particular performance.Micro-Sipette SamplingSamples of 300µl or less, and multiple samples, may bemeasured with very low cross contamination.Samples are measured in the same cell enhancingaccuracy and speed of measurement. The pump, in thesample compartment, is controlled by the instrument'smicroprocessor.Ultra-Micro SamplingValuable samples, such as biological samples preparedwith costly reagents, may be measured using a specialultra-microcell and holder. With the system, samples of50µl or even less may be accurately measured.Tablet DissolutionThe CE 7460 and CE 7560 versions of Aquarius are fittedwith a special cell compartment and pipe port for tabletdissolution assays.The instrument may be used with either a six or eightcell automatic changer.6

CHOICE OF OPTICAL BANDWIDTHSUPERB VERSATILITYACCURACY : FLEXIBILITY : FAST-OPERATIONReaction KineticsBoth single cell and multi cell Kinetics are available with reaction plots to screen and printer. Regression analysisis FULL applied to VALIDATION the user-selected portion PROCEDURESof reaction curves and results are reported in Units/Litre. Data may bereprocessed as required and curves stored. Sample temperature control is available for single cells and four andsix cell changers.WIDEST ACCESSORY RANGEAdvanced KineticsAn example of advanced kinetics is shown below where time based reaction data generated by thespectrophotometer has been transferred into Grafit, fitted to a curve and transformed into a more suitable formatfor mathematical interpolation and calculation. In this particular example, the basic data plot can yield the limitingrate (Vmax), the Michaelis constant (Km) and the initial linear portion (Vmax/Km).This has been transformed into the Eadie-Hofstee format and plotted to give better precision in the calculation ofthese important factors and constants.Other transformations are available such as Lineweaver-Burk and the Hill plot for allosteric enzyme systems.PC Data ManipulationData may be transferred to a PC for use with spreadsheets and other mathematical software packages.More advanced reaction kinetics data manipulationmay be readily performed with Grafit software. Linear,non-linear or polynomial curve fitting is easilyaccomplished together with non-linear regressionanalysis. A wide selection of standard equations areprovided, together with an equation editor forcustomised equation fitting.Data may also be transformed into other mathematicalformats for plotting and calculation.Band QuantificationAccurate quantitative assays using band area or height,corrected for background absorption, are exceptionallyeasy to carry out with the easy to use Aquariusinstruments.Analytical results are displayed and printed withconstruction lines enabling the quality of theparameters to be assessed.The procedure may be stored as a method with securitycode protection in the integral memory of theinstrument.7

SUPERB VERSATILITYACCURACY : FLEXIBILITYScans at up to 4000nm/min are presented on screen orprinted with all peaks annotated with wavelength andabsorbance. Tables are also presented listing all peaks andtroughs with values.Display ScrollingUse of the display scrolling facility enhances the effectivescreen size and enables spectra and data up to 430mm wideto be viewed.Dynamic Scan RecallThe last 25 or more scans or plots are automatically retainedfor recall by entering their scan sequence number and maybe reprocessed, overlaid or transferred to protected memoryfor future recall.Overlaid Spectral ScansUp to eight scans, including stored scans, may be overlaid,with or without offsets for convenient comparisons orfurther manipulation.Difference SpectraSCANNINGDouble Beam Wavelength ScansNew wavelength scans or scans from store may bepresented on screen and the difference spectra produced.The scans may be normalised enabling spectral stripping toreveal impurities or additives.FULL VALIDATION PROCEDWIDEST ACCESSORY RANPowerful QuantificationMany quantitative methods are available including bandarea computation with background correction, differencingand stripping of spectra, wine and colour assays,mathematical calculations between several wavelengths,protein and DNA assays.Curve and Line FittingA straight line, quadratic or cubic concentration curve maybe fitted to up to 30 standards, with or without an intercept atthe origin. Standards may be deleted and replaced and anew curve fitted.Reaction KineticsSingle cell kinetic measurements are possible with plots anddata displayed on screen. Data may be reprocessed,regression analysis applied and curves stored, security codeprotected against tamper or deletion.Up to four or six cells are automatically measured with allreaction curves displayed on screen. Each curve may beselected for processing with the results of regressionanalysis printed.Multi Wavelength AssaysQUANTITATIONMulti-Cell Reaction KineticsAssays are provided using either two or three wavelengths.A wine colour assay is provided which may use up to tendifferent wavelengths.Derivative SpectraDerivative spectra, up to fourth are readily produced, withselectable smoothing, either alone or superimposed on thefundamental, with or without an offset. Scaling is automaticwith all peaks and troughs quantified.DNA and Protein AssaysDNA and Protein assays may be made using either the 2 or 3wavelength methods of Warburg and Christian. Alsoprogrammed are techniques and analytical procedures forassays by Lowry, Bradford, Biuret and BCA methods.Scan StorageUp to 100 spectra may be stored in safe memory for futurerecall. Each spectrum is automatically allocated a recallnumber, when stored, and may be security code protectedagainst tamper or deletion.Band Area and Height ComputationBand areas with correction for sloping backgroundabsorption are readily quantified, with all details andconstruction displayed. Band areas may also be computedfor derivative spectra to facilitate difficult quantification.Programmed ScansAutomatic scans, single or repeat may be made of a cellprogram of up to 4, 6 or 8 cells. A programmed sequence ofscans may also be made of a single sample.Time Course PlotsChanging samples or flows may be examined and displayedby making a time course plot. Data may be reprocessed andstored, security code protected, with an automaticallyassigned recall number.Cell ProgramUsing the various cell changers, measurements may bemade on up to 4, 6 or 8 cells at a single wavelength withcycle time and number of cycles entered by the operator. Acell and wavelength program may be combined.Wavelength ProgramMeasurements may be programmed for 10 differentoperator selected wavelengths with the cycle time andnumber of cycles selected by the operator. A wavelengthand cell program may be combined.8

: FAST-OPERATIONDURESGESYSTEM FUNCTIONSIntegral Control SystemAll control software is within the instrument, tamper proof,providing easy menu driven operation with massive safestorage for scans, plots, curves etc. PC control and datatransfer to a PC are provided.Equal Sample and Reference FacilitiesIdentical and generous sample and reference samplingfacilities widens the scope of measurement, for example, toenable multi-cell sampling in both beams and accommodatebulky accessories in the reference beam.SAMPLINGVariable or Fixed BandwidthOptical bandwidth selectable down to 0.5nm is provided bythe CE7500 and allows the fine structure of narrow bands tobe resolved which remain unresolved at just under 2nmbandwidth in instruments such as the CE7400.Double Beam Optical SystemThe fully symmetrical optical system measures sample andreference simultaneously for ultimate accuracy, precisionand baseline flatness. Long term stability is up to ten timesbetter than single beam systems.Method Operation and StorageUp to 30 sets of instrument parameters, includingconcentration curves may be stored, security code protected.When recalled, instrument parameters are automatically set,avoiding errors.Multi-Language OperationThe operator may select from the six operating languagesprovided. Full Alpha Numeric entry is provided so thatresults may be fully documented for GLP.Formula Entry and ComputationMathematical formulae may be entered enabling complexcalculations involving many wavelengths and cells to becarried out automatically.Automatic Cell ChangersAutomatic changers are available for 4, 6 or 8 cells,providing rapid sample changing or the facility for fullprogramming.Sipette SamplingSamples down to 300 microlitres may be measured in a10mm cell. Sampling is under control of the instrument’smicroprocessor system. Samples may be saved or pumpedto waste.Ultra-Micro SamplingSamples of 50µl and less may be accurately measuredassisted by the very small beam size of only 7 x 1mm. Allnormal cells up to 100mm pathlength are accommodated.Software Enhancement By E-SEFE-SEF - Encoded Software Enhancement Facility - allowssoftware modules to be enabled using encoded numbersprovided by telephone, fax or E-mail. Softwarerequirements may be tailored, at any time, as required.Data Storage and ProtectionData, including 100 spectra, concentration curves, kineticsand time course plots may be stored in safe memory,security code protected against tamper or deletion using afour digit password.ReprocessingScans, time course plots, reaction curves and gel scans mayall be reprocessed to any required format on the displayscreen and then plotted.Performance ValidationSoftware and certified standards enable wavelengthaccuracy, absorbance accuracy, bandwidth, stray light etc. tobe validated. A timed and dated report includes the serialnumber of the instrument.Sample Temperature ControlWater and thermoelectric temperature control are availablefor single cells and automatic cell changers. Temperature isset from the control panel and displayed on the screen in thelatter case.Dissolution TestingVersions of the instruments fitted with a special cellcompartment with piping port, are available for dissolutiontesting using Cecil TD software and a PC. Six and eight cellchangers are available.Batch SamplingAutomatic batch sampling for up to 100 samples is available.The pump fits within the sample compartment and volumeetc is set from the control panel and displayed on screen.Batch number entry is provided.Specular ReflectanceSpecial accessories enable specular reflectancemeasurements to be made. Both fixed angle and variableangle reflectance accessories are available. The latter isparticularly useful for film thickness measurements.9

ACCURACY : FLEXIBILITY : FAST-OPPhysical Sciences ApplicationsThe near infrared region to 1100nm is covered by bothinstruments maintaining excellent performance.Measurements beyond 900nm can be of value inphysical science applications such as themeasurement of optical filters, heat absorbing filtersand semi-conductors.FULL VALIDATION PROCEDURESWIDEST ACCESSORY RANGEValidation Using FiltersAbsorbance accuracy is most conveniently measuredusing certified filter sets calibrated by CecilInstruments against NPL certified standards.Wavelength calibration is also carried out usingcertified filters.The transmission spectra of two different filters isshown here overlayed, demonstrating theircharacteristics beyond 900nm.StraylightStraylight is measured following the Pharmacopoeia(EP/BP) test, using a 1.2% w/v solution of PotassiumChloride in water measured against water in thereference beam.The more widely accepted ASTM tests at 220nm and340nm are also available.Instrument ValidationAssessment of instrument performance is readilycarried out using the validation software module builtinto all Aquarius instruments and released by E-SEF,‘Encoded software enhancement facility’.Laboratories subject to regulatory control, or followingG.L.P. are provided with a range of Pharmacopoeia(EP/BP/USP) tests.As well as these tests, tests using filters traceable tonational standards with certificates of calibrationissued by Cecil Instruments are available.Pharmacopoeia and other tests are shown here.Optical BandwidthThe optical bandwidth of the instrument may bevalidated by measuring the half height width of thenarrow deuterium emission line at 656.1nm. Themeasurement is carried out automatically.Absorbance AccuracyThe Pharmacopoeia (EP/BP) test for absorbanceaccuracy, using a 60mg/L solution of PotassiumDichromate in a 10mm pathlength cuvette, is shownhere.10

FULL VALIDATION PROCEDURESWIDEST ACCESSORY RANGECell and Wavelength ProgrammingAll Aquarius instruments are fully programmable. Cell programmesmay use four, six or eight cell changers, with a single autozero orindividual zeros for each cell.Wavelength programmes are provided for up to ten differentwavelengths and cell and wavelength programmes may becombined.Sampling and Temperature ControlA complete range of sampling accessories is available. A selectionof auto-sample changers, some with water temperature control, isshown on the left. Thermoelectric single, four, four plus four andsix cell changers are shown above. Control is through theinstrument microprocessor system with screen display oftemperature.ORDERING ACCESSORIESCell HoldersSingle cell holders - sample or reference 505 26 00Micro sipette 10mm cell holder 503 26 00Adjustable holder for micro cell 6600 57 0050µl ultra microcell holder 8020 39 00Holder for rectangular cells up to 100mm 595 27 00Holder for cylindrical cells up to 100mm 595 26 00Cell ChangersAuto changer for 4 or 4 + 4 cells, requires holder 9070 31 00Holder for 4 x 10mm cells sample or reference 594 54 00Auto changer for 6 cells, requires holder 9070 34 00Holder for 6 x 10mm cells 5500 33 00Holder for 6 x 20mm cells 5500 34 00Automatic 8 cell changer with holder 9070 32 004 position microcell holder 505 38 00Sipette and Batch SamplingReturn sipette system, requires holder and cell 9070 21 0010mm sipette cell 202 07 0220mm sipette cell 202 07 5140mm sipette cell 202 07 54Sipette 10mm cell holder 503 26 00Batch sampler for 40 samples with pump 2020 82 00Batch sampler for 100 samples with pump 2020 82 02ReflectanceFixed angle reflectance accessory - pair CE 575Variable angle reflectance accessory CE 574LampsDeuterium lamp with hours indicator 2202 01 42Tungsten halide lamp - in pairs 2303 01 40Temperature Control - Water CirculationSingle or micro sipette cell holder 503 36 004 cell holder 202 36 162 x 4 cell holder, sample or reference 202 36 156 cell holder 5500 36 15Temperature Control - ThermoelectricThermoelectric Control System 7400 31 00Holder for single or sipette cell 8020 56 004 cell holder 9070 57 002 x 4 cell holder 9070 58 006 cell holder 9070 59 00Sample StirringElectronic stirrer and sample cell holder 7200 31 00Electronic stirrer and sample and reference holder 7200 32 00Gel ScanningGel scanner - requires trough or film holder 9070 39 00Gel trough - 5mm x 100mm silica 570 07 02Printers and CablesRS232 cable for 25 pin PC with protocol manual 2021 26 00RS232 cable for 9 pin PC with protocol manual 2021 83 00Laser Printer 8000 73 01Dot matrix printer 8000 70 01Colour ink jet printer 8000 72 01Calibration FiltersHolmium filter in holder 202 01 44Didymium filter in holder 303 01 30Set of 2 certified Wavelength filters in holders 303 40 00Set of 4 certified Absorbance filters in holders 594 44 00Set of 6 certified Absorbance filters in holders 594 66 0011

ORDERINGORDERINGSPECIFICATIONSOptical SystemFully symmetrical double beam systemAll mirrors coated for long lifeMonochromator Modified Czerny-Turner design using 1200L/mm holographic diffraction gratingDetectorsTwo silicon diode detectorsSelf Test and CalibrationAutomatic at switch onWavelength Range and Accuracy 190 - 1100nm; 0.5nmWavelength Reproducibility 0.1nmWavelength ReadoutDigital display on screenWavelength SelectionBy GOTO Key and keypad entryOptical Bandwidth< 2nm CE7400; 0.5, 1, 2, 4nm CE7500Stray Light Less than 0.02% at 220nm, NaI; and 0.02%at 340nm, NaNO2Display ScreenLarge backlit LCD displays spectra, menus,data, prompts and instrument status.Display ScrollingProvides viewing width of 430mmDerivative Spectra1st to 4th derivativesAutozeroAutomatic by press buttonPhotometric ReadoutDigital display of A, %T and C on screenPhotometric Accuracy±.004A at 1APhotometric NoiseLess than ±0.0001A at 550nm, 2nm b/widthBaselineStored in non-volatile memoryBaseline Flatness±0.001A (300nm/min, 200-1100nm) 2nmbandwidthBaseline StabilityBetter than ±0.0001A/hourComputer InterfaceBi-directional RS 232 cScan Speeds1-4000nm/minWavelength Scale Expansions 1-100nm/cmMethod Storage30 methods may be stored and retrievedMethod ProtectionEach protected by 4 digit passcodeReaction KineticsWith plots, reprocessing of data asrequired, for single cell or up to 6 cellsOverlaid ScansUp to 8 scans may be overlaidCell ProgrammingUp to 4, 6 or 8 cellsProgramme Cycles From 1 to 9999Programme Delay (cycle time) From 0 seconds to 4 days (1 sec resolution)Wavelength Programming Up to 10 wavelengths. May be combinedwith a cell programmeDynamic Scan RecallLast 25 scans automatically stored on boardStorage of Spectra100 spectra may be stored code protectedConcentration Curve Fitting Linear, quadratic or cubic with editing ofstandards. 30 curves may be storedMulti-language OperationSix languages providedFormula Entry and Computation Complex formulae may be computedBatch SamplingUp to 100 samples under internal controlDate and Time Information Printed from real time clockPower Requirements110-250V, 50/60Hz, 170 watts.Dimensions and Weight635 x 410 x 210mm; 33kgCecil Instruments policy is one of continuous development. We therefore reserve the right to change specification without notice.CE 7400 Spectrophotometer< 2nm pharma-compliant Opticalbandpass. Wavelength range 190-1100nm.CE 7400S Spectrophotometer1 nm Optical bandpass.SPECIFICATIONSWavelength range 190-1100nm.CE 7500 Spectrophotometer0.5, 1, 2 and 4nm Optical bandpass.Wavelength range 190-1100nm.CE 7200 Spectrophotometer

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