Biochemical Markers

Biochemical marker Antibodies and Proteins - Labhoo.com

Biochemical marker Antibodies and Proteins - Labhoo.com


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<strong>Biochemical</strong> <strong>Markers</strong>Antibodies & recombinant proteins<strong>Biochemical</strong> messengersTumour markersCardiovascularImmunologyMetabolicCerebralFABPs

AntibodiesOur range of antibodies offers the following benefits:• Excellent sensitivity• High concentration• Excellent specificity to target compound• Detailed cross reactivity profiles• Available for bulk purchase• Stable when stored at -20 o C• Excellent reproducibility between lot numbers.General polygonal specificationHost Animal:SheepFormat:Ig fraction prepared by caprylic acid and ammonium sulphate precipitationpH: 7.2Buffer:20mM Phosphate, 150mM Sodium ChloridePreservative:0.09% Sodium AzideStorage:All antibodies can be stored at 2-8°C or frozen at -20°CGeneral monoclonal specificationHost Animal:SheepFormat:Purified high affinity monoclonal antibodypH: 7.2Buffer:PBSPreservative:0.09% Sodium AzideMethod of Production: In vitro cell culture using standard DMEM media supplemented with foetal bovineserum of a USDA approved originMethod of Purification: Protein A Affinity Chromatography

ImmunologyAdhesion MoleculesE-SelectinL SelectinL-Selectin (Monoclonal)ICAM-1ICAM-1 (Monoclonal)VCAM-1VCAM-1 (Monoclonal)CytokinesEotaxinGM-CSFGM-CSF (Monoclonal)Interferon GammaMCP-1PDGF-APDGF-BTNF-αTNF-βVisfatinInterleukinsIL-1αIL-1βIL-1RaIL-10IL12p35IL12p40IL-13IL-15ChemokinesFractalkineInducible Protein 10 (IP-10)MIP-1aRantesInflammatoryTREM-1IL-2IL-3IL-4IL-6IL-7IL-8ChemokinesFractalkineInducible Protein 10 (IP-10)MIP-1aRantesAll Randox polyclonalbiochemical markers areavailable as affinity purifiedCardiovascularApolipoprotein E4 (Monoclonal)Carbonic Anhydrase (CA III) (Muscle)Cardiac Troponin 1 (cTnI) (Monoclonal)Cardiac Troponin 1 (Capture) (Monoclonal)Cardiac Troponin 1 (Detector 1) (Monoclonal)Cardiac Troponin 1 (Detector 2) (Monoclonal)FABP (Muscle and Heart)Human TransferrinICAM-1ICAM-1 (Monoclonal)LP-PLA2Myoglobin (Human)ProcalcitoninTissue Factor4

CancerCytokeratin -18GST-01 (Mutant)(Monoclonal)GST-01 (Wild-type)(Monoclonal)Hepatocyte growth factor AHuman Apolopoprotein AIHuman Apolopoprotein BHuman Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)Inducible Protein 10 (IP-10)M2PkTumour Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNFα)Tumour Necrosis Factor B (TNFβ)VEGFVEGF-R1Hydroxyindole Acetic Acid<strong>Biochemical</strong> MessengersCyclic AMPCyclin-Dependent Kinase 4 (CDK4)Cytokeratin-18 (CK18)Retinol Binding ProteinS100A10S100A11S100BSerum Amyloid A (SAA, Human)TSH-β (Clone 1)(Monoclonal)TSH-β (Clone 2)(Monoclonal)TSH-β (Capture-Clone 3)(Monoclonal)TSH-β (Detector-Clone 4)(Monoclonal)CerebralApolipoprotein E4 (Monoclonal)GST-01 (Mutant)(Monoclonal)GST-01 (Wild-type)(Monoclonal)Human Apolopoprotein A1Neuronal Specific Enolase (NSE)NGALHuman Apolopoprotein A1TSH-β (Clone 1)(Monoclonal)TSH-β (Clone 2)(Monoclonal)TSH-β (Capture-Clone 3)(Monoclonal)TSH-β (Detector-Clone 4)(Monoclonal)MetabolicCotinineCreatinineCreatinine (Monoclonal)Creatinine AcidCystatin CEthylglucuronideEthylglucuronide (monoclonal)Human Apolopoprotein A1Human Apolopoprotein BHuman C-Reactive ProteinPlasminogen activator Inhibitor (PAI-1)ResistinFatty Acid Binding ProteinsCyclic AMPCyclin-Dependent Kinase 4 (CDK4)Cytokeratin-18 (CK18)Retinol Binding ProteinS100A10S100A11S100BSerum Amyloid A (SAA, Human)TSH-β (Clone 1)(Monoclonal)TSH-β (Clone 2)(Monoclonal)TSH-β (Capture-Clone 3)(Monoclonal)TSH-β (Detector-Clone 4)(Monoclonal)5

Human Recombinant ProteinsAs well as antibodies we can also provide anextensive range of human recombinant proteinswhich offer the following benefits:• Carrier free format presented in phosphatebuffered saline or tris in 50% glucerol• High purity >95%• Western Blot controls available.• Different pack sizes available: 10ug, 100ug and 1mg• Suitable for long term storage at -20oC• Evaluated by SDS-Page, Western Blot Analysis, ELISARandox provide an extensive range of human recombinant proteins and antibodies specific to awide range of biochemical markers including:ChemokinesLike cytokines, chemokines are chemical messengersinvolved in the inflammatory response. Chemokines act bysending out signals attracting white blood cells to the siteof disease or injury. Chemokines are also involved in manydisease states including infectious disease and cancer.Tumour markersTumour <strong>Markers</strong> can indicate that a malignant process ispresent and are used to screen for cancer or monitor thecourse of disease. Tumour <strong>Markers</strong> can be found in blood,tissue or urine.Adhesion moleculesAdhesion molecules are complex membrane proteins.Adhesion Molecules are grouped into four major families:the selectins, the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily, integrinsand cadherins. Adhesion molecules are involved in a widerange of physiological processes and can be found in the cellmembrane or as soluble forms in circulation. Altered levelsof these proteins have been found in pathological statesincluding cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes andmany others.CytokinesCytokines are produced by many different cell types andfunction as intercellular chemical messengers. Cytokineshelp control and mediate haematopoiesis as well as immuneand inflammatory processes and have been implicated inmany disease states including cancer, cardiovascular diseaseand allergic responses.ProteasesProteases occur naturally in all organisms catalysing thecleavage of peptide bonds in proteins. These enzymes areinvolved in a multitude of physiological reactions from simpledigestion of food proteins to highly-regulated cascades.Proteases present in blood serum play important roles inblood-clotting, as well as lysis of the clots, and the correctaction of the immune system. Other proteases are presentin leukocytes and play several different roles in metaboliccontrol.6

Human Recombinant Proteins14-3-3 GammaA Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase Domain 12 SIsoformADAM 10BLA-R1Carbonic Anhydrase IIICD40-LC-Reactive ProteinCyclin-Dependant Kinase 4Cyctatin CEotaxinE-SelectinFABP (Adipocyte)FABP (Brain)FABP (Myelin)FractalkineGamma Hydroxybutyrate CoA TransferaseGluthione S- Transferase Omega 1 140 AGluthione S- Transferase Omega 1 140 DGranulocyte Colony Stimulating FactorGranuclocye Macophage Colony Stimulating FactorHaptoglobin β-ChainHepatocyte Growth Factor-AHepatocyte Growth Factor-BInhibin AInhibin alpha subunitInhibin beta subunitIntegrin-Linked KinaseIntracellular Adhesion Molecule (ICAM-1)Interferon GammaInterferon Inducible ProteinInterleukin-1 AlphaInterleukin-1 Receptor AntagonistInterleukin-10Interleukin 12p35Interleukin 12p40Interleukin-13Interleukin-15Interleukin -17Interleukin-1βInterleukin-2Interleukin-2 Receptor AlphaInterleukin-3Interleukin-33Interleukin-35Interleukin-4Interleukin-6Interleukin-6 Soluble ReceptorInterleukin-7Interleukin-8Kalikrein 6Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2L-SelectinMacrophage Inflammatory Protein-1αMatrix Metalloproteinase-9Migration Inhibitory FactorMitochondrial Glycerol-3-Phosphate DehydrogenaseMonomine Oxidase BMonocyte Chemotactic Protein-1MyoglobinNeuronal Specific EnolaseNeurophil Gelatinase Associated LipocalinParoxnonase 1Paroxonase 2Penicillin Binding Protein 2XPeroxisom Proliferator-Activated Receptor GammaPlasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1Platelet Derived Growth Factor A (PDGF-A)Platelet Derived Growth Factor B (PDGF-B)Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-1ProcalcitoninProlactinPro-Matrix Metalloprotinase 9P-SelectinRantesResistinRetinol Binding ProteinS100 Beta ChainS100A10S100A11Soluble Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells -1Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor-1 (sTNFR1)Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor-2 sTNFR2)ST-2Tissue FactorTissue Inhibitor of Metalloprotinase 1Transforming Growth Factor Beta-1Tropomysin 1 Varient 3Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNFα)Tumour Necrosis Factor Beta (TNFβ)Tumour Type M2 Pyruvate Kinase (M2PK)Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM-1)Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 FragmentVascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor (VEGFR)Visfatin7

Research Applications• Elisa• Western blot analysis• Dot blot analysis• Flow cytometry• Immunohistochemistry• Immunoprecipitation• Antibody recognition assayCustom Manufacturing ServicesRandox Life Sciences provide a broad range of bacterial protein expression services; a complete solution for yourresearch needs which can be tailored to help you overcome your cloning and protein expression needs.Our protein expression services include:• Bioinformatic analysis and domain selection• Subclone plasmid/construct expression vectors• Sequence analysis and verification• Bacterial cell transformation and clone preparation• Protein expression and purification• Optimisation of expression and purification conditions• Quality control report• Scale up production• Protein CharacterisationYour project manager at Randox Life Sciences will work with you in developing the best strategy to achieve your proteinexpression needs whilst using the most cost effective processes available. With extensive experience our scientists havebeen producing human recombinant proteins that are employed in our own in house diagnostic kits.Order onlinewww.randox-lifesciences.comRandox Life Sciences, 55 Diamond Road, Crumlin, County Antrim, BT29 4QY, United Kingdomt +44 (0) 28 9442 2413 f +44 (0) 28 9445 2912 e lifesciences@randox.com I www.randox-lifesciences.comInformation correct at time of print. All Randox products are made in the UK.Randox Laboratories Limited is a company registered within Northern Ireland with company number N.I. 15738. VAT Registered Number: GB 353 030 400. Product availability may vary from country to country. Please contact your local Randox representative for information.LT235 OCT12

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