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“Whoever produces abundant biofuelscould end up making more than just big bucks—they will make history…The companies, thecountries, that succeed in this will be theeconomic winners of the next age to the sameextent that the oil-rich nations are today.”J. Craig VenterSynthetic Genomics, Inc., 20 April 2009About the cover‘The New Biomass Harvest’ by the BeehiveDesign Collective, 2010 – after AlphonseMucha’s ‘Autumn’ (from The Seasons Series1896, as shown below). According tohistorian Vaclav Smil, the 1890s was the lastdecade in which the global industrialeconomy ran primarily on biomass. Fortoday’s biomass economy Mucha mightdepict a very different harvest.AcknowledgementsThis report resulted from closecollaboration with many allies in civilsociety who have actively participated in itsgenesis, research, writing and review. Inparticular we owe a large debt of gratitudeto Dr. Rachel Smolker of Biofuelwatch, aswell as to her colleagues Almuth Ernstingand Deepak Rughani. Part of the originalresearch and framing of this report wascarried out by Rachel and much of what welearned about biomass we learned first fromher. We are also very grateful to DelphineDeryng and Jose Borras Ferran whocontributed original research and writing asinterns at ETC Group.Thank you to David Lee and Lara Lucretiaand all at the Beehive Design Collectivewho have not only provided excellentoriginal artwork, but inspiration,camaraderie and some neat phrases. Thanksalso to Helena Paul of Econexus forproviding comments on very early versionsof this report and to Anne Petermann andOrin Langelle of the Global Justice EcologyProject. This report has its roots in a seriesof meetings organized by civil society toexplore the implications of BANG(converging technologies), including aninternational seminar in Montpellier,France, in November 2008 convened byETC Group, The What Next? Project,BEDE, Fondation Sciences Citoyennes andsubsequent regional meetings convened by(amongst others) Centro Ecológico (Brazil),FASE (Brazil), African BiodiversityNetwork (Ethiopia), African <strong>Centre</strong>for <strong>Biosafety</strong> (South Africa), CASIFOP(Mexico), Alliance for HumaneBiotechnology (US), EQUINET,SEARICE (Philippines), Friends of theEarth (US), ICTA (US), Center forGenetics and Society (US) and MovementGeneration (US). We are extremely gratefulto all of the participants and others whohave helped shape our thinking on thesematters. ETC Group gratefullyacknowledges the financial support ofSwedBio (Sweden), HKH Foundation(USA), CS Fund (USA), Christensen Fund(USA), Heinrich Böll Foundation(Germany), the Lillian Goldman CharitableTrust (USA), Oxfam Novib (Netherlands),Ben and Jerry’s Foundation (USA) and theNorwegian Forum for Environment andDevelopment (Netherlands).ETC Group is solely responsible for theviews expressed in this document.Edited by Leila MarshyDesign by Shtig (.net)Original Artwork by the Beehive DesignCollective and ShtigThe New Biomassters: Synthetic Biologyand the Next Assault on Biodiversity andLivelihoods is ETC Group Communiqué# 104Published in Montreal, Canada,October 2010www.etcgroup.orgAll ETC Group publications are availablefree of charge on our website:www.etcgroup.orgThe New Biomasstersi

The NewBiomasstersSynthetic Biologyand the Next Assaulton Biodiversity andLivelihoodsETC Group ii www.etcgroup.org

OverviewIssueUnder the pretext of addressing environmentaldegradation, climate change and the energy and foodcrises, industry is portending a “New Bioeconomy” andthe replacement of fossil carbon with living matter, nowlabeled “biomass.” The most productive and accessiblebiomass is in the global South – exactly where,by 2050, there may be another 2 billionmouths to feed on lands that (thanks toclimate chaos) may yield 20-50% less.Although this would seem to be theworst time possible to put newpressures on living systems,governments are being told that“Synthetic Biology” – a technologyjust being invented – will make andtransform all the biomass we will ever needto replace all the fossil fuels we currently use.Meanwhile, new carbon markets are turning plant-lifeinto carbon stocks for trading (in lieu of reducingemissions). But, the companies that say “trust us” are thesame energy, chemical companies, agribusinesses andforestry giants that created the climate and food crises inthe first place.At StakeFood, energy and national security. With 24% of theworld’s annual terrestrial biomass so far appropriated forhuman use, today’s compounding crises are anopportunity to commodify and monopolize theremaining 76% (and even more in the oceans) that WallStreet hasn’t yet reached. Industrial sectors with aninterest in switching carbon feedstocks to biomassinclude the energy and chemical, plastics, food, textiles,pharmaceuticals, paper products and building suppliesindustries – plus the carbon trade – a combined marketworth at least $17 trillion. 1ActorsAmidstrising hunger andclimate chaos this wouldseem to be the worst timepossible to put newpressures on livingsystems.The business media report on start-up companies likeSynthetic Genomics, Amyris Biotechnologies and LS9but, behind the headlines, the money to developsynthetic biology is coming from the U.S. Department ofEnergy and major energy players like BP, Shell,ExxonMobil, chemical majors like BASF andDuPont and forestry and agribusinessgiants such as Cargill, ADM,Weyerhaeuser and Syngenta. Whileinitial demonstration facilities arebeing developed largely in Europe andUSA, ultimately ‘geography isdestiny’ for the biobased economy:countries with the most living plantswill also end up having the mostproduction plants. Industry is alreadylining up Brazil, Mexico, South Africa andMalaysia as testing grounds for the new technology.OECD governments, meanwhile, are pumping over $15billion of subsidies into the biomass economy.ForaEven leading companies and scientists involved insynthetic biology agree that some oversight is necessary,and they acknowledge potential new biosafety hazardsfrom novel microbes and plants. Although syntheticbiology and the biomass economy will have a massiveupstream impact on land use, biological diversity, theenvironment and human well-being, those implicationsare being ignored by most governments and researchers.Within the United Nations, only the Convention onBiological Diversity (CBD) is addressing syntheticbiology. Despite the implications for food security, theUN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and theConsultative Group on International AgriculturalResearch (CGIAR) seem blissfully unaware of recentdevelopments.The New Biomasstersiii

‘Biomassacre’by the BeehiveCollectiveIn the UNFCCC (climatechange) negotiations, Southgovernments seem to beunaware that “technologytransfer” will be leveraged toextend industry’s monopolyover biomass technologies tothe South’s lands and resources.The implications of the “NewBioeconomy” are so vast thatthey should be on the agendaof every UN agency and must,especially, be addressed at theRio+20 Summit to be held inBrazil in 2012.PoliciesAnnouncements during 2010that synthetic biologyresearchers can substantiallymanipulate DNA to buildartificial, self-replicatingmicroorganisms that havenever before appeared on Earthhave immediate implicationsfor biodiversity, biosafety andnational economies.Synthetically constructed lifeforms should not be releasedinto the environment, and theUN and national governmentsshould establish – at the veryleast – moratoria to prevent such releases. As urgently,studies must be undertaken to determine theimplications of what the U.S. government calls “the biobasedrevolution” for climate change, the world’secosystems, food and energy supplies and for livelihoodsand land rights.Civil society and social movements organized aroundagriculture, land rights, forest protection, marine issues,emerging technologies, chemical toxins, climate change,energy justice and consumption urgently need to findmeans to share analysis and co-ordinate resistance inaddressing common threats arising from the NewBioeconomy.ETC Group iv www.etcgroup.org

ContentsSelling the Switch1. Sugar Dreams: The carbohydrate economy11112. Green Dreams: ‘Renewable’ resources andthe hydrogen economy11Introduction: Beware BiomassBox: Who are the new BioMassters?What is being switched? It’s not just biofuels…Transport FuelsElectricityChemicals and PlasticsFertilizer12333333. Cool Dreams: The carbon-neutraleconomy4. Patriot Dreams: Energy independence5. Leapfrog Dreams: Clean developmentand the ‘green jobs’ movement6. Geek Dreams: Converging technologiesand ‘cleantech’Box: Grab, not a Switch1112121212Counting the Bioma$$ economy13Part 1: Here Comes the Bioeconomy5Chart: Where is the Money in the BiomassEconomy?14Whose Biomass? A tale of two bioeconomies15Box: Three BioeconomiesWhat is Biomass?Box: The Bioeconomy, also known as...Cellulose – the Wonder SugarChart: How Bioeconomy Advocates see PlantsGetting Elemental – “It’s still the carboneconomy, stupid”Graph: How much Carbon?Getting geopolitical – It’s all in the SouthMap: Where is the Biomass?Sourcing Biomass – A Global TakeNatural ForestsPlantationsAgri-EcosystemsGrasslandsMarine EcosystemsDeserts and WetlandsBack to the Future? Carbohydrate vs.Hydrocarbon…From cracking oil to hacking plants5667778889999910101111Marginal Lands for Maximal ProfitTable: A tale of two bioeconomiesA Land Grab for BiomassA New Trade in Biomass – Shipping ChipsEnergy crops – Changes down on the farmThe Carbon Neutral MythGraph: CO 2 emissions from different typesof fuelA serious global “accounting error”Traing biomass-based carbonTrading biomass-based carbon:Take II – getting REDD-y for a grabTransferring Biomass Technologies– Climate Technology InitiativeBox: InfraREDD – Mapping the biomassThe Green Economy – A cozy home forthe bioeconomyBusting the Earth’s Biomass Budget?Ecosystems Count FirstChart: Net productivity of different types ofbiomass expressed as power (terawatts)15161717181919202122232323242525Box: Is Biomass really ‘renewable’?26Planetary Boundaries for Biomass Extraction?26The New Biomasstersv

Not enough Biomass? Let’s boost it…Box: Biomass or Biomassacre?Geoengineering the planet with biomassBiomass DumpingOcean Fertilization (Marine Algae)Biomass Energy with Carbon Sequestration(BECS)The New Biomass Economy: 10 myths272729303031Counting the Costs of Biomass Electricity I:Gobbling fields and forestsCounting the Costs of Biomass Electricity II:Threatening human healthBox: Incineration in DisguiseSwitch 2: Liquid BioFuels: LiquefyingBiomass for TransportScoring an F – Failures of First GenerationBiofuels4243434344Part II – The Tools and Players35“Survivors” of Generation F – Sugarand JatrophaGeneration NeXt: Switching fuelsand feedstocks4445The New Bio-Alchemy – Tooling up forthe grabCombustionChemistryBiotechnology / Genetic EngineeringNanotechnologySynthetic Biology – The Game Changerfor BiomassSynthetic Biology: Unpredictable, untestedand poorly understoodSynthetic Organisms as BiofactoriesSynthetic Enzymes for CelluloseSynthetic Plants – Changing the feedstocksBox: Cellulose crunchers and fuel fermenterson the loose?Synthetic Bioelectricity?Synthetic Biology’s Grab on Livelihoods –Displacing CommoditiesBox: Nanocellulose – Shrinking biomass togrow new marketsWhat Is Switching?Switch 1: Switching Power – Burning biomassfor heat and bioelectricityLow Hanging FruitBox: Biomass Burning in the USABiomass Power in the South35353535363637383939394040414242424242Cellulosic FuelsBeyond Alcohol to Hydrocarbons –Biogasoline, butanol, isopentanol,hexadecane, farneseneBeyond Cellulose: Algal BiofuelsThe New Algal CrowdSwitch 3: Switching Chemicals – Bioplasticand Biobased ChemicalsBio-based Building BlocksThe Future is (Bio)Plastic?Do Bioplastics Biodegrade?Can Bioplastics be Recycled?Are Bioplastics toxic?Are Bioplastics Sourced Sustainably?GM Crops, Synthetic Biology andNanotechnologyCan Bioplastics Be Done Right?Conclusions: Earth Grab!Recommendations: Towards GlobalGovernanceAnnex: Table of Next-GenerationBiofuel CompaniesEndnotes4647474950515252525353545455555766ETC Group vi www.etcgroup.org

Introduction: Beware BiomassAround the world, corporate and government strategiesto address climate change, energy, agriculture, technologyand materials production are increasingly convergingaround one telling concept: Biomass.Biomass encompasses over 230 billion tonnes of livingstuff 2 that the Earth produces every year, such as trees,bushes, grasses, algae, grains, microbes, and more. Thisannual bounty, known as the Earth’s ‘primaryproduction,’ is most abundant in the global South – intropical oceans, forests and fast growing grasslands –sustaining the livelihoods, cultures and basic needs ofmost the world’s inhabitants. So far, human beings useonly one quarter (24%) of terrestrial (land-based)biomass for basic needs and industrial production 3and hardly any oceanic biomass, leaving 86percent of the planet’s full biomassproduction (both land and sea) as yetuncommodified.But, thanks to technologicalchanges – particularly in the fieldsof nanotechnology and syntheticbiology – this biomass can nowbe targeted by industry as a sourceof living ‘green’ carbon tosupplement or partially replace the‘black’ fossil carbons of oil, coal and gasthat currently underpin Northern industrialeconomies. From generating electricity toproducing fuels, fertilizers and chemicals, shifts arealready underway to claim biomass as a criticalcomponent in the global industrial economy. Part I ofthis report provides an overview of the current situationand what the emergence of a so-called New Bioeconomymeans for people, livelihoods and the environment. PartII provides a snapshot of the “New Biomassters” – theindustrial players and the technologies they areharnessing.Biomass:Living (or once living) stuff;narrowly refers to the weight ofliving matter (plants, animals,bacteria, fungi, etc.) found in a specificarea. Now used by industry to refer tothe use of non-fossilized biological andwaste materials as a feedstock forthe production of fuels,chemicals, heat andpower.What is being sold as a benign and beneficial switch fromblack carbon to green carbon is in fact a redNote on units:Biomass in the making Photo: Aseahot resource grab (from South to North)to capture a new source of wealth. Ifthe grab succeeds, then plunderingthe biomass of the South tocheaply run the industrialeconomies of the North will be anact of 21st century imperialismthat deepens injustice and worsenspoverty and hunger. Moreover,pillaging fragile ecosystems for theircarbon and sugar stocks is amurderous move on an alreadyoverstressed planet. Instead of embracing thefalse promises of a new clean green bioeconomy, civilsociety should reject the new biomassters and their latestassault on land, livelihoods and our living world.In this report, tonne refers to 1 metric tonne = 1000 kg(2204.6 pounds); ton refers to 1 short ton = 2000 pounds(907.2 kg); 1 billion = 1000 millionThe New Biomassters 1

Illustration: the Beehive CollectiveWho are the new BioMassters?The same transnational companies that fostereddependence on the petroleum economy during the 20thcentury are now establishing themselves as the newbiomassters. When that coup is complete, manyfamiliar corporate players will still be sitting at the headof the global economic order. That their cars run onbiofuel, their computers run on bioelectricity and theircredit cards are made of bioplastic is not the majorissue; they will have achieved a firmer clutch, perhapseven a death grip, on the natural systems upon whichwe all depend.Forestry and agribusiness giants that already controlland and biological resources worldwide are at theforefront of developing the bioeconomy and the newmarket in biomass. Familiar names include Cargill,ADM, Weyerhaeuser, Stora Enso, Tate & Lyle, Bunge,Cosan Ltd.High tech companies (biotech, nanotech andsoftware) are providing the new tools to transform,measure and exploit the biological world, helping todevelop genetic information as a commodity. Theseinclude Microsoft, Monsanto, Syngenta, AmyrisBiotechnologies, Synthetic Genomics, Inc., Genencor,Novozymes.Pharma, chemical and energy majors are partneringwith the new bio-entrepreneurs to switch theirproduction processes and feedstock sourcing. Watchfor moves by DuPont, BASF, DSM, Duke Energy,BP, Shell, Total Oil, Chevron, ExxonMobil.Financial services companies and investment banksare drawing up new ecosystem securities, tradingmarkets and land investments even as previoussecurities collapse around them: Goldman Sachs, J.P.Morgan, Microsoft.Consumer products and food companies are turningto bio-based products, packaging and ingredients tomake ‘green’ marketing claims: Proctor & Gamble,Unilever, Coca-Cola.ETC Group 2 www.etcgroup.org

What is being switched?It’s not just biofuels…“Many think of biomass mainly as a source for liquidfuel products such as ethanol and biodiesel. Butbiomass can also be converted to a multitude ofproducts we use every day. In fact, there are very fewproducts that are made today from a petroleum base,including paints, inks, adhesives, plastics and othervalue-added products, that cannot be produced frombiomass.”– David K. Garman, U.S. Under Secretary of Energyfor Energy, Science and Environment under George W.Bush 4“We have modest goals of replacing the wholepetrochemical industry and becoming a major sourceof energy.”– J. Craig Venter, founder Synthetic Genomics, Inc. 5A simple way to understand the proposed ambition ofthe new Biomass Economy is to glance at a list of fossilfueldependent products and services currently beingproduced. Then, imagine each sector switching to livingplant matter as a feedstock instead of the oil, coal andnatural gas associated with fossilized plant matter:Transport FuelsCurrently, over 72% of petroleum 6 ends up as liquid fuelsfor cars, trucks, airplanes and heating. Agrofuels (i.e.,biofuels) such as ethanol and biodiesel mark just thebeginning of converting the liquid fuel market tobiomass. Some next-generation agrofuels arehydrocarbons that have the same chemical properties asgasoline and jet fuel.ElectricityCoal, natural gas and petroleum are currently responsiblefor 67% of global electricity production. 7 However, cofiringcoal with biomass is on the increase and there is amove to burn woodchips, vegetable oils and municipalwaste as the fuel for electricity production. Meanwhile,nano-cellulose and synthetic bacteria are beinginvestigated to make electric current from living cells –turning biomass to electricity without the need forturbines.Chemicals and PlasticsCurrently around 10% of global petroleum reserves areconverted into plastics and petrochemicals. 8 However, tohedge against rising petroleum prices and to green theirpublic image, large chemical companies such as DuPontare setting ambitious targets for biomass feedstocks suchas sugar and maize for the production of bioplastics,textiles, fine and bulk chemicals.FertilizerGlobal fertilizer production is an intensive user of naturalgas. Proponents of biochar (carbonized biomass) claimthat they have a bio-based replacement for improving soilfertility, which can be produced on an industrial scale.The New Biomassters 3

Illustration: the Beehive CollectiveETC Group 4 www.etcgroup.org

Part 1: Here Comes the BioeconomyHunting-and-gathering economies ruledfor hundreds of thousands of years beforethey were overshadowed by agrarianeconomies, which ruled for about 10,000years. Next came the industrial ones. Thefirst began in Britain in the 1760s, and thefirst to finish started unwinding in the U.S.in the early 1950s. We're halfway throughthe information economy, and from start tofinish, it will last 75 to 80 years, ending inthe late 2020s. Then get ready for the nextone: the bioeconomy.– Futurists Stan Davis and ChristopherMeyer, Time, May 2000 9It is now over two years since a sharp escalation infood prices created a crisis that broke onto frontpageheadlines around the world. Suddenly, thediversion of crops for ‘biofuels’ (dubbed ‘agrofuels’by opponents’) was a topic of intense controversyand opposition among rural communities,particularly in the global South. While headlinesfocused on industry’s enthusiasm for palm oil andcorn ethanol (the ‘ethanol rush’), 10 this was only avisible tip of a much deeper transition andtrajectory in industrial policy. That trajectory –toward the bio-based economy – is now gatheringspeed, political clout and many billions of dollarsin public subsidy and private investment. Whetherit delivers on its promises, the payload of the newbioeconomy carries the same threat to people,livelihoods and the planet as the ethanol rush – buteven more so.The rhetoric of a ‘new’ bioeconomy, howeverimprecise, is woven throughout current agendasand headlines and wrapped in the post-millennialbuzzwords that permeate environmental, industrialand development policies: ‘sustainability’, the ‘greeneconomy,’ ‘clean tech’ and ‘clean development.’Three BioeconomiesBioeconomy describes the idea of an industrial order that relies onbiological materials, processes and “services.” Since many sectors ofthe global economy are already biologically based (agriculture,fishing, forestry), proponents often talk of a ‘new bioeconomy’ todescribe a particular re-invention of the global economy – one thatmore closely enmeshes neoliberal economics and financingmechanisms with new biological technologies and modes ofproduction.It turns out that the term ‘bioeconomy’ is used to describe at leastthree distinct but interrelated and mutually reinforcing concepts, allbased on the notion that biological systems and resources can beharnessed to maintain current industrial systems of production,consumption and capital accumulation:Inputs: The Biomass Economy – Sometimes termed the bio-basedor carbohydrate economy. The key concept is that industrialproduction moves from the use of fossil and mineral resources (coal,petroleum and natural gas) toward living biological raw materials,primarily ‘biomass’ plant matter such as woodchips, agriculturalplants and algae.Processes: The Biotech Economy – As the DNA found in livingcells is decoded into genetic information for use in biotechnologyapplications, genetic sequences are acquiring a new value as thebuilding blocks of designed biological production systems. Byhijacking the ‘genetic instructions’ of cells, plants and animals toforce them to produce industrial products, industry transformstransgenic and synthetic organisms into bio-factories that can bedeployed elsewhere on the globe – either in private vats orplantations. Nature is altered to meet business interests.Services: The Bioservices Economy – As ecosystems collapse andbiodiversity declines, new markets in ecosystem “services” enable thetrading of concocted ecological ‘credits.’ The declared aim is to“incentivize conservation” by creating a profit motive in order tojustify interventions in large-scale natural systems such ashydrological cycles, the carbon cycle or the nitrogen cycle. 11 Like the‘services’ of an industrial production system, these ‘ecosystemservices,’ created to privatize natural processes, will becomeprogressively more effective at serving the interests of business.The New Biomassters 5

Illustration: the Beehive CollectiveHidden in the rhetoric of the bioeconomy is an assault onolder “bio-based” economies represented by billions of peoplewith preexisting claims on the land and coastal waters wherebiomass grows. Their knowledge systems and livelihoods areinterdependent with a complex array of organisms that sustainus all: the so-called “biomass” (forests, soils, plants andmicrobes) that has been nurtured for millennia. To those whohave found themselves on the receiving end of new industrialwaves before, the story of the coming bioeconomy will befamiliar. It’s yet another heist on the commons that willdestroy the resources and territories and sovereignty of smallfarmers, peasants, fisherfolk, pastoralists and indigenouspeoples – those who have been preserving biodiversity andproducing our food while not contributing to global warming.The new bioeconomy as currently envisioned by foresters,agribusiness, biotech, energy and chemical firms furthers theongoing enclosure and degradation of the natural world byappropriating plant matter for transformation into industrialcommodities, engineering cells so they perform as industrialfactories, and redefining and refitting ecosystems to provideindustrial support ‘services.’What is Biomass?Strictly speaking, biomass is a measure of weight used in thescience of ecology. It refers to the total mass of all living things(organic matter) found in a particular location. 12 Fish, trees,animals, bacteria and even humans are all biomass. However,more recently, the term is shorthand for non-fossilizedbiological material, particularly plant material that can be usedas a feedstock for fuel or for industrial chemical production. 13The Bioeconomy, also known as...In this report we use the terms bioeconomy or biomasseconomy. Here are some of the terms by which otherinstitutions refer to the industrial vision of turning livingbiological material into goods and services:The Biobased Economy – OECDKnowledge Based BioEconomy (KBBE) – the EuropeanUnionIndustrial Biorefinery industry – World Economic ForumWhite Biotechnology or Industrial Biotechnology –Biotechnology Industry OrganizationThe Green Economy and Biodiversity Services – UnitedNations Environmental Programme (UNEP)The Carbohydrate Economy – Institute for Local SelfRelianceThe Bioeconomic Revolution – the Biomass Research andDevelopment Board of the U.S. governmentAccording to the UN Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD), “Biomass includes organic matter available on arenewable basis, such as forest and mill residues, agriculturalcrops and residues, wood and wood residues, animal wastes,livestock operation residues, aquatic plants, fast-growing treesand plants, and the organic portion of municipal and relevantindustrial wastes.” 14On closer examination what governments and industry countas ‘biomass’ includes tires, sewage sludge, plastics, treatedlumber, painted construction materials and demolition debris,industrial animal manures, offal from slaughterhouseoperations and incinerated cows. 15Plants in particular, have been a source of fuel and materialproduction for millennia but the new use of the term‘biomass’ marks a specific industrial shift in humanity’srelationship with plants. Unlike the term ‘plant,’ whichindicates a diverse taxonomic world of various species andmultiple varieties, the term biomass treats all organic matter asthough it were the same undifferentiated “plant-stuff.” Recastas biomass, plants are semantically reduced to their commondenominators so that, for example, grasslands and forests arecommercially redefined as sources of cellulose and carbon. Inthis way biomass operates as a reductionist and anti-ecologicalterm treating plant matter as a homogenous bulk commodity.Like those other ‘bios’ (biofuel and biotechnology), the use ofthe term biomass to describe living stuff is often a red flag thatindustrial interests are at play.ETC Group 6 www.etcgroup.org

Cellulose – The Wonder Sugar“The sturdy oak and the stately palm, the grass thatcovers the good Earth, the lichens that clothe therocks, even the minute algae that flourish in the sea,all are manufacturing cellulose. It is the greatprimary substance of the whole vegetable kingdom.”– Williams Haynes, Celullose:The Chemical that Grows, 1953 16If you were to scrape off the thin layer of living material onplanet Earth and boil it down to its constituent parts, most ofwhat you would get is one green sugar called cellulose. It isfound in all plants, as well as some microbes, as long chains ofglucose in a fibrous or occasionally crystalline structure. 17 Thiscommon molecular component is rapidly becoming thedarling of industry for four reasons:Abundance: The Earth makes about 180 billion tons ofcellulose every year. 18 This makes it the most abundantorganic compound on the planet.Energy: Cellulose is the principle source of energy for animalnutrition and heat for humans (when plant materials areburned).Flexibility: Many of the early plastics were basedon plant cellulose. Cellulose can bechemically modified and functionalizedin different ways to produce newpolymers, coatings, oils andcombustibles. 19 Recent work hasalso shown that cellulose nanofibrescan be modified to exhibitfurther novel properties. 20Cellulose is not (necessarily) food:While vegetables and grains have alarge cellulosic component, so too,do the non-food components ofplants. Biofuel proponents argue thatthe cellulose found in plant stalks and leavescan be appropriated for industrial use whileleaving the fruit or grains in the food supply.Lignocellulose:How biomass advocates see plants(typical chemical composition of 'biomass')Cellulose38-50%Polymerof glucose,very goodbiochemicalfeedstockwoody material; atangled matrix of cellulose fibres,hemicellulose fibres and lignin that is the mainconstituent of the woody part of plants.5%OtherLignin15-25%Complex aromaticstructure, very highenergy contentHemicellulose23-32%Polymer of 5 & 6carbon sugarSource: USDABreaking cellulose away from lignin and reducing it to simplersugars requires either an intense heat process or theapplication of strong chemicals or enzymes, such as thosefound in the guts of cows and termites. The taskLigninof industrially separating cellulose has nowbecome one of the most active areas ofresearch in energy and materialsscience. 21Getting Elemental –“It’s still the carboneconomy, stupid”Cellulose“It is the carbon content of thisHemicellulose biomass and its applicability tomany uses that make it the valuableEstersfeedstock of the future.”– Energy Matters, U.S. Department ofEnergy’s Industrial Technologies ProgramNewsletter, Summer 2010But while cellulose may be abundant, one significant catch hasbeen the difficulty of separating it from other plantcomponents (see diagram above). In most instances cellulose isbound within a matrix of compounds known as lignocellulose,which in turn is composed of lignin (a hard, carbon-richsubstance) and hemicellulose (a mixture of other sugars).“The basis for a bioeconomy is the generation ofcarbon using renewable resources, like crops and otherbiomass, instead of relying upon nonrenewable,petroleum-based carbon.”– Georg Anderl, President of BIOWA DevelopmentAssociation, 2004 22The New Biomassters 7

In an era of increasingly constrained oil supplies, commercialexcitement about cellulose as a new ‘unconventional’ source ofcarbon is not surprising. Companies involved in biofuels andbiomaterials commonly refer to plants simply as a source ofcarbon molecules, rendering invisible their other componentsand functions. The accounting of global carbon reserves byenergy companies reveals that the billions of tonnes of carbonlocked up in global biomass stocks far outstrip known oil andnatural gas reserves, rival shale and tar sands combined and areexceeded only by coal deposits. Recoverable global stocks ofcarbon in all fossil fuels are estimated at 1.1 trillion tonnes 23while global biomass holds about half that amount of carbon(503 billion tonnes – see see below, How much carbon?). Asbiofuels business analyst Rosalie Lober notes: “Biofuels areabove-ground oil fields, a different kind of proved reserve.” 24Getting geopolitical – It’s all in the South“If you look at a picture of the globe … it’s pretty easyto see where the green parts are, and those are theplaces where one would perhaps optimally growfeedstocks.”– Steven Koonin, U.S. Department of Energy UnderSecretary for Science and former head of research atBP, 2009 25“A new international division of labour inagriculture is likely to emerge between countries withlarge tracts of arable land – and thus a likely exporterof biomass or densified derivatives – versus countrieswith smaller amounts of arable land (i.e. biomassimporters, e.g. Holland). The biggest biomass exporthubs are expected to be Brazil, Africa and NorthAmerica.”– World Economic Forum 26While from space the planet may look green and rich withbiomass, the dirty little secret of the biomass economy is that– just like fossilized carbon reserves (oil, coal, natural gas) –the living carbon reserves are not equally distributed.Worldwide, land-based vegetation stores an estimated 500billion tonnes of carbon. However 86% of that (430 billiontonnes) is stored in the tropics and sub-tropics, while borealand temperate eco-regions store only 34 billion tonnes and 33billion tonnes, respectively. 27 The tropics is also where biomassreplenishes the quickest and where marine biomass, principallyphytoplankton, is most productive. 28How much carbon?Estimated global stocks of ‘recoverable’ carbonreservesOcean standing stock of biomass - 3 GTCRecoverable Gas Reserves – 75 GTCRecoverable Oil Reserves – 120 GTCEstimated Oil Shale – 225 GTCEstimated Tar Sands – 250 GTC0 500 1000Gigatonnes of Carbon (GTC)Source: Dr. Jeff Siirola (American Institute of ChemicalEngineers), Mark Maslin and IPCCWhere is the Biomass?Terrestrial Biomass – 500 GTCRecoverable Coal – 925 GTCAbove and below ground biomass carbon densitySource: http://cdiac.ornl.gov/epubs/ndp/global_carbon/FINAL_DATASETS.jpgNot coincidentally, these areas of the planet where biomass isalready most concentrated are now attracting the interest ofcompanies wanting to produce biofuels, bio-based chemicalsand bioelectricity. Brazil in particular has witnessed a massiveincrease in bioeconomy-driven investment. Indeed the WorldEconomic Forum has suggested that “a new internationaldivision of labour in agriculture is likely to emerge” betweenbiomass-producing tropical countries and Northern countries– although what is so new about this division of labour isunclear. 29ETC Group 8 www.etcgroup.org

The industry has realized that “geography is destiny,” saysMark Bünger, who tracks the bioeconomy as a ResearchDirector at Lux Research. Bünger explained to TechnologyReview’s Antonio Regalado that “only a few places on theplanet have the rain, sun, and land mass needed to makebiofuels at the scale and price that can have a real impact.” 30While Brazil ranks first, sub-Saharan Africa is a close second,evidenced by a rush of land claims and rising interest inplanting sugarcane in the region. 31“As we looked at the world and looked at where thelowest cost, largest scale biomass was, we found thatBrazil really was the Saudi Arabia of renewables.”– John Melo, CEO of Amyris Biotechnologies,Inc. 32Sourcing Biomass– A global takeIn the near term, nations with significant remaining forestsand expanding plantation acreage (Brazil, USA, Indonesia,Canada, Russia and Central African nations) will be jockeyingto establish themselves as “the Saudi Arabia of biomass.” 33 Intime, however, agricultural ecosystems, grasslands, deserts andocean ecosystems will also increasingly become the targets ofthe biomass grab. Each of these ecosystems has advantages as abiomass resource. Even though the biomassters claim they willone day be able to use any available biomass, today they aretargeting the same plants already being exploited by industrialagriculture and forestry – corn, sugar, soy and fast growingeucalyptus, poplar, oil palm and pine trees.Natural ForestsMaking up the largest repository of existing terrestrial biomass,natural forests are indeed experiencing most of the immediatepressure from new biomass extraction. Though forests havebeen diminished by centuries of unsustainable loggingpractices, they are still home to millions of indigenous peoples,some of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet, and theyplay a crucial role in regulating climate. Over time, thepolitical and ecological costs of removing biomass from theworld’s remaining natural forests may prove too high for abiomass industry to depend on. Already climate change iscreating huge stresses on forest ecosystems, so that any amountof biomass removal will increase the risk of fires, pests and soilsaturation, among other negative consequences. 34PlantationsMonoculture plantations of fast-growing trees rich in cellulosesuch as eucalyptus, poplar and pine, or oil-bearing trees such aspalm and jatropha, are already proliferating, particularly in theglobal South, often on formerly forested land. Since 1980tropical forest plantations have expanded by almost five-fold. 35Pursuit of biomass is accelerating that trend. Largelyproprietary, with minimal biodiversity value and significantnegative impacts on water and soils, plantation trees and cropswill be the major source of biomass for industrial use in thecoming decades, disrupting societies and ecosystems, fuellingland and water fights and inequity. The forest industry likes topretend such plantations should be classified as forests;however, monoculture tree plantations, in terms of ecology,bear little resemblance to natural forests.Agri-EcosystemsThe most highly organized and efficient biomass grab on theplanet is the 1.5 billion hectares of food and fibre crops. 36While there are obvious reasons for concern if the primarypurpose of agriculture is shifted from food production tomaterials and energy production, industry views agriecosystemsas attractive sources of biomass because they arealready well designed for harvest, storage and transport tomarket. In agriculture, the near term focus for biomass marketswill be in capturing plant “wastes” from commodity crops, suchas corn stover, rice straws, wheat husks and cotton, as well asintroducing fast growing cellulosic grasses such as bamboo,switch grass and miscanthus. Unfortunately, the removal ofgreen wastes from the land will likely have significantdeleterious effects on agricultural soils; fast growing grassescould increase water use and become invasive. Meanwhile, thepressure to surrender prime soils to biomass production willfurther erode food sovereignty and conservation measures.GrasslandsWhile prairie grasslands and meadows have so far largely beencommercially limited to fodder for grazing animals, the searchfor biomass is introducing a new market for such lands.Regularly mowing diverse low-input prairies for hay has beenproposed as an ecological solution for biomass extraction thatwould allegedly maintain native biodiversity in situ. But theassumption that prairie landscapes can remain biodiverse undersuch management conditions is contested, as is the potential forany real energy gain. 37 However, as the search for new sourcesof biomass intensifies, grasslands may become increasinglyimportant in the equation or become increasingly converted tocropping and plantations – with impacts on livestockproduction, grazing rights, and biodiversity.The New Biomassters 9

'Biomass Flow Globe'by the BeehiveCollectiveMarine EcosystemsAlgae and seaweeds in the world’s oceans account for almost half of annualglobal biomass production (48.5%), which thus far has been difficult toaccess for industrial uses or for food. 38 As such, oceans represent a hugeuntapped resource and the search for biomass is inevitably going to have animpact on marine ecosystems. Current industrial farming of seaweeds andculturing of other algae are small-scale compared to the vast resourceavailable. Oceans are difficult to operate in and largely under commongovernance, so harvesting a larger share of existing ocean biomass orextending seaweed mariculture may require new technologies and possiblynew international legal arrangements. In the near term algae farming willlikely expand on land, particularly in desert ponds. However, companies arealready experimenting with harvesting wild algae from bays and coastlines forfuel and chemical production (e.g., Blue Marble, Seattle, USA). 39 Others areexploring growing algae in offshore farms and “mowing” the seabed.Deserts and WetlandsWhile not the immediate target for biomassextraction, deserts, marshes and other landsclassified as ‘marginal’ are under pressure asbiomass sourcing changes land use and otherhuman activities, such as settlements, are movedinto these more remote and more fragileecosystems. Deserts and drylands, by virtue ofample sunlight, are already being targeted forlarge-scale algal production in ponds and underglass and may well be sowed with new varietiesof grasses and crops engineered to be droughttolerant.Meanwhile the development of salttolerantcrop varieties may also invademarshland ecosystems.ETC Group 10 www.etcgroup.org

Back to the Future? Carbohydrate vs.Hydrocarbon… From cracking oil tohacking plantsAdvocates of the biomass economy like to talk of a comingswitch from a (fossil based) hydrocarbon economy to a (plantbased) carbohydrate economy. Chemically speaking, thedifference between a hydrocarbon and a carbohydrate comesdown to a few oxygen atoms. Carbohydrates are sugarscomprised of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and are consideredorganic matter. Hydrocarbons by contrast are composed ofonly hydrogen and carbon and are classified asminerals.But historically speaking, and still in localand indigenous communities today, it isplant carbohydrates that have held theupper hand in meeting humanneeds. As recently as 1820,Americans used two tonnes ofvegetables for every tonne ofminerals as the raw material fordyes, chemicals, paints, inks,solvents and even energy. By 1920the ratio had reversed, and by the mid-1970s Americans consumed 8 tonnes ofminerals for every tonne of plantcarbohydrate. 41 Two factors enabled thatmost recent switch:• The higher energy density of fossil fuels: One half-tonne ofcoal contains the same amount of energy as 2 tonnes of greenwood. Coal, and later petroleum (which is denser still andmore transportable), took over as the preferred fuel for theindustrial revolution. 42• The success of petrochemistry: The first synthetic chemistslearned to transform coal tar into profitable dyes and,eventually, to ‘crack’ petroleum into many molecules thatcould be refined into fuels, waxes, explosives, pesticides,plastics, paint, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, textiles, rubber,gasoline, asphalt and much more. 43Today, however, volatile markets, the money-making potentialof carbon markets, the development of new technologies andworries over peak oil are helping drive a switch back to livingbiomass. In particular, just as 19th century developments insynthetic chemistry made possible the hydrocarbon economy,so today, innovation in synthetic biology is allowingcompanies to retrofit the hydrocarbon economy toaccommodate carbohydrate feedstocks.Selling the Switch“A third of theworld’s land is non-arable; 11%is used to grow cereals and othercrops and 55% is in pasture, prairie,savannah and forest. It appears there isplenty of land.”– Steven Koonin, U.S. Department ofEnergy Under Secretary for Science andformer head of research for BP, onfinding land for biomass crops,2008 40 Definitions:ETC Group’s analysis suggests that what is really drivinginvestment in the new bioeconomy is good old capitalistopportunism. Nonetheless, advocates have plenty of newclothes with which to dress up their old-style imperialism.Below are just a few of the agendas commonly used to justifythe new grab on biomass.1. Sugar Dreams: The carbohydrate economyThe term “carbohydrate economy” was originally coined byactivists from the Institute for Local Self Reliance(ILSR) who, in the early 1990s, described avision of making chemicals and industrialmaterials from plant materials instead ofpetroleum. 44 Their interest in biobased(that is, plant based) materialswas driven by the hope that suchmaterials could be designed todegrade more fully in theenvironment, unlike mostpetroleum-based plastics.2. Green Dreams:‘Renewable’ resources andthe hydrogen economyBiomass has consistently been included indescriptions and definitions of what constitutes arenewable resource as, theoretically, plants and trees growback after harvest. Biomass is also occasionally described as aform of solar energy since plants harvest energy from the sun.(See below, "Is Biomass Really Renewable?") Biomass is alsoregarded as a key resource for developing another ‘green’vision, the notion of a ‘Hydrogen Economy,’ as hydrogen canalso be extracted from plants.Carbohydrates: sugars and starches; organic moleculescomposed mainly of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atomsfound in living plant material. The most abundantcarbohydrate is cellulose.Hydrocarbon: carbon-rich mineral; a mix of carbon andhydrogen, the term is often used to describe fossilfeedstocks such as coal, oil and methane (although thereare hydrocarbons that are not fossil fuels).The New Biomassters 11

3. Cool Dreams: The carbon-neutral economyThe contemporary urgency to address the problem of humaninducedclimate change has put biomass at the centre ofgovernment energy policies. Because plants can sequestercarbon dioxide from the atmosphere, policymakers haveregarded plant matter as a ‘carbon neutral’ feedstock forenergy production, arguing that any emissions released inbioenergy production are re-sequestered with replanting.(See below, "The Carbon Neutral Myth") In 2008, theInternational Energy Authority (IEA) reckoned that biomassderivedenergy represented 77% of global “renewable” energyproduction. 454. Patriot Dreams: Energy independenceIn the U.S. at least, the idea of a home-grown bioeconomy as apatriotic bulwark against terrorism and oil wars has popularappeal. By “reducing dependence on foreign oil,” the mantragoes, biofuels and bioplastics strengthen national sovereigntywhile withdrawing funds from extremist petro-states. Thisnotion cuts across political lines, tapping into anti-warsentiment on the left and jingoism and security fears on theright.5. Leapfrog Dreams: Clean developmentand the ‘green jobs’ movementHow can you help poorer economies ‘develop’ while avoidingthe dirty industries and resource consumption of thedeveloped world? That’s the supposed dilemma that advocatesof ‘environmental leapfrogging’ set out to square by using newtechnologies to create cleaner, greener development. At theUN level, this idea has taken form in UNEP’s ‘GreenEconomy’ vision. (See below, "The Green Economy")Meanwhile, an emerging ‘green jobs’ movement argues thatthe green technologies of the bioeconomy can rescue astagnating North American and European industrialworkforce.6. Geek Dreams: Converging technologiesand ‘cleantech’‘Converging technologies’ refers to the way in whichseemingly distinct technological fields such asnanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology androbotics can combine to create a powerful hybrid technologyplatform. In European science policy circles, it is proposed thatconverging technologies could be principally directed to‘sustainable’ applications such as bioenergy and ‘climatetechnologies’ to drive economic growth. 46Senior scientists and venture capitalists in the U.S. havedubbed this next wave of environmental technologies ‘CleanTech’ – a multi-billion dollar area of investment that coversbiofuels, bioenergy, bioplastics, and most bio-based materialsin general, as well as the underlying enabling technologies suchas synthetic biology and nanotechnology.A Grab, not a SwitchAttributing the recent rise of the bioeconomy andburgeoning interest in biomass to green-minded ornationalistic consciousness only is to assume wrongly thatthe captains of large corporations and OECD economiesare moved by such concerns. As with any previousindustrial transition, what’s behind the dash to biomass isnot high ideals but the calculated interest of the corporatebottom line. Far from changing to a new economy, thebiomass transition describes the retooling of the same oldeconomy of production, consumption, capitalaccumulation, and exploitation – only now a new sourceof carbon is being plundered to keep the industrialmachines going.In economic terms, the effect of turning cellulose andother sugars into viable feedstocks for fuels, chemicals andelectricity is to imbue previously unprofitable grasses,seaweed and branches with profit potential. Moresignificantly, any land or body of water that can sustaincellulosic plants acquires an enhanced value as a potentialsource of biomass, a fact that is already accelerating theglobal land grab that was originally undertaken to securefood supplies. If the biomass coup is successful, then thetechnologies of biomass transformation (particularlynanotech, biotech and synthetic biology) become valuablekeys to extracting value, and elevating the industries thatcontrol them.It is no coincidence that the most dogged proponents ofthe biomass economy in the past decade have been notenvironmental NGOs, but large biotech, chemical,forestry and agribusiness corporations.ETC Group 12 www.etcgroup.org

Counting the Bioma$$ EconomyTurning straw (and other cellulose) into (financial) gold is notnew. A 2008 report from the USDA points out thatworldwide, over $400 billion worth of products are alreadyproduced annually from biomass including pulp and paper,lumber, paints, greases and lubricants. 47 The only consolidatedestimate publically available for how much money can bemade from the new bio-based energy, chemicals, plastics, fuelsand associated markets is from The World Economic Forumthat guesses at a $300 billion dollar market by 2020. 48 Asampling of predictions (below) total around one half-trilliondollars by 2020 – possibly considerably more.Bioma$$ electricity – According to Pike Research, themarket value of electricity generated from biomass in theUnited States will increase steadily to $53 billion by 2020, upfrom approximately $45 billion in 2010. 49 The WorldEconomic Forum puts global value of biomass heat and powercombined at $65 billion by 2020. 50Bioma$$ fuels – Pike Research claims that biodiesel andethanol markets account for $76 billion dollars in sales in2010 and that figure might rise to $247 billion by 2020. Thetotal global biofuels market could surpass $280 billion by2022. 51Bioma$$ and bio-based chemicals – In 2005, McKinsey &Company estimated that bio-based materials and products(for example, bioplastics, bio-derived chemicals, and chemicalsrefined using biotechnology) accounted for 7% of global salesand $77 billion in value within the chemical sector. 52 By 2008the value had increased to $170 billion and was predicted toreach $513 billion by 2020. 53 A 2008 estimate by USDA(based on 2006 figures) predicted that bio-based chemicalswould account for 22% of all chemical industry sales by2025. 54 These figures, however, do not distinguish betweenbiomass-based chemicals and biotech-aided production. Astudy by Frost & Sullivan in March 2009 found that revenuesfor the global bio-renewable chemicals market (that ischemicals made from biomass rather than petroleum) reachedonly $1.63 billion in 2008 (only 4% of sales) but may climb to$5.01 billion by 2015. 55 The World Economic Forum reportsthat bio-based chemicals are expected to increase their share inoverall chemicals production to some 9% of all chemicals by2020 citing a $6 billion figure. 56 According to bullish analysisfrom Helmut KaiserConsultancy, bioplasticsalready account for 10-15% ofthe total plastics market andcould increase their marketshare to 25-30% by 2020. 57Bioenergy: energy from biomass; refers to any process thattransforms biological material into energy includingproduction and use of biofuels, generation of biomasselectricity and biomass for heating and cooking.The Bioma$$ Boondoggle – One inescapable conclusionfrom analyzing the biomass economy: at this stage its mostaggressive backers are governments that allocate billions ofdollars to subsidize biofuels, in particular. Surveys by theWorld Bank and the Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI) suggestthat annual government subsidies for biofuels are currently inexcess of $15 billion and could rise to over $50 billion by2020. 58 “For the years ahead, governments seem to havesignalled that the sky is the limit,” explains GSI’s DirectorSimon Upton. According to the World Bank, 24 countrieshave mandated biofuel targets, while 12 countries plus theEuropean Union offer tax exemptions and credits on biofueluse and production. 59Bioma$$ investments – The emerging biomass industry haspositioned itself on a hot spot of venture capital funding – socalled‘clean tech.’ A study by Lux Research of over 100venture capital investments in the biosciences sectordocumented a marked upturn in investment deals inbioenergy when the U.S. government set ethanol mandates in2005. 60 Between 1998 and 2008, at least $4.17 billion ofventure capital flowed into the field. Many of the leading U.S.venture capital firms that had bankrolled the Internet boomswitched over to “environmentally-friendly technologies,”particularly solar energy and biofuels. 61 Silicon Valley’s DraperFisher Jurvetson, which originally funded Skype and Hotmail,were among the earliest investors in synthetic biology,providing start-up capital for Craig Venter’s SyntheticGenomics, Inc. (focused primarily on biofuels). AnotherSilicon Valley venture house, Kleiner Perkins Caufield &Byers, whose previous successes include Google, AOL,Amazon.com and Sun Microsystems, had reportedly backedfive different cellulosic biofuel companies by 2008, 62 advisedby luminaries Al Gore and Bill Joy. Meanwhile, Bill Joy’sformer business partner Vinod Khosla of Khosla Ventures isdubbed “the baron of biofuels” for seeding over a dozenbiofuel startups, mostly in ethanol production, of which atleast five are synthetic biology companies.According to the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the21st Century (REN21), biofuels received $19.6 billion ofasset finance in 2007, though financing dropped to $15.4billion in 2008 and plummeted to just $5.6 billion in 2009.REN21 sees the trend reversing, however, with largeinvestments in Brazilian biofuels now underway. At the sametime, private investments inbioelectricity projects haverisen from $9 billion in 2008to $10.4 billion in 2009. 63The New Biomassters 13

Where is the Money in the Biomass Economy?Projected global revenues in biomass production chain 2010Source: The World Economic Forum predictsthe biomass economy will be worth $295billion by 2020 (values by sector, in US$billions). 64Agricultral Inputs$15 billionSeeds, Crop protection& FertilizersBiomasspower & heat$65 billionCo-firingDedicated CHPBiomassproduction$89 billionShort rotation forestryEnergy cropsSugarcaneBiorefiningfuels$80 billionFirst and secondgeneration biofuelproductionBiomass Trading& Logistics$30 billionBiomass aggregation,Logistics & TradingBiorefining chemicals &downstream chemistry$6 billionFermentation ofbulk chemicals,Polymerization& DownstreamreactionsBiorefining inputs$10 billionEnzymes, Organisms& Pretreatmentchemicals“What if you took half the corn stover off the fields [of Iowa], leaving half for erosion control.How much would you have in any given year? The number comes up to about 24 million tons.If you turn 24 million tons into two cents per pound, that's a billion dollars. What if we could move itfurther up the value chain and take that 24 million tons and make it worth as much as an ag plastic,worth about $1.50 per pound? Then, you’re talking about adding $72 billion to the state’s economy.You're in essence almost doubling the state's economy.”– Floyd Barwig, Director, Iowa Energy Center, 2004 65ETC Group 14 www.etcgroup.org

Whose Biomass?A tale of two bioeconomiesEvangelists of the new bioeconomy like to frame it as a returnto a previous, sustainable economy, in which humancivilization relied on the natural bounty of the present ratherthan robbing from the mineral deposits of the past. But whilethe global economy as a whole might have taken a centurylongdetour from that bio-based economy, billions of peopledid not. They – that is, peasants, indigenous peoples,pastoralists, fisherfolk, forest dwellers and other traditionalcommunities – remained independent of the hydrocarboneconomy; however, as climate change accelerates, they arepaying its costs…• Two centuries after the industrial revolution began burningcoal, three billion people, two-thirds of whom live in theglobal South, still depend upon firewood as their primarysource of fuel for heat and cooking. 66• One hundred thirty years after Edison enabled electricitydistribution, 1.6 billion people have no access to electricitywhether sourced from coal, wind, water or woodchips. 67• One hundred forty years after Siegfried Marcus firstattached a combustion engine to a vehicle, 2 billion peoplestill rely on animals as their main source of power foragriculture and transport; indeed, half of the farmland in theglobal South is tilled exclusively by animals. 68These biodiversity-based economies dependon exactly the same natural resources(plants, land, water, animal products)that the new bioeconomy intends tocapture for conversion into industrialchemicals and energy. Moreover, theso-called ‘biomass’ that industryintends to grab is not only alreadyused as a resource by thesecommunities, but it is alsointerdependently connected with theircultures and knowledge systems.The Land Grab: current rush to buy land in the globalSouth. The past few years have witnessed a massiveupswing in the number of deals buying and leasingagricultural land in the tropics by Northern investors andstates. The term was coined by civil society organizationGRAIN.An existingbioeconomy alreadydepends on biomassfor fuel, power andmaterials.Photo: Adam Jones“Land bestsuited for biomassgeneration (Latin America,Sub-Saharan Africa) is the leastutilized.”– Presentation by Steven Chu (nowU.S. Secretary of State for Energy)at the Asia Pacific PartnershipConference, Berkeley, USA,19 April 2006Marginal Lands forMaximal ProfitBiomass advocates refer to “marginal,”“unproductive,” “idle,” “degraded” and“abandoned” lands and “wastelands” asthe target for biomass extraction,claiming that as many as 500 millionhectares of abandoned or marginal landare available worldwide for growingbiomass crops. 69 Such claims appear to bebased on satellite data showing areas offormer cropland. However, a closer look atthese “marginal lands” from ground level revealsthat they are often where marginalized people subsist. Farfrom being ‘abandoned’ or ‘degraded,’ their uses are merelyinvisible to a system that recognizes only private ownershipand industrial agriculture (and carries out its assessments fromouter space).The New Biomassters 15

Illustration: the Beehive CollectiveTable: A tale of two bioeconomiesBiomass-based economiesHomogenous - Defines plantand other organic life by lowestcommon denominators: asundifferentiated providers of‘feedstocks’ – sugars, starch,cellulose, oil, etc.Monoculture - Organizeslarge-scale sourcing ofmonoculture crops, plantations,forest destruction and landclearance.Market driven - Based onindustrial transformation ofbiomass into bulk commoditiesfor the global market – e.g.,electricity, biofuels, bulkchemicals, pharmaceuticals, textiles.High tech - Uses, proprietary,capital-intensive technologies totransform biomass – e.g., biotech,synthetic biology, syntheticchemistry. Innovation occursquickly and diffuses rapidly on alarge scale – often prematurely.Reductionist – Nature is viewedin terms of its commercial valueand profit potential.Biodiversity-based economiesHeterogenous - Definesplant life and organic lifeheterogeneously by differentiatingindividual species and parts ofplants and animals with specificproperties and uses.Diverse - Organizes small-scalecultivation of diverse cropping andgathering of wild harvests. When itoccurs, land clearance is onrotational or shifting basis.Subsistence driven - Based oncommunity or individualtransformation of plant and animalmaterials for personal or communityuse – e.g., as medicines, food,cultural and spiritual uses.Appropriate tech - Uses humanscale, community-centredtechnologies to transform plants –e.g., drying, fermenting, cooking.Innovation may occur quickly but onsmall scales and diffuses slowly tolarger scales.Holistic - Nature is imbued withcultural and spiritual values andoften seen as sacred.As a coalition of CSOs reports in aninvestigation of the marginal lands myth:“Communities that use these biodiversity-richlands for food, income, grazing and medicinedo not appreciate the denial of their existence.Nor do they always agree that the conversionof their lands for agrofuel production willbring ‘development’ benefits.” 70 A study byGören Berndes, who has reviewed 17bioenergy feasibility studies, found that, “Landreported to be degraded is often the base ofsubsistence for the rural population.” 71For example, grasslands are described as “idle”even when they provide subsistence to pastoralpeoples and nomads who require extensivegrazing coverage to maintain a light impact ondelicate ecosystems. Jonathan Davies, globalcoordinator of the World Initiative forSustainable Pastoralism, based in Nairobi,Kenya, comments, “These marginal lands donot exist on the scale people think. In Africa,most of the lands in question are activelymanaged by pastoralists, hunter-gatherers andsometimes dry land farmers.” 72 Davies goes on:“Given the current cavalier approach to landappropriation, or the disregard of the landrights of rural inhabitants in many countries, itis inevitable that agrofuel production will bedone by large investors at the expense of localcommunities.”Disturbingly, far from being an innocentoversight, the denial of small farmer andpastoralist rights and the grabbing of theirlands appear to be part of the plan. Forexample, a 2004 report by leading Europeanresearchers noted that the bulk of biofuelpotential comes from pasture land and assertedthat, “A prerequisite for the bioenergypotential in all regions is …that the presentinefficient and low-intensive agriculturalmanagement systems are replaced in 2050 bythe best practice agricultural managementsystems and technologies.” 73 In other words,“remove the peasantry.”Indeed, what is clear from this emphasis ontargeting the lands of marginalized peoples isthat the so-called new bioeconomy can onlytake root by displacing pre-existingbioeconomies.ETC Group 16 www.etcgroup.org

A Land Grab for Biomass“The vision we have is there is a fantastic opportunityto help some of the African countries to develop newindustry by really…um...er...exploring some of theagricultural land they have and creating fantasticemployment opportunities. I look at it as this is thebest opportunity for the tropics to benefit from thedemand of many of the developing countries and thedeveloped world.”– John Melo, CEO of Amyris, Inc. 74Miscanthus Giganteus, a tall weedygrass, is one of the most popular'energy grasses' now promoted tofarmers as a biomass crop.Photo: Bruce M WalkerIn 2008, the civil society organization GRAIN lifted the lidon a massive intensification of farmland acquisitions across theglobal South by rich states and foreign private investors. 75 Twoyears later, a World Bank report, relying on GRAIN’s research,counted 464 projects covering at least 46.6 million hectares ofland, largely in sub-Saharan Africa. 76 According to GRAIN,those driving the land grab – in large part investors seeking asafe haven for their money amidst crashing financial markets –are seeking to buy land cheaply and make it economicallyproductive in a short period of time, allowing them to realizeas much as 400% return on investment within as few as 10years. 77The emerging biomass economy, with its promise of turningbountiful sugars, cellulose and oil crops into high-valuecommodities, provides clear incentive for land grabbing.Indeed, a 2010 Friends of the Earth analysis of land grabs in11 African countries found that at least five million hectares ofland – an area the size of Denmark – is already beingacquired by foreign companies to producebiofuels mainly for Northern markets. 78The World Bank calculates that 21% ofland grab projects are biofuel-driven 79and explicitly acknowledges thatNorthern policies, such as biofuelmandates, have played a key role:“Biofuel mandates may have largeindirect effects on land use change,particularly converting pasture andforest land,” with global landconversion for biofuel feedstocksexpected to range between 18 and 44million hectares by 2030. 80“The expansionof biofuels on ourcontinent is transforming forestsand natural vegetation into fuel crops,taking away food-growing farmlandfrom communities, and creating conflictswith local people over land ownership.”– Marianne Bassey, food and agriculturecoordinator for EnvironmentalRights Action/Friends of theEarth Nigeria. 81A New Trade in Biomass – Shipping Chips“Wood is very quickly becoming a very importantpart of the energy mix and in a few years will be aglobal commodity much like oil.”– Heinrich Unland, Chief Executive Officer of NovusEnergy GmbH, Germany 82The land grab for biofuels is only a part of thecorporate grab on Southern land andresources. This is already underway ascellulose (and woody biomass inparticular) takes on increasingindustrial value. Perhaps the clearestexample is the emergence of a globaltrade in wood chips, wood pelletsand sawdust as a commodityfeedstock for biomass burners toproduce electricity. This trade iscurrently relatively small and mostlywithin Europe (70% in Baltic states);however, a recent industry report foreseesan 80 to 150-fold increase in the comingyears, 83 with industry admitting that there willlikely be a move to produce pellets (compacted sawdust) fromfast growing energy crops, ultimately fuelling deforestation.The New Biomassters 17

According to industry estimates, wood pellet production,which was virtually non-existent 15 years ago, reachedapproximately 10 million tons in 2008. It is expected todouble within the coming 4-5 years and some industry expertsforecast an annual growth of 25-30% globally over the nextten years. 84 Europe’s mandated targets for fuel from biomass inparticular are driving the search for cheaper woodchips in theglobal South as well as sourcing from the United States.• MagForest, a Canadian company operating in theDemocratic Republic of the Congo, is reportedly shipping500,000 tonnes of wood chips annually to Europe.• IBIC Ghana Limited claims it can export 100,000 tonnes oftropical hardwood and softwood every month from Ghanaas biomass feedstock.• U.S.-based Sky Trading is offering to supply up to 600,000tonnes of woodchips as biomass from the United States orBrazil.• According to documents reviewed by TheGlobal Forest Coalition, Brazil is gearingup to meet the European woodchipdemand by expanding tree plantationsby 27 million hectares, mostly ofexotic species like eucalyptus. 85Energy crops– Changes downon the farmThough bioeconomy advocates claim thatmoving to cellulosic biofuels won’t harmfood production, nonetheless some pretty majorchanges are scheduled down on the farm. The intentionto remove more straw and stover as well as to increase theamount of land devoted to energy crops (or e-crops) as aviable farm commodity will significantly change land-usepatterns and farm systems and introduce additional stresses onrural landscapes.According to Jack Huttner, formerly of DuPont DaniscoCellulosic Ethanol and now Executive Vice President ofCommercial & Public Affairs at U.S.-based Gevo, which isdeveloping next-generation biofuels, making cellulosic biofuelsviable requires not only building hundreds of biorefineries butalso surrounding each one with thousands of acres of landplanted with energy crops such as prairie grass. “We're talkingabout a fairly substantial transformation of the rural economiclandscape,” Huttner told BusinessWeek in 2009. Biofuelscompanies will have to organize farmers to grow millions ofacres of a dedicated energy crop like switchgrass.“I thinkthe biggest problemfor everybody is how arewe going to grow, gather,store, and treat the biomass.”– Brent Erickson, lobbyist forthe Biotechnology IndustryOrganization. 86“I'm concerned about organizing basically a new economy,” hesaid, explaining that big players, not small companies, are theonly ones that have the capacity to make that happen. 87Harvesting, baling, drying and storing vast quantities ofcellulosic grasses and corn stover also raise new challenges.Some of the first profits in the new bioeconomy appear readyto flow to equipment manufacturers such as farm equipmentmaker John Deere, which recently signed a researchcollaboration agreement with Monsanto and Archer DanielsMidland to capture crop residues. Packing harvested stovertightly enough to be transported economically to a processingplant, for example, turns out to be a major hurdle as doesensuring that the collected biomass dries enough to storewithout gathering mould and does not contain soil that couldinterfere with fermentation processes. Sam Acker, director ofharvesting & precision farming marketing at Case IH NorthAmerica, told Corn and Soybean Digest in November 2008that “it may be difficult for stover to become a majorethanol feedstock based on moisture anddensification challenges.” 88Nor is it clear that the new energygrasses, such as miscanthus orswitchgrass, are benign for agriacosystems.In September 2006 ateam of researchers writing in Sciencepointed out that such grasses arehighly likely to become invasivespecies. “Most of the traits that aretouted as great for biofuel crops — noknown pests or diseases, rapid growth,high water-use efficiency — are red flags forinvasion biologists,” said Robert N.Wiedenmann, a professor of entomology at theUniversity of Arkansas who points to Sorghum halepense, orJohnsongrass, as an example of a “seemingly benign” cropintroduced into U.S. agriculture that became invasive and nowcauses up to $30 million a year in losses to the cotton andsoybean industries in three states alone. 89In August 2009, the U.S. federal advisory board on invasivespecies sounded its own alarm. “Absent strategic mitigationefforts, there is substantial risk that some biofuel crops willescape cultivation and cause socio-economic and/or ecologicalharm,” warned the Invasive Species Advisory Committee in awhite paper, “Cultivating Energy Not invasive Species.” 90The paper points out that “[c]ertain plant species proposed forbiofuel production (e.g., reed canarygrass [Phalarisarundinacea], giant reed [Arundo donax], and miscanthus[Miscanthus sinensis]) are already invasive in regions of theU.S. and/or elsewhere in the world.”ETC Group 18 www.etcgroup.org

Worryingly, the committee stopped short of advising againstusing invasive energy crops, recommending instead thatbreeders of such crops incorporate “desirable traits” to avoidinvasiveness such as “sterility or reduced seed production,inability to regenerate by stem fragments.” 91 While this refersprimarily to the development of sterile cultivars of miscanthusthrough hybridization, such language may also prove adangerous invitation to equip biofuel crops with so-called‘genetic use restriction technologies’ (GURTS) such asTerminator technology.Carbon Neutral: net zero emissions of carbondioxide; refers to processes that overall do notadd extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.Biomass proponents claim that industrialuse of biomass is carbon neutral becausegrowing plants fix carbon dioxide so thatbiomass-based processes absorb whatevercarbon dioxide they put out. This ismisleading and usually inaccurate.CO 2 emissions from different fuel typesAmount of CO 2 from the smokestack or tailpipewhen burning fuel to produce 1 million BTUs:Bituminous coalMunicipal solid wasteDry wood biomassBiodieselDiesel fuelMotor gasolineJet fuelEthanolPipeline natural gas97.1090.6588.4573.8473.1570.8870.8865.8853.060 100kg CO 2 / MMBtuSources: (1) Annual Energy Outlook 2010 with Projections to 2035 –May 11 2010 http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/carbon_dioxide.html(2) EIA Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program FuelCarbon Dioxide Emission Coefficients, online athttp://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/1605/coefficients.html“We clutchat straws (and otherbiomass) in ourdesperation to believe thereis an easy way out.”– George Monbiot,The Guardian,2009 92The Carbon Neutral MythMany regulators and negotiators at international climate policymeetings now operate on the false assumption that biomassenergy does not contribute to global warming because anycarbon released from biomass can theoretically be re-fixed byreplacement plants. It’s a nice theory that breaks down on closerexamination. Consider the following:Burning biomass can release more CO 2 than fossil fuels.This is because much more biomass needs to be burned toachieve the same energy output. According to the U.S.government’s Energy <strong>Information</strong> Agency, burninghardwoods produces slightly less CO 2 per energyunit than coal, but much more than oil or gas.Indeed some analysts assert that smokestackemissions from burning biomass are evenhigher than burning coal when the humidity(the amount of water still left in thebiomass) is high. 93Carbon dioxide from biomass is releasedquickly but may take decades to re-sequester.When burned for energy, a mature tree (80-100 yearsold) takes minutes to release its full load of carbon into theatmosphere, but its replacement, if grown, takes a full centuryto re-sequester that carbon. For those 100 years, the CO 2 is stillaloft in the atmosphere helping push the climate toward thepoint of dangerous change, and yet carbon accounting rulestreat it as non-existent. (See below, “A Serious Global‘Accounting Error’”) Bioeconomy advocates propose replacingmature trees with fast growing varieties such as poplar andeucalyptus, claiming these are more efficient carbon sinks thanold forests. Such claims have been roundly rejected in recentyears, and the new orthodoxy is that old growth forests arebetter than new growth at storing atmospheric carbon. 94Disturbing soils and changing land use to grow or harvestbiomass results in large greenhouse gas emissions. Just thetop 100 cm of soil worldwide is believed to store an estimated1555 billion tonnes of carbon, held in microbes, plant roots,organic compounds present in soil aggregates, insects and othersoil fauna. 95 This is more than twice (2.5 times) the amountstored in all worldwide terrestrial surface plants and about thesame magnitude as the amount already in the atmosphere.Disturbance of these soils for industrial agriculture,deforestation and chemically intensive monoculture plantationsas well as other land-use changes is one of the largest sources ofcarbon emissions. Even the very conservative 2006 Stern reporton the economic costs of climate change estimated that in2000, land use change was the second largest source of GHGemissions, after the power sector. 96The New Biomassters 19

According to Stern, a full 18 percent of GHG emissions werethe result of land-use changes, with deforestation the largestcontributor, accounting for over 8 billion tonnes of carbondioxide per year. 97 Removing cellulosic material from fields isliable to further degrade soils, reducing their ability to storecarbon. Studies have shown that U.S. agricultural soils, forexample, have already lost between 30% and 50% of theirorganic carbon since cultivation began (little over a centuryago in many cases). A 2009 paper shows that removing anylevel of stover (unharvested stalks) that are usually ploughedback into fields would further lower soil carbon levels as wellas reduce yields in subsequent years. 98Agricultural production and transport of biomassfeedstocks is greenhouse gas intensive. According to analysisby the civil society group GRAIN, the industrial food andagriculture system is the leading cause of climate change,generating 44-57% of total global greenhouse gas (GHG)emissions. 99This estimate includes land clearance, the energyused for seed production, machinery to drill, harvest andtransport production, irrigation, emissions from animals, anddisturbance of soils from the production and use of pesticidesand fertilizers. Forest destruction and plantation managementare also associated with major greenhouse gas emissionsincluding from the transport and use of cutting and haulingequipment. Hauling biomass by truck wastes more energythan transporting coal, oil or gas because of the low energycontent of the biomass itself. This is particularly true ofbiomass intended for production of biofuels and bio-basedchemicals rather than for bioelectricity. Converting to theseend products has a poorer energy conversion rate thancombustion and there is generally also a residue left over thatneeds to be hauled away – adding to the overall energy cost.Taking cellulosic material from fields for biomass willrequire more fertilizers to maintain soil fertility. Nitrogenphosphate based fertilizers release nitrous oxide – agreenhouse gas 298 times more potent than CO 2 . 100 Globaluse of fertilizers has already risen 31% between 1996 and 2008due in part to agrofuel cultivation. 101 Besides their own directemissions impact, fertilizers are energy intensive (and hencecarbon intensive) to produce and apply in the first place. A1998 study 102 estimated that fertilizer production isresponsible for approximately 1.2% of total GHG emissions –equivalent to the full greenhouse gas emissions of Indonesia orBrazil. In the U.S. alone, fertilizer use and production accountfor thirty percent of energy use in agriculture. Fertilizers canalso exert a further (indirect) impact on greenhouse gasconcentrations when nitrates leaching from fertilized fieldsform oceanic dead zones that may also be releasing enormousquantities of CO 2 , methane and nitrous oxide.Vegetation removal for biomass can also worsen climatechange by changing the amount of heat that is kept in theatmosphere. In Australia, for example, scientists estimate thatthe loss of native vegetation reduced cloud formation andmeant that less heat was being reflected back to space. Thisexacerbated the impacts of recent climate related droughts,raising the temperature an additional 2-3 degrees celsius. InAustralia these changes contributed to the collapse inagricultural productivity for the region. 103A Serious Global “Accounting Error”Many national and international policy instruments to addressclimate change are based on the false assumption that energyderived from biomass is intrinsically ‘carbon neutral.’ The rootof this common mistake lies in the carbon accountingpractices enshrined in the UN Framework Convention onClimate Change (UNFCCC).In 2001, the scientific body advising the UNFCC, theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) firstdescribed the use of biomass for energy as “Low-carbon energysupply systems” and baldly stated that “[l]iquid biofuels whensubstituted for fossil fuels will directly reduce CO 2 emissions.Therefore, a combination of bioenergy production withcarbon sink options can result in maximum benefit frommitigation strategies.” 104 By 2007 the IPCC’s enthusiasm haddampened a bit: “Biofuels might play an important role inaddressing GHG emissions in the transport sector, dependingon their production pathway.” 105ETC Group 20 www.etcgroup.org

Nonetheless, the impression had been well established in theminds of policy makers that promoting biomass energy uses innational strategies was a legitimate, and relatively easy, route tofulfilling commitments related to climate change.Indeed, the rules for calculating carbon emissions under theKyoto Protocol currently go as far as to exempt entirelybiomass energy as a source of emissions, regardless of how thebiomass is sourced and how much additional carbon isreleased in that production process. This was the result of adecision made by the IPCC to count the carbon emissionsassociated with making bioenergy as part of land use changes,rather than counting it under energy uses (to avoid doublecounting). However the Kyoto Protocol only countedemissions from energy and so biomass energy got a free pass.This exception sets up a powerful economic incentive fornations to switch to the cheapest biomass energy sourcesavailable in order to meet carbon dioxide emissions targets andearn carbon credits. According to one recent modeling study,the policy of exempting biomass-derived energy fromemissions counting could drive nations to displace virtually allthe world’s natural forests and savannahs with bioenergy crops.Such massive displacement of forests would release potentiallyhundreds of billions of tonnes of carbon during a shorttimescale (less than 20 years) – a scenario that would drivecatastrophic biodiversity loss and dangerous climate changewithin less than a century. 106That prospect has so alarmed even proponents of biomassenergy that in October 2009 thirteen scientists and policyexperts, some of them closely identified with the originalKyoto accounting protocols, warned that the exemption ofbiomass from carbon accounting protocols was a “farreaching”and “serious” flaw in the global climate agreement. 107They proposed that this “accounting error” could be fixed ifemissions from biomass energy were measured at the tailpipeor smokestack just like fossil fuels and that any sequestrationbenefits should be separately measured and credited byaccounting the actual land management and productionpractices for different biofuels and biomass technologies.Drawing an analogy with the recent financial crisis, theauthors – mostly advocates of cellulosic biofuels – hinted thatthis issue of false accounting might eventually discredit theentire biomass agenda. “Just like with financial audits, it’simportant for carbon audits to be correct from the start,” saidMichigan State University professor and co-author PhilipRobertson. “The promise of cellulosic biofuels is huge for ourclimate and economy. We don’t want to find out later thatwe’ve built a new industry on a house of cards.” 108Trading Biomass-based CarbonNot only has the UNFCCC falsely blessed biomass as carbonneutral in its emissions accounting, the convention has also setup institutional mechanisms to financially reward the growthof the new biomass economy. While reducing nationalgreenhouse gas emissions (primarily carbon dioxide) had beenthe centerpiece of the Kyoto Protocol, delegates in the finalnegotiations acquiesced to proposals by the United States tointroduce so called ‘flex mex’ (flexible mechanisms) thatwould allow trading in emissions allowances within anestablished and tightening cap as well as options to monetizebiological and geological carbon ‘sinks’ within thosemechanisms. 109Article 3.3 of the Convention further allows states to receivecredits or debits on their emissions reductions depending onhow they managed their own carbon sinks. By ‘sinks’ theadvocates of the ‘flex mex’ had in mind that plants, soils andoceans naturally sequester carbon dioxide from theatmosphere and therefore argued that measures to protect andenhance sinks, such as growing more trees or reducing soilerosion, should receive tradable credits. These credits could beissued, for example, under the new ‘Clean DevelopmentMechanism’ (CDM) of the Protocol or under what are knownas ‘joint implementation’ projects. In particular, the CDMencourages investment by Northern companies and states insequestration or climate mitigation projects located in theglobal South.Although agriculture and forest projects were initiallyrestrained to satisfy only a small part of CDM projects, in2001 more loopholes were opened in the flex mex, allowingfor biomass in existing forests to be more easily credited andmonetized. Bioenergy firms and biobased chemical companieshave since been diligent in lobbying for the CDM to expandits financing to all parts of the biomass economy. From 2005,methodologies were approved for financing the production ofelectricity from burning plantation residues such as sugar cane,bagasse, rice husks and palm oil fruit bunches. FromSeptember 2006, the CDM accepted the use of biomass forhot water production. From 2009, projects that producedbiodiesel on so-called degraded lands also became eligible forCDM credits. In February 2010 the CDM board furtherapproved granting credits to electricity power plants forburning biomass, including coal-fired power stations that cofirewith biomass. 110The New Biomassters 21

'Cutting up the sky,' the Beehive CollectiveAs of October 2010, 705 biomass projects were eitherapproved or seeking approval for 45 million certified carboncredits under the CDM mechanism, with India (318 projects),China (101 projects) and Brazil (94 projects) taking thegreatest share. That amounts to 12.75% of all CDM projects,third only to wind and hydropower projects. 111 At currentprices, these credits would be worth around one-half billiondollars adding to the overall value of the biomass economy. 112Meanwhile an unregulated ‘voluntary’ carbon credit industryhas emerged outside of the Kyoto framework withentrepreneurial companies, such as Future Forests, linkingbiomass and bioenergy projects to new carbon credits thatcould be sold to individual consumers to ‘offset’ carbonintensivelifestyles. The World Bank estimates the carbontrade is currently worth $144 billion, with national andregional carbon trading exchanges in full swing in Europe,Asia and North America. 113Trading Biomass-based Carbon:Take II – getting REDD-y for a grabThe combination of the UNFCCC’s faulty accountingmethods and financing of bioenergy projects may already seemlike enough of an assault on biodiversity, but the sameinternational forum is about to add insult to injury byintroducing a third mechanism to commodify biomass. Theso-called REDD (“Reducing Emissions from Deforestationand Forest Degradation”) now under negotiation at theUNFCCC attempts to give forest biomass a financial valuebased on the carbon stored within it. The idea behind REDDis to back living carbon stored in forest biomass with financialsecurities that can be monetized and traded alongside existingfinancial commodities. Backers of REDD argue that this willprovide a market incentive to prevent logging anddeforestation. In making a currency out of biomass, REDDexacerbates the reduction of biodiversity to stocks ofcommodifiable carbon. While the forestry industry has beenaccused before of not seeing the forest for the trees, REDDcan’t even see the trees for the carbon stored inside them.The result of such reductionism is that the implementation ofREDD looks likely to harm both natural biodiversity and thecommunities that rely on it.Specifically, the UNFCCC’s Bali Action plan calls for “policyapproaches and positive incentives on issues relating toreducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradationin developing countries; and the role of conservation,sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forestcarbon stocks in developing countries.” When decoded thisso-called “REDD+” paragraph licenses the clearing oftraditional people from forests for ‘conservation’ purposes andsubsidises commercial logging operations that meet agreedupon“sustainable management” criteria. Moreover, by talkingof ‘enhancing forest carbon stocks,’ REDD+ looks set tofinancially reward the conversion of forest land to industrialtree plantations justified by claims that such plantations storemore carbon than what is currently growing. This has seriousimplications for biodiversity and local communities.Even before REDD is implemented and agreed, governments,corporations, large NGOs and global institutions areexperimenting with this form of biomass-based carbon financeand attempting to set up REDD-like schemes. According towatchdog REDD Monitor, The World Bank has approved 25projects under its Forest Carbon Partnership Facility and 3through its BioCarbon Fund, while UN-REDD (UNDP,UNEP and FAO) is running pilot projects in Bolivia,Democratic Republic of the Congo, Indonesia, Panama, PapuaNew Guinea, Paraguay,Tanzania, Viet Nam, andZambia, with promises of over$18 million. Governmentssuch as Norway, Australia andGermany have been pledgingmoney for REDD projects inthe South as have anincreasing number of privatecorporations. Organisationssuch as ConservationInternational, WWF, TheNature Conservancy andEnvironmental Defense Fundare partnering with corporationsincluding BP, Pacificorp, MerrillPhoto: Orin Langelle, GlobalJustice Ecology ProjectLynch and Marriott Hotels. Voluntary standards are alreadyspringing up to define what is ‘sustainable’ for REDD, andcarbon traders such as EcoSecurities and Caisse des Depots arepreparing to start commodifying and profiting from as muchof the world’s forest biomass as they can get their hands on. 114ETC Group 22 www.etcgroup.org

Transferring Biomass Technologies– Climate Technology InitiativeThe biomass economy is getting yet another financial boostfrom the UNFCCC via the climate treaty’s activities ontechnology transfer. The International Energy Agency andOECD established the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI)in 1995 to facilitate the transfer of “climate-friendly”technologies from the North to the South. Unsurprisingly,biomass has played a starring role in the CTI’s activities.Its private arm, known as the Private Financing AdvisoryNetwork (PFAN), acts as a matchmaking agency connectingNorthern investors and technology corporations to Southernprojects and brokers “clean energy” business deals. Over onethirdof the 60 projects in PFAN’s pipeline – accounting for$823 million – are biomass energy projects such as biomasselectricity generation, production of wood pellets forindustrial burning or biodiesel production. 115The Green Economy– A cozy home for the bioeconomyThe multiple crises that wracked the world in 2007-2008caught the multilateral system by surprise. In the scramble torecover, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) launchedits Green Economy Initiative (GEI) in 2008 to assistgovernments in reshaping and refocusing policies, investmentsand spending toward “businesses and infrastructure thatdeliver better returns on natural, human and economic capitalinvestments, while at the same time reducing greenhouse gasemissions, extracting and using less natural resources, creatingless waste and reducing social disparities.” 118The “green economy” received an official UN stamp with thelaunch of its “Global Green New Deal for SustainableDevelopment” in 2009. The deal aims to target stimulusspending at 1 percent of the world’s GDP (totaling around$750 million), and institute changes in domestic andinternational policies to support the green economy.InfraREDD– Mapping the biomassIllustration: theBeehive CollectiveSatellites and fixed-wing aircraft can now combine to mapand monitor (in three dimensions) biomass and lands to beidentified, managed and exploited in the new biomasseconomy. Cameras mounted on light aircraft, includinghelicopters, can use hyper-spectral imaging to analyze visibleand infrared wavelengths that reveal variations in vegetation.Precise light measurements expose soil nutrients, identifyingnot only the type of surface vegetation but what lurksbeneath and therefore what could grow there. Thetechnology was originally developed to find burial sites buthas branched out to service a multitude of interests fromarchaeologists to the CIA.For land grabbing investors, looking to economically‘improve’ so-called marginal lands, the value of suchbiomapping is considerable. The near-term possibilitiesinclude the aerial identification of proprietary crops and theopportunity to triangulate on soils, bugs or plants offeringindustrial uses. After the biodiversity is pinpointed andpocketed, the land can be used for other purposes.In particular the biomappers are targeting carbon. InSeptember 2010, the Carnegie Institute at StanfordUniversity announced that, with WWF and the Peruviangovernment as partners, it had mapped over 16,600 squaremiles of Amazonian forest (about the area of Switzerland).While satellites mapped vegetation and recordeddisturbances, the satellite images were complemented by afixed-wing aircraft deploying Carnegie’s proprietary LiDARtechnology (light detection and ranging) to produce 3-Drepresentations of the area’s vegetation structure. On theground, scientists converted the structural data into carbondensity aided by a modest network of field plots. Carnegie’snovel system brings geology, land use, and emissions datatogether to advise the government of Peru – and anyone elsewith access to the data – that the region’s total forest carbonstorage weighs in at about 395 million tonnes. The IPCCestimate for carbon storage in the surveyed area was 587million tonnes. Under REDD-type programmes, Carnegie’shigh-resolution approach could yield more credit per tonneof carbon. 116 For those looking for biomass feedstocks, it tellsthem what is available to buy. The system is also cheap. Peru’smap cost 8 cents per hectare and a similar map inMadagascar was only 6 cents. 117 Of course, in the world ofbiomass feedstocks and carbon trading, the issue is howmuch biomass can the land produce?The New Biomassters 23

A 2009 report by HSBC Global Research showed that G-20governments have already allocated more than $430 billion infiscal stimulus – equivalent to about 15 percent of the total$2.8 trillion – in the areas of climate change and other “green”themes. 119 Many of the projects may not be new but may beexisting projects relabeled to fit the “green” criteria.The green economy has received wide supportacross the UN, with the EnvironmentManagement Group (EMG) – the UNbody that coordinates the direction of allenvironment-related specialized agencies– adopting the GEI in its biennial workprogramme to assess how the UNsystem can more coherently supportcountries in making the transition to agreen economy. Not surprisingly, the pushfor the green economy has been met withenthusiasm from governments wanting toappear to be taking action on climate change andrecover their economies. The UN system’s new embraceof “green” will ensure a warm welcome for the bioeconomy.Along with international environmental governance, the greeneconomy is one of the two main themes of the UNConference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in 2012.Already, there are points of convergence between thebioeconomy and the green economy. The key architects of theGEI are also the main authors of The Economics ofEcosystems Services (TEEB), which provides the conceptualanchor for REDD (and REDD+ and other mutations) andthe fledgling concept of “biodiversity offsets,” making up onefacet of the bioeconomy: the biodiversity services economy.Biorefineries and bio-based production are among the modelsof “green innovation” explicitly endorsed by the GEI. Havingraised nearly one-half billion dollars in such a short time fromfiscal stimulus packages extended by rich governments, thegreen economy is the perfect feedstock to fuel the engines ofthe bioeconomy.Watts, megawatts (MW), gigawatts (GW) and terawatts(TW): units of power; a watt describes the rate of energy use.Megawatts are millions of watts; gigawatts are billions of wattsand terawatts are trillions of watts. Typically a household lightbulb continuously uses 25-100 watts; a large commercialbuilding such as a shopping centre or factory consumes energyat the rate of megawatts; the very largest power plants such asnuclear facilities might produce gigawatts of energy. Terawattsare usually used only to describe aggregate global or regionalenergy use.“Almost all of thearable land on Earthwould need to be covered withthe fastest-growing knownenergy crops, such as switchgrass,to produce the amount of energycurrently consumed from fossilfuels annually.”– U.S. Department ofEnergy 120Busting the Earth’s Biomass Budget?With biomass touted as the new feedstock of a global postpetroleumeconomy, it is essential to ask the question: Doessufficient biomass exist on the planet to achieve such a historictransition? For comparison, when global society last relied onplant matter as the primary source for its energyneeds, in the late 1890s, world consumption ofenergy is estimated to have been 600gigawatts. 121 Today’s estimates of worldenergy consumption range between 12and 16 terawatts – at least a twenty-foldincrease in demand over the previous“biomass economy.” That energy outputis met almost entirely from fossil fuels,with just a sliver of nuclear, hydro andbiomass power in the mix (around 1.5terawatts). 122 According to MIT energyeconomist Daniel Nocera, global energy use isfurther projected to add at least an additional 19terawatts by 2050. 123Theoretically, that global energy use could be met by biomass.Every year, just over 100 billion tonnes of carbon locked up in230 billion tonnes of new biomass is added to the planet,amounting to about 100 TW of energy from the Sun. 124That is approximately 6 times the current global powerconsumption, or 3-4 times global power consumptionprojected for 2050. 125However, that global biomass is not so readily available:• Almost half (100 billion tonnes) of that biomass is in theocean, much of it locked up in microbes and algae that arenot easily accessible (e.g., in deep oceans and sediment).• Of the remaining 130 billion tonnes grown on land, humansocieties already use up 24% of that annual biomass growth(31.2 billion tonnes) for food, lumber, firewood and otherhuman needs (this is known as HANPP – HumanAppropriation of Net Primary Productivity). 126• The remaining 98.8 billion tonnes of annual biomass isfacing competing demands. The United Nations predicts thehuman population will expand to an estimated 9 billionpeople by 2050. This means more demand for food, feed,fibre and land. Economists predict for example that the useof wood (e.g., for lumber) is likely to grow by 50-75% by2050. 127 The pulp industry is planning a total of more than25 million tonnes of new pulp capacity, an average of fivemillion tonnes extra per year. 128 Meanwhile the FAO predictsthat firewood use in Africa alone will increase 34% by2020. 129ETC Group 24 www.etcgroup.org

• Moreover, as climate change continues to take its toll,additional stresses on forest and agricultural ecosystems mayseverely reduce their productivity, while higher globaltemperatures and more frequent El Niño events will putforest biomass at greater risk for fires. Meanwhile climatechangerelated upsurges in crop disease and parasites, and theimpact of elevated CO 2 on plant growth and flooding, mayfurther reduce actual biomass production.• Studies measuring human appropriation of global biomassconclude that, on average, for every tonne of biomass that isdirectly used by human society, a further 5 tonnes are lost‘upstream’ from land use changes, processing and waste. 130One sobering implication is that calculations of biomassfeedstock requirements for new bio-based developments mayneed to be multiplied by six or more to provide a true pictureof their impact on the biosphere. Since the energy stored inannual global production of biomass is about one-sixth ofcurrent global energy needs, this suggests that the upstreamimpacts of switching entirely to bioenergy could entirelydevour the Earth’s annual biomass production.A review of 16 global assessments of biomass availabilitynotes: “In the most optimistic scenarios, bioenergy couldprovide more than two times the current global energydemand, without competing with food production, forestprotection efforts and biodiversity. In the least favorablescenarios, however, bioenergy could supply only a fraction ofcurrent energy use, perhaps even less than it provides today.” 131Net productivity of different types ofbiomass expressed as power (terawatts)Marine25TWSavannah& grassland10TW Otherterrestrialincludingagriculture9TWSwamp / marsh 3TWForests42TWSource: GCEPBiomass AssessmentEcosystems Count FirstWhy such a wide range of estimates for the potential ofbiomass to meet energy needs? The short answer is that someenergy economists have simply failed to see the forest for thetrees. Living biomass stocks cannot be counted in the samemanner as fossilized oil and coal reserves. The economic valueof harvested plants as industrial raw materials for food, feed,fibre, chemicals and fuel must be weighed against the vitalecological value of living plants.Earth-systems studies that attempt to measure the currenthealth and resiliency of ecosystems and biodiversity offer starkwarnings. The 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessmentconcluded that 60% of the world’s ecosystems are already indecline. 132 While the “Living Planet Index,” a measure oftrends in biodiversity, based on tracking 1313 terrestrial,marine and freshwater species, reports that between 1970 and2003, the index dropped 30 percent, meaning ecosystems aregenerally in steep decline. 133 The World Conservation Unionhas reported that overall, nearly 40% of species evaluated arethreatened with extinction. 134Current extinction rates arenow over 1000 times higher than background rates typicalover the Earth’s history, and land-use changes, includingdeforestation and agricultural expansion, are regarded as theleading cause. Meanwhile, it is estimated that at least a further10-20% of remaining forest and grassland will be converted tohuman uses by 2050. 135 As well, the UN estimates that twothirdsof the countries in the world are affected by soildesertification, affecting more than 4 billion hectares ofagricultural land, which supports over one billion people. 136Especially telling are the metrics from other measures, forinstance the Ecological Footprint, developed by the GlobalFootprint Network. 137 This measures human (over)use of theEarth’s biocapacity. The term ‘biocapacity’ refers to the naturalproduction of biomass carried out by cropland, pasture, forestor fisheries while absorbing human wastes. Overuse ofbiocapacity damages ecosystems and drives them into decline.It turns out that since the late 1980s, we have been in “Earthovershoot” 138 with an industrial footprint larger than planet’sbiocapacity. In fact, since around 2003 we have reached ashocking 25% overshoot, “turning resources into waste fasterthan nature can turn waste back into resources.” 139Net Primary Production: annual volume of biomass; thefull amount of new biomass growth (mostly plantlife,but also animal, bacterial and other growth) produced bythe planet in one year; amounts to around 230 billiontonnes of living matter.The New Biomassters 25

If we continue on the current trajectory, we will be using twicethe Earth’s biocapacity by 2050 – an untenable proposition.“Recent proposals of massive bioenergy schemes areamong the most regrettable examples of wishfulthinking and ignorance of ecosytemic realities andnecessities. Their proponents are either unaware of(or deliberately ignore) some fundamental findings ofmodern biospheric studies.”– Professor Vaclav Smil, Distinguished Professor of theEnvironment, University of Manitoba. 140Is Biomass Really ‘Renewable’?As global renewable energy targets turn out to be mostlypadded with straw (and other forms of biomass),environmental groups and communities affected by newbiomass processing plants have begun lobbying forbiomass to be removed from the definition of renewableenergy, for good reason. Using plants as an energy sourcediffers from solar, wind and tidal energy, which mightbetter be termed ‘perpetual energy sources’ since theirutilization doesn’t diminish overall stocks. Trees, cropsand other plant life, by contrast, can beexhausted by over-appropriation. Moreimportantly, so can the soils in which theygrow and the ecosystems from whichthey are taken.Numerous studies have shown thatland-use changes and land managementpractices associated with biomassextraction can weaken and destroyecosystems and water tables, renderingthem non-renewable. Taking vegetative coverfrom the land hastens soil erosion and deprivessoils of nutrients while fast growing tree plantations ormonoculture crops can deplete water aquifers.In April 2009, an alliance of 25 U.S. environmental andconservation groups wrote to Congress asserting,“Biomass should not be considered renewable because theremoval of biomass, even ‘residues and wastes’ fromforests, grasslands or soils, depletes nutrients and results indeclining fertility and biodiversity. While it is possible tore-grow trees and other plant matter, it is not possible torecreate healthy ecosystems.” 141Planetary Boundaries for BiomassExtraction?As industrial policies associated with the biomass economypress on, conservationists fear disaster. For example, in theAmazon Basin, expansion of sugar cane and soya (in part forbiofuels) is driving deforestation to the point where a massive“dieback” (region-wide death of trees) is considered likely. 142The potential impact of such an Amazon dieback would be aglobal catastrophe, given its role in regulating rainfall andweather over much of South America up through the U.S.Midwest and even as far as South Africa. 143What such a dramatic impact tells us is that measures ofecosystem functions and biocapacity, while useful, provide anincomplete picture of the real limits to biomass extraction andan unrealistically linear view of how ecosystems function andhow they can collapse. Just as the threat of an Amazon diebackcannot be measured from a global ‘biocapacity’ index, so thereare likely many more ecological ‘tipping points’ which, oncecrossed, could push ecosystems into collapse, causingdevastating non-linear effects. We may never see these tippingpoints coming until it is too late.In an attempt to raise awareness of catastrophic tipping points,a group of Earth-system and environmental scientists, led byJohan Rockström of the Stockholm Resilience <strong>Centre</strong>,published a paper in the journal Nature inSeptember 2009 that proposed theestablishment of nine “planetaryboundaries.” 144 These are a set ofthresholds or tipping points beyondwhich changes in biophysical processescould throw the entire planet into“unacceptable environmental change.”The authors described these boundaries asthe edges of a “safe operating space forhumanity,” stating that human interferencewith the biosphere needs to remain within theselimits if we are to keep the planet in roughly the samestable and familiar state it has been for the past 10000 years.According to their estimates, at least three of the nineplanetary boundaries they identified have already beenbreached. While the Rockström paper sets no explicitplanetary boundary for human appropriation of biomass,keeping within several of the boundaries identified (such asland-use change and nitrogen overuse) looks ever moreuntenable given future biomass harvest projections.Illustration: the Beehive CollectiveETC Group 26 www.etcgroup.org

Not Enough Biomass? Let’s boost it…The fact that planet Earth doesn’t have enough biomass on thebooks to safely transition to a biomass economy is not lost onthe new biomassters. Some answer that switching to biomass isjust a temporary measure en route to a solar-powered or moregenuinely renewable energy future. In other words, goingoverdrawn at the biomass bank is more like going into debt fora bridging loan. Others are proposing something more likeinflation – boosting the quantities of global biomass, andparticularly cellulosic biomass, by technological means. Doingso will introduce new risks and it is not reasonable to believethat growing industrial quantities of “extra” biomass could insome way reverse that biodiversity decline. As AlmuthErnsting and Deepak Rughani of Biofuelwatch point out, thecontradiction remains that “despite the overwhelmingevidence that industrial agriculture and industrial forestry arerapidly depleting the biosphere, soils and freshwaterworldwide at an ever faster rate, it is proposed that both canbe expanded further to somehow make the biosphereconsiderably more productive than it has ever been before.” 145As the quest for biomass intensifies, expect to see more of thefollowing biomass boosting strategies:Genetically Engineered Trees – Biotech companies such asU.S.-based Arborgen, Inc. are pushing ahead withbioengineering fast-growing trees for the new biomassmarkets. In May 2010 Arborgen receivedclearance for environmental release of260,000 cold-tolerant eucalyptusseedlings across 9 U.S. states,bringing the fast growing speciesto more northern latitudes thanwere previously possible.Meanwhile, scientists atPurdue University havedeveloped a fast growingpoplar tree with reducedlignin that they claim will beperfect for cellulosic biofuelproduction. They claim thatchanging the lignin compositionof trees could increase the annualyield of cellulosic ethanol from poplarfrom 700 gallons per acre to 1000 gallonsper acre. 146 Ironically, removing lignin fromtrees also appears to reduce their carbon sequestrationcapacity. According to one study, low lignin trees accumulated30% less plant carbon and 70% less new soil carbon thanunmodified trees. 147Photomontage: Karl AdamBiomass or Biomassacre?To reprise the question: Does sufficient biomass existon the planet to switch to a bio-based economy?The answer is clearly ‘No.’The alarming notion of “Earth overshoot,” the rapiddecline of global ecosystems and the approaching threat ofcatastrophic tipping points tell us that attempting to set an‘acceptable level’ of biomass extraction is as inappropriateas forcing a blood donation from a hemorrhaging patient.Already struggling to maintain life support, the planetsimply does not have any biomass to spare. Until industrialcivilization significantly reduces its existing ecologicalfootprint, we are critically overdrawn at the biomass bankand moving deeper into ecological bankruptcy andpossible collapse for which there is no bailout.Genetically Engineered Biomass Crops – While plantbreeders have been trying to increase yield for centuries, thefocus has always been on increasing the seeds and fruit of foodcrops. Now, with cellulosic biomass gaining value, agribusinessis working on increasing the quantity of stalks, leaves, husksand other cellulosic components of common agriculturalcrops. For example, a suite of patents filed byBASF discloses methods of geneticallyengineering corn and other crops forincreased biomass yield. 148 Thepatents also claim ownership overthe biomass itself when producedin maize, soybean, cotton,canola, rice, wheat orsugarcane.Engineering Photosynthesis– According to somescientists, the natural processthat turns sunlight and CO 2into biomass in most plants issluggish and inefficient and can besped up with a little genetictweaking. Surprisingly, reducing theamount of chlorophyll in leaves is onemethod since more sunlight passes throughupper leaves to reach lower leaves. According to NewScientist, experiments with mutant soybeans that containedonly half the chlorophyll produced 30% more biomass. 150The New Biomassters 27

Other tricks yet to be perfected include changing the type ofphotosynthesis to a process that more efficiently convertscarbon to sugar. Recent experiments with rice seemed towork in the lab, but not in the field. Nonetheless,the International Rice Research Institute(IRRI) in 2008 launched a new initiative,funded by the Bill & Melinda GatesFoundation, to switch thephotosynthesis mechanism in rice. InNovember 2009, CIMMYT(International Wheat and MaizeImprovement Center) launched theirWheat Yield Potential Consortium to dothe same for wheat. 151 Others are alteringphotosynthesis in other ways. For example,scientists at the J. Craig Venter Institute havebeen developing synthetic strains of algae andbacteria that use photosynthesis to produce hydrogen insteadof carbon. While this approach doesn’t yield much biomass, ifsuccessful, it could yield a highly prized (and priced) fuel thatonly produces water when it burns. 152Illustration: the Beehive Collective“We can flymuch better than birds,so why not try to make asynthetic process that turnscarbon dioxide and sunlight intoenergy better than a leaf ?”– Dr. Michele Aresta, director ofItaly’s National Consortiumon Catalysis 149Terminator Plants – According to GMO grass expert, AlbertKausch of the University of Rhode Island, rendering plantssterile is a sure-fire way of increasing their biomass.Sterile plants that do not use their energy toproduce flowers can use it instead to producemore biomass. That at least is the claimmade in a patent application on sterilebiofuel plants filed by Professor Kauschand a colleague. 153 The patentapplication not only claims ownershipof the methods for increasing biomassthrough sterilization, but also over anyplants produced, thereby directlygrabbing the biomass itself. Kausch, who isworking with Vekon Energies of Germany,has also received $1.5 million from the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency to fund his workon what he calls the ‘golden switchgrass’ project. 154Climate Ready Crops – Another option for increasing globalbiomass is to genetically equip crops to grow in inhospitableconditions – for example, in saline soils, marshlands or deserts.Such ‘abiotic stress resistant’ crops that can survivesalt, waterlogging, drought or reduced nitrogen inputare being developed and marketed by agribusinessgiants as ‘climate ready’ because they couldtheoretically adapt to rapid climatic changes.However, such crops may equally be regarded asbiomass-ready since they may make it possible forformerly “marginal” lands to be made productive,giving the land traditionally used by poor people andpeasants over to the profit of corporations. Analysis byETC Group has so far uncovered 262 patent familiesof climate-ready crops dominated by six corporations(DuPont, BASF, Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer andDow) and their partners (principally MendelBiotechnology and Evogene). Once again the patentclaims extend beyond methods to the biomass itself. 155Algae – Whereas a tree may take decades to grow andgrasses and crop will take months, algae doubles itsmass daily which means that boosting algalproduction is many orders faster than trying toincrease other biomass feedstocks. Algae also can begrown in oceans, ponds, deserts and wetlands and so,bioeconomy advocates claim that algae feedstocksdon’t compete with food production. This isn’t quitetrue since current algae production competes forwater, nutrients and even land (see below for detaileddiscussion of algae).ETC Group 28 www.etcgroup.org

Geoengineering the Planetwith BiomassTalk of boosting global biomass or “improving”photosynthesis to absorb more carbon represents attempts toreengineer global primary production beyond the constraintsof nature. Planet-altering technologies of this scale areknown as geoengineering and are gainingprominence, particularly in the context ofthe climate crisis. While the most highprofilegeoengineering schemespropose reducing the amount ofsunlight in the atmosphere to coolthe planet, a second class ofgeoengineering schemes, dubbedbiogeoengineering, is under activeconsideration by governments andscientists. These attempt to captureor boost terrestrial biomassproduction to sequester carbondioxide (CO 2 ).Ironically, the planet itself has probablyalready responded to rising atmospheric carbonby boosting biomass. “Between 1982 and 1999, 25percent of the Earth’s vegetated area experienced increasingplant productivity—a total increase of about 6 percent,” 157explains Ramakrishna Nemani, a biospheric scientist at NASAAmes Research Center. However, there are probably upperlimits to biomass production imposed by soil and oceannutrition, water availability, heat and sunlight. Nonetheless,biogeoengineers are proposing schemes to speed up the carboncycle, biomass growth and sequestration, not for energy ormaterials production but for climate-engineering purposes.Examples of biogeoengineering include:Biomass Dumping“The nameof the game is notoptimization of fuelproduction from biomass, butthe optimization of the use ofbiomass for carbon removalfrom the atmosphere.”– Stuart Strand, researcherat the University ofWashington 156Two U.S.-based geoengineers propose continuously dumpingbiomass in the deep ocean as the most efficient way to “scrub”CO 2 out of the atmosphere. Professors Stuart Strand of theUniversity of Washington and Gregory Benford atthe University of California–Irvine dub theirbiogeoengineering project CROPS (CropResidue Oceanic PermanentSequestration) and calculate that if 30percent of the world’s agriculturalcrop residue (straw, leaves andstover) were transported to the seaand dumped in the deep ocean,600 million tonnes of carbonwould be removed annually fromthe atmosphere, decreasingatmospheric carbon by 15 percent.One proposal involves dumping 30% ofU.S. agricultural residue 4 meters deep ina 260 square kilometer patch of seafloor inthe Gulf of Mexico. “What is put there will staythere for thousands of years,” asserts Strand, claiming thatthe seafloor is too inhospitable for biomass to decompose. 158Some marine ecologists disagree: “The deep sea is not a lifelesscold dark empty place – it is filled with animals that areevolved to take advantage of whatever food drifts down fromabove, terrestrial or not. For example, wood that falls into thedeep sea gets eaten,” 159 explains Miriam Goldstein of theScripps Institution of Oceanography. Biomass dumping fieldtrials have already begun off the coast of Monterey, California,USA. 160 Strand and Benford claim there are no legalrestrictions on dumping organic farm matter at sea.Geoengineering: planetary-scaleengineering; intentional manipulationof the Earth’s systems, particularly, butnot necessarily, in an attempt tocounteract the effects of climate change.Illustration: theBeehive CollectiveThe New Biomassters 29

Ocean Fertilization(Marine Algae)A different form of ocean dumping for geoengineeringproposes the dumping of iron, urea and other nutrients tostimulate rapid growth of plankton (algae). The theory ofocean fertilization: nutrient additions to the seas will promptmassive plankton blooms, whichwill rapidly absorb CO 2 andthen fall to the ocean floor,sequestering the carbon. 161 Thatadding iron, phosphate or ureato oceans prompts algal bloomsis well proven both byinternational experiments inocean fertilization and by theexistence of vast ocean deadzones where agricultural run-offgives rise to algae. That theartificially-produced blooms willpermanently sequester carbondioxide is much morecontroversial. Artificial planktonblooms appear to have adifferent ecological structurethan natural blooms, can giverise to hazardous species andlead to release of potentgreenhouse gases such asmethane and nitrous oxide. 162They may also lead to deoxygenationof the water,suffocating biodiversity.Although the Convention onBiological Diversity declared ade facto moratorium on oceanfertilization activities in 2008,private companies such asClimos, Ocean NourishmentCorporation (ONC) andPlanktos Science are still hopingto profit from oceanfertilization. Both ONC andPlanktos Science are alsointerested in utilizing theresultant biomass for other uses(increased fish stocks andbiofuels).Biomass Energy with Carbon Sequestration(BECS)While burning biomass for electricity is often presented(wrongly) as ‘carbon neutral’ some biomass advocates claimthat the process could even be made ‘carbon-negative’ withadditional technological tweaking. To achieve this theysuggest bolting ‘carboncapture and storage’ (CCS)technology to biomass burnersor to biofuel productionfacilities. 163 While CCSdoesn’t yet and may never existas a commercially feasibletechnology because of thelarge environmental risk itimplies, the idea of chemicallyscrubbing CO 2 fromsmokestacks and then buryingit underground in liquid orsolid form is front and centreof OECD responses to climatechange. For would-begeoengineers the claims thatBio Energy with CarbonStorage (BECS) scrubs carbontwice (once when the biomassgrows and a second time whenthe CO 2 is stored) are veryappealing. In a series of essayson “biospheric carbon stockmanagement,” the Peter Readof New Zealand’s MasseyUniversity proposed growing1 billion hectares of fastgrowing plantation trees forelectricity generation andcarbon capture as ageoengineering scheme thatmight restore the atmosphereto lower carbon levels. 164 Heand other BECS proponentshave also suggested thatturning biomass into charcoalfor sub-soil burial (biochar)could also cool the planet ifcarried out on a sufficientlylarge scale.Illustration: Liz SnookETC Group 30 www.etcgroup.org

The New Biomass Economy: 10 Myths1. Basing our economy on biomass is natural:we’ve done it before and it’s time to do it again.The Claim: Our economies have used biomass as their keyfeedstock in the past and indeed the economies of manytraditional societies still subsist largely on biomass. Basingour economies on organic, natural materials provided byecosystems is an option that operates in harmony with thelimits of nature’s bounty.The Reality: It is disingenuous, or naïve, to argue that smallscalebiodiversity-based economies are exemplars for theindustrial-scale transformation of large quantities ofundifferentiated biomass for the global market. When theglobal economy last ran primarily on plant matter (in the1890s), it required one-twentieth the energy it consumestoday. Even then, contemporary economists worried about theland use implications of maintaining sufficient biomasssupplies. There is nothing natural or sustainable aboutindustrial-scale extraction of timber or modern industrialmonoculture farms and plantations. Environmental historyteaches us that when natural resources are overexploited, theresult is often civilization collapse.2. Biomass is a carbon-neutral energy source and asolution to climate change.The Claim: Since the carbon released by burning biomasscan be sequestered by replacement plants, using biomass forenergy results in no net emissions of carbon to theatmosphere, and therefore does not contribute toanthropogenic global warming.The Reality: Burning biomass can release even higheramounts of carbon dioxide at the smokestack or tailpipe thanburning fossil resources, since plant material has a lowerenergy density. The released greenhouse gases will not beabsorbed by replacement plants any time soon. In the case oflong lived species, especially trees, the amount of carbonreleased is not likely to be absorbed quickly enough to preventa dangerous rise in global temperatures. Furthermore,producing biomass-based products or energy involvesincreasing other sources of carbon emissions, which can beconsiderable, in particular, emissions from soil as a result ofland use changes, emissions from agricultural practices,including the use of fossil-based fertilizers and pesticides andemissions from the harvesting, processing and transporting ofthe biomass.3. Biomass is a renewable resource.The Claim: Biomass is composed of living (or once living)organisms, mostly plants, which can be grown in a shortperiod of time, unlike mineral resources that can only bereplaced over geologic time. The biomass economy istherefore a “steady-state” economy.The Reality: While plants may be renewable in a short periodof time, the soils and ecosystems that they depend upon maynot be. Industrial agriculture and forest biomass extraction robsoils of nutrients, organic matter, water and structure,decreasing fertility and leaving ecosystems more vulnerable oreven prone to collapse. Associated use of industrial chemicalsand poor land management can make things worse. Inpractice, therefore, biomass is often only truly renewable whenextracted in such small amounts that they are not of interest toindustry.4. There is enough biomass, especially cellulosicbiomass, to replace fossilized carbon.The Claim: Our planet has abundant annual production oftrees, plants, algae, grasses and other cellulosic sources, oftengrown on unproductive and marginal lands, which areavailable for transformation into cellulosic fuels, chemicalsand other materials. The net primary production of theplanet is five to six times larger than what would be requiredto run the entire economy on biomass-derived energy.The Reality: Far from having enough biomass to supply abiomass-based economy, we are already deeply overdrawn atthe biomass bank. Human beings already capture one-quarterof land-based net primary production for food, heat andshelter. Attempts to define a limit for human use of naturalresources beyond which ecosystems lose resilience and beginto break down reveal that we consumed past such limitstwenty years ago and are now in severe ‘Earth overshoot.’The New Biomassters 31

5. We can increase biomass yields over time.The Claim: Unlike fossil and mineral deposits, which arefinite, it is possible to increase overall yields of biomassthrough careful management of unproductive lands,increased inputs of fertilizer, or through re-engineeringplants and algae to increase yields. In this way, a biomassbasedeconomy doesn’t have the same constraints of scarcityas fossil-based economies.The Reality: Global production of biomass is already athistorically high levels and there are limits to the quantities ofbiomass that the planet can surrender. These limits aredictated by availability of water, certain minerals andfertilizers, and the health of ecosystems. Global shortages ofphosphate, for example, may not receive as much attention aspeak oil but will exert a significant drag on attempts toartificially boost yields. Nor is there much ‘unproductive’ landavailable. On closer inspection, such lands are often the basisof subsistence livelihoods that feed the majority of the world’spoor. Attempts to push land to deliver higher yields maydestroy the fertility of the soil altogether.6. Cellulosic fuels and chemicals solve the “food vs.fuel” dilemma.The Claim: While using food sugars and oils such as corn,canola and palm as biomass feedstocks may directly competewith food uses and push up food prices, using the cellulosicportion of crops does not, and it turns waste materials (suchas husks and stover) into a valuable second income streamfor farmers. Meanwhile, wood chips, cellulosic grasses andother energy crops can be sourced from lands that are notused for food production, boosting the rural economy whileprotecting food security.The Reality: While we may not eat the cellulosic parts ofplants, they provide a valuable service in returning nutrients,structure and fertility to agricultural soils. Removal of these‘agricultural wastes’ on the scale envisioned will likely lead to adecline in yields, a dramatic increase in synthetic fertilizer use,or both. Nor is it true that cellulosic crops and plantations donot compete with food crops for land use. We are seeing landsthat currently supply food to poor and marginalized peoplesbeing converted to bioenergy crops. That trend can beexpected to intensify as cellulosic crops gain economic value.Cellulosic crops also compete with food crops for water andnutrients.Origami: Elkosi7. Bio-based plastics and chemicals are moreenvironmentally friendly than fossil fuel-basedchemicals.The Claim: Because the basic components of chemicals andplastics derived from biomass are starches and sugars ratherthan fossil minerals, it is easier to design green chemicals andbioplastics that fully decompose back into their constituentparts and do not have the toxicities of fossil-derivedchemicals and polymers.The Reality: While it may be true that, in some cases,biomass-derived plastics and chemicals can be designed to beless toxic and persistent in the environment, it is not truegenerally. DuPont’s propanediol polymer (Sorona), a leadingcommercial bioplastic, turns 150,000 tonnes of biodegradablefood (corn) into 45,000 tonnes of non-degradable plasticsannually. Increasingly, chemical companies are devising waysto produce extremely toxic compounds such as PVC frombiomass sugars rather than hydrocarbons. As the chemicalindustry moves toward bio-based production, we will seemany of the same toxic compounds on the market producedfrom new carbon (plants) instead of fossilized carbon(petroleum).ETC Group 32 www.etcgroup.org

8. Biomass is good for the global economy, aidingeconomic development in the South and creating“green jobs” in the North.The Claim: As “clean energy” industries take rootworldwide, they will deliver hi-tech, skilled jobs that are alsoenvironmentally sound. New manufacturing jobs using biobasedprocesses qualify as ‘green jobs,’ providingemployment opportunities while reforming pollutingindustries. Biomass manufacturing also offers a potentialeconomic boost for rural and Southern economies, whichcan earmark land for growing profitable biomass crops andplantations and can build biomanufacturing facilities closeto large sources of cellulose and other biomass. Bioenergymay also earn extra money for development under the KyotoProtocol’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).The Reality: Biomass technologies are largely subject topatents and other proprietary claims, and attempts by countriesto develop bio-based manufacturing industries will be subjectto royalties and/or licensing fees. Industrial agriculture andplantations are already controlled by a handful of transnationalcompanies. Moreover, there is no reason to presume thatbiorefineries and monoculture plantations of energy crops arein any way ‘green’ or safe for workers. In addition to theharmful effects to humans and the environment of chemicalinputs and monoculture production techniques, syntheticorganisms may also prove both environmentally damaging andrisky for workers’ health. Brazil provides a real-worldcautionary tale: the conditions of those who cut sugarcane forbioenergy (currently ethanol) involve exposure to high levels ofagrochemicals and dangerous air pollution. Far from helpingmarginal communities, new bioenergy plantations, accreditedunder the CDM or other mechanisms, may directly encroachupon the lands of peasants and small producers, robbing themof control over food production, water and the health of theecosystems in which they live.9. A Biomass economy reduces the politicalinstability/wars/terrorism associated withpetrodollars.The Claim: Wars over oil, natural gas and other fossilresources have been a dominant feature of the late twentiethand early twenty-first century. Inflated profits frompetroleum extraction in the Middle East and elsewhere haveindirectly bolstered extremist groups and fuelled geopoliticaltensions. Oil companies have been dismissive ofhuman rights and territorial claims of indigenous andtraditional communities in their race to control theremaining pockets of oil and gas. Unlike fossil resources,biomass is more evenly distributed across the planet andwould allow industrial economies to achieve energyindependence, cutting off the flow of cash to unstableregions of the globe.The Reality: Removing fossil hydrocarbons from the globalenergy mix (even if it were possible or likely) would notmagically dissolve geopolitical tensions. Like fossil resources,biomass is also unevenly distributed around the globe, andthere is already a scramble to secure and control the land,water and strategic minerals, as well as the intellectualproperty, that will enable the new biomass economy. Fightsover scarce freshwater resources and over oceans and desertsmay become more common, particularly as algal biomasstechnologies mature. Agribusiness, forestry companies and thesugar industry are no more respectful of human rights andsovereignty claims than Big Oil has been: for communitiesfighting cellulose plantations, land grabbing, water theft, orillegal logging, the wars over biomass have already begun.The New Biomassters 33

10. Biomass technologies need support as atransitional step to a new mix of energy sources,including nuclear power, wind, “clean coal,” etc.The Claim: Faced with enormous energy challenges, globalsociety must change how we produce energy. However, it istoo early to know what the new energy mix will be, as therelevant technologies are not yet in place. While biomassmay in the end play only a small role in the new energyeconomy, its advantage is that it can be quickly deployednow as a stop-gap energy source while society transitions tomore long term solutions that are not yet fully developed orneed more time for scale-up, such as hydrogen power,nuclear fusion and ‘clean coal.’ The enormity of the energytransition challenge means that biomass technologies mustbe explored and developed in order to increase the range ofoptions available.The Reality: At its root, global society is faced with notsimply an energy crisis but a crisis of overproduction andconsumption. Gauging the value of a biomass-fuelled economyagainst other inequitable production models, such as nuclearpower or carbon capture and storage, is missing the point.Reduction in overall energy demand is more politicallyunpalatable but ecologically critical. Boosting support fordecentralized peasant agriculture, which does not fuel climatechange and assures food sovereignty, is another means toaddress our global crises.ETC Group 34 www.etcgroup.org

Part II – The Tools and PlayersIn an apt fable for today’sbioeconomy, the dwarfRumpelstiltskin exacted avery human cost for histechnology of spinning strawinto gold. Illustration ofRumpelstiltskin fromHousehold Stories by theBrothers Grimm, 1886.The New Bio-Alchemy– Tooling up for the grabDreams of transforming cheap biomass into valuablecommodities are nothing new. In a German folk tale collectedin the 19th century, a dwarf named Rumpelstiltskin spinsstraw into gold. Rumpelstiltskin was, in part, a caricature ofcontemporary alchemists (alchemy meaning ‘transformation’)who sought ways to turn base natural materials into highlyvalued products. Indeed, an entire branch of alchemy,Spagyrics, was dedicated to transforming plant matter tohigher purposes. 165 Some of the central alchemical quests, suchas the search to develop panaceas and to create a universalsolvent that would reduce all matter to its constituent parts,have echoes in today’s efforts to develop plant cellulases(enzymes that break down cellulose) and transform straw intocellulosic fuels and materials. There are four broad platformsfor transforming biomass.CombustionThe easiest way to derive value from a pileof biomass is to put a match to it: burningextracts the highest energy yield frombiomass. Examples of combustiontechniques include open combustion (burning with oxygen),pyrolysis (burning without oxygen), biomass gasification(burning at very high temperatures with controlled amountsof oxygen) and plasma arc gasification (heating biomass with ahigh voltage electrical current).ChemistryJust as petroleum chemists have perfectedthe ‘cracking’ of complex hydrocarbonmolecules into simpler molecules usingheat, pressure and acid catalysts, similartechniques can be used to break down carbohydrates inbiomass for transformation into fine chemicals, polymers andother materials. Thermochemical techniques (such as theFischer-Tropsch process) transform lignocellulosic materialinto hydrocarbons. The extraction of proteins and amino acidsyields valuable compounds. Fermentation techniques,sometimes combined with genetic engineering and syntheticbiology (see below), can also produce proteins that can berefined further into plastics, fuels and chemicals.Biotechnology /Genetic EngineeringBoth fermentation of plant sugars intoalcohols and traditional plant breeding havebeen used for thousands of years. Now newgenetic technologies have been introduced, which are drivingmuch of the industrial excitement around biomass. Theseinclude new approaches to genetic engineering (recombinantDNA) to modify plants to express more cellulose or to morereadily break down for fermentation or to grow in lessfavourable soils and climatic conditions. More recently,synthetic biology (see below) allows for the development ofnovel organisms that are either more efficient at harvestingsunlight or nitrogen or that can generate entirely novelenzymes (biologically active proteins). Such enzymes are usedto carry out chemical reactions or to produce new compoundsfrom plant material.The New Biomassters 35

NanotechnologyNanotechnology refers to a suite oftechniques that use and manipulate theunusual properties that substances exhibitwhen they are at the scale of atoms andmolecules (roughly under 300 nm). There is increasingindustrial interest in transforming nano-scale structures foundin biomass for new industrial uses. Researchers are interestedin nanocellulose as a new commodity, taking advantage of thelong fibrous structure of cellulose to build new polymers,“smart” materials, nanosensors or even electronics. Research innanobiotechnology aims to modify the nano-scale propertiesof living wood and other biomass feedstocks to alter theirmaterial or energy-producing properties.Synthetic Biology– The Game Changer for BiomassWhile the fast-growth areas for commercial biomass over thenext few years are relatively low-tech – e.g., burning biomassfor electricity production – in the longer term, syntheticbiology promises to expand the commercial possibilities forbiomass, which will accelerate the global biomass grab.Synthetic biology is an industry that creates ‘designerorganisms’ to act as ‘living factories.’ The idea is thatmicroorganisms in fermentation vats will transform biomassinto a wide range of chemicals, plastics, fuels,pharmaceuticals and other high value compounds.Synthetic biology refers to a set of ‘extremegenetic engineering’ techniques. Theseinvolve constructing novel geneticsystems using engineering principles andsynthetic DNA. 167 Synthetic biologydiffers from ‘transgenic’ techniquesthat ‘cut and paste’ naturally-occurringDNA sequences from one organisminto another in order to change anorganism’s behaviour (for example,putting bacterial genes into corn or humangenes into rice). 168Synthetic organism: machine-made life form; a livingorganism (usually yeast or bacteria) to which strands ofDNA have been added that were constructed by amachine called a DNA synthesizer using the techniquesof synthetic biology.“Over the next 20years, synthetic genomics isgoing to become the standard formaking anything. The chemicalindustry will depend on it.Hopefully, a large part of the energyindustry will depend on it.”– J. Craig Venter, founder ofSynthetic Genomics,Instead, synthetic biologists build their DNA from scratchusing a machine called a DNA synthesizer, which can‘print’ the DNA to order. In this way, they areable to radically alter the informationencoded in DNA, creating entirely newgenetic instructions and jumpstarting aseries of complex chemical reactionsinside the cell, known as a metabolicpathway. In effect, the new, syntheticDNA strands ‘hijack’ the cell’smachinery to produce substances notproduced naturally.In doing so, synthetic biologists claim tobe becoming proficient at repurposingsimple cells such as yeast and bacteria to behavelike factories. In the past five years, synthetic biologyhas moved from being a “fringe” science – a hybrid ofengineering and computer programming, rather separate frombiology – to an area of intense industrial interest andinvestment.Inc. 166 Montage by Jim ThomasETC Group 36 www.etcgroup.org

Synthetic Biology: Unpredictable,untested and poorly understood“If a synthetic microorganism is built bycombining…genetic elements in a new way, itwill lack a clear genetic pedigree and couldhave ‘emergent properties’ arising from thecomplex interactions of its constituent genes.Accordingly, the risks attending the accidentalrelease of such an organism from thelaboratory would be extremely difficult toassess in advance, including its possible spreadinto new ecological niches and the evolution ofnovel and potentially harmful characteristics.”– Jonathan B. Tucker and Raymond Zilinskas,“The Promise and Perils of Synthetic Biology” 169To civil society observers, what is most striking aboutsynthetic biology is not so much its claims to remake the partsof life, but how fast it is entering commercial use – withoutoversight. Synthetically-constructed organisms are alreadyemployed in the production of thousands of tonnes of biofuelsand biobased chemicals, far in advance of research or debateabout their safety and efficacy or about the assumptionsunderlying the techniques involved.For example, synthetic biologists proceed on the assumptionthat DNA – a sugar-based molecule consisting of four types ofchemical compounds organized in a unique sequence – formsa code that instructs a living organism how to grow, functionand behave. By rewriting that code, synthetic biologists claimthey are able to programme lifeforms much like programminga computer. These assumptions are based on a model ofgenetic systems that is over 50 years old, known as the “centraldogma” of genetics. However, the accuracy of that dogma isbecoming less and less certain.New research in genetic science, particularly in the fields ofdevelopmental systems theory and epigenetics, question theprominence given to DNA code. Developmental systemstheorists point out that all manner of complex elements bothwithin and outside a living cell influence the way a livingorganism develops and this cannot be determined a priori byfocusing solely on the DNA code. 170 Geneticists studyingepigenetics (which looks at non-genetic factors in organismdevelopment) argue that subtler components, such as theorganic chemicals that wrap around DNA (known as methylgroups), can have as large an effect on how an organismdevelops as does DNA. So too can environmental factors suchas stress and weather.Montage: Jim Thomas, from an originalphoto by A.J. CanIndeed synthetic biologistsoften report that theircarefully designed DNAprograms that work perfectlyon a computer (in silico) don’twork in living syntheticallyengineered organisms or haveunexpected side effects on anorganism’s behaviour. 171It turns out biology is messy.Applying the standardizationand rigour of engineering tothe biological world isinteresting theoretically, but itmay not be relevant for livingsystems. “The engineers cancome and rewire this and that.But biological systems are notsimple,” explains Eckard Wimmer, a synthetic biologist at theState University of New York at Stonybrook, “The engineerswill find out that the bacteria are just laughing at them.” 172 Assynthetic biologist James Collins of Boston University admits,“If you have incomplete knowledge then it is highly possiblethat you are up for a few surprises.” 173The likelihood of unexpected behaviours makes it all the moresurprising that there is no methodology for testing the healthor environmental safety implications of a new syntheticorganism. The existing regulatory mechanisms for assessingthe safety of ‘conventional’ genetically engineered organismsrely on a controversial idea known as ‘substantialequivalence,’ 174 which makes a best guess on how the mixtureof inserted genes and recipient organism may behave. Yetsubstantial equivalence is wholly inappropriate for assessingsynthetically constructed organisms: synthetic biologists arenot simply moving discrete genetic sequences between species– they routinely insert constructed strings of DNA taken frommany different organisms. They may also include sections ofDNA that have never existed in nature before but were insteadmutated using a lab technique called ‘directed evolution’ ordesigned using a computer programme and subsequently builtfrom scratch by a DNA synthesis machine. For example, thesynthetic yeast designed by Amyris Biotechnologies, which isabout to be used commercially on a large scale in Brazil, hasadditional DNA constructed from 12 synthetic genes takenmostly from plants but all slightly altered to work in aparticular microbe. 175 In the future such organisms may beconstructed from hundreds of different sources. As a group ofsynthetic biologists noted in 2007, “how to evaluate suchconstructions for biological safety remains murky.” 176The New Biomassters 37

Even ostensibly simpler synthetic organisms present “murky”prospects for safety evaluation. “Because of a lack of empiricalevidence, the inventor of a synthetic microorganism could notpredict the effects of its release on human health and theenvironment with any degree of confidence,” say bioscientistsJonathan Tucker and Raymon Zilinskas of the MontereyInstitute of International Studies. “Even if the source of all ofthe parts of a synthetic microorganism are known, and everynew genetic circuit understood, it would be difficult to predictin advance whether the organism would have any unexpected‘emergent properties.’” 177 For example, even if the geneticsequences added to a synthetic organism are not considered tobe pathogenic (disease-causing), there is still the possibilitythey could become pathogenic within the synthetic organism.Former U.S. environment regulator Michael Rodemeyer hasnoted in a review of synthetic biology safety issues that geneticengineering has led to unexpected health risks in the past, suchas when an engineered mousepox virus that was expected tosterilize mice instead created a super-virulent strain of themousepox. 178The ecological risks of synthetic biology are also significant inthe case of either deliberate environmental release of syntheticorganisms (e.g., crops and algae) or accidental escapefrom biorefineries. Since the species that arebeing commonly modified (such as algae, E.coli and yeast) are very common in theenvironment, there is a possibility ofoutcrossing with natural species andcontamination of microbialcommunities in soil, seas andanimals including humans. Microbespropagate and mutate quickly andalso move through soil, waterwaysand other routes so it may beespecially difficult to track escapes.Synthetic biologists contend that theirlab-made creations are probably too weakto survive outside the optimised conditions inwhich they were developed; however, thisassumption has been proven wrong before. When transgeniccrops such as corn, cotton and soy were first approved forrelease in the 1990s, biotech companies assured regulators thatthey too would be too weak to outcross with conventionalcrops. Two decades later, much of the world’s corn, canola andcotton crop have received low level contamination ofengineered genes due to mixing of seed and cross pollination.“SyntheticBiology will produceorganisms with multiple traitsfrom multiple organisms, andtherefore it may be difficult topredict their properties.”– European Commissionopinion on the ethics ofsynthetic biology 179Synthetic Organisms as BiofactoriesNatural yeasts are already routinely harnessed by industry tobehave as tiny bio-factories. For example, they transform canesugar into ethanol or wheat into beer. However, by altering theyeast (or other microbes), the same sugar feedstock can beflexibly turned into novel products depending onhow the yeast’s genetic information has been“programmed.” Billions of syntheticmicrobes contained in a single industrialvat can ingest sugar feedstocks andexcrete hydrocarbon fuels with theproperties of gasoline (instead of theususal ethanol). The same microbes,if differently programmed, mightexcrete a polymer, a chemical to makesynthetic rubber or a pharmaceuticalproduct. In effect, the microbe hasbecome a production platform fordifferent chemical compounds. “Chemicalengineers are good at integrating lots of piecestogether to make a large scale chemical plant, andthat is what we’re doing in modern biological engineering.We’re taking lots of little genetic pieces and putting themtogether to make a whole system,” explains synthetic biologypioneer Jay Keasling of the U.S. Department of Energy’s JointBioEnergy Institute. “Really, we are designing the cell to be achemical factory. We’re building the modern chemicalfactories of the future.” 180 Writer for Grist, David Roberts,articulates the synthetic biology vision more succinctly:“…genetically engineered microbes will eat sugar and crapoil.” 181Illustration: StigETC Group 38 www.etcgroup.org

Synthetic Enzymes for CelluloseSynthetic biologists are also creating the tools that will makecellulose an industrially accessible sugar. Enzyme companiessuch as DSM, Verenium, Genencor, Codexis and Novozymesdevelop synthetically altered microbes to produce powerfulnew enzymes (chemically reactive proteins) known ascellulases that break down the molecular tangle oflignocellulose into simpler cellulose sugar. 182 Until recently,energy-intensive processes involving high heat were needed tofree up cellulose in biomass for further fermentation.Other companies such as Mascoma and LS9 are attempting tobuild “one-pot bugs” that both break down biomass intoavailable sugars and then ferment those sugars into fuels (inMascoma’s case that fuel is ethanol; for LS9 their synthetic E.coli can turn cellulose into a variety of chemicals, diesel fuelamong them). 183 Christopher Voigt, a synthetic biologist atUniversity of California—San Francisco has gone further todevelop a ‘feedstock flexible’ method, dubbed Bio-MeX, inwhich synthetic microbes (containing 89 new genetic parts)can break down unprocessed switchgrass, corn stover,sugarcane bagasse or poplar woodchips and ferment themdirectly into a range of chemicals known as methyl halides.Methyl halides are typically used as agricultural fumigants butare also precursor molecules that can be converted to otherchemicals and fuels such as gasoline. 184“A characteristic of the current industry is that if you build acorn-to-ethanol plant, corn is your only feedstock and ethanolis your only product,” Voigt explains. “You can’t switch on adime. We have approached the feedstock and the productissue separately.” 185Synthetic Plants – Changing the feedstocksA handful of companies are also beginning to add syntheticDNA sequences to engineer plants to perform more efficientlyas feedstocks for the bioeconomy. An example is Syngenta’salpha amylase maize (corn), which incorporates syntheticsequences engineered by Verenium (now owned by BP). Thesesequences cause the corn to produce an enzyme, which readilybreaks down the corn’s stalks into cellulose to producecellulosic biofuels. 188 Agri-biotech company Agrivida hasdeveloped similar corn in conjunction with syntheticbiologists from Codon Devices 189 (now defunct), whileChromatin Inc., in conjunction with Monsanto and Syngenta,is also using synthetic biology to ‘reprogram’ commodity cropssuch as corn, cotton and canola as more efficient biofuelfeedstocks. 190Cellulose Crunchers andFuel Fermenters on the Loose?Much of the current commercial work in syntheticbiology involves developing synthetic microbes that areable to digest cellulosic biomass into simpler sugars or toconvert cellulose and other sugars into plastics, fuels andchemicals. Should such organisms escape the fermentationvat and be able to survive in the wild, there may besignificant cause for concern. If escaped strains provecapable of breaking down cellulose and other sugarsalready found in the environment and ferment them intoindustrial products in situ, the results could prove anecological and health hazard.Such a scenario has precedent. In 1999, soil scientistElaine Ingham of Oregon State University and graduatestudent Michael Holmes reported on experiments with agenetically engineered soil bacterium called Klebsiellaplanticola. A European biotech company had altered thebacteria to ferment cellulosic wheat straw into ethanol andwas approaching its commercial use. Ingham and Holmesadded the engineered bacteria to different soil samples anddiscovered that the bacteria fed on cellulosic residues inthe soil to produce ethanol, which in turn poisoned andkilled plants growing in the soil. At the time, the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency was consideringallowing sludge residue from the use of engineeredKlebsiella planticola to be added to fields. 186The case is relevant to the use of synthetic organisms incommercial biorefineries, which will also produce wasteresidues for disposal. Moreover, such biorefineries are notcurrently expected to put in place very stringent biosafetyprocedures, acting more as industrial brewing facilitiesthan high-tech laboratories. Indeed evidence from thebeer brewing industry that uses yeast for fermentation, justas existing commercial synthetic biology refineries do,suggests that escape of organisms may in fact prove quitecommon. According to brewing expert Hugh Dunn, astudy involving six breweries investigated over three yearsdiscovered that commercial strains of cultured yeast doescape into the environment. Biodynamic vineyards havealready raised concern that even non-engineered escapedstrains could impact the flavour and character of theirwines. 187The New Biomassters 39

Synthetic Bioelectricity?Eventually, synthetic organisms grown in vats of biomasssugars may also be employed to produce electricity. In 2006,Yuri Gorby, then with U.S. Department of Energy’s PacificNorthwest National Laboratory, showed that many strains ofbacteria naturally produce small amounts of electricityconducted via natural nanowires. 191 Gorby now works onbacterial electricity at the Institute run by high profilesynthetic biologist J. Craig Venter. 192 In 2008, a team ofHarvard undergraduates built upon Gorby’s work whilecompeting in an international synthetic biology competitioncalled iGEM (the international Genetically EngineeredMachine Competition). The iGEM team developed what theycalled “Bactricity,” synthetically altering the bacteriaShewanella oneidensis to assemble into wires and carryelectricity. The researchers say such technology could be thebasis of future bacterial fuel cells or sensors. 193Synthetic Biology’s Grab on Livelihoods– Displacing commoditiesTo understand how synthetic biology’s contribution to thebiomass economy will affect Southern livelihoods,look to the business plan of AmyrisBiotechnologies, founded by syntheticbiology pioneer Jay Keasling. Amyrisboasts that they are “now poised tocommercialize pharmaceuticals andother high value, fine chemicalstaken from the world’s forests andoceans by making these compoundsin synthetic microbes.” 195 Amyris’shighest profile project, funded to thetune of $42.5 million by the Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation, has been there-engineering of industrial yeast toproduce the precursor to artemisinin, avaluable anti-malarial compound usually sourcedfrom the sweet wormwood bush, Artemesia annua, currentlygrown by thousands of small farmers in East Africa, SouthEast Asia and South Asia. 196 Even supporters of the projectadmit that shifting artemisinin production from farmers’ fieldsto proprietary vats of microbes owned and controlled byAmyris and their business partner, Sanofi Aventis, couldimpact the income and livelihoods of wormwood farmers. 197“We oughtto be able to make anycompound produced by a plantinside a microbe… We ought to haveall these metabolic pathways. You needthis drug: O.K., we pull this piece, thispart, and this one off the shelf. You putthem into a microbe, and two weekslater out comes your product.”– Jay Keasling, AmyrisBiotechnologies 194Amyris Biotech is moving production of artemisinin out of the hands offarmers and into proprietary vats of synthetic microbesPhoto: Birgit Betzelt/action medeorIndeed, a report by The Netherlands Royal Tropical Institutein 2006 highlighted the prospect of synthetic artemisinin asone of the major threats to artemesia growers. 198 Supporters ofsynthetic artemisinin contend that the global public healthgood of producing cheap artemisinin outweighs the loss oflivelihoods for a few thousand farmers. 199The artemesia growers of Africa and Asia that may losetheir markets are simply the canaries in thecoalmine for a much larger displacement oflivelihoods by synthetic biologycompanies and the new bioeconomy.Beyond medicinal compounds,synthetic biologists have their eyes onproducing many of the bulk andstrategic commodities that Southernnations now depend on for income:Rubber – In 2007, ETC Groupreported on attempts by Jay Keasling’slab to produce microbes that synthesizenatural rubber, 200 a project that the U.S.Department of Agriculture hoped could helpsupplant the $2 billion worth of rubber importedby the USA from Southern countries. In September2008, one of the world’s largest car tire producers, Goodyear,announced a joint initiative with Genencor to scale upmicrobial production of isoprene, the chemical used to makesynthetic tire rubber, using synthetic organisms that feed onbiomass sugars. 201 The rubber was scheduled for commercialproduction by 2013. In their announcement, Goodyear madeclear that the availability of synthetic isoprene would providean alternative to natural rubber used for tires. 202ETC Group 40 www.etcgroup.org

It seems reasonable therefore that this product could impactthe price of rubber and therefore the livelihoods of small-scalerubber producers and plantation workers. By March 2010 itwas reported that Goodyear had already used Genencor’s“bioisoprene” to make synthetic rubber, which it then used tomake several prototype tires and was making its next decisionson building a pilot production plant. 203Flavourings – Glycyrrhizin is the sweet compound found inliquorice root that is 150-300 times sweeter than sucrose(table sugar) and is widely used as a natural sweetener as wellas a traditional natural medicine. Liquorice root is in highdemand, with supplies almost exclusively limited to wildindigenous species of the liquorice plant found in arid regionsof China, the Middle and Near East. In 2009, researchers atthe Japanese RIKEN Institute identified and synthesized allthe genes responsible for producing glycyrrhizin. 204 Accordingto researchers, it should now be possible to use syntheticbiology to induce a soy plant or a microbe such as yeast toproduce glycyrrhizin. If they are successful, it will be possibleto move liquorice production away from the Far and MiddleEast to industrial soybean fields or even proprietary vats.Soylent Green? – In October 2008, Synthetic Genomics, Inc.,the private firm run by synthetic biologist J. Craig Venter,received an $8 million investment from Malaysian palm oilconglomerate The Genting Group to decode the oil palmgenome. 205 While the cash injection was originally assumed tobe geared toward altering oil palm for biofuel production,more recent pronouncements by Venter suggest a verydifferent path. Speaking on U.S. television in 2010, Venterexplained that his company was now trying to use syntheticalgae to make food substances instead of harvestingplantations of oil palm. “You get 20 times the productivitytheoretically out of algae growing in a much smaller space…Instead of getting fish oil from killing fish we can remake it inalgae.” 206 Venter isn’t the only one looking for a biosyntheticreplacement for palm oil. In September 2010, the world’slargest purchaser of palm oil, food giant Unilever, announceda multimillion dollar investment in synthetic biology companySolazyme to develop algal oil that would replace palm oil infoods such as mayonnaises and ice creams as well as soaps andlotions. Unilever says they are currently three to seven yearsaway from rolling out a new biosynthetic food ingredient but,they emphasize that, “This isn’t just a niche application…Thisis something which we believe has tremendous capability.”Solazyme claims they can engineer “oil profiles” of algae anddevise replacements for different types of oil. While they saythey can do this with natural strains, they are hoping thatconsumer opposition to genetically modified foods will diedown to let them use synthetic biology. 207Nanocellulose – Shrinking biomassto grow new marketsBy modifying the fibres of cellulose at the atomic scale,nanotechnologists are opening up new uses, and thus newmarkets, for industrial biomass:Nanomaterials, energy and pharmaceuticals: While theposter child for nanomaterials, super strong carbonnanotubes (CNTs), are usually produced from graphite, itis also possible to produce CNTs from corn ethanol. 208Meanwhile, nanotechnologists are becoming increasinglyenamoured with a new class of nanostrctures known ascellulose nanocrystals (CNC). Derived from biomass,these CNCs can be added to plastics to make them 3000times stronger, can de designed to deliver drugs andvaccines, and can be used as scaffolds to grow metallicnanowires and particles in order to create tiny sensors andnew photovoltaic (solar electricity producing) materials. 209Body armour, medical devices and food: A form ofnanocellulose produced from wood pulp by Swedish firmInnventia is simultaneously marketed as being as strongand light as Kevlar, able to prevent food spoilage whenused in packaging, suitable for creating replacementhuman body parts in medical applications, and also edibleas low calorie filler for processed foods. The firstcommercial plant for this biomass ‘wonder material’ is dueto go into production in October 2010. 210Batteries: Nanotechnologists from Uppsala University inSweden reported that coated cellulose fibres from hairyalgae called Cladophora could make high quality paperbatteries. The nanocellulose batteries could hold 50 to200 percent more charge and be recharged many hundredsof times faster than conventional rechargeable batteries.“With the technique fully developed I believe that we maysee applications that we cannot really dream of today,”claims Maria Strømme one of the scientists who developedthe battery. “Try to imagine what you can create when abattery can be integrated into wallpapers, textiles,consumer packaging, diagnostic devices, etc.” 211Nanotechnology: tiny technology; nanotechnologyinvolves engineering matter on the scale of atoms andmolecules (~1-300 nanometers) in order to exploit novelproperties exhibited at this scale.The New Biomassters 41

What Is Switching?Switch 1: Switching Power – Burningbiomass for heat and bioelectricityAt present, the International Energy Authority (IEA) reportsthat 10.1% of global primary energy comes from biomass,mostly wood, dung and straw burned for traditional cookingand heating. However, they predict this amount could increaseto 25% by 2030, 212 a massive upswing reflecting the newcommercial race to burn biomass to generate electricity.Low Hanging FruitIn a few short years, the electricity industry has embracedbiomass burning as a strategy to not only cut costs but also tocapture carbon credits and meet renewable energy targets.Biomass power plants now exist in over 50 countries aroundthe world and supply a growing share of electricity. Globally,an estimated 54 GW of biomass power capacity was in placeby the end of 2009. 213 In many ways, burning biomass is thelow hanging fruit of the renewable energy world. It requireslittle or no new technology and can be easily implemented inexisting industrial facilities by switching feedstock frommineral oils to vegetable oils, or from coal to wood pellets(compacted sawdust). As such, national and regionalauthorities often target biomass burning as a simple‘transitional’ form of supposedly renewable energy. Inparticular, the practice of co-firing wood in existing coalpower plants is becoming widely practiced. This is donesimply by mixing biomass with coal in the burning chambersof power plants that in turn drive steam turbines.Biomass Burning in the USAThe United States generates over one third of all biomasselectricity – making it the largest producer of biomasspower in the world. 214 As of October 2010, the grassrootsgroup Energy Justice Network had mapped over 540industrial power facilities burning biomass in the U.S.,with a further 146 slated to be built. 215 Eighty biomasspower plants connected to the electrical grid in 20 U.S.states currently generate about 10GW of power, 216 whichis half of all U.S. “renewable energy” in an industry worth$1 billion. 217 Since 2000, biomass generation on theelectrical grid has risen 25% to about 2,500 megawatts,according to the Biomass Power Association. 218Biomass Power in the SouthAccording to REN21 (Renewable Energy Policy Network forthe 21st century), biomass power has also grown significantlyin the global South, particularly in the BRICS countries(Brazil, India, China and South Africa). Other countries withbioelectricity production include Costa Rica, Mexico,Tanzania, Thailand, and Uruguay. China’s share of biomasspower in 2009 was 3.2 GW and the country plans to produceup to 30 GW by 2020. India is aiming for 1.7 GW of capacityby 2012. Brazil has over 4.8 GW of biomass electricity, almostentirely produced from sugarcane bagasse at sugar mills. 219Illustration: theBeehive CollectiveCounting the Costs of BiomassElectricity I: Gobbling fields and forestsThe most straightforward impact of new biomass powerfacilities is the increased requirements for biomass, chieflywood, required 24 hours a day to keep the turbines turning.According to a report on biomass availability prepared by theMassachusetts Department of Environmental Resources,13,000 tonnes of green biomass are required to generate onemegawatt of biomass power for one year. 220 As U.S. activistJosh Schlossberg puts it, these facilities are “gaping mouthswaiting for a constant supply of forest.” 221The world’s largest wood-burning biomass power station, thePrenergy plant at Port Talbot in Wales (currently underconstruction), aims to import over 3 billion tons of woodchipsfrom the U.S., Canada, South America and Eastern Europe.According to watchdog Biofuelwatch, the land area needed togrow this much biomass could be as large as one half-millionhectares – ensuring the deforestation of an area three times thesize of Liechtenstein every year. 222ETC Group 42 www.etcgroup.org

Counting the Costs of BiomassElectricity II: Threatening human health“I saw very strong and significant associationsbetween tonsillitis, frequent cough, pseudo-croup,exercise-induced wheeze, food allergies and woodsmoke exposure in our school children. I think thatwood smoke is one of the most harmful air pollutantswe have on Earth.”– Gerd Oberfeld, M.D., epidemiologist, Public HealthOffice – Unit for Environmental Health, Salzburg,Austria 223Burning biomass may be ‘natural’ but it is still a major healthhazard to communities that live close to large-scale facilities.• A 1997 estimate by the World Health Organization put thenumber of premature deaths due to wood smoke inhalation,mostly from indoor cooking fires, at between 2.7 and 3million people. 224 The prime cause of these deaths appears tobe the effects of fine and ultrafine particles that reach deepinto the lungs.• The U.S. EPA estimates that lifetime risk from cancer is 12times higher from inhaling wood smoke than from an equalvolume of second-hand cigarette smoke. 225 According to oneEPA calculation, burning just two cords of wood (aroundone quarter of one tonne) produces the same amount ofmutagenic particles as driving 13 gasoline-powered cars10,000 miles each at 20 miles/gallon. 226• Children living in communities where wood smoke isprevalent exhibit decreases in lung capacity and increases inasthma attacks, frequency and severity of general respiratoryillness, emergency room visits and school absences. 227 Airbornewood dust (uncombusted) can also cause respiratory,eye and skin irritation.• Wood smoke contains over 200 chemicals and compoundgroups, some of which are toxic in their own right. 228According to the public interest group Clean Air Revival,wood burning is the third largest source of dioxin in theUnited States, recognized as one of the most toxiccompounds known to exist. 229Incineration in DisguiseWhile woodchips and oils are presented as the clean,green face of biopower, the industry’s dirty little secret ishidden behind the acronym MSW, or Municipal SolidWaste. Facilities that are permitted to burn wood are oftenallowed to mix some percentage of municipal solid waste,up to 30% in some U.S. states, and often get paid to do so,making garbage-burning an attractive option. Globally,over 12 GW of so-called biomass power is currentlyproduced by burning garbage. 230 Dioxins, furans, heavymetals including mercury and lead, polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons (PAHs), ultrafine particulate matter, carbonmonoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and a range ofother dangerous toxins have been spewing fromincineration facilities all over the world for years. Now,along with a host of new technologies like pyrolysis,gasification and plasma arc incineration, incinerators aregetting a green makeover as biomass power facilities,relabeled as “Waste to Energy,” or “Waste Conversion”technologies. These “incinerators in disguise” claim tosimultaneously resolve problems of “too much waste,” and“not enough renewable energy,” thus reducing the take ofbiomass from the natural world.Switch 2: Liquid BioFuels:Liquefying biomass for transport“Whoever produces abundant biofuels could end upmaking more than just big bucks—they will makehistory…The companies, the countries, that succeed inthis will be the economic winners of the next age to thesame extent that the oil-rich nations are today.”– J. Craig Venter, Founder, Synthetic Genomics, Inc. 231The production of liquid transport fuels made from biomass isthe glossy (and well-heeled) poster child for the new biomasseconomy. From the short lived corn ethanol boom of 2006-2008 to the new wave of venture capital and big oil companiessinking billions of dollars into biofuel startups, the biofuelsindustry is still regarded as a massive new source of revenue inan age of peak oil and carbon pricing. Although predictionsfrom 2006 that biofuels would make up 30% of all transportfuel by 2030 232 now look overblown, nonetheless the sector isstill growing rapidly – buoyed by government mandates, ‘cleanenergy’ stimulus funds and heavy investment by Big Oil.Recent attention on the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill seemsto also be giving new life to the idea that non-fossil liquid fuelmay be a panacea for environmental problems. 233The New Biomassters 43

Scoring an F– Failures of first generation biofuelsThe ‘first‘ or ‘failed’ generation of biofuels refers to eitherfermented alcohols – almost entirely ethanol from corn andsugarcane – or to refined biodiesel from oil crops (soy,rapeseed, sunflower, mustard) and tree oils (palm, jatropha).The first generation came with three significant blocks tosuccess:• Competition with food and forest protectionIn 2008, an internal World Bank report (later made public)revealed that up to 75% of the increase in food prices duringthat year’s food crisis, was due to the biofuels policies ofEurope and the U.S., which prompted a massive switch awayfrom wheat planting to rapeseed growing coupled withmajor diversion of corn and soy into ethanol and biodieselproduction. 234 Previous modeling by the conservative IFPRI(International Food Policy Research Institute) had estimatedthat 30 percent of the overall increase in grain prices duringthe 2008 food price crisis could be pinned on biofuels.Nevertheless IFPRI calculated that if a global moratoriumon biofuel production were put in place in 2007, prices ofkey food crops would have dropped significantly – by 20percent for maize, 14 percent for cassava, 11 percent forsugar, and 8 percent for wheat by 2010. 235Biodiesel crops (soy, sunflower, canola) also use up water,nutrients and prime agricultural land or, in the case ofplantation crops such as palm oil, are implicated in theclearance of rainforest lands, impacting endangered speciesand the rights of forest dwellers. 236• Poor energy balanceEthanol in particular is a poor fuel that produces less energywhen combusted than gasoline. This negatively affects the socalled ‘energy balance’ for first generation biofuels. Energyeconomists have calculated that once the energy costs ofagricultural inputs are factored in, corn ethanol productionrequires 29 percent more fossil energy than the fuelproduced. Biodiesel from soybean plants requires 27 percentmore fossil energy than the fuel produced, and sunflowerbiodiesel requires 118 percent more fossil energy than thefuel produced. 237• Requires special engines and/or distribution linesPumping neat ethanol into existing engines can corrodeengine parts and requires adjustments in the flow of air andfuel. As a result, ethanol requires separate handling andtherefore costly storage tanks and distribution mechanisms.(Biodiesel more easily adapts to existing engines and fuelsystems.)While these failings of first generation biofuels are widelyknown, OECD governments continue to maintain subsidiesand fuel mandates for ethanol and biodiesel. Biofuel boostersargue that such biofuel mandates must stay in place to enablethe smooth transition to what they claim is a less problematic(but so far still theoretical) next generation.“Survivors” of Generation F– Sugar and JatrophaEven after the collapse of initial biofuel hype, there are atleast two ‘first generation’ biofuels that continue to receiveenthusiastic support:Cane sugar – In Brazil, cane sugar has been transformedinto fuel ethanol on an industrial scale for three decades.Since 2008, over 50% of fuel sold in the country for carsand other light vehicles was ethanol and the country looksset to produce a record 27 billion litres of ethanol in2010. 238 The Brazilian ethanol industry claims that theircane sugar has a far better energy balance than cornethanol and that additional sugar can be grown sustainablywithout competing with food production. In February2010 Royal Dutch Shell signed an agreement with sugargiant Cosan to form a joint venture worth $12 billionproducing ethanol from Brazilian sugar cane. Thisinvestment represents the single largest commitment tobiofuels that any oil company has made to date. 239Cutting cane in BrazilPhoto: John McQuaidContinued overleafETC Group 44 www.etcgroup.org

“Survivors” of Generation F – Sugar and Jatropha Continued:These ‘green’ claims of Brazilian sugar fuel are hotlycontested. Estimates point to a doubling of the current8.89 million hectares of Brazilian sugarcane plantations by2020. 240 This is largely at the expense of ecologicallysensitive regions such as the fragile and highly biodiverseCerrado watershed, known as the ‘father of water’ since itis home to the three largest river basins in South America,including the Amazon. Ethanol expansion is drivingAmazon destruction as new sugar plantations push soygrowing and cattle-raising deeper into Amazonianterritory. Along with being water hungry, crop cane sugarrequires intensive application of agrochemicals and thelarge scale burning of fields. According to a recent study,this burning combined with fertilizer use and other inputsannually releases close to 150 million tons of carbondioxide 241 into the atmosphere, contributing to Brazil’sstanding as the seventh largest emitter of greenhouse gasesin the world. 242 The social costs run high too. Theexpanding agro-frontier is driving landlessness and arapidly growing population of urban poor in Brazil’s largercities. Meanwhile sugarcane is harvested by Brazil’s armyof a half million migrant workers – a significantproportion of whom endure indebted slave labourconditions, respiratory health problems and early deathfrom exhaustion. 243Jatropha – Jatropha is a family of tropical bushes, some ofwhich produce inedible oil-rich nuts that are pressed toprovide oils for biodiesel. Companies such as D1 Oils(owned by BP) and Daimler are now backing the massiveexpansion of jatropha in Africa, South America and Asia,hailing it as a wonder crop. They laud jatropha’s ability togrow on so-called marginal lands, in poor soils, and evenin semi-arid conditions. Communities across Africa andAsia have reacted to land grabs associated with newjatropha plantations, many of which are displacing foodproduction and taking lands where poor people subsist.While jatropha can indeed survive in some low waterconditions, in order to thrive and produce usefulquantities of oil it requires significant water. One recentstudy on the water footprint of biofuel crops concludesthat a single litre of jatropha biodiesel requires anastonishing 20,000 litres of water to grow – faroutstripping canola, corn, soybeans, sugarcane or anyother commonly used biofuel crop. 244 Other problems seenwith jatropha include the toxicity of the seeds to humans,concerns about its invasiveness, and reports that jatrophais not, after all, pest resistant as claimed. 245Generation NeXt:Switching fuels and feedstocksAfter being largely blindsided by the problems associated withthe first wave of biofuels, industry along with OECDgovernments are now pumping a tremendous amount ofmoney into what is being called the ‘next generation’ ofbiofuels. The high level of commitment hints at a politicaldesperation to rescue the significant monies and commitmentalready invested in the field.To overcome the problems of generation F, the ‘nextgeneration’ approach employs new feedstocks (particularlycellulose and algae) and attempts to produce more energy-richliquids using improved transformation technologies(particularly synthetic biology). The second-generation elixirthat the bio-alchemists are now trying to brew is ideally aliquid whose feedstocks will not affect the food supply, willpack the same energy punch as gasoline (or better), and thatcan be pumped into existing fuel tanks over existing deliverylines.At least 200 companies are reportedly attempting to realizethis vision of the ‘perfect biofuel 246 – each working on singlepieces of the ‘next generation’ puzzle. Some of thesecompanies are already moving to commercial production butonly in small quantities (see Annex). Most are struggling withscale-up issues.Ethanol Plant Photo: Aaron BrownBiorefinery: industrial facility for processing biomass.Like oil refineries, bio refineries are factories that breakbiomass into constituent parts and then 'refine' themusing chemical and biological techniques (includingfermentation) to produce industrial compounds such aschemicals and fuels as well as heat and power.The New Biomassters 45

Cellulosic Fuels“The fuel of the future is going to come from fruitlike that sumac out by the road, or from apples,weeds, sawdust—almost anything.”– Henry Ford in The New York Times, 1925 247Remember those 180 billion tonnes of cellulose sugarproduced annually in woody branches, leaves, grasses andalgae worldwide? To an industry that needs sugar to makefuels, that cellulosic bonanza appears to be the perfectnon-food feedstock. U.S. legislation from 2005 that calledfor the production of 100 million gallons of cellulosicethanol by 2010 had to be dramatically downsized inFebruary 2010 to a mere 6.5 million. 248 The samelegislation calls for U.S. cars to consume 4.3 billion gallonsof cellulosic ethanol by 2015 – another target also unlikelyto be met.There are two approaches to making cellulose-based fuels:thermochemical and biological.Thermochemical production of cellulosic fuelsChemists have known how to turn biomass into fuelssince the 1930s when the Fischer-Tropsch process to turncoal into liquid was commercialized by the wartimeGerman government. This process superheats either coal(or biomass) into gas that is chemically transformed tofuel:Following at least $320 million of investment, of which theU.S. government and state of Georgia account for half,Range Fuels of Colorado USA has opened its first largescale commercial plant (in Georgia), which is producing4 million gallons of cellulosic methanol annually – notthe billion gallons of ethanol they originally promised. 249BlueFire Ethanol of California uses strong acids to breakdown lignocellulose into available sugars for fermenting.BlueFire’s first bio-refinery will transform presortedlandfill waste to produce approximately 3.9 milliongallons of fuel-grade ethanol per year. A second plantaims to produce 19 million gallons of ethanol per yearfrom woody biomass. 250Biological Production of Cellulosic FuelsThe other main approach for creating cellulosic biofuels isto apply powerful enzymes, called cellulases, to breakdown cellulose into more available sugars for subsequentfermentation to ethanol and other alcohols. Natural,genetically engineered and synthetic microbes are all beingdeveloped to break down cellulose and ferment it.• BP created a $45 million joint venture with Verenium (formerlyDiversa) in 2009 to create cellulosic ethanol through the use ofVerenium’s synthetic enzymes. 251 In July 2010, BP paid a further$98 million to buy their biofuel business including two productionfacilities. 252• Iogen Corporation uses enzymes from genetically modifiedTrichoderma reesei (responsible for “jungle rot”) to break downplant material at its Ottawa-based demonstration plant, whichalready produces 170,000 gallons per year of cellulosic ethanol. Aspart of a 50:50 joint venture with Shell, Iogen is planning what itcalls the “world’s first commercial-scale cellulosic ethanol plant” inSaskatchewan, Canada. 253• Mascoma has re-engineered yeast and bacterial microbes to notonly break down cellulose for ethanol production but also to carryout the fermentation into cellulosic ethanol in a streamlined ‘onepot’ procedure. It has partnerships with General Motors, 254Marathon Oil, 255 and ethanol company Royal Nedalco 256 and isbuilding a commercial production facility in Michigan. Through apartnership with Stellenbosch Biomass Technologies, Mascomais also moving its technology into South Africa. 257• Coskata, which has partnerships with General Motors and TotalOil, 258 have bred natural microbes that, in concert with agasification process, can transform feedstocks such as woodchips orold tires into cellulosic ethanol.• DuPont has partnered with biotech company Genencor to createDuPont Danisco Cellulosic Ethanol LLC, a $140 million projectto use Genencor’s synthetic enzyme technology. 259 Their Tennesseedemonstration plant currently turns a couple of thousand tonnes ofcorncobs into ethanol. Commercial production is expected by2013.• POET, which claims to be the world’s largest ethanol producer,will use commercial enzymes from Novozymes to turn corn cobsinto an annual 25 million gallons of ethanol when their biorefinerybecomes operational in late 2011 or early 2012. 260• Verdezyne, a California-based synthetic biology company, isdeveloping yeast that can turn switchgrass, hemp, corn and woodinto ethanol. 261 The company has agreements with Novozymes,Genencor and Syngenta. 262• In February 2008, forestry giant Weyerhaeuser formed a jointventure with Chevron called Catchlight Energy to producecellulosic ethanol from wood. Very few details been disclosed sincemaking their initial announcement. 263• U.S.-based company Qteros has ‘enhanced’ a naturally occurringbacterium called the Q microbe to transform lignocellulosicbiomass into sugar for ethanol and chemicals. Its current backersinclude BP and Soros Fund. Qtero is hoping to license its Qmicrobe in Brazil and India for turning sugarcane bagasse intoethanol. 264ETC Group 46 www.etcgroup.org

Beyond Alcohol to Hydrocarbons – Biogasoline, Synthetic biology approachesbutanol, isopentanol, hexadecane, farneseneWhether it’s made from woodchips, cornstalks or algae, thebiggest problem in the marketplace for cellulosic ethanol isthat it is still ethanol, an energy-poor fuel requiring enginemodifications and separate delivery infrastructure. Assynthetic biologist and biofuel entrepreneur Jay Keasling likesto say, “Ethanol is for drinking, not driving.” 265 A number ofcompanies are now dispensing with ethanol and other suchalcohols and working instead to mass-produce hydrocarbonsresembling diesel or gasoline that can be refined in traditionaloil refineries or pumped straight into ordinary car engines.Thermochemical approaches1. German biofuel company Choren opened the firstcommercial ‘biomass-to- liquid’ refinery to annually turn68,000 tonnes of wood into 18 million litres of hydrocarbondiesel fuel. Choren’s partners include Shell, Daimler andVolkswagen. 2662. Dynamotive Corporation of Vancouver, Canada, subjectsagricultural and forest-derived biomass to ‘fast pyrolysis’(burning without oxygen), which yields a hydrocarbon oil.Dynamotive’s lead demonstration plant in Ontario, Canada,however, closed down and went into receivership in July2010. 267Photo: Yersinia Pestis3. LS9 has developed proprietary synthetic microbes thatferment sugars and even cellulose into hydrocarbon fuelsindistinguishable from gasoline, diesel and jet fuel.Following $25 million investment by Chevron, a newbiorefinery in Florida is expected to produce 50,000 to100,000 gallons of its ‘UltraClean’ diesel by 2011 and to sellcommercially by 2013. 2684. Gevo, another U.S. synthetic biology company, hasdeveloped microbes that transform agricultural sugars intoisobutanol, an energy-rich alcohol fuel that can run ingasoline engines. The company has agreements with Cargilland investments from Total Oil and Virgin Group. 2695. Amyris Biotechnologies has developed syntheticallymodified yeast to ferment cane sugar into hydrocarbondiesel, gasoline and jet fuel equivalents based on thechemical farnesene. Led by a former BP director, Amyris hasnumerous partnerships, including with Shell, Total,Votorantim, Crystalsev, Mercedes, the U.S. Departmentof Defense, Bunge, Cosan and others. Its Brazilianbiorefinery will begin selling “no compromise” biodiesel in2011. It is also collaborating with Procter & Gamble tomake chemical products. 270Beyond Cellulose: Algal Biofuels“If humanity were to plow a portion of the SaharaDesert, irrigate it with saltwater from theMediterranean, then grow biomass such as algae, wecould replace all the fossil carbon fuel that our speciescurrently uses and provide food for a growing globalpopulation at low cost.”– Dennis Bushnell, chief scientist at NASA’s LangleyResearch Center 271Algae: pond scum and seaweeds; the term refers to a wideand diverse variety of photosynthetic plant-likeorganisms that grow in water, ranging from single-celledcyanobacteria to larger kelps and seaweeds.For dedicated biofuel believers, the development of fuels fromalgae (cyanobacteria, or common pond scum) represents theultimate in sustainable biomass sourcing. The UK CarbonTrust forecasts that by 2030 algae-based biofuels could replacemore than 70 billion litres of fossil fuels used every year forroad transport and aviation. 272Algae is proposed to be grown in four possible systems:Open ponds located in deserts or other high sunlight regionsare the preferred method for cultivating algae. Wastewater orfreshwater can be moved through the ponds using movingpaddles.The New Biomassters 47

Arguments against algae as a fuel sourceFar from a panacea, algae-based biofuels have many of thesame problems as other biofuels:Algae ponds for fuel production Photo: Agrilife Inc.Photobioreactors are systems that enclose algae in glass tubesor transparent plastic bags while pumping water, CO 2 andnutrients through those containers. They can potentially beused in urban locations.Closed vats derive energy from sugar instead of sunlight.Algae can be grown in large vats and tricked into makinghydrogen instead of oils.Open sea cultivation of algae is still very speculative and raisesrisks that strains will escape and cause ecological damage.Some companies such as Blue Marble propose harvesting wildalgae from ocean dead zones. 273 Meanwhile researchers atNASA’s Algae OMEGA Project propose growing floatingfarms of freshwater algae in closed bags at sea so that escapedstrains don’t persist in the marine environment. 274Claims in favor of algae• Algae produce a hydrocarbon oil that can be pressed andrefined for use as biodiesel or refined into gasoline, plasticsand chemicals.• Algae also produce cellulose, which can be recovered fortransformation into cellulosic fuel or bioelectricity.• Algae can be tricked into producing hydrogen.• Algae are more efficient at transforming sunlight to biomassthan other green plants.• Algae grow quickly and easily in nutrient rich waters; algaeare abundant and renewable.• Algae are not a major food source.• Algae can absorb atmospheric or industrial carbon dioxide.• Algae can be grown in wastewater or saltwater (dependingon algal strains), thus avoiding stressing freshwater resources.• Algae-growing avoids agricultural lands and instead takesplace in deserts, marginal lands, at sea, and even in urbanenvironments.• Scale up – In over 40 years of experimentation with algae forbiofuels, no company has succeeded in producingcommercial quantities to rival petroleum fuels of either algaloil or algal biomass. It is widely expected that to do so isgoing to require genetic engineering of some form.• Land – Because most algae production requires sunlight asan energy source, algal ponds must remain shallow to letlight through to reach the organisms. As a result productionis spread thinly over extremely large areas of land, impactingecosystems, land rights and customary use, especially indesert regions. Renewables expert Saul Griffiths has recentlycalculated that even if an algae strain can be made four timesas efficient at harvesting sunlight for energy, it would still benecessary to fill one Olympic-size swimming pool of algaeevery second for the next twenty five years, 275 which wouldoffset only 3 percent of global energy consumption.• Energy and water balance – Depending on the productionsystem, growing algae can prove energy intensive. Largelythis is due to the fact that cultivating algae in open ponds orclosed bioreactors requires continuous fertilizer use. In arecent life-cycle assessment of algal biofuels published in thejournal Environmental Science and Technology, researchersconcluded that algae production consumes more water andenergy than other biofuel feedstocks like corn, canola, andswitchgrass, and also has higher greenhouse gas emissions. 276Fertilizer production, in particular, is highly energyintensive. Moreover, production and continuous operationof photobioreactors, water pumps and mixing equipment, aswell as harvesting and extracting technology, add to overallenergy use. “Given what we know about algae productionpilot projects over the past 10 to 15 years, we’ve found thatalgae’s environmental footprint is larger than other terrestrialcrops,” said Andres Clarens, of the University of Virginia’sCivil and Environmental Department and lead author of thestudy. 277The authors suggested that companies could usenutrient-rich waste water to reduce fertilizer inputs.• Peak fertilizer and food competition – The energy costassociated with high fertilizer use is not the only major dragon algal biofuel expansion. Global stocks of fertilizer-gradephosphate are estimated to have dwindled to only 8000million tonnes. One commentator has noted that if weswitched oil production to algae we would only have enoughphosphate fertilizer to last 37 years. 278 Given the impendingscarcity of this key mineral, stocks of phosphate directed tobiofuel production are directly competing with fertilizingfood crops – a classic food vs. fuel dilemma.ETC Group 48 www.etcgroup.org

• Invasiveness and genetic engineering risks – The notion ofmoving cyanobacteria into large-scale open-air productionhas many ecologists alarmed, since algae reproduce extremelyfast, doubling mass daily. Wild algal strains are alreadyresponsible for some of the worst acts of ecological invasion,from the vast deoxygenated ‘dead zones’ found in coastalareas and caused by fertilizer runoff, to blooms of blue-greenalgae that suffocate freshwater ecosystems and threatenhuman health. Genetically engineering cyanobacteriaincreases the ecological risks since not only will altering thegenetic code likely bring unanticipated side effects, but alsothe aim of such engineering is to breed strains of ‘superalgae’that can harvest more solar energy than natural strains. At a2010 meeting of U.S. President Barack Obama’s newbioethics commission, Allison A. Snow, an ecologist at OhioState University, testified that a “worst-case hypotheticalscenario” would be that algae engineered to be extremelyhardy might escape into the environment, displace otherspecies and cause algal overgrowths that deprive waters ofoxygen, killing fish. 279• Geoengineering and the climate – Algae are central toregulating life on Earth, responsible for between 73% and87% of the net global production of oxygen by fixingatmospheric carbondioxide. 280 Reengineeringalgae’sbiology, or alteringglobal algal stocks on anylarge scale, therefore, maydirectly impact the globaloxygen cycle, carboncycle, nitrogen cycle andozone production –potentially inunpredictable andharmful ways. Proposalsto farm algae in coastaland open ocean areasraise the same ecological,climate and justiceconcerns asgeoengineering plans toseed oceans with iron orurea to provoke planktonblooms (oceanfertilization).Illustration: the Beehive CollectiveThe New Algal CrowdWhile no company is yet marketing commercially viablequantities of algae-derived biofuel, market research groupGlobal <strong>Information</strong> reckons that more than 100 companiesworldwide are attempting to make fuel and other chemicalsout of it. In the USA at least, these companies are generouslysupported by over $70 million of U.S. government and statefunding. Global <strong>Information</strong> claims that the algal fuel marketis worth $271 million in 2010 and could be worth more than$1.6 billion by 2015. 281Those to watch include:Synthetic Genomics, Inc. – a high profile synthetic biologycompany founded by gene mogul J. Craig Venter – has a $600million joint venture with ExxonMobil to develop highlyefficient algal strains and scale them up to commercialproduction. ExxonMobil claims this is currently one of theirlargest technology research projects. 282In 2010 they opened ademonstration greenhouse in San Diego, California and aredeveloping a much larger test facility at an undisclosedlocation to be announced in 2011. 283 In May 2010 Venter toldthe U.S. Congress that Synthetic Genomics is looking atbuilding facilities as large as the city of San Francisco. 284Venter’s other backers include BP, the Malaysian GentingGroup, Novartis and Life Technologies Corporation, as wellas several individuals.Sapphire Energy claims that by 2011 they will be producingone million barrels of algal diesel and jet fuel annually, and100 million by 2018. They have raised $100 million fromprominent investors, including Bill Gates, 285 plus a further$100 million in federal financing to build a 300-acredemonstration site in the New Mexico desert. Sapphire isworking with both natural and synthetic strains of algae. Theirdirectors include former Monsanto CEO Robert Shapiro andalso a former executive director of BP. 286Transalgae, a U.S. company based in Israel, claims that itintends to be “the Monsanto of algae seed.” 287 It is developinggenetically modified algae for fuel and animal feed incollaboration with Endicott Biofuels of Texas, USA and alsoRaanan, Israel’s largest fish feed producer. Transalgae’s firstgeneration of transgenic algae is now being field tested at a400MW natural gas power station in Ashdod, Israel incollaboration with the Israeli Electric Company. Thecompany has told press that it has added a switchableterminator gene into its algae so that the algae willtheoretically ‘self-destruct’ within six hours; 288 however, itspatents suggest a much weaker mechanism that merely makesthe algae less hardy in the wild. 289The New Biomassters 49

Solazyme, based in San Francisco, USA, applies syntheticbiology to produce algal biodiesel in closed vats where thealgae feed on sugar instead of carbon dioxide. It has a jointventure with oil giant Chevron to scale up production of itsalgal fuel by 2013 and also agreements with Unilever todevelop algal oil alternatives for palm oil. After delivering20,000 tonnes of algal diesel to the U.S. Navy in September2010, the company announced a second naval contract for afurther 150,000 gallons. 290 Solazyme also has agreements withgrain trader Bunge to grow algae on sugarcane bagasse as wellas investments from Sir Richard Branson of the Virgin Groupand major Japanese food-ingredient company San-Ei Gen. 291Joule Biotechnologies, a spin-off from MassachusettsInstitute of Technology in Boston, USA claims to havedeveloped a highly engineered synthetic cyanobacteria (bluegreenalgae) that secrete alkanes, a chemical usually refinedfrom petroleum. Joule’s current product secretes ethanoldirectly into the water in which its organism grows butaccording to the company, “Different variants can also makepolymers and other high-value chemicals that are ordinarilyderived from petroleum.” 292 Joule is constructing a commercialplant to begin operations in 2012 with a predicted yield of15,000 gallons of diesel per acre.Algenol, from Florida USA, is partnering with DowChemical to build an algal biorefinery in Texas. Algenol’shybrid algae strains produce ethanol in bioreactors. Otherpartners include the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencyand Valero Energy Corporation, a leading ethanolproducer. 293Cellana is a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell andHR BioPetroleum to select and grow natural algae strains forbiofuels and animal feeds. They have research agreements withseveral universities internationally and operate a smallexperimental facility in Hawaii, USA that cultivates oceanalgae in closed and open systems. 294Petrochemistry: making materials from petroleum; abranch of industrial chemistry that transforms crude oil(petroleum) and natural gas into useful products and rawmaterials. Petrochemistry begins by 'cracking' complexpetroleum molecules into simpler molecules and thenrecombining them.Switch 3: Switching Chemicals– Bioplastic and biobased chemicalsThe shift by the $3 trillion global chemical industry 295 towardsugar and biomass feedstocks has probably received the leastcritical attention from civil society and grassroots movementsand yet is the most marked – especially in the area of biobasedplastics and fine chemicals. Making chemicals ratherthan transport fuels out of biomass is attractive because themarkets are smaller and therefore easier to break into and theprices for chemical products are on average two to four timeshigher. Indeed venture capital investors are increasinglyadvising second-generation biofuel companies to branch outinto chemicals (and also foods) as a secondary or even primaryrevenue stream.The global chemical industry accounts for about 10 percent ofpetroleum use 296 and many of the thousands of syntheticchemicals currently incorporated into everyday products arebased on cracking and refining petroleum into ever moreelaborate hydrocarbon molecules. Yet the chemical industryhas always derived some portion of its carbon feedstock fromsugar and is well structured to switch back to carbohydrates.In the early 20th century the first commercial plastics andmany everyday chemicals were based on biomass, includingcelluloid and rayon. In his history of ‘the carbohydrateeconomy’ economist David Morris reports that as late as 1945the largest British chemical manufacturer ICI still maintainedthree production divisions – one based on coal, one based onpetroleum and the third based on molasses. 297Already a handful of high value chemicals are bio-basedincluding lysine (used widely for animal feed), glutamic acid(used for food flavourings such as monosodium glutamate)and soy-based dyes and inks, which now supply over 90percent of U.S. newspaper production and 25 percent ofcommercial printers. 298 However, as developments in syntheticbiology make it possible to process and refine plant sugarswithin cells instead of inside chemical factories, so moresynthetic organisms are being fashioned to secrete chemicalsthat would previously have been refined from fossil sources.Now bio-based production is being applied across all sectorsof the chemical industry including scents and flavourings,pharmaceuticals, bulk chemicals, fine and specialty chemicalsas well as polymers (plastics). While biobased chemicals,especially bioplastics, are touted as green and clean, some areindistinguishable from their petro-cousins when it comes tobiodegradability and toxicity.ETC Group 50 www.etcgroup.org

Bio-based Building BlocksIn particular, synthetic biologists and chemists are attemptingto manufacture what they call ‘platform chemicals’ from asugar or biomass feedstock. These are key building blockchemicals that can in turn be refined into hundreds of otheruseful chemicals currently being produced in commercialrefineries. Commercial petrochemistry already takes thisapproach, cracking petroleum into essential building blockssuch as ethylene, butadiene, propylene and xylene and flexibleintermediates such as ammonia, acetic acid, carbolic acid andbutylene for refinement into thousands more. By targetingthese key platform chemicals or choosing new ones, chemistsdeveloping biobased substances are able to convert tens orhundreds of chemicals at one time from fossil carbon to plantcarbon. Examples of bio-based platform chemicals nowcoming to market include:Isoprenoids or terpenoids are a class of naturally occurringcompounds including rubber, taxol, neem, artemisinin andcannabinoids. Some of these have been produced in syntheticyeast by Amyris Biotechnologies, Inc. Amyris has focused onone isoprenoid called farnesene (which produces the acridsmell in apples), which they claim can be further refined into“a wide range of products varying from specialty chemicalapplications such as detergents, cosmetics, perfumes andindustrial lubricants, to transportation fuels such as diesel.” 299Amyris, whose synthetic yeast currently munch on Braziliancane sugar have an agreement with Procter &Gamble 300 toturn farnesene into cosmetics and household products. Theyhave a further agreement with M&G Finanziaria, the worlds’largest supplier of plastic for packaging bottles to use biobasedfarnesene in production of PET plastic. 301Genencorhas also engineered synthetic E. coli to produce isoprene usedfor rubber production. In 2008 they partnered with global tiremanufacturer Goodyear, Inc. to produce industrial quantitiesof tire rubber. They claim their ‘bioisoprene’ replaces theseven gallons of crude oil currently required to make onesynthetic rubber tire. 3021,3-Propanediol is a building block chemical that can be usedfor plastics, composites, adhesives, laminates, coatings and as asolvent in antifreeze and wood paint. Although usuallyproduced from ethylene oxide (a petroleum derivative), it hasnow been produced by Genencor in synthetic yeast as Bio-PDO, a precursor for DuPont’s bioplastic Sorona. DuPont, inpartnership with Tate & Lyle, currently produces 45,000tonnes per year of Bio PDO at its plant in Loudon, Tennessee,USA annually consuming 152,000 tonnes of corn (covering anarea of about 40,000 acres – roughly the size ofLiechtenstein). 303In June 2010, DuPont announced a 35% expansion ofproduction. 304 French bio-based products company,METabolic EXplorer also makes Bio-PDO, converted fromglycerol, a plant oil. The company estimates the global PDOmarket will reach 1.3 billion Euros by 2020. 305Succinic acid is a naturally occurring by-product of sugarfermentation that is a close chemical cousin to maleicanhydride – a petroleum-derived chemical used as a commonfeedstock for food and pharmaceutical products, surfactants,de-icers, coolants, detergents, plastics, pesticides, clothingfibres, and biodegradable solvents. Since it is possible totransform succinic acid into maleic anhydride, a number offirms are now competing to produce large quantities ofsuccinic acid, chasing a market that could be worth $2.5billion per year. 306 Those developing bio-based succinic acidinclude DSM and Mitsubishi Chemicals. BASF and Puracare developing a succinic acid plant in Spain and a 2000 tonneper year plant is already operational in Pomacle, France, usingmutant E. coli bacteria to produce succinic acid from wheatsugars. The plant is run by Bioamber – a joint venture of U.S.biotech company DNP and ARD (France’s Agro-industrieRecherches et Developpements). 307 In 2010 U.S.-basedsynthetic biology company Myriant received a $50 milliongrant from the U.S. Department of Energy to build a 14,000tonne bio-succinic acid plant in Louisiana. 308Ethylene is the gaseous raw material used in the manufactureof plastics including polyethylene (PE), polyester, polyvinylchloride (PVC) and polystyrene, as well as fibres and otherorganic chemicals. Usually made from naptha or natural gas,ethylene can also be made as a byproduct of ethanolproduction. Indeed in the 1980s Brazilian companiesproduced 160,000 tonnes of PVC and polyethylene (PE) fromethanol until world oil prices fell and the plants were closeddown. In 2008 three separate chemical companies, Braskem,Solavay and Dow Chemical, all announced they wouldrestart production of bio-based PVC and PE in Brazil andArgentina from sugarcane amounting to 860,000 tonnes peryear. 309Other companies to watch that are using chemistry andsynthetic biology to create bio-based chemicals and plasticsinclude:ADM/ Metabolix, BASF, Blue Marble, CargillNatureworks, Codexis, Draths Corporation, DSM,DuPont, Genomatica, LS9, OPX Biotechnologies, Segetis,Solazyme, Qteros and Zeachem.The New Biomassters 51

The Future is (Bio)Plastic?“There’s a great future in plastics. Think about it.” That wasthe advice whispered in Dustin Hoffman’s ear in the 1967 film“The Graduate.” Fifty years later, the one area of the plasticsindustry whose future still looks bright is bioplastics.According to insiders, the bioplastics industry could be worth$20 billion by 2020. 310 Current worldwide use of bioplasticsamounts to just over one half-million metric tonnes in 2010,which could fill the Empire State Building five times over.While use is expected to rise to 3.2 million metric tonnes by2015, 311 this is still only a sliver of the 200 million tonnes ofplastic resin produced every year 312 (although some analysts saythat it is technically feasible to switch up to 90% of plastics tobio-based feedstocks). 313For the plastics industry going green is as much about themarket opportunity to improve their image as hedging againstrising oil prices. Consumers often assume (and the plasticsindustry would like them to believe) that bioplasticsautomatically meet a gold standard in environmentalprotection, a break from the toxic legacy of vinyl, bisphenol A(BPA) and polystyrene products now filling up the world’slandfills and oceans. Despite attempts to market themselves as‘earthy’ and ‘close to nature,’ bioplastics producers are largelythe same polluting agribusiness and chemical corporations:Cargill and ADM – which sew up most of the world’s graintrade between them – are also two of the biggest players inbioplastics, controlling the Natureworks and Mirel lines,respectively. DuPont, DSM, BASF and Dow Chemical –four of the world’s largest chemical companies – are also keyplayers.Plastic bottles Photo: Shea BazarianDo Bioplastics Biodegrade?Some bioplastics – such as ADM’s Mirel bioplastic and thosemade by Plantic – do break down in the environment or inhome composters, while other bioplastics, even some marketedas compostable, may prove difficult to break down except overa long time. This is particularly true for biobased plastics thatreplicate existing petroleum-derived chemicals. DuPont’sSorona for example makes no claims to break down in theenvironment nor does Braskem’s bio-based Poly VinylChloride (PVC) and Polyethylene. The leading bioplastic,Cargill’s polylactic acid (PLA) sold under the brand‘Natureworks’ is one so-called ‘compostable’ plastic that doesnot break down in home composters, or in the environment,but needs to be hauled away to industrial high-heatcomposters.Nor is it clear how fully the biodegradable bioplastics breakdown. Close studies of so-called degradable plastics haveshown that some only break down to smaller, less visibleplastic particles, which are more easily ingested by animals.Indeed, small plastic fragments of this type may also be betterable to attract and concentrate pollutants such as DDT andPCB. As one plastics industry insider has observed “designingdegradable plastics without ensuring that the degradedfragments are completely assimilated by the microbialpopulations in the disposal infrastructure in a short timeperiod has the potential to harm the environment more that ifit was not made to degrade.” 314Can Bioplastics be Recycled?Theoretically bioplastics can be recycled, but, in reality, thereare few if any recycling facilities that will separate out new biopolymersfrom other plastics. Cargill Natureworks, forexample, insists that PLA can in theory be recycled. In reality,this plastic is likely to be confused with PolyethyleneTerepthalate (PET) used for plastic bottles and so can actuallyhamper recycling efforts by contaminating existing recyclingstreams. In October 2004 a group of recyclers and recyclingadvocates issued a joint call for Natureworks to stop sellingPLA for bottle applications until key questions related torecycling PLA were addressed. In January 2005 the companyput in place a moratorium on selling “additional” PLA forbottle production, but began selling PLA for bottles again,claiming that the levels of PLA in the recycling stream weretoo low to be considered a contaminant. Bioplastics inpackaging in North America are supposed to carry the number7 “chasing arrow symbol,” though industry protocols stipulatethat the symbol must be inconspicuous enough that it doesn’taffect consumers’ buying decisions. 315ETC Group 52 www.etcgroup.org

Are Bioplastics Toxic?One of the reasons that campaigners against toxic chemicalsare actively encouraging the development of the bioplasticsector is that it is possible to invent new polymers from starchand sugar that break down more easily in the environment orhuman body without toxic byproducts. However, as chemistsand synthetic biologists get better at creating chemicalsidentical to petroleum-derived building blocks, we arebeginning to see the same old toxic chemicals produced from adifferent (plant-based) source of carbon. Solvay’sbio-based PVC is a clear example. PVC hascome under sustained attack fromenvironmental health campaigners for itsuse of phthalates, a hormone-disruptingplasticizer, and for the production ofhighly toxic dioxins in the making,recycling and disposal of PVC. Likepetroleum based PVC, producing biobasedPVC still requires chlorine inthe production. As one research groupcommissioned by the EuropeanBioplastics Association was forced toadmit, “The use of bio-based ethylene istherefore unlikely to reduce the environmentalimpact of PVC with respect to its toxicity potential.” 316Are Bioplastics Sourced Sustainably?If you search the Internet for clues about the origin ofbioplastics, you could be forgiven for thinking that today’splastics industry has become a market gardening enterprise.There’s ADM’s Mirel, for example, a “bioplastic” made fromcorn or cane sugar, yet whose website sports photos of pondgrasses. Or Sphere Inc., Europe’s leading biofilm producerwhose homepage is adorned with tulips even though theirplastics are made from potatoes. Sorona, DuPont’s flagshipbioplastic, is promoted by images of grassy hillsides, whileCargill’s “Natureworks” website displays a montage of treeleaves. In truth, both Natureworks and Sorona derive mainlyfrom industrial genetically modified corn drenched inpesticides and in the case of Sorona, transformed by vats ofsynthetic organisms – no tree leaves or grass in sight. Cornbasedbioplastics raise the same concerns as first generationbiofuels in terms of competing with food.If it isunacceptable to turnfood into fuel at a time ofextreme hunger, it should bedoubly unacceptable toturn food into plasticbags.According to Bob Findlen of the Metabolix/ADM’s jointventure, bioplastic company Telles, “If the bioplastics industrygrows to be 10% of the traditional plastics industry, thenaround 100 billion pounds of starch will be necessary, andthere is no question that that will have an effect onagricultural commodities.” 317If it is unacceptable to turn food into fuel at a time of extremehunger, it should be doubly unacceptable to turn food intoplastic bags.As with biofuels, bioplastics manufacturers areattempting to move out of the firing line in thefood vs. fuel battlefield by shiftingfeedstocks. Brazilian cane sugar isparticularly in their sights. DowChemical, the world’s largestpolyethylene producer, has partneredwith Brazilian sugar giant Crystalsevand in 2011 will start producingsugarcane-derived polyethylene (themost widely used of all plastics) from amanufacturing plant with a capacity of317,000 tonnes per year. 318 The plant willconsume 7.2 million tonnes of sugarcane peryear requiring at least 1000 square km of land. 319In October 2010 Brazil’s largest petrochemicals firm,Braskem, opened a $278 million factory designed to producean annual 181,000 tonnes of polyethylene from sugarcaneethanol. Braskem has already secured contracts to provideproducts to Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble,cosmetics company Shiseido and the Toyota Group. 320Meanwhile Coca-Cola is making one third of its new socalled“Plant Bottle” out of biobased PET from Braziliansugarcane – a move that received the enthusiastic endorsementof WWF World Wide Fund For Nature, whose CEO declaredit “yet another great example of their leadership onenvironmental issues.” 321As already noted, Brazilian sugarcane plantations haveattracted fierce criticism for their social and environmentalimpact. Meanwhile even plastics made from the humblepotato such as Stanelco’s ‘Bioplast’ also raise productionconcerns. U.S.-based watchdog Environmental WorkingGroup regards potatoes as having one of the highest pesticideresidue limits on any food. 322The New Biomassters 53

GM Crops, Synthetic Biologyand NanotechnologyThe links between genetic engineering and bioplastics areeverywhere. In March 2010, the first genetically modified cropto gain approval in Europe in over a decade was a high-starchGM potato from BASF aimed squarely at the bioplasticsmarket. 323 Meanwhile corn, the chief feedstock for bioplastics,is almost universally sourced from GMO harvests. In fact,only three major bioplastics producers, Italy’s Novamont,Germany’s Pyramid Bioplastics and EarthCycle of Canada,tout their product as non-GMO although Cargill'sNatureworks offers a bizarre scheme where purchasers can“offset” the use of GMOs in their product by paying Cargill tobuy a specified quantity of non-GMO corn. Geneticengineering is also being applied to create a nextgenerationbioplastic in which the plastic isproduced directly in the plant itself.Boston-based Metabolix Inc. hasused synthetic biology to engineer aswitchgrass variety that producespolyhydroxybutyrate (PHB)bioplastic in 3.7% of its leaftissue. Metabolix says that theleaves will need to produce 5%of PHB to be commerciallyviable. The syntheticallyengineered switchgrass isalready in greenhouse trials. 324The risk of contamination of thefood supply by “plastic crops” is anobvious environmental and healthconcern. Meanwhile, the sameengineered gene sequences are incorporatedinto synthetic microbes that transform corn into50,000 tonnes of Mirel bioplastic at a facility in Iowa(USA) in a joint venture between Metabolix and ADM.DuPont’s Sorona bioplastic is similarly produced by yeastcontaining synthetic DNA and Amyris Biotechnologies is alsousing synthetic yeast to turn sugarcane into PET bottles via itscollaboration with M&G, the world’s largest plastic bottlemaker.Nanotechnology too figures prominently in the brave newworld of bioplastics. Worried that bio-based polymers mighthave poor barrier properties (that is, they might leak air orliquid), bioplastic companies are adding nanoparticles to theirplastics to improve them. For example, Cereplast, whichproduces bioplastic cutlery, drinking straws, plates and cupsuses nanoparticles to improve the heat resistance of PLAplastic. 325Can Bioplastics Be Done Right?Bioplastics:corporate-owned,competing with food, nonbiodegradable,bolstering industrialagriculture and leading us deeper intogenetic engineering, synthetic biologyand nanotechnology. It’s hard to getexcited about the supposedlygreen future the bioplasticsindustry is selling.Bioplastics: corporate-owned, competing with food, nonbiodegradable,bolstering industrial agriculture and leading usdeeper into genetic engineering, synthetic biology andnanotechnology. It’s hard to get excited about thesupposedly green future the bioplasticsindustry is selling. However, there areattempts to put bioplastics back oncourse. One such step is theSustainable BiomaterialsCollaborative (SBC) – anetwork of 14 civil societygroups and ‘ethical businesses’working to define a trulysustainable bioplastic. One ofits founders, Tom Lent of TheHealthy Building Network,explains that SBC startedbecause “the promise ofbioplastics was not beingrealized.” His SBC colleague,Brenda Platt of the Institute for LocalSelf-Reliance acknowledges that atpresent the term “sustainable plastic” is moreoxymoron than fact, but is optimistic about changingthat. “No doubt we have a long way to go but we’ve been quiteactive and I believe are already making a difference,” she says. 326The SBC has issued lengthy “Sustainable BioplasticGuidelines” available online, based on 12 principles rangingfrom avoiding GM crops, pesticides and nanomaterials tosupporting farmer livelihoods. The principles, however, do notaddress global justice implications, competition with food,land rights or corporate ownership and concentration. The useof synthetic organisms in biorefineries is also consideredacceptable by the SBC. 327ETC Group 54 www.etcgroup.org

Conclusions: Earth Grab!Biomass contradictions: Advocates whoinsist that a mix of biomass feedstocksand new technologies will provide thesolution to our energy, food andenvironmental crises should considergetting realistic or at least reconcilingtheir own rhetoric. Overwhelmingly,uncritical support for the biomass visionis coming from the same agencies andthink-tanks that have also repeatedly toldus that, by 2050, world population couldincrease by 50% and food demand byalmost 100%. They warn (correctly) thatclimate change will, at the very least,make harvests erratic and, at worst, cutindustrial food production anywherefrom 20-50% and they proscribe(wrongly) that we need to use morechemicals on our fields to rescue marginallands and endangered habitats from crop production. Yet, atthe same time, these policymakers are saying that stillexperimental technologies will not only make everythingalright, but will make it OK to impose monumental newdemands on our soils and water in the name of replacing fossilcarbon with living biomass.Bioeconomy bubble? Having failed to predict the collapse ofthe dot com bubble, the sub-prime mortgage bubble, the foodprice spike and the collapse of the banking system – all in onedecade – OECD states now tout a new “Green Economy” asthe “next big thing” that will rescue their industries. In doingso they are creating a new mythology around the notion thatliving biomass can be harnessed for a new industrial revolutionthat will maintain current levels of production andconsumption without harming the planet. This kinder, gentlereconomic colonialism needs the global South’s soil and water.It is being made to look like a technological gift that will letAfrica, Asia and Latin America profit from climate change.In the process, the bioeconomy could destabilize commoditymarkets – and concentrate OECD power – based on aresource that may collapse from overuse.Gambling on synthetic biology: The absurdity becomesexistential when we consider the techno-fix being proposed.Synthetic biology claims to be able to redesign DNA to buildnovel species, potentially with characteristics never before seenin nature. Presuming this is even possible, we are being askedto believe that these experimental organisms will provide nothreat to either our economy or ecosystems.Illustration: the Beehive CollectiveIf contained in biorefineries – despitethe proliferation of production sites andthe quantities involved – we are toldthere is little danger of environmentalcontamination and that these newbiofactories can be fed sustainably.Those with similar hubris told us thatnuclear power would be safe and toocheap to monitor; that the chemical agewould end hunger and disease; thatbiotechnology would end hunger anddisease, too – and not contaminate; and– only recently – that climate change isprobably a figment of our imagination.In other words, gamble with Gaia (andthe grandkids) using experimental lifeforms on the back of untestedhypotheses. More than a biomass grabor a Land Grab, this is an Earth Grab.Recommendations:Towards Global GovernanceImmediate:1. Civil Society: Civil society and, especially, socialmovements – who are or will be affected by the newbioeconomy – need to come together. This spans indigenouscommunities and famers fighting agribusiness expansion inthe food sovereignty movement and those concerned withforest protection, climate justice, toxic chemicals, marineconservation, desert protection, water rights and much more.We urgently need a cross-movement conversation and agrand coalition to analyze, address and confront the NewBiomassters.2. Mandates, Targets and Subsidies: National governmentsmust revisit their support for biofuels, industrialbiotechnology and the wider bioeconomy in light of likelyimpacts on the South, biodiversity, and other internationaldevelopment commitments. Existing mandates, targets andsubsidies for biofuels, biobased production and bioelectricityproduction should be dropped in favour of targetsto reduce overall production and consumption. Governmentresearch monies should switch to evaluating the ecologicaland societal costs of the bioeconomy, especially nextgeneration biofuels such as algae, cellulosic and hydrocarbonfuels and synthetic biologyThe New Biomassters 55

3. Legal Definitions: Biomass use is not “carbon neutral” andrarely ‘renewable’ from an ecosystem perspective and shouldnot be presented as such. Carbon accounting rules, both atnational and international levels, must be revised to reflectthe true biodiversity- and carbon-cost of biomass removal,processing and use, including emissions from land use changeand reflecting the time taken to resequester. The cost tocommunities that already rely on that plantlife must also bemade transparent and calculated.4. Climate Change: The UN Framework Convention onClimate Change (UNFCCC) should reverse its institutionalsupport and financing for bioenergy and commodification ofbiomass. The UNFCCC should revise the Kyoto Protocol’scarbon accounting rules to reflect the fact that industrialbiomass strategies are not carbon neutral (see 3 above).Action must also be taken to remove biomass from theapproved methodologies under the Clean DevelopmentMechanism, REDD+ proposals and the ClimateTechnology Initiative’s PFAN programme. New biomasstechnologies and new uses of biomass should not be eligiblefor financial support via any climate change mechanisms orany future biodiversity mechanisms for innovative financialmobilization.5. Biodiversity: The UN Convention on Biological Diversityshould be commended for its early consideration of syntheticbiology and the biomass economy and must take a lead rolein exploring the potential implications for biologicaldiversity. In the spirit of the precautionary principle, theCBD should proceed with a de facto moratorium on theenvironmental release and commercial use of novel lifeformsconstructed via synthetic biology pending further study andtransparent and precautionary governance arrangements.6. Food, Forestry, Water and Agriculture: The UN Foodand Agriculture Organization (FAO) and, especially, theCommission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agricultureand the Governing Body for the International Treaty onPlant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture shouldstudy the implications of synthetic biology and theaccelerating grab on biomass for food security for crops,livestock, aquatic species and forests. Together withUNCTAD (UN Conference on Trade and Development),FAO should also examine implications for commoditymarkets and monopoly.7. Human rights: The Special procedures of the UN HumanRights Council, including the special rapporteurs on theright to food, the right to water, Indigenous Peoples Rights,as well as the Special Representative of the Secretary Generalon transnational corporations and human rights, and theindependent expert on extreme poverty, should undertake ajoint investigation into the implications of synthetic biologyand the new bioeconomy for the full enjoyment of humanrights, particularly for those individuals, communities andcountries whose lands will be affected by the search for newsources of biomass.8. Ownership: The World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO) should undertake an immediate investigation ofthe scope and implications of recent patents and patentapplications involving synthetic biology based on ordrepublique concerns.9. The “Green Economy:” Governments must carefullyconsider the proposed role and potential implications of theGreen Economy as it is being presented for the Rio+20Summit in Brazil in 2012. The preparatory process leadingto Rio+20 should encourage a full global public debate onall of the socioeconomic, environmental and ethical issuesrelated to biomass use, synthetic biology, and the governanceof new and emerging technologies in general.10. Environmental Governance: The UN System’sEnvironment Management Group (EMG) should undertakea major study of the implications of the new bioeconomyparticularly for livelihoods, biodiversity and the rights ofaffected communities. The study must engage allgovernments and the widest range of concerned parties,especially indigenous peoples and forest and farmingcommunities.Next:11. Technological Governance: Recognizing that the newtools of biomass transformation such as synthetic biology arejust part of a suite of powerful new technologies at the nanoscalethat have vast applications for the economy and theenvironment, governments meeting at Rio+20 should adopta negotiating process that will lead to a legally-bindingInternational Treaty for the Evaluation of New Technologies(ICENT). This treaty should allow for the monitoring ofmajor new technologies by governments and all affectedpeople.ETC Group 56 www.etcgroup.org

Annex: Table of Next-Generation Biofuel CompaniesCompany Location Feedstock(s) /EnvisionedFeedstock(s)Abengoa Bioenergybioenergy facilities inSpain, Brazil and USAcereals includingwheat/wheat straw,corn stoverAE Biofuels Montana, USA switchgrass, grass seed,grass straw, corn stalks,bagasse, corn, sugarcaneProduct(s) /Future Productscellulosic ethanolcellulosic ethanolPartnersand InvestorsCIEMAT (Spain),University of Lund,NREL (USA), AuburnUniversityAlgaeLink N.V.Yerseke, TheNetherlandsalgae biocrude KLM (project toproduce jet fuel fromalgae)Algafuel Lisbon, Portugal algae biocrude INETI (Portugal’sNational Institute ofEnergy, Technologyand Innovation)Algasol Renewables Baleares, Spain algae biocrudeAlgenol BiofuelsAmyrisBiotechnologies, Inc.(Amyris Brasil S.A. andAmyris Fuels, LLC)Aurora AlgaeFlorida, USA andMexicoSao Paulo, Brazil,California, USACalifornia, USA,Perth, Australiaalgae cellulosic ethanol BioFields, DowChemical Company,Valero Energy, LindeGas, Georgia Tech,Florida Gulf CoastUniversityfermentable sugars,sugarcanehydrocarbons(farnesene)Crystalsev, SantelisaVale, Votarantim, Total,Mercedes Benz, Proctor& Gamble, U.S. Deptof Defense, Bunge,Cosan, M&GFinanziariaalgae biocrude Noventi Ventures,Gabriel VenturePartnersBBI BioVentures LLC Colorado, USA existing waste streamfeedstocks that requirelittle /no pretreatment(in development)cellulosic ethanolFagen, Inc.BFT Bionic FuelTechnologies AGGross-Gerau, Germany straw pellets hydrocarbons: diesel,heating oilOFT Aarhus(Denmark)The New Biomassters 57

Company Location Feedstock(s) /EnvisionedFeedstock(s)BioFuel Systems SL Alicante, Spain algae biocrudeBioGasol Ballerup, Denmark various grasses, gardenwaste, straw, corn fibresProduct(s) /Future Productsethanol, biogas,methane hydrogenSiemens, Alfa Laval,Grundfos, AalborgUniversity, Ostkraft,Tate & Lyle, Agro TechAS, NNE PharmaplanBioMCN Delfzijl, Netherlands crude glycerine methanol Waterland, Econcern,Teijin, NOMBioMex, Inc. California, USA wood chips, switchgrass methyl halides,biogasolinePartnersand InvestorsBlueFire EthanolCalifornia, USA andIzumi, Japanwood chipscellulosic ethanolBorregaard Industries,LTDBP BiofuelsSarpsborg, NorwayLouisiana, California,Texas, USA; Brazilsulfite spent liquorfrom spruce woodpulpingcellulose, lignin,bioethanolmiscanthus cellulosic ethanol In 2010, BP Biofuelsacquired Verenium’sbiofuels business,Galaxy Biofuels LLCand Vercipia Biofuels;has joint venture withDuPont (see Butamax)Butamax AdvancedBiofuelsDelaware, USA grasses, corn stalks biobutanol Joint venture: BPBiofuels and DuPont;Kingston Research Ltd(Hull, UK) is also BP-DuPont joint venturemaking biobutanolCarbona, Inc. Finland and USA forest residues Fischer-Tropsch fuels GTI (Gas TechnologyInstitute), UPM-Kymmene (pulp &paper mills)Catchlight Energy Washington, USA timber supplementedwith perennial grasses,residuescellulosic ethanolJoint venture: Chevronand WeyerhaeuserCellana Hawaii, USA algae biofuels and animalfeedJoint venture: RoyalDutch Shell and HRBioPetroleum; variousUS universities + BodøUniversity College,NorwayETC Group 58 www.etcgroup.org

Company Location Feedstock(s) /EnvisionedFeedstock(s)Chemrec AB Pitea, Sweden pulp and paper mill byproductsProduct(s) /Future ProductsbioDME(dimethyl ether)Partnersand InvestorsVolvo, Haldor Topsøe,Preem, Total, Delphi,ETCCHORENTechnologies GmbHFreiberg, Germanydry wood chips andforest residuesbiomass-to-liquidsynthetic fuelShell, Daimler,VolkswagenColusa Biomass EnergyCorporationCalifornia, USArice straw, rice hulls,corn stover and cobs,wheat straw and husks,wood chips andsawdustcellulosic ethanol,silica/sodium oxide,ligninCoskata, Inc.Pennsylvania, Florida,Illinois, USAagricultural and forestresidues, wood chips,bagasse, municipal solidwastecellulosic ethanolGM, GlobespanCapital Partners,Blackstone Group,Sumitomo, AranciaIndustrial, KhoslaVentures, TotalCTU (CleanTechnology Universe)Winterthur,Switzerland;demonstration plant inGüssing, Austriawood, corn, grass,whole crop silagesynthetic gasVienna University ofTechnology, PaulScherrer Institute(Switzerland), Repotec(Austria)Cutec-Institut GmbHClausthal-Zellerfeld,Germanystraw, wood, driedsilage, organic residuesFischer-Tropsch fuelsDuPont DaniscoCellulosic Ethanol,LLC (DDCE)Tennessee, USAcorn stover, cobs andfibre, switchgrassDynamic Fuels, LLC Louisiana, USA animal fats, usedcooking greasescellulosic ethanoldiesel, jet fuelGenera Energy(University ofTennessee)50-50 joint venture:SyntroleumCorporation and TysonECN (Energy Research<strong>Centre</strong> of theNetherlands)Alkmaar and Petten,Netherlandswood chips SNG (synthetic /substitute natural gas)HVCEnerkemcommercial plants inAlberta and Quebec,Canada andMississippi, USAmunicipal waste, forestand agriculturalresiduesethanol and bioethanolBraemar EnergyVentures, USDepartment of Energy,Natural ResourcesCanada, GreenFieldEthanol, Inc.The New Biomassters 59

Company Location Feedstock(s) /EnvisionedFeedstock(s)Envergent Technologies Illinois, USA forest and agriculturalresiduesProduct(s) /Future Productsupgraded pyrolysis oilto act as gasoline,diesel, jet fuelPartnersand InvestorsJoint venture: Ensynand UOP (Honeywell)EtanolPiloten (EthanolPilot Plant)Flambeau RiverBiofuels, LLCFrontier RenewableResources, LLCÖrnsköldsvik, Sweden forest residues cellulosic ethanol Umeå University, LuleåUniversity ofTechnology and theSwedish University ofAgricultural SciencesWisconsin, USAbark, sawdust, wood,and forest residueselectrical power, steamand heat, diesel fuel,waxUS Department ofEnergyMichigan, USA wood chips ethanol, lignin Subsidiary of MascomaFulcrum BioEnergy California, USA municipal solid waste cellulosic ethanol US Renewables Groupand Rustic CanyonPartnersGevo California, USA corn bio-isobutanol, Cargill, Total, VirginGroup, LanxessGreen Star Products,Inc.California, USA,Naboomspruit, SouthAfricaGulf Coast Energy, Inc. Florida, USA wood chips ethanolalgae biodiesel De Beers Fuel Ltd.HR Biopetroleum Hawaii, USA algae biodiesel Royal Dutch Shell(see Cellana)IMECAL Valencia, Spain citric waste (peel,seeds and pulp)bio-ethanolCIEMAT, Ford Spainand AVENInbicon (subsidiary ofDONG Energy)Kalundborg, Denmarkwheat straw, woodpelletsethanolGenencor (Danisco),Novozymes and StatoilIogenIdaho, USA, Ontarioand Saskatchewan,Canadawheat straw, barleystraw, corn stover,switchgrass, rice strawcellulosic ethanolRoyal Dutch Shell,Petro-Canada andGoldman SachsJoule Biotechnologies Massachusetts, USA algae converts sunlightand CO 2dieselKarlsruhe Institute ofTechnology (KIT)Karlsruhe, Germany straw synthetic gas Lurgi GmbHETC Group 60 www.etcgroup.org

Company Location Feedstock(s) /EnvisionedFeedstock(s)KL EnergyCorporationWyoming, USAwood (Ponderosa pine),sugarcane bagasseProduct(s) /Future Productscellulosic ethanolPartnersand InvestorsPetrobras America, Inc.LanzaTech NewZealand Ltd.Auckland, NewZealand (plants inChina, New Zealand,USA)industrial waste gases ethanol Henan Coal andChemical IndustrialCorporation, Boasteel(China), QimingVentures, SoftbankChina Venture Capital,Khosla Ventures,K1W1Lignol EnergyCorporationBritish Columbia,Canada and Colorado,USAwood and agriculturalresiduesethanol, ligninUS Department ofEnergy, Novozymes,Kingspan Group PLCLS9California and Florida,USAsugarcane syrup, woodchips, agriculturalresidues, and sorghumbiogasoline, biodieselChevron, Procter &Gamble, KhoslaVenturesMascomaNew Hampshire andNew York, USAwood chips, switchgrass,agriculturalresiduesethanol, ligninFlagship Ventures,General Motors,Khosla Ventures, AtlasVenture, GeneralCatalyst Partners,Kleiner PerkinsCaufield & Byers,VantagePoint VenturePartners, Marathon OilM&G (Gruppo Mossi& Ghisolfi) / ChemtexRivalta, Italycorn stover, straw, husk,woody biomasscellulosic ethanolM-real Hallein AG Hallein, Austria sulfite spent liquor(SSL) from sprucewood pulpingcellulosic ethanolNeste OilPorvoo, Finland;Rotterdam, TheNetherlands; Tuas,Singaporepalm oil, rapeseed oiland animal fatbiodieselSingapore EconomicDevelopment BoardNSE Biofuels OyVarkaus, Parvoo andImatra, Finlandforest residues Fischer-Tropsch fuels joint venture: Neste Oiland Stora Enso, JV;Foster Wheeler,Technical Research<strong>Centre</strong> of Finland(VTT), Finland’sMinistry for IndustryThe New Biomassters 61

Company Location Feedstock(s) /EnvisionedFeedstock(s)Pacific Ethanol Oregon, USA wheat straw, cornstover, poplar residuesProcethol 2GConsortiumethanol, biogas, ligninBioGasol, LLC, USDepartment of Energy’s(DOE) Joint BioenergyInstitute (LawrenceBerkeley NationalLaboratory and SandiaNational Laboratories)PetroAlgae Florida, USA algae biocrude Asesorias e InversionesQuilicura (Chile),EcoFrontier (Korea),Foster Wheeler (USA)Petrosun Arizona, USA algae oil, ethanolPOET South Dakota, USA corn cobs cellulosic ethanol NovozymesMarne, France various biomass sources cellulosic ethanol Consortium members:Agro industrieRecherches etDéveloppements(ARD), ConfédérationGénérale des Betteraviers (CGB), Champagne Céréales, Crédit Agricole du Nord-Est,Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA),Lesaffre, Office National des Forêts (ONF), Tereos, Total and UnigrainsQteros, Inc. Massachusetts, USA municipal waste, cellulosic ethanol Camros Capital, LLC,BP, Soros Fund, LongRiver Ventures, ValeroEnergy Corporation,Venrock Associates,Battery VenturesQueensland Universityof TechnologyRange FuelsBrisbane, Australia sugarcane bagasse cellulosic ethanol Mackay Sugar Ltd.,Sugar Research Ltd.,Viridian pty Ltd.,HexionColorado and Georgia,USAGeorgia pine,hardwoods andColorado beetle killpineProduct(s) /Future Productscellulosic ethanol,methanolPartnersand InvestorsKhosla Ventures, USDepartments of Energyand Agriculture,Passport Capital,BlueMountain,Leaf Clean Energy Company, Morgan Stanley,PCG Clean Energy & Technology Fund, GeorgiaSapphire Energy Arizona, USA algae biocrude ARCH, WellcomeTrust, CascadeInvestment (Bill Gates),Venrock AssociatesETC Group 62 www.etcgroup.org

Company Location Feedstock(s) /EnvisionedFeedstock(s)SEKAB IndustrialDevelopment ABÖrnsköldsvik, Swedenwood chips andsugarcane bagasseProduct(s) /Future Productscellulosic ethanolPartnersand InvestorsSGC EnergiaPortugal, Austria andNew Mexico, USAalgaeGlobal GreenSolutions, OxfordCatalysts Group PLCSyngenta <strong>Centre</strong> forSugarcane BiofuelsDevelopmentBrisbane, Australia sugarcane bagasse cellulosic ethanol Queensland Universityof Technology (QUT),FarmaculeBioindustries, theQueenslandGovernment, FederalGovernment andSyngentaSynthetic Genomics,Inc.California andMaryland, USAalgae, sugarbiocrude, biogasoline,jet fuelExxonMobil, BP,Genting Group, LifeTechnologies, Novartis,Draper Fisher Juvetson,Meteor Group,Biotechonomy, Plenus,Asiatic <strong>Centre</strong> forGenome TechnologySolazyme California, USA algae biodisel, biogasoline,jet fuelChevron, Unilever, USNavy, Bunge, VirginGroup, San El Gen,Harris & Harris Group,Braemar EnergyVentures, LightspeedVenture Partners,VantagePoint VenturePartners, Roda GroupSolix Biofuels Colorado, USA algae biocrude Los Alamos NationalLaboratory, ValeroEnergy Corp., HazenResearchSouthern ResearchInstituteNorth Carolina, USA North Carolina pine oils, lignin,fermentable sugarsHCL CleanTech(Israel)SunDrop Fuels Colorado, USA rice straw, wheat straw,miscanthus, sorghum,switchgrass, woodgasoline, diesel,aviation fuelsKleiner PerkinsCaufield & Byers andOak InvestmentPartnersThe New Biomassters 63

Company Location Feedstock(s) /EnvisionedFeedstock(s)Product(s) /Future ProductsPartnersand InvestorsSynGest, Inc. Iowa, USA corn stover bio-ammonia Iowa Power Fund andIowa Office of EnergyIndependenceTechnical University ofDenmark (DTU)Copenhagen, Denmark wheat straw, corn fibre ethanol, biogas, lignin BioSystems, CambiA/S, NovozymesTembec ChemicalGroupQuebec, Canadaspent sulphite liquorfeedstock (pulp millby-product)cellulosic ethanolTerrabon, Inc. Texas, USA municipal solid waste,sewage sludge, manure,agricultural residuesethanol, mixedalcohols, variouschemicalsTexas A&M University,Valero Energy Corp.TetraVitae Bioscience Illinois, USA cellulosic feedstocks biobutanolTMO Renewables, Ltd. Surrey, UK initially corn, thendiverse cellulosicfeedstockscellulosic ethanolFiberight, LLCTransAlgae, Ltd.Texas, USA andAshdod, Israelalgae fish meal, oil Raanan, EndicottBiofuels, Israeli ElectricCompanyUnited StatesEnvirofuels, LLCFlorida, USAsweet sorghum,sugarcaneVerenium Corporation Massachusetts, USA (in July 2010, BPbought Verenium’scellulosic biofuelbusiness, but Vereniumcontinues to sellenzymes to biofuelproducers)Verdezyne, Inc. California, USA switchgrass, hemp,corn stover, woodcellulosic ethanolenzymescellulosic ethanolBASF, Bunge, Cargill,DaniscoNovozymes, Genencor,Syngenta, LallemandEthanol Technology,OVP Venture Partners,Monitor Ventures, TechCoast Angels and LifeScience AngelsETC Group 64 www.etcgroup.org

Company Location Feedstock(s) /EnvisionedFeedstock(s)Vienna University ofTechnologyProduct(s) /Future ProductsPartnersand InvestorsGüssing, Austria syngas from gasifier Fischer-Tropsch fuels Repotec GmbH,Biomasse KraftwerkGüssingVirent Energy Systems Wisconsin, USA sugars and starches gasoline, jet fuel, diesel Shell, CargillWeyland AS Blomsterdalen, Norway coniferous wood,sawdust, rice straw,corn cobs and bagassecellulosic ethanolThe NorwegianResearch Council, FanaStein & GjenvinningAS, Sarsia Seed, BergenUniversity CollegeXethanol Corporation Florida, USA citrus peels cellulosic ethanol Renewable Spirits, LLCZeaChem Inc.Oregon, Colorado,USAtrees, sugarcanecellulosic ethanol,various chemicalsGreenWood Resources,US Department ofEnergy, Stark VentureInvestors, Cargill,Honda, AdvantageCapitalThe New Biomassters 65

Endnotes1 The figure of $17 trillion is a best estimate of affected markets, derivedfrom the combined estimated sales of the following sectors: globalexpenditures on food - $8.5 trillion, global market in energy - $5 trillion,global chemical market - $3 trillion, global textile market - $577 billion,global paper products market - $100 billion, global Carbon trade - $144billion, global animal feed additives market - $15.4 million2 U.S. government’s Bioenergy Feedstock <strong>Information</strong> Network, Bioenergyand Biomass. Frequently Asked Questions, online at:http://bioenergy.ornl.gov/faqs/index.html#resource3 H. Haberl, et al., 2007, “Quantifying and mapping the humanappropriation of net primary production in earth’s terrestrial ecosystems,”Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 104, pp.12942-12947.4 Testimony of David K. Garman Before the Committee on Agriculture,Nutrition, and Forestry , United States Senate Department of Energy'sBiomass Program, May 6, 2004. Available online at:http://www1.eere.energy.gov/office_eere/congressional_test_050604.html5 Michael Graham Richard, “Geneticist Craig Venter Wants to Create Fuelfrom CO 2 ,” Treehugger, 29 February 2008. Available online at:http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/02/ craig-venter-fuel-co2-tedconference.php6 US Energy <strong>Information</strong> Administration, “International Petroleum (Oil)Consumption,” Independent Statistics and Analysis, International EnergyAnnual 2006. table 3.5 “World Apparent Consumption of RefinedPetroleum Products, 2005” Available online at:http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/international/ oilconsumption.html7 International Energy Agency, Key World Energy Statistics, IEA, Paris,2008. Document available at: http://www.iea.org/textbase/np<strong>pdf</strong>/free/2008/key_stats_2008.<strong>pdf</strong>8 H. Danner, and R. Braun. “Biotechnology for the Production ofCommodity Chemicals from Biomass,” Chemical Society Review, 28:395.405, 1999.9 Stan Davis, Christopher Meyer, “What Will Replace the Tech Economy?”Time Magazine, 22 May, 2000. Available online at:http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,997019,00.html10 Timothy Gardner, “U.S. ethanol rush may harm water supplies:report,” Reuters, October 10, 2007. Available online at:http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN103647212007101011 See for example, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity:Ecological and Economic Foundations. Edited By Pushpam Kumar. Anoutput of TEEB: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity,Earthscan Oct. 201012 Glossary of Climate Change Terms, US Environmental ProtectionAgency. Available online at: www.epa.gov/climatechange/glossary.html13 Glossary, Biotechnology Industry Association (BIO). Available online at:www.bio.org/speeches/pubs/er/glossary_b.asp14 Simonetta Zarilli, ed. “The Emerging Biofuels Market: Regulatory, Tradeand Development Implications,” UNCTAD (United Nations Conferenceon Trade and Development). New York, 2006. Available for downloadonline at: www.unctad.org/templates/webflyer.asp?docid=7754&intItemID=2068&lang=1&mode=downloads15 Planet Ark, “UK builds 5th power plant to burn cattle carcasses,”February 27, 2001. Posted online at http://www.planetark.org/dailynewsstory.cfm?newsid=993116 Williams Haynes, Celullose: The Chemical that Grows, New York:Doubleday and Company, 1953.17 Klemm, D., et al., “Cellulose: Fascinating biopolymer and sustainable rawmaterial,” Angewandte Chemie, 2005, 44 (22), p 3358-339318 Mariam B. Sticklen, “Plant genetic engineering for biofuel production:towards affordable cellulosic ethanol,” Nature Reviews Genetics 9, June2008, 433-443.19 Klemm, D. op. cit., pp 3358-3393.20 Theodore H. Wegner, Philip E. Jones, “Advancing cellulose-basednanotechnology,” Cellulose. Vol. 13, 2006, pages 115-118.21 US Department of Energy Office of Science, “Breaking the BiologicalBarriers to Cellulosic Ethanol: A Joint Research Agenda, A ResearchRoadmap Resulting from the Biomass to Biofuels Workshop,” December7-9, 2005. Available online at:http://genomicscience.energy.gov/biofuels/b2bworkshop.shtml22 Jeff Caldwell, “Bioeconomy development key to future of Iowa, theworld,” High Plains/Midwest AG Journal, 4 April 2004. Available online :www.hpj.com/archives/2004/apr04/Bioeconomydevelopmentkeytof.CFM23 Dr. Jeffrey Siirola, “Vignettes on Energy Challenges,” PowerPointpresentation, AICHE Energy Forum, Cincinnati, OH, USA, October 30,2005. Available online at: www.aiche.org/uploadedFiles/Energy/Forum_Vignettes.<strong>pdf</strong>24 Rosalie Lober, “Big oil and Biofuels. Are you out there?” Biofuels DigestSeptember 21 2010. Posted online at: http://biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2010/09/21/big-oil-and-biofuels-%E2%80%93-are-you-out-there/25 Richard Brenneman, “BP Chief Scientist Named Undersecretary ofEnergy,” Berkeley Daily Planet March 25, 2009.26 David King, “The Future Of Industrial Biorefineries,” World EconomicForum, 2010.27 Aaron Ruesch, and Holly K. Gibbs, “New IPCC Tier-1 Global BiomassCarbon Map For the Year 2000,” Carbon Dioxide <strong>Information</strong> AnalysisCenter (CDIAC), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,Tennessee. Available online at: http://cdiac.ornl.gov/epubs/ndp/global_carbon/carbon_documentation.html28 Kisaburo Nakata, “Characterization of Ocean Productivity Using a NewPhysical-Biological Coupled Ocean Model Global Environmental Changein the Ocean and on Land, from Global Environmental Change in theOcean and on Land,” Eds, M. Shiyomi et al, Terrapub, 2004, pp. 1.44.Available online at: http://www.terrapub.co.jp/elibrary/kawahata/<strong>pdf</strong>/001.<strong>pdf</strong>ETC Group 66 www.etcgroup.org

29 David King, “The Future of Industrial Biorefineries,” World EconomicForum, 2010.30 Antonio Regalado, “Searching for Biofuel’s Sweet Spot,” TechnologyReview, April 2010. Posted online at:http://www.technologyreview.in/energy/24979/31 Ibid.32 John Melo, Nasdaq CEO Shareholder series, Video Interview, September2010. Available online at: http://www.shareholder.com/visitors/event/build2/mediapresentation.cfm?companyid=NSDSIG&mediaid=44068&mediauserid=4760447&player=233 The phrase “Saudi Arabia of biomass” occurs in many places, usually as aspurious claim by local forest industry interests. See, for example, claims inJoe Belanger, “Canada poised to become the Saudi Arabia of biomassenergy,” conference told, London Free Press, March 11, 2009. Archivedonline at: http://checkbiotech.org/node/2508134 See Elizabeth A. Nelson, et. al., “Combating Climate Change ThroughBoreal Forest Conservation: Resistance, Adaptation, and Mitigation,”Report for Greenpeace Canada, Faculty of Forestry, University ofToronto, 2008, 52 p. Available online at: www.greenpeace.org/canada/en/campaigns/boreal/resources/documents/combating-cc-boreal-forestpreservation35 Jeremy Hance, “Monoculture tree plantations are ‘green deserts’ notforests, say activists,” mongabay.com September 19, 2008. Available onlineat: http://news.mongabay.com/2008/0919-plantations_hance.html36 FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations),“World Agriculture: Towards 2015/2030,” Available online at:http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/y4252e/y4252e06.htm37 Michael P Russelle et. al., Comment on “Carbon-Negative Biofuels fromLow-Input High-Diversity Grassland Biomass,” Science, Vol. 316. no.5831, 15 June 2007p. 1567. Available online at:www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/316/5831/1567b38 FAO, “World Agriculture: Towards 2015/2030”, op. cit.39 Ann Dornfeld, “Company Turns Toxic Blooms into Alternative Energy,”VOA News, 10 November, 2008. Available online at:http://www.voanews.com/english/ news/a-13-2008-11-10-voa30-66735142.htm40 Steven Koonin et al., “Industrial Biotechnology: Sustainable ClimateChange Solutions, Summary proceedings of the 5th Annual WorldCongress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing,” Chicago, April27-30, 2008.41 David Morris, “The Once and Future Carbohydrate Economy,” TheAmerican Prospect, March 19, 2006. Available online at:http://www.prospect.org/cs/articles?articleId=1131342 David Morris and Irshad Ahmed, “The Carbohydrate Economy: MakingChemicals and Industrial Materials from Plant Matter,” The Institute forLocal Self Reliance, 1993.43 Neil McElwee, “Products from Petroleum”, Oil 150, 2008. Availableonline at: http://www.oil150.com/essays/2008/04/products-from-petroleum44 David Morris and Irshad Ahmed, op. cit.45 IEA (International Energy Agency), 2010 Key World Energy Statistics,Paris, 2010, p. 37. Available online at: www.iea.org/textbase/np<strong>pdf</strong>/free/2010/key_stats_2010.<strong>pdf</strong>46 Alfred Nordmann, et. al., “Converging Technologies. Shaping the Futureof European Societies,” Interim report of the Scenarios Group, High LevelExpert group, 2004, p 3. Available online at: http://ec.europa.eu/research/conferences/2004/ntw/<strong>pdf</strong>/final_report_en.<strong>pdf</strong>47 USDA, “U.S. Biobased Products: Market Potential and ProjectionsThrough 2025,” Office of the Chief Economist, Office of Energy Policyand New Uses, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2008.48 David King, “The Future of Industrial Biorefineries,” World EconomicForum, 2010.49 Pike Research, “Market Value of Biomass-Generated Electricity to Reach$53 Billion by 2020”, press release, 27 July, 2010.50 David King, op cit.51 Alex Salkever, “Global biofuels market to hit $247 billion by 2020,” DailyFinance, 24 July 2009. Available online at: http://srph.it/9WK10g52 Clay Boswell, “Bio-based chemicals take a steadily increasing portion ofthe chemical market as environmental issues come to the fore,” ICIS.com5th February 2007. Posted online at: http://www.icis.com/Articles/2007/02/12/4500686/bio-based-chemicals-sales-climb-withenvironmentalissues.html53 BIOtech-Now.org, “Green Is Good: Industrial Biotechnology MakesHeadway with Renewable Alternatives”, 18 August, 2010. Available onlineat: http://biotech-now.org/section/industrial/2010/08/18/greengood-industrial-biotechnology-makes-headway-renewable-alternatives54 “U.S. Biobased Products, Market Potential and Projections Through2025,” Office of the Chief Economist, Office of Energy Policy and NewUses, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Prepared jointly by the Office ofEnergy Policy and New Uses, the Center for Industrial Research andService of Iowa State University, Informa Economics, MichiganBiotechnology Institute, and The Windmill Group. OCE-2008-1.55 “Bio-renewable Chemicals Emerge as the Building Blocks of theChemical Industry, Finds Frost & Sullivan,” Press release, Frost & Sullivan17 Mar 2009. Posted online at: http://www.frost.com/prod/servlet/pressrelease.pag?docid=16215594256 David King, op cit.57 Helmut Kaiser, “Bioplastics Market Worldwide 2007-2025,” HelmutKaiser Consultancy, hkc22.com market study. Available online at:http://www.hkc22.com/bioplastics.html58 Simon Upton, “Subsidies to biofuels: A time to take stock,” GlobalSubsidies Initiative, October 2007. Posted online at:http://www.globalsubsidies.org/en/subsidy-watch/commentary/subsidies-biofuels-a-time-take-stock59 Gobvinda R. Timilsina, “Biofuels in Developing Countries: Policies andPrograms,” The World Bank - presentation to The Third BerkeleyConference on the Bioeconomy, University of California, Berkeley, June24-25th 2010 Posted online at: http://www.berkeleybioeconomy.com/presentations-2/govinda-biofuel-policiesand-programs60 Mark Bunger and Samhitha Udupa Webinar, presentation “Lux ResearchBiosci State of the Market: Finding Exits for Biofuels and BiomaterialsInvestors,” Nov 17th 2009The New Biomassters 67

61 Jim Carlton, “Investment in Clean Technology Suffers Steep QuarterlyDecline,” Wall Street Journal Technology Blog January 7th 200962 Rebecca Buckman, “Betting on Green,” Wall Street journal, 11 Feb 2008.63 REN21 (Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century),“Renewables 2010: Global Status Report,” Paris: REN21 Secretariat, 201064 David King, op.cit.65 Jeff Caldwell, op.cit.66 Gary Hutton et al, “Evaluation of the costs and benefits of householdenergy and health interventions at global and regional levels,” WorldHealth Organization (WHO), 2006. Available online at: www.who.int/indoorair/publications/household_energy_health_intervention.<strong>pdf</strong>67 Joe DeCapua, “U.N. Report says 1.6 Billion Still Lack Access toElectricity,” VOA News, 28 April 2010. Available online at:http://www.voanews.com/english/news/africa/decapua-un-energy-28apr10-92323229.html68 Paul Starkey, “Animal Power in Development: Some Implications forCommunities,” Community Development Journal, 1987, 22 (3):219-227.Available online at:http://cdj.oxfordjournals.org/content/22/3/219.extract69 Gaia Foundation, et al., “Agrofuels and the Myth of Marginal Lands,”Briefing, September 2008. Available online at:www.watchindonesia.org/Agrofuels&MarginalMyth.<strong>pdf</strong>70 Ibid.71 Goran Berndes, et. al., “The contribution of biomass in the future globalenergy supply: a review of 17 studies,” Science Direct, 28 October 2002.Available online at: http://www.chem.uu.nl/nws/www/publica/Publicaties2003/E2003-40.<strong>pdf</strong>72 Gaia Foundation, op. cit.73 Edward Smeets, et. al., “A quickscan of global bio-energy potentials to2050,” Bio-EnergyTrade, March 2004. Available online at:www.bioenergytrade.org/downloads/ smeetsglobalquickscan2050.<strong>pdf</strong>74 John Melo, op.cit.75 GRAIN, “Seized: The 2008 land grab for food and financial security,”GRAIN briefing, October 2008. Available online at:http://www.grain.org/briefings/?id=21276 World Bank, “Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can It Yieldsustainable and equitable benefits?” Washington DC, September 2010, p.35. Available online at: http://www.donorplatform.org/component/option,com_docman/task,doc_view/gid,150577 GRAIN, op. cit.78 Friends of the Earth Europe, “Africa: up for grabs,” FOE, August 2010,online at: www.foeeurope.org/agrofuels/FoEE_Africa_up_for_grabs_2010.<strong>pdf</strong>79 World Bank, “Rising global interest in farmland: can it yield sustainableand equitable benefits?” Op. cit., p.35.80 World Bank, “Rising global interest in farmland: can it yield sustainableand equitable benefits?” Op. cit., p.8.81 Friends of the Earth International, “Biofuels for Europe driving landgrabbing in Africa”, press release, FOEI, 30 August, 2010.82 Heinrich Unland, quoted in “Old Wood is New Coal as PollutersEmbrace Carbon-Eating Trees,” Bloomberg News, 1 June 2009. Availableonline at: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=ardNIC7rNzQE83 Econ Poyry, “Global Aspects of Bioenergy Imports,” Commissioned byNordic Energy Research, Report 2008-056. Available online at:www.nordicenergy.net/_upl/report_6_r-2008-056.<strong>pdf</strong>84 Gero Becker, et al., “Mobilizing Wood Resources: Can Europe’s ForestsSatisfy the Increasing Demand for Raw Material and Energy underSustainable Forest Management?” Geneva Timber and Forest DiscussionPapers 48, United Nations, Workshop Proceedings, January 2007.Available online at: http://www.unece.org/timber/docs/dp/dp-48.<strong>pdf</strong>85 Stephen Leahy, “Trees: Out of the Forest and Into the Oven,” IPS (InterPress News Agency), 24 September 2009. Available online at:http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=4857486 John Cary, “The Biofuel Bubble,” Business Week, Bloomberg, 16 April2009. Available online at: www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/09_17/b4128038014860.htm87 Ibid.88 Lynn Grooms, “Corn Stover to Ethanol: No Slam Dunk, Corn andSoybean,” Digest, 30 Nov 2008. Available online at:http://cornandsoybeandigest.com/corn/corn_stover_ethanol_1108/89 “Add invasive species to list of biofuels concerns,” Mongabay.com.Available online at: http://news.mongabay.com/2006/0922-invasive.html90 Invasive Species Advisory committee, “Biofuels: Cultivating Energy, notInvasiveness,” adopted Aug 11 2009 and available online at:http://www.doi.gov/NISC/home_documents/ BiofuelWhitePaper.<strong>pdf</strong>91 Hilda Diaz-Soltero, “U.S. Department of Agriculture Report to theInvasive Species Advisory Council,” US Department of Agriculture, 22April 2010. Available online at:www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/docs/resources/usdaisac2010apr.doc92 George Monbiot, “Woodchips with everything. It's the Atkins plan ofthe low-carbon world,” The Guardian, 24 March 2009. Available onlineat: www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/mar/24/george-monbiot-climatechange-biochar93 Gregory Morris, “Bioenergy and Greenhouse Gases,” Green PowerInstitute, The Renewable Energy Program of the Pacific Institute, May2008. Available online at: www.pacinst.org/reports/ Bioenergy_and_Greenhouse_Gases/Bioenergy_and_Greenhouse_Gases.<strong>pdf</strong>94 Oregon State University, “Old Growth Forests Are Valuable CarbonSinks,” Science Daily, 14 September 2009. Available online at:www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/09/080910133934.htm95 World Resources Institute, “Global Carbon Storage in Soils,”EarthTrends: The Environmental <strong>Information</strong> Portal. See soil levels asindicated on map. Available online at:http://earthtrends.wri.org/text/climateatmosphere/map-226.html96 National Archives, “Stern Review final report,” HM Treasury. Availableonline at: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk /+/http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/stern_review_report.htm.See also page 1 in Annex 7.f available online at:http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/d/annex7f_land_use.<strong>pdf</strong>97 Ibid.ETC Group 68 www.etcgroup.org

98 Corn stover: what is left on the ground after a harvest is essential to plantnutrients and is a buffer against natural and human perturbations. Itsindiscriminate removal for industrial uses may adversely impact soilfertility and productivity. The paper, “Corn Stover Removal for ExpandedUses Reduces Soil Fertility and Structural Stability,” by Humberto Blanco-Canquia and R. Lal, published in Society of American Soil Science Journal73: 418-426 (2009), documented the four-year impact of the systematicremoval of stover on selected soil, measuring fertility indicators andstructural stability across three contrasting soils in Ohio. Complete stoverremoval reduced the total N pool (nitrogen) by, on average, 820 kg / ha inthe silt loams. It reduced available P (phosphorous) by 40% and affectedthe cation exchange capacity. Exchangeable K+ decreased by 15% on thesilt loams for stover under 75% removal, and by 25% under completeremoval. The most adverse impact of stover removal was on sloping anderosion-prone soils.99 GRAIN, “The climate crisis is a food crisis: Small farmers can cool theplanet,” GRAIN November 2009. Multimedia slide available online at:www.grain.org/o/?id=93100 GWP (Global Warming Potential) for N 2 O is 298 CO 2 -eq for 100 yrhorizon data for 100 year according to IPCC (2007). For more details onupdated warming potentials from IPCC, see:http://ipccwg1.ucar.edu/wg1/Report/ AR4WG1_Print_Ch02.<strong>pdf</strong>101 Keith Bradsher and Andrew Martin, “Shortages Threaten Farmers’ KeyTool: Fertilizer,” New York Times, 30th April 2008.102 G. Kongshaug, “Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissionsin Fertilizer Production”, IFA (International Fertilizer IndustryAssociation) Technical Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, 28 SeptemberOctober, 1998.103 Science Daily, “Land Clearing Triggers Hotter Droughts,” AustralianResearch Shows, ScienceDaily, 31 October 2007. Available online at:www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/10/071027180556.htm104 IPCC, IPCC Third Assessment Report: Climate Change 2001, WGIII Section3.6.4.3, Energy Cropping. Available for download online at:www.grida.no/publications/other/ipcc%5Ftar/ ?src=/climate/ipcc_tar/105 IPCC, IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, WGII, p. 13 .point 11.106 Marshal Wise, et. al., “Implications of Limiting CO 2 Concentrationsfor Land Use and Energy,” Science, AAAS, 29 May 2009, Vol. 324. no.5931, pp. 1183 . 1186. Available online at:www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/324/5931/1183107 Timothy Searchinger, et. al., “Fixing a Critical Climate AccountingError,” Science, Vol 326, 23 October 2009. Available online at:www.princeton.edu/~tsearchi/writings/Fixing%20a%20Critical%20Climate%20Accounting%20ErrorEDITEDtim.<strong>pdf</strong>108 Princeton University, “Study: Accounting Error undermines climatechange laws,” press release, 22 October 2009.109 Jutta Kill, “Sinks in the Kyoto Protocol. A Dirty Deal for Forests, ForestPeoples and the Climate,” Sinkswatch, July 2001.110 UNFCC approved baseline and monitoring technologies. Postedonline at http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/PAmethodologies/approved.html111 Jorgen Fenhann. The UNEP Risoe CDM Pipeline updated 01/10/10.Posted online at http://cdmpipeline.org/cdm-projects-type.htm#3112 On 30th September 2010 a CER traded for around 13.70 Euros.Source: “EEX Trading Results For Natural Gas And CO 2 Emission RightsIn September” posted online at: http://www.mondovisione.com/index.cfm?section=news&action=detail&id=93324113 Oscar Reyes, “Carbon market ‘growth’ is mainly fraudulent,” WorldBank report shows Carbon Trade Watch 20- July 2010. Posted online athttp://www.carbontradewatch.org/articles/carbon-market-growthismainly-fraudulent-world-bank-report.html114 Chris Lang, REDD: An Introduction REDD Monitor. Posted online athttp://www.redd-monitor.org/reddan-introduction/115 CTI PFAN Development Pipeline: Project Summary. May-July 2010116 “Carbon mapping breakthrough,” News release, Carnegie Institute,Stanford University, Sept. 6, 2010.117 Rhett A. Butler, “Peru’s rainforest highway triggers surge indeforestation, according to new 3D forest mapping,” mongabay.com, Sept.6, 2010118 About the Green Economy Initiative, in http://www.unep.org/greeneconomy/AboutGEI/tabid/1370/Default.aspx119 HSBC Global Research, “A Climate for Recovery: The colour ofstimulus goes green,” 25 February 2009, inhttp://www.globaldashboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/HSBC_Green_New_Deal.<strong>pdf</strong>120 U.S. Department of Energy: Basic Research Needs. Available online athttp://www.sc.doe.gov/bes/reports/files/SEU_rpt.<strong>pdf</strong>121 Vaclav Smil, “Global Catastrophes and Trends:The Next Fifty Years,”Boston, MIT Press, 2008, p. 83.122 Saul Griffith, “Climate Change Recalculated,” Shoulder HighProductons, DVD, 2009, 90 minutes.123 Daniel G Nocera, “On the future of global energy,” Daedalus Fall 2006,Vol. 135, No. 4, Pages 112-115. Available online at:www.mitpressjournals.org/toc/daed/135/4124 Christopher B. Field, et. al., “Primary Production of the Biosphere:Integrating Terrestrial and Oceanic Components,” Science, 10 July 1998,Vol. 281, no. 5374, pp. 237-240.125 Bioenergy Feedstock <strong>Information</strong> Network. Available online at:http://bioenergy.ornl.gov/faqs/index.html#resource126 Helmut Haberl, et. al., “Quantifying and mapping the humanappropriation of net primary production in earth’s terrestrial ecosystems,”PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA),104, 12942-12947. Available online at:www.pnas.org/content/104/31/12942.abstract127 Brent Sohngen, et. al., “Forest Management, Conservation, and GlobalTimber Markets,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol 81,No. 1, February 1999.128 Chris Lang, “Banks, Pulp and People: A Primer on UpcomingInternational Pulp Projects,” Urgewald EV, June 2007. Available online at:www.greenpressinitiative.org/ documents/BPP_A_FIN_2.<strong>pdf</strong>129 FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN), “African forests:a view to 2020,” Forestry Outlook Study for Africa, 2003. Available onlineat: www.fao.org/forestry/outlook/fosa/en/The New Biomassters 69

130 Haberl et. al., “Global human appropriation of net primary production(HANPP),” The Encyclopedia of the Earth, 29 April 2010. Haberl notesthat biomass use is associated with considerable upstreamrequirements: The amount of biomass that actually enters socioeconomicprocessing (6.07 Pg C/yr) and is then further processed to derive biomassbasedproducts such as food, feed, fiber or energy is just a bit over onethird (39%) of global HANPP. In fact, figures presented in Krausmann etal., even suggest that, in the global average, the final consumption of oneton of biomass requires the harvest of 3.6 tons of primary biomass and isassociated with a ƒ¢NPPLC of 2.4 tons. Taken together, this implies thatin the global average of all regions and biomassbased products, one ton ofbiomass use results in 6 tons of HANPP, measured as dry matter. Articleavailable online at: www.eoearth.org/article/Global_human_appropriation _of_net_primary_production_(HANPP)131 Worldwatch Institute, “Biofuels for Transport: Global Potential andImplications for Sustainable Energy and Agriculture Energy,” in the 21stCentury, Aug 2007, p. 79. Available online at:www.worldwatch.org/node/5303132 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Synthesis Report (2005),“Ecosystems and Human Well Being: Biodiversity Synthesis.” WorldResources institute. Posted online at:http://www.maweb.org/en/Synthesis.aspx133 WWF, “Living Planet Report 2006,” Zoological Society of London andGlobal Footprint Network, 2006. Available online at:http://assets.panda.org/downloads/living_planet_report.<strong>pdf</strong>134 IUCN, Red List of Threatened Species, International Union for theConservation of Nature, 2008. List posted online at: www.iucnredlist.org/135 Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, “Ecosystems and Human Well-Being,” World Resources Institute, 2005.136 UN Food and Agriculture Organization, “State of the World’s Forests2007,” Rome 2007. Available online at:www.fao.org/docrep/009/a0773e/a0773e00.HTM137 Global Footprint Network website, At a Glance.www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/ page/at_a_glance/138 Global Footprint Network, Op. cit.139 MSNBC, “Humans will need two Earths: Global footprint left byconsumption is growing, conservationists argue,” website, last accessed 8October 2010. Available online at: www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15398149/140 Vaclav Smil, op. cit.141 Letter to Chairman Henry Waxman and Chairman Edward Markeyfrom Grassroots Groups, 23rd April 2009.142 DC Nepstad, et. al., “Interactions among Amazon land use, forests andclimate: prospects for a near-term forest tipping point,” PhilosophicalTransactions of the Royal Society of London, February 2008.143 TN Chase, et. al., “Teleconnections in the Earth System,” Encyclopediaof Hydrological Sciences, United Kingdom, John Wiley and Sons, 2007,2849-2862.144 Johan Rockstrom, et. al., “A Safe Operating Space for Humanity,”Nature, 461, 472-476, 24 September 2009.145 Almuth Ernsting and Deepak Rughani, “Climate Geoengineering WithCarbon Negative Bioenergy: Climate saviour or climate endgame?”Biofuelwatch website. Available online at:http://www.biofuelwatch.org.uk/docs/cnbe/cnbe.html146 Purdue University, “GM Tree Could be Used for Cellulosic Ethanol,Fast-Growing Trees Could Take Root as Future Energy Source,” pressrelease, 24 August, 2006. Available online at:http://news.mongabay.com/2006/0824-purdue2.html147 Jessica Hancock, et. al., “Plant growth, biomass partitioning and soilcarbon formation in response to altered lignin biosynthesis in Populustremuloides,” New Phytoligist, 2007, 173(4), 732-42.148 Patent Application WO2010034652A1, Transgenic Plants withIncreased Yield, BASF, May 2010.149 Phil McKenna, “Emission control,” New Scientist 25th September 2010150 Debora McKenzie, “Supercrops: fixing the flaws in photosynthesis,”New Scientist, 14 September 2010.151 Ibid.152 ”Hydrogen from Water in a Novel Recombinant CyanobacterialSystem,” J Craig Venter Institute. Posted online at:http://www.jcvi.org/cms/research/projects/hydrogen-fromwater-in-a-novel-recombinantcyanobacterial-system/overview/153 Patent Application, WO07140246A2, METHODS ANDCOMPOSITIONS FOR INCREASING BIOMASS INGENETICALLY MODIFIED PERENNIALS USED FOR BIOFUEL,Board of Governors for Higher Education, State of Rhode Island, June2009.154 Betsy Cohen, “URI professor turns on biofuel ‘switch’,” The Good5 Cigar, University of Rhode Island Student Newspaper, 13 June 2009.See also, “Switchgrass research aims to create ethanol to power vehicles for$1 per gallon,” University of Rhode Island website, December 4, 2006.Available online at: http://www.uri.edu/news/releases/?id=3793155 ETC Group Communiqué, “Gene Giants Stockpile Patents on‘Climate-ready’ Crops in Bid to become ‘Biomassters,’” Issue #106,Aug/Sept 2010.156 Email to Geoengineering list serve from Stuart Strand, September 17,2010. Archived online at: http://www.mail-archive.com/geoengineering@googlegroups.com/msg03809.html157 Rebecca Lindsay, “Global Garden Gets Greener,” NASA EarthObservatory, Feature Article, 5 June 2003. Available online at:http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/GlobalGarden/158 University of Washington, “Global Warming Fix? Some Of Earth’sClimate Troubles Should Face Burial At Sea,” Scientists Say, ScienceDaily,29 January 2009. Available online at:http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/01/ 090128212809.htm159 Miriam Goldstein, “Will dumping cornstalks into the ocean sequestercarbon?” The Oysters Garter, website, posted 11 February 2009. Availableonline at: http://theoystersgarter.com/2009/02/11/will-dumpingcornstalksinto-the-ocean-sequester-carbon/160 Email to Geoengineering list serve from Gregory Benford, 10September 2010. Archived online at: http://www.mail-archive.com/geoengineering@googlegroups.com/msg03777.html161 For background on ocean fertilization, see ETC Group Communiqué,“Geopiracy: The case against Geoengineering,” Issue #103, October2010.162 A. Strong, J. Cullen, and S. W. Chisholm. Ocean Fertilization: Science,Policy, and Commerce, Oceanography: Vol. 22, No. 3, 2009 236-261.163 Almuth Ernsting and Deepak Rughani, op. cit.ETC Group 70 www.etcgroup.org

164 Peter Read, “Biosphere Carbon Stock Management,” Climatic Change,Vol 87, No. 3-4, 2007, p. 305-320.165 Spagyric is the name given to the production of herbal medicines usingalchemical procedures.166 Peter Aldhous, “Interview: DNA’s messengers,” New Scientist, Issue2626, 18 October 2007.167 For an introduction to Synthetic Biology, see ETC Group, “ExtremeGenetic Engineering: an Introduction to Synthetic Biology”, January2007. Available online at: www.etcgroup.org/en/node/602168 For bacterial genes in corn see Ric Bessin, “Bt Corn: What it is andHow it Works,” University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, January2004. Available online at: www.ca.uky.edu/entomology/entfacts/ef130.asp. For human genes in rice, see Bill Freese, et. al.,“Pharmaceutical Rice in California: Potential Risks to Consumers,the Environment and the California Rice Industry,” CaliforniaDepartment of Health Services, July 2004. Available online at:www.consumersunion.org/<strong>pdf</strong>/rice04.<strong>pdf</strong>169 Tucker, JB and Zilinskas, RA, “The Promise and Perils of SyntheticBiology,” New Atlantis, Spring 2006170 For an introductory description to the fields of Developmental SystemsTheory and Epigenetics see Jason Scott Robert et al, “Bridging the gapbetween developmental systems theory and evolutionary developmentalbiology,” Bio-Essays 23:954 }962, 2001171 See for example W. Wayt Gibbs, “Synthetic Life,” Scientific American,May 2004172 Holger Breithaupt, “The Engineer’s approach to biology,” EMBOreports, Vol 7 No1 (2006) pp21-23173 Ibid.174 Erik Millstone et al, “Beyond Substantial Equivalence,” Nature 7October 1999. Available online at: http://www.mindfully.org/GE/Beyond-Substantial-Equivalence.htm175 Roger Highfield, “Malaria drug to be made from ‘synthetic biology’organism,” The Daily Telegraph, (UK) 03 Jun 2008176 M. Garfinkel et al, “Synthetic Genomics: Options for Governance,”October 2007177 JB Tucker and RA Zilinskas, “The Promise and Perils of SyntheticBiology,” New Atlantis, Spring 2006.178 Michael Rodemeyer, “New Life in old bottles: Regulating firstgenerationproducts of synthetic biology,” report published by theWoodrow Wilson <strong>Centre</strong> for Scholars, March 2009. See footnote p28.179 European group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies to theEuropean Commission, Ethics of Synthetic Biology: Opinion no 25 17November 2009180 Robert Sanders, “Keasling and Cal: A perfect fit,” UC Berkley News, 13December 2004. Available online at: http://berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2004/12/13_keasling.shtml181 David Roberts, “LS9 Promises Renewable Petroleum,” Huffington Post,30 July 2007.182 Craig Rubens, “DOE Cultivating Cellulosic Biofuels,” GigaOm, 27February 2008. Available online at: http://gigaom.com/ cleantech/doecultivating-cellulosic-biofuels/183 Mascoma, “What is Consolidated Bioprocessing (CBP)?” Availableonline at: www.mascoma.com/pages/ sub_cellethanol04.php. Forinformation on LS9, see www.ls9.com/technology/184 Susanna Retka Schill, “UCSF engineers microbes to produce methylhalides,” Biomass Magazine, April 2009. Available online at:http://www.biomassmagazine.com/article.jsp?article_id=2582185 Anna Austin, “Cutting-Edge Co-Culture,” Biomass Magazine, July2009. Available online at: www.biomassmagazine.com/article.jsp?article_id=2815&q=&page=all186 Holmes, M.T., E.R. Ingham, J.D. Doyle and C.W. Hendricks, “Effects ofKlebsiella planticola SDF20 on soil biota and wheat growth in sandy soil,”Applied Soil Ecology 11, 1999, 67-78.187 Sharon Kennedy, “No risk from microbrewery to winemaker,” ABCNews 31 March, 2010. Available online at:http://www.abc.net.au/local/stories/2010/03/31/2861391.htm188 “Biofuel enzyme developer Verenium achieves technical milestone,receives $500,000 from Syngenta,” Biopact, 8 January 2008. Availableonline at: http://news.mongabay.com/bioenergy/2008/01/biofuel-enzyme-developer-verenium.html189 “Agrivida and Codon Devices to partner on third-generation biofuels,”Biopact, 3 August 2007. Available online at: http://news.mongabay.com/bioenergy/2007/08/agrividia-and-codon-devices-to-partner.html190 Daphne Preuss, “Synthetic Plant Chromosomes,” Chromatin, Inc.,Presentation at the Synthetic Biology 4.0, Hong Kong University ofScience and Technology, 10 October 2008.191 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, "Live Wires: MicrobiologistDiscovers Our Planet Is Hard-Wired With Electricity-ProducingBacteria." Science Daily, 10 July 2006. Available online at:www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/07/ 060710181540.htm192 Yuri Gorby, biography, J. Craig Venter Institute. Available online at:http://www.jcvi.org/cms/about/bios/ygorby/193 For an overview of the Bactricity project seehttp://2008.igem.org/Team:Harvard/Project194 Michael Specter, “A Life of Its Own,” The New Yorker, 28 September2009. Available online at: www.newyorker.com/reporting/2009/09/28/090928fa_fact_specter?currentPage=2195 Profile of Amyris Biotechnologies at Artemisininproject.org (nowdefunct) Archived online at:http://web.archive.org/web/20061011032357/http://www.artemisininproject.org/Partners/amyris.htm196 A good discussion of artemisinin can be found here:http://www.amyrisbiotech.com/markets/artemisinin197 See, for example, this posting by bioeconomy proponent Rob Carlson,Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, Synthesis,website of Rob Carlson, 8 July 2010. Available at:http://www.synthesis.cc/2010/07/presidential-commissionfor-the-study-of-bioethical-issues.html198 Willem Heemskerk, et. al., “The World of Artemisia in 44 Questions,”Foreign Ministry (DGIS), The Netherlands, Royal Tropical Institute,2006. Available online at: www.kit.nl/smartsite.shtml?id=5564199 Rob Carlson, op. cit.200 ETC Group, “Extreme Genetic Engineering: An Introduction toSynthetic Biology,” January 2007, p. 40-41. Available online at:www.etcgroup.org/en/node/602The New Biomassters 71

201 “Genencor and Goodyear to co-develop renewable alternative topetroleum-derivesd isoprene,” press release, Genencor, 16 September 2008.Available online at: www.genencor.com/wps/wcm/connect/genencor/genencor/media_relations/news/frontpage/investor_265_en.htm202 Ibid. Specifically, “Goodyear wrote BioIsoprene. can be used for theproduction of synthetic rubber, which in turn is an alternative to naturalrubber and other elastomers.”203 Katherine Bourzac, “Rubber from Microbes: A plant enzyme improvesthe yield of renewable rubber made by bacteria,” Technology Review, 25March 2010. Available online at:www.technologyreview.com/biomedicine/24862/204 Toshiya Muranaka, “Replicating the biosynthetic pathways in plants forthe production of useful compounds,” Innovations Report, 28 September2009. Available online at: http://www.innovationsreport.de/html/berichte/biowissenschaften_chemie/replicating_biosynthetic_pathways_plants_production_140571.html205 Craig Rubens, “Venter's Synthetic Genomics Adds $8M for Palm OilResearch,” GigaOm, 20 October 2008. Available online at:http://gigaom.com/cleantech/venters-synthetic-genomics-adds-8m-for-palm-oil-research/206 Craig Venter speaking on Creating Synthetic Life - Your QuestionsAnswered, ABC/Discovery Channel co production, first aired Thursday,June 3, 2010, at 8PM ET, Discovery Science Channel, USA.207 Paul Sonne, “To Wash Hands of Palm Oil Unilever Embraces Algae,”Wall Street Journal, 7 September 2010.208 Philip Ball, “Yarn spun from nanotubes,” Nature News, 12 March 2004.Available online at: www.nature.com/news/2004/040312/full/news040308-10.html209 Michael Postek and Evelyn Brown, “Sustainable, renewablenanomaterials may replace carbon nanotubes,” SPIE Newsroom,17 march 2009. Available online at:http://spie.org/x34277.xml?ArticleID=x34277210 “Innventia: nanocellulose plant to be built in Stockholm, Sweden,”Lesprom.com, press release, Moscow, 20 May 2010. Available online at:http://wood.lesprom.com/news/44275/211 Michael Berger, “Truly green battery is algae powered,” NanowerkNews, 16 September 2009. Available online at:http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=12645.php212 GBEP (Global Bioenergy Partnership), “A Review of the Current Stateof Bioenergy Development in G8 +5 Countries,” Food and AgricultureOrganization of the United Nations, 2007.213 REN21 (Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century),Renewables 2010: Global Status Report, Paris: REN21 Secretariat, 2010.214 Ibid.215 Energy Justice Network’s updated biomass facilities map is availableonline at: http://www.energyjustice.net/map/ biomassproposed216 Global Data, “The US Biomass Power Market Analysis and Forecasts to2015,” 18 May 2010. Available online at:http://www.articlesbase.com/business-articles/the-us-biomass-powermarket-analysis-and-forecaststo-2015-2395476.html217 US Biomass Power Association FAQ. Available online at:www.usabiomass.org/pages/facts.php218 Jim Carlton, “(Bio)Mass Confusion,” Wall Street Journal, 18 October2010.219 REN21, op. cit.220 Innovative Natural Resource Solutions, Biomass Availability AnalysisSpringfield, Massachusetts: “Renewable Biomass from the Forests ofMassachusetts,” Report prepared for the Massachusetts Division of EnergyResources and the Massachusetts Department of Conservation andRecreation, January 2007. Available online at:www.mass.gov/Eoeea/docs/doer/renewables/biomass/bio-08-02-28-spring-assess.<strong>pdf</strong>221 Josh Schlossbert, “Here is a Bad Idea: Biofuel Gas from Trees,” TheRegister-Guard, Eugene OR, 27 April 2008. Available online at:www.grassrootsnetroots.org/articles/article_11861.cfm222 Graham Mole, “Who says it’s green to burn woodchips?” TheIndependent, 25 October 2009.223 M.I. Asher, et. al., “International Study of Asthma and Allergies inChildhood, (ISAAC): rationale and methods,” International StudyProtocol, European Respiratory Journal, Salzburg, 1995, 8 483-491.224 Carlos Corvalan, et. al., “Health and Environment in SustainableDevelopment: Identifying Links and Indicators to Promote Action,”Department of Protection of the Human Environment, World HealthOrganization, 1999, p.242.225 Washington State Department of Ecoloy, “The Health Effects of WoodSmoke,” Department of Ecology, Air Quality Program, March 1997.226 Dr. Joellen Lewtas, “Contribution of Source Emissions of theMutagenicity of Ambient Urban Air Particles,” US EnvironmentalProtection Agency, #91-131.6, 1991.227 Jane Koenig and Timothy Larson, “A Summary of EmissionsCharacterizations and Non-Cancer Respiratory Effects of WoodSmoke,” US Environmental Protection Agency, #453/R-93-036, 1992.228 John A. Cooper, “Environmental Impact of Residential WoodCombustion Emissions and Its Implications,” APCA Journal, Vol.30 No.8,August 1980.229 See Dioxin From Wood Burning, Burning issues. Available online at:http://www.burningissues.org/dioxin.htm230 REN21. 2010. Op, cit.231 Melinda Wenner, “The Next Generation of Biofuels,” ScientificAmerican, 20 April 2009.232 Philip New, “World market for Biofuels: An acceptable and positiveimpact,” BP Biofuels, Theme 10, World Market for Biofuels, 2006.Available online at www.conservacao.org/publicacoes/files/13_Biofuels_Phil_New.<strong>pdf</strong>233 OilWakeUpCall.com, Wake Up America! Available online at:www.oilwakeupcall.com/alt_fuels.html234 Tony Philpott, “World Bank finally releases ‘secret’ report on biofuelsand the food crisis,” Grist, 31 July 2008. Available online at:www.grist.org/article/biofuel-bombshell/235 Mark W. Rosegrant, “Biofuels and Grain Pries: Impacts and PolicyResponses,” International Food Policy Research Institute, 7 May 2008.236 Ian MacKinnon, “Palm oil: the biofuel of the future driving anecological disaster now,” The Guardian, 4 April 2007.237 See Wikipedia entry for Ethanol fuel in Brazil,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol_fuel_in_BrazilETC Group 72 www.etcgroup.org

238 William Lemos, “Brazil ethanol exports to drop 30% on closed US arb,”article and video posted on ICIS.com, 23 March 2010. Available at:www.icis.com/Articles/2010/03/23/9345185/ brazil-ethanol-exportstodrop-30-on-closed-us-arb.html239 Dr Rosalle Lober, “Big Oil and Biofuels: Are you out there?” BiofuelsDigest, 21 September 2010. Available online at:http://biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2010/09/21/big-oil-and-biofuels-%E2%80%93-are-youout-there/240 Matilda Lee, “Will sugar be the oil of the 21st century?” The Ecologist,1 December 2009.241 Eduardo Barretoo de Figueiredo et al., “Greenhouse gas emissionassociated with sugar production in Southern Brazil,” Carbon Balance andManagement, June 2010.242 Maggie L. Walser, ed., “Greenhouse gas emissions: perspectives on thetop 20 emitters and developed versus developing nations,” Encyclopedia ofEarth, 2 September 2009.243 http://climateandcapitalism.com/?p=209244 Winnie Gerbens-Leenes, et. al., “The water footprint of bioenergy,”Proceedings of the National Academy of Science and of the United Statesof America, 12 December 2008.245 Helen Burley and Hannah Griffiths, “Jatropha: Wonder crop?Experience from Swaziland,” Friends of the Earth, May 2009.246 John Carey, “The Biofuel Bubble,” Bloomberg Businessweek, 16 April2009.247 Bill Kovarik, “Solar, wind, water, bioenergy,” The Summer Spirit.Available online at: www.radford.edu/~wkovarik/envhist/RenHist/248 Lisa Gibson, “RFS2 reduces 2010 cellulosic ethanol requirement,”Biomass Magazine, March 2010.249 Robert Rapier, “Diminishing Expectations from Range Fuels,” ForbesBlogs, 25 February 2010. Available at: http://blogs.forbes.com/energysource/2010/02/25/diminishing-expectations-from-range-fuels/250 Green Car Congress, “BlueFire Renewables Signs 15-Year Off-TakeAgreement for Cellulosic Ethanol,” 20 September 2010. Available onlineat: www.greencarcongress.com/2010/09/bluefire-20100920.html251 “BP and Verenium Form Leading Cellulosic Ethanol Venture to DeliverAdvanced Biofuels,” BP, press release, 18 February 2009. Available onlineat: www.bp.com/genericarticle.do?categoryId=2012968&contentId=7051362252 Matylda Czarnecka, “BP Buys Verenium’s Biofuel Business for $98Million,” GreenTech, 15 July 2010. Available online at:http://techcrunch.com/2010/07/15/bp-biofuel-verenium-98-million253 Iogen Corporation, Iogen Energy Saskatchewan Plant Community<strong>Information</strong> Sessions, 2009. More information available online at:http://www.iogen.ca/news_events/ events/2009_06_27.html254 “Mascoma, General Motors Enter Biofuels Pact,” Boston BusinessJournal, 28 May 2008. Available online athttp://boston.bizjournals.com/boston/stories/ 2008/04/28/daily45.html255 Boston Globe, "Marathon Invests in Mascoma, Which Raises $61 M.”Business Updates, Boston.com. Available online atwww.boston.com/business/ticker/2008/05/marathon_invest.html256 Royal Nedalco, “Mascoma Royal Nedalco Signs Agreement to LicenseTechnology to Mascoma for Lignocellulosic Ethanol,” Mascoma newsrelease, March 2007. Available online at http://www.mascoma.com/download/3-1-07%20-%20NedalcoMascomaNewsRelease%20Final.<strong>pdf</strong>257 “Stellenbosch Biomass Technologies forms to commercialize Mascomatechnology in South Africa,” Biofuels Digest, 14 July 2010.258 Emma Ritch, “Total dives further into biofuels with Coskatainvestment,” Cleantech Group, Cleantech Forum, October 11-13, 2010.Article posted 27 April 2010. Available online at: http://cleantech.com/news/5787/total-biofuel-investment-cleantech-coskata259 “DuPont and Genencor Create World-Leading Cellulosic EthanolCompany,” Genencor press release, 14 May 2008. Available online at:www.danisco.com/wps/wcm/connect/genencor/genencor/media_relations/investor_257_en.htm260 POET, Cellulosic Ethanol Overview. Posted to the POET website at:http://www.poet.com/innovation/cellulosic/261 Anna Lynn Spitzer, “Building a Better Biofuel,” CAlit2, University ofCalifornia Irvine, 30 April 2009. Available online at:http://www.calit2.uci.edu/calit2-newsroom/itemdetail.aspx?cguid=372f1edb-dd0d-4fc0-815d-671b153fdf74262 “Verdezyne Lands Gene Optimization Contract with Novozymes,”press release, Green Car Congress, 13 April 2009. Available online at:www.greencarcongress.com/2009/04/verdezyne-lands-geneoptimization-contract-with-novozymes.html263 See the Catchlight Energy website at:www.catchlightenergy.com/WhoWeAre.aspx264 Jim Lane, “Portrait of a Transformative Technology: Qteros and its QMicrobe,” Biofuels Digest, 24 June 2010.265 David Roberts, et. al., “4 Technologies on the Brink,” Wired Magazine,Issue 15-10, 24 September 2007.266 Robert Rapier, “A Visit to the New Choren BTL Plant,” The Oil Drum,6 May 2008. Posted online at: www.theoildrum.com/node/3938267 Hank Daniszewski, “Green gem goes bust,” Lfp (London Free Press), 9July 2010. Available online at: www.lfpress.com/news/london/2010/07/08/14651701.html268 Camille Ricketts, “Biofuel leader LS9 buys demo plant to churn outrenewable diesel,” Venture Beat, 3 February 2010. Posted online at:http://venturebeat.com/2010/02/03/biofuel-leader-ls9-buys-demo-plant-tochurn-out-renewable-diesel-2/269 Katie Fehrenbacher, “What You Need to Know from Gevo’s IPOFiling,” GigaOm, 13 August, 2010. Posted online at:http://gigaom.com/cleantech/what-you-need-to-know-from-gevos-s-1/270 For a recent profile of Amyris Biotech, see “Synthetic Solutions to theClimate Crisis: The Dangers of Synthetic Biology for BiofuelsProduction,” Friends of the Earth USA, September 2010. Available onlineat: http://www.foe.org/healthy-people/synthetic-biology271 Dennis Bushnell, “Algae: A Panacea Crop? World Future Society,” TheFuturist, March-April 2009. Available online at:www.wfs.org/index.php?q=node/665272 Alok Jha, “UK announces world’s largest algal biofuel project,” TheGuardian, 23 October 2008.273 Ann Dornfeld, op. cit.274 Katie Howell, “NASA bags algae, wastewater in bid for aviation fuel,”New York Times, Greenwire, 12 May 2009. Posted online at:http://www.nytimes.com/gwire/2009/05/12/12greenwirenasa-bags-algaewastewater-in-bid-for-aviation-12208.html275 Saul Griffith, op. cit.The New Biomassters 73

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Environmental Engineers Use Algaeto Capture Carbon Dioxide,” Science Daily, Science Video, 1 April 2007.Posted online at: www.sciencedaily.com/videos/ 2007/0407-possible_fix_for_global_warming.htm281 Zach Patton, “States Test Algae as a Biofuel,” Governing, October 2010.Posted online at: www.governing.com/topics/energy-env/states-test-algae-biofuel.html282 Emil Jacobs, Exxon Mobil, speaking at press conference held bySynthetic Genomics Inc and Exxon Mobil on Synthetic Algae, 14 July2010, Torrey Pines Mesa, San Diego California.283 J. Craig Venter, Synthetic Genomics Inc., speaking at press conferenceheld by Synthetic Genomics Inc and ExxonMobil on Synthetic Algae, 14July 2010, Torrey Pines Mesa, San Diego California.284 J. Craig Venter, prepared statement before the US House ofRepresentatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, 27 May 2010.285 Katie Fehrenbacher, “Investors Fuel Solazyme With $52M for Algae,”GigaOm, 9 August 2010. Posted online at: http://gigaom.com/cleantech/investors-fuel-solazyme-with-52m-for-algae/286 Sapphire Energy, “Top Industries Converge on Sapphire Energy’s Algae-Fuel Plans,” press release, 5 April 2010.287 Karin Kloosterman, “TransAlgae Seed a Need for Green Feed,” GreenProphet, 16 May 2010. Posted online at:www.greenprophet.com/2010/05/transalgae-biofuel-algae-seed/288 Ibid.289 Patent Application, US20090215179A1, Transgenically preventingestablishment and spread of transgenic algae in natural ecosystems, JohnDodds and Associates, March 2003.290 Dana Hull, “Solazyme to announce Navy contract for algae-based fuel,”San Jose Mercury News, 15 September 2010.291 Marc Gunther, “Gee whiz, algae!” The Energy Collective, 12 Sept 2010.Posted online at: http://theenergycollective.com/marcgunther/43293/gee-whiz-algae292 Matthew L Wald, “Biotech Company to Patent Fuel-SecretingBacterium,” New York Times, 13 September 2010.293 Joshua Kagan, “Valero Invests in Algenol: What’s Going On?”Greentech Media, 10 May 2010. Posted online at:www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/valero-invests-in-algenol/294 http://www.cellana.com295 The Global Chemical Industry sales were estimated at 2.3 trillion eurosin 2007 by Deutsche Bank research. See “World chemicals market asiagaining ground,” Deutsche Bank Research, 28 July 2008. Also, in 2007,the Euro averaged around UD$1.3 billion. This figure includespharmaceutical sales. CEFIC estimates disaggregated chemical sales in2007 (without pharma) at .1820 billion. Souce, European ChemicalIndustry Council. Posted online at:http://www.cefic.org/factsandfigures/level02/profile_index.html296 Herbert Danner and Rudolf Braun, “Biotechnology for the Productionof Commodity Chemicals from Biomass,” Chemical Society Review, 28:395.405, 1999.297 David Morris and Irshad Ahmed, op. cit.298 “U.S. Biobased Products, Market Potential and Projections Through2025,” Office of the Chief Economist, Office of Energy Policy and NewUses, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Prepared jointly by the Office ofEnergy Policy and New Uses, the Center for Industrial Research andService of Iowa State University, Informa Economics, MichiganBiotechnology Institute, and The Windmill Group. OCE-2008-1, 293pp. Available online at: www.usda.gov/oce/reports/energy/index.htm299 “Amyris: Farnesene and the pursuit of value, valuations, validation andvroom,” Biofuels Digest, 25 june 2010. Available online at:www.biofuelsdigest.com/biotech/2010/06/25/amyris-the-pursuit-ofvalue-valuations-and-validation/300 “Amyris Enters into Multi-Producs Collaboration and Off-TakeAgreements with the Procter and Gamble Company,” Amyris press release,24 June 2010.301 “Amyris and M&G Finanziaria Enter into Off-Take Agreement,” Amyrispress release, 24 June 2010.302 “Goodyear, Genencor Partner on True Green Tire Project,” TireReview, 1 April 2010. Posted online at: www.tirereview.com/Article/72334/goodyear_genencor_partner_on_true_green_tire_project.aspx303 Peg Zenk, “Biotech’s Third Wave,” Farm Industry News, 1 February2007. Available online at:http://farmindustrynews.com/biotechs-third-wave304 Doris de Guzman, “DuPont Tate & Lyle expands bio-PDO,” ICISGreen Chemicals, 4 May 2010. Available online at: www.icis.com/blogs/green-chemicals/2010/05/dupont-tate-lyle-expands-bio-p.html305 Ibid.306 Bioamber, Succinic Acid and its Industrial Applications, website. Postedat: www.bioamber.com/succinic_acid.html307 Al Greenwood, “Bio-succinic acid can beat petchems on price,”ICIS.com, 18 February 2010. Available online at:www.icis.com/Articles/2010/02/18/9336112/corrected-bio-succinic-acid-can-beat-petchems-onprice.html308 “Myriant Technologies Receiving Funds under $50 Million DOEAward for Succinic Acid Biorefinery Project,” Myriant Technologies pressrelese, 7 April 2010.309 Plastemart.com, “Newer investments and developments in polymersfrom renewable resources,” Posted online atwww.plastemart.com/upload/Literature/Newer-investments-anddevelopments-polymers-fromrenewable-%20resources.asp310 Will Beacham, “Algae-based bioplastics a fast-growing market,” ICIS, 18June 2010. Posted online athttp://www.icis.com/Articles/2010/06/21/9368969/algae-based-bioplastics-a-fast-growing-market.htmlETC Group 74 www.etcgroup.org

311 Douglas A. Smock, “Bioplastics: Technologies and GlobalMarkets,” BCC Research, September 2010.312 IBAW, “Highlights in Bioplastics,” An IBAW Publication, January2005.313 L. Shen, “Product Overview and Market Projection of Emerging Bio-Based Plastics,” PRO-BIP 2009, Final Report, June 2009314 Chandler Slavin, “Bio-based resin report!” Recyclable Packaging BlogMay 19, 2010 online at http://recyclablepackaging.wordpress.com/2010/05/19/bio-based-resin-report/315 SustainablePlastics.org, “Will Bioplastics Contaminate ConventionalPlastics Recycling?” Posted online at:www.sustainableplastics.org/bioplastics/issues-with-recycling316 L. Shen Op. Cit.317 Jon Evans, “Bioplastics get Growing,” Plastics Engineering, Feb. 2010,www.4spe.org, p. 19318 “Dow and Crystalsev Announce Plans to Make Polyethylene fromSugar Cane in Brazil” Dow Chemical Press Release, July 19, 2007. Onlineat http://news.dow.com/dow_news/ prodbus/2007/20070719a.htm319 The 8 million tonnes figure comes from Biofuels Digest Dow,Crystalsev in ethanol-to-polyethylene project in Brazil June 2008. Postedonline at http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/blog2/2008/06 /05/dowcrystalsev-in-ethanol-to-polyethylene-project-inbrazil/Brazillian sugar cane yields approximately 35 tonnes per acre.320 Susanne Retka Schill, “Braskem starts up ethanol-ethylene plant,”Ethanol Producer Magazine, 1 October 2010.321 “New PlantBottle brings eco-friendly packaging to water brands,”Packaging Digest, 14 May 2009. Available online at:www.packagingdigest.com/article/345481-Coca_Cola_Company_introduces_bioplastic_bottle.php322 New 2010 Dirty Dozen Produce List Update Released by EWGWellsphere.com, April 29th 2010. Posted online athttp://www.wellsphere.com/healthy-living-article/new-2010-dirty-dozen-produce-list-update-releasedby-ewg/1093286323 GMO Compass, website online at: www.gmo-compass.org/eng/gmo/db/17.docu.html324 Jerry W Kram, “Metabolix grows plastic (producing) plants,” BiomassMagazine October 2008. Posted online athttp://www.biomassmagazine.com/article.jsp?article_id=2054325 Sustainable Biomaterials Collective Bioplastics and NanotechnologyPosted online at http://www.sustainableplastics.org/bioplastics/bioplastics-and-nanotechnology326 Jim Thomas, “Plastic Plants,” New Internationalist, Issue 415.September 2008. Posted Online at http://www.newint.org/features/2008/09/01/plastic-plants/327 Sustainable Biomaterials Collaborative, Guidelines for SustainableBioplastics Version 1.0 - May 2009. Posted Online athttp://www.sustainablebiomaterials.org/index.php?q=bioplasticsThe New Biomassters 75

ETC GroupAction Group on Erosion, Technology & ConcentrationETC Group is an international civil society organization. Weaddress the global socioeconomic and ecological issuessurrounding new technologies with special concern fortheir impact on indigenous peoples, ruralcommunities and bio-diversity. We investigateecological erosion (including the erosion ofcultures and human rights), thedevelopment of new technologies and wemonitor global governance issues includingcorporate concentration and trade intechnologies.We operate at the global political level andhave consultative status with several UNagencies and treaties.We work closely with other civil society organizationsand social movements, especially in Africa, Asia and LatinAmerica. We have offices in Canada, USA, Mexico andPhilippines.Other ETC Group publications on synthetic biology areavailable online:http://www.etcgroup.org/en/issues/synthetic_biologyContact:431 Gilmour St, Second FloorOttawa, ON K2P 0R5CanadaTel: 1-613-241-2267 (Eastern Time)Email: etc@etcgroup.orgWebsite: www.etcgroup.orgBANG!In 2008, ETC Group and its partners convened aninternational meeting of civil society activists in MontpellierFrance under the title, BANG – signifying the convergence oftechnologies at the nano-scale – specifically, Bits, Atoms,Neurons and Genes. At the meeting, ETC Groupagreed to prepare a series of backgrounddocuments on major new technologies, whichcould assist our partners and governments inthe global South in understanding thesedevelopments and responding to them.This report is one of the studies.The full set is:Communiqué # 103 – Geopiracy : The CaseAgainst GeoengineeringCommuniqué # 104 – The New Biomassters:Synthetic Biology and the Next Assault on Biodiversityand Livelihoods.Communiqué # 105 – The Big Downturn? Nanogeopolitics2010ETC Group has also completed a book, BANG, describingthe impact of technological convergence over the next 25years. While the book is not science fiction, it uses fiction todescribe four different scenarios for the next quarter-century.“BANG” has been published in German by Oekom with thetitle “Next BANG”.ETC Group aims to publish all these reports in <strong>English</strong>,French and Spanish.ETC Groupwww.etcgroup.org

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