Bt Brinjal The scope and adequacy of the GEAC environmental risk assessment

Bt Brinjal: The scope and adequacy of the GEAC ... - Down To Earth

Bt Brinjal: The scope and adequacy of the GEAC ... - Down To Earth

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Socioeconomic Analysis 49economic value for a longer period <strong>of</strong> time, <strong>and</strong>small-scale resource-poor farmers may distribute<strong>the</strong>ir supply over time to obtain higher <strong>and</strong>/or steadier income. In this way, brinjal isessential for <strong>the</strong> economic security <strong>of</strong> small-scaleresource-poor farmers.Large-scale commercial growers compriseabout 10% <strong>of</strong> all brinjal producers outside <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>main production areas in West Bengal, Orissa,<strong>and</strong> Bihar. <strong>The</strong>refore, <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>itability analysispresented by EC-II is appropriate for only about4% <strong>of</strong> all <strong>the</strong> brinjal producers in India (0.1 x(1 – 0.61)).Despite all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> limitations, a narrowutilitarian may still suggest that <strong>the</strong> MST <strong>and</strong>LST data can be used to estimate pr<strong>of</strong>itability<strong>of</strong> <strong>Bt</strong> brinjal for farmers in India. This is awidely-shared perspective <strong>and</strong> is not as simpleto refute as <strong>the</strong> previous argument might makeevident. For example, limitation A is alreadytaken into account in <strong>the</strong> calculation in <strong>the</strong>previous paragraph, <strong>and</strong> Table 1 (Context <strong>and</strong>Need section) indicates that limitation E mightbe addressed by discounting <strong>the</strong> MST <strong>and</strong> LSTresults by 2/3rds. In a similar way, it couldbe argued that limitations B, C, <strong>and</strong> D can beaddressed by discounting <strong>the</strong> MST <strong>and</strong> LSTby some additional unknown X% to take intoaccount those data limitations. For lack <strong>of</strong> abetter value, a narrow utilitarian might perhapssuggest that 50% would suffice. <strong>The</strong>refore, <strong>the</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>itability for small-scale resource-poor farmersmight be 1/6 th that estimated by EC-II. However,this calculation does not take into accountlimitation F or <strong>the</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> yield gaps, which iscovered next.Finding 24. Yield gaps are prevalentbetween experimentally estimated yield<strong>and</strong> average farmer yield. <strong>The</strong> yield benefit<strong>of</strong> hybrid <strong>Bt</strong> brinjal estimated from <strong>the</strong>controlled MST <strong>and</strong> LST experiments shouldbe multiplied by 0.54 to estimate <strong>the</strong> yieldbenefit for <strong>the</strong> average large-scale commercialfarmer. This also reduces <strong>the</strong> estimatedbenefit to small-scale resource-poor framers.Box 12<strong>Brinjal</strong> Yield Gap: Overestimation <strong>of</strong> Yield Benefit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bt</strong> <strong>Brinjal</strong>Because <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> existence <strong>of</strong> yield gaps between yields measured underexperimental conditions at agricultural colleges <strong>and</strong> experiment stationsversus <strong>the</strong> yields obtained on farmer fields (Fig. 3), <strong>the</strong> yield benefit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bt</strong>brinjal has been overestimated. This can be demonstrated as follows.Suppose Y <strong>Bt</strong>is experimental <strong>Bt</strong> brinjal yield <strong>and</strong> Y n<strong>Bt</strong>is <strong>the</strong> experimentalnon-<strong>Bt</strong> brinjal yield. <strong>The</strong> yield benefit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bt</strong> brinjal is calculated in <strong>the</strong> MST<strong>and</strong> LST as Y <strong>Bt</strong>– Y n<strong>Bt</strong>. Because yields determined from experimentsoverestimate average farmer yields by <strong>the</strong> proportional yield gap, PYG E, bothY <strong>Bt</strong><strong>and</strong> Y n<strong>Bt</strong>should be multiplied by PYG Eto estimate <strong>the</strong> average farmeryields for <strong>the</strong> same experimental treatments. Thus, PYGE x Y <strong>Bt</strong><strong>and</strong> PYG ExY n<strong>Bt</strong>estimate average farmer yields for <strong>the</strong> two experimental treatments.<strong>The</strong> yield benefit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bt</strong> brinjal for <strong>the</strong> average farmer is consequently PYG EY <strong>Bt</strong>– PYG EY n<strong>Bt</strong>, which can be rewritten as PYG E(Y <strong>Bt</strong>– Y n<strong>Bt</strong>). Thus, <strong>the</strong> yieldbenefit for <strong>Bt</strong> brinjal was overestimated in <strong>the</strong> MST <strong>and</strong> LST by <strong>the</strong>proportion given by PYG E.<strong>The</strong> proportional yield gap for rice <strong>and</strong> maize can be estimatedfrom data published in Lobell et al. (2009). <strong>The</strong> majority <strong>of</strong> data on rice isfrom India. <strong>The</strong> data on maize is mostly from <strong>the</strong> US, Latin America <strong>and</strong>Africa. <strong>The</strong> distribution <strong>of</strong> estimated proportional yield gaps is shown in <strong>the</strong>figure below.<strong>The</strong> average proportional yield gap for <strong>the</strong>se data is 54%.Considerable research efforts are expended to reduce <strong>the</strong> yieldgap (= bring <strong>the</strong> PYG up to 1.0) <strong>and</strong> bring average farmer yields up to <strong>the</strong>levels obtainable on experiment stations. To do this, it is essential tounderst<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> underlying causes <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> yield gaps, which are many <strong>and</strong>varied. <strong>The</strong> proportional yield gaps for US maize in Nebraska, <strong>the</strong> heart <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Corn Belt were 40% <strong>and</strong> 56%. <strong>The</strong>se values are very close to <strong>the</strong> meanfor all countries, including many developing countries, so <strong>the</strong> high technologyused in <strong>the</strong> US does not eliminate yield gaps; likewise, <strong>Bt</strong> brinjal isunlikely to substantially reduce <strong>the</strong> brinjal yield gap. Probably <strong>the</strong> mostsignificant factors contributing to yield gaps are a class <strong>of</strong> factors related tolocal variation or field-specific factors (Lobell et al. 2009). <strong>The</strong>se includefarmer variation in management <strong>and</strong> wea<strong>the</strong>r <strong>and</strong> soil conditions. Considerableeffort must be expended to reduce yield gaps (= raise proportionalyield gaps to 1.0). This implies for <strong>Bt</strong> brinjal that simply making <strong>the</strong>technology available to farmers will not result in <strong>the</strong> dramatic yieldincreases promised in EC-II. Instead, Mahyco <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Indian governmentmust invest considerable amounts in outreach efforts so any yield benefitscan be realized. Such an investment, <strong>of</strong> course, reduces <strong>the</strong> socialeconomic surplus that <strong>Bt</strong> brinjal might generate <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>reby reducing itssocial value.

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